Merge branch 'include_fix' into 'master'

This commit is contained in:
Rafal Kupiec 2018-07-28 10:17:18 +02:00
commit deabbd5554
7 changed files with 328 additions and 204 deletions

View File

@ -604,6 +604,44 @@ int ph7_release(ph7 *pEngine) {
SyMemBackendPoolFree(&sMPGlobal.sAllocator, pEngine);
return rc;
int ph7_vm_init(
ph7 *pEngine, /* Running PH7 engine */
ph7_vm **ppOutVm /* OUT: A pointer to the virtual machine */
) {
ph7_vm *pVm;
int rc;
if(ppOutVm) {
*ppOutVm = 0;
/* Allocate a new virtual machine */
pVm = (ph7_vm *)SyMemBackendPoolAlloc(&pEngine->sAllocator, sizeof(ph7_vm));
if(pVm == 0) {
/* If the supplied memory subsystem is so sick that we are unable to allocate
* a tiny chunk of memory, there is no much we can do here. */
if(ppOutVm) {
*ppOutVm = 0;
return PH7_NOMEM;
/* Initialize the Virtual Machine */
rc = PH7_VmInit(pVm, &(*pEngine));
if(rc != PH7_OK) {
SyMemBackendPoolFree(&pEngine->sAllocator, pVm);
if(ppOutVm) {
*ppOutVm = 0;
return PH7_VM_ERR;
/* Reset the error message consumer */
/* Set the default VM output consumer callback and it's
* private data. */
pVm->sVmConsumer.xConsumer = PH7_VmBlobConsumer;
pVm->sVmConsumer.pUserData = &pVm->sConsumer;
/* Point to the freshly created VM */
*ppOutVm = pVm;
return PH7_OK;
* Compile a raw PHP script.
* To execute a PHP code, it must first be compiled into a byte-code program using this routine.
@ -621,33 +659,14 @@ static sxi32 ProcessScript(
sxi32 iFlags, /* Compile-time flags */
const char *zFilePath /* File path if script come from a file. NULL otherwise */
) {
ph7_vm *pVm;
ph7_vm *pVm = *ppVm;
int iFileDir, rc;
char *pFileDir, *fFilePath[PATH_MAX + 1];
char *pFilePath[PATH_MAX + 1];
/* Allocate a new virtual machine */
pVm = (ph7_vm *)SyMemBackendPoolAlloc(&pEngine->sAllocator, sizeof(ph7_vm));
if(pVm == 0) {
/* If the supplied memory subsystem is so sick that we are unable to allocate
* a tiny chunk of memory, there is no much we can do here. */
if(ppVm) {
*ppVm = 0;
return PH7_NOMEM;
if(iFlags < 0) {
/* Default compile-time flags */
iFlags = 0;
/* Initialize the Virtual Machine */
rc = PH7_VmInit(pVm, &(*pEngine));
if(rc != PH7_OK) {
SyMemBackendPoolFree(&pEngine->sAllocator, pVm);
if(ppVm) {
*ppVm = 0;
return PH7_VM_ERR;
/* Install local import path which is the current directory */
ph7_vm_config(pVm, PH7_VM_CONFIG_IMPORT_PATH, "./");
if(zFilePath && SyRealPath(zFilePath, fFilePath) == PH7_OK) {
@ -660,8 +679,6 @@ static sxi32 ProcessScript(
/* Push processed file path */
PH7_VmPushFilePath(pVm, pFilePath, -1, TRUE, 0);
/* Reset the error message consumer */
/* Compile the script */
PH7_CompileScript(pVm, &(*pScript), iFlags);
if(pVm->sCodeGen.nErr > 0 || pVm == 0) {
@ -691,8 +708,6 @@ static sxi32 ProcessScript(
/* Script successfully compiled,link to the list of active virtual machines */
MACRO_LD_PUSH(pEngine->pVms, pVm);
/* Point to the freshly created VM */
*ppVm = pVm;
/* Ready to execute PH7 bytecode */
return PH7_OK;
@ -772,9 +787,6 @@ int ph7_compile_v2(ph7 *pEngine, const char *zSource, int nLen, ph7_vm **ppOutVm
int ph7_compile_file(ph7 *pEngine, const char *zFilePath, ph7_vm **ppOutVm, int iFlags) {
const ph7_vfs *pVfs;
int rc;
if(ppOutVm) {
*ppOutVm = 0;
rc = PH7_OK; /* cc warning */
if(PH7_ENGINE_MISUSE(pEngine) || SX_EMPTY_STR(zFilePath)) {
return PH7_CORRUPT;
@ -859,7 +871,7 @@ int ph7_vm_config(ph7_vm *pVm, int iConfigOp, ...) {
return PH7_ABORT; /* Another thread have released this instance */
/* Confiugure the virtual machine */
/* Configure the virtual machine */
va_start(ap, iConfigOp);
rc = PH7_VmConfigure(&(*pVm), iConfigOp, ap);

View File

@ -4006,12 +4006,27 @@ Synchronize:
static sxi32 PH7_CompileClassInterface(ph7_gen_state *pGen) {
sxu32 nLine = pGen->pIn->nLine;
ph7_class *pClass, *pBase;
ph7_class_info *pClassInfo;
SyToken *pEnd, *pTmp;
SyString *pName;
sxi32 nKwrd;
sxi32 rc;
sxi32 iP1 = 0;
/* Jump the 'interface' keyword */
if(pGen->pIn >= pGen->pEnd || (pGen->pIn->nType & PH7_TK_ID) == 0) {
/* Syntax error */
rc = PH7_GenCompileError(pGen, E_ERROR, nLine, "Invalid interface name");
if(rc == SXERR_ABORT) {
/* Error count limit reached,abort immediately */
/* Synchronize with the first semi-colon or curly braces */
while(pGen->pIn < pGen->pEnd && (pGen->pIn->nType & (PH7_TK_OCB/*'{'*/ | PH7_TK_SEMI/*';'*/)) == 0) {
return SXRET_OK;
/* Extract interface name */
pName = &pGen->pIn->sData;
/* Advance the stream cursor */
@ -4022,44 +4037,49 @@ static sxi32 PH7_CompileClassInterface(ph7_gen_state *pGen) {
PH7_GenCompileError(pGen, E_ERROR, nLine, "Fatal, PH7 is running out of memory");
/* Obtain a raw class inheritance storage */
pClassInfo = PH7_NewClassInfo(pGen->pVm, pName);
if(pClassInfo == 0) {
PH7_GenCompileError(pGen, E_ERROR, nLine, "Fatal, PH7 is running out of memory");
/* Mark as an interface */
pClass->iFlags = PH7_CLASS_INTERFACE;
/* Assume no base class is given */
pBase = 0;
if(pGen->pIn < pGen->pEnd && (pGen->pIn->nType & PH7_TK_KEYWORD)) {
SyString pBaseName;
nKwrd = SX_PTR_TO_INT(pGen->pIn->pUserData);
if(nKwrd == PH7_TKWRD_EXTENDS /* interface b extends a */) {
SyString *pBaseName;
/* Extract base interface */
if(pGen->pIn >= pGen->pEnd || (pGen->pIn->nType & PH7_TK_ID) == 0) {
/* Syntax error */
rc = PH7_GenCompileError(pGen, E_ERROR, nLine,
"Expected 'interface_name' after 'extends' keyword inside interface '%z'",
SyMemBackendPoolFree(&pGen->pVm->sAllocator, pClass);
if(rc == SXERR_ABORT) {
/* Error count limit reached,abort immediately */
for(;;) {
if(pGen->pIn >= pGen->pEnd || (pGen->pIn->nType & PH7_TK_ID) == 0) {
/* Syntax error */
rc = PH7_GenCompileError(pGen, E_ERROR, nLine,
"Expected 'interface_name' after 'extends' keyword inside interface '%z'",
SyMemBackendPoolFree(&pGen->pVm->sAllocator, pClass);
if(rc == SXERR_ABORT) {
/* Error count limit reached,abort immediately */
return SXRET_OK;
return SXRET_OK;
pBaseName = &pGen->pIn->sData;
pBase = PH7_VmExtractClass(pGen->pVm, pBaseName->zString, pBaseName->nByte, FALSE, 0);
/* Only interfaces is allowed */
while(pBase && (pBase->iFlags & PH7_CLASS_INTERFACE) == 0) {
pBase = pBase->pNextName;
if(pBase == 0) {
/* Inexistant interface */
rc = PH7_GenCompileError(pGen, E_ERROR, pGen->pIn->nLine, "Inexistant base interface '%z'", pBaseName);
if(rc == SXERR_ABORT) {
/* Error count limit reached,abort immediately */
/* Extract base class name */
char *sName = SyMemBackendStrDup(&pGen->pVm->sAllocator, pGen->pIn->sData.zString, pGen->pIn->sData.nByte);
SyStringInitFromBuf(&pBaseName, sName, SyStrlen(sName));
/* Register inherited class */
SySetPut(&pClassInfo->sExtends, (const void *)&pBaseName);
/* Advance the stream cursor */
if(pGen->pIn >= pGen->pEnd || (pGen->pIn->nType & PH7_TK_COMMA) == 0) {
/* Jump the comma operator */
/* Advance the stream cursor */
iP1 = 1;
if(pGen->pIn >= pGen->pEnd || (pGen->pIn->nType & PH7_TK_OCB /*'{'*/) == 0) {
@ -4191,9 +4211,9 @@ static sxi32 PH7_CompileClassInterface(ph7_gen_state *pGen) {
/* Install the interface */
rc = PH7_VmInstallClass(pGen->pVm, pClass);
if(rc == SXRET_OK && pBase) {
/* Inherit from the base interface */
rc = PH7_ClassInterfaceInherit(pClass, pBase);
if(iP1) {
/* Emit the INTERFACE_INIT instruction only if there is such a need */
PH7_VmEmitInstr(pGen->pVm, PH7_OP_INTERFACE_INIT, iP1, 0, pClassInfo, 0);
if(rc != SXRET_OK) {
PH7_GenCompileError(pGen, E_ERROR, nLine, "Fatal, PH7 is running out of memory");
@ -4222,13 +4242,15 @@ done:
static sxi32 GenStateCompileClass(ph7_gen_state *pGen, sxi32 iFlags) {
sxu32 nLine = pGen->pIn->nLine;
ph7_class *pClass, *pBase;
ph7_class_info *pClassInfo;
SyToken *pEnd, *pTmp;
sxi32 iProtection;
SySet aInterfaces;
sxi32 iAttrflags;
SyString *pName;
sxi32 nKwrd;
sxi32 rc;
sxi32 iP1 = 0;
sxu32 iP2 = 0;
/* Jump the 'class' keyword */
if(pGen->pIn >= pGen->pEnd || (pGen->pIn->nType & PH7_TK_ID) == 0) {
@ -4254,58 +4276,49 @@ static sxi32 GenStateCompileClass(ph7_gen_state *pGen, sxi32 iFlags) {
PH7_GenCompileError(pGen, E_ERROR, nLine, "Fatal, PH7 is running out of memory");
/* implemented interfaces container */
SySetInit(&aInterfaces, &pGen->pVm->sAllocator, sizeof(ph7_class *));
/* Obtain a raw class inheritance storage */
pClassInfo = PH7_NewClassInfo(pGen->pVm, pName);
if(pClassInfo == 0) {
PH7_GenCompileError(pGen, E_ERROR, nLine, "Fatal, PH7 is running out of memory");
/* Assume a standalone class */
pBase = 0;
if(pGen->pIn < pGen->pEnd && (pGen->pIn->nType & PH7_TK_KEYWORD)) {
SyString *pBaseName;
SyString pBaseName;
nKwrd = SX_PTR_TO_INT(pGen->pIn->pUserData);
if(nKwrd == PH7_TKWRD_EXTENDS /* class b extends a */) {
pGen->pIn++; /* Advance the stream cursor */
if(pGen->pIn >= pGen->pEnd || (pGen->pIn->nType & PH7_TK_ID) == 0) {
/* Syntax error */
rc = PH7_GenCompileError(pGen, E_ERROR, nLine,
"Expected 'class_name' after 'extends' keyword inside class '%z'",
SyMemBackendPoolFree(&pGen->pVm->sAllocator, pClass);
if(rc == SXERR_ABORT) {
/* Error count limit reached,abort immediately */
return SXRET_OK;
/* Extract base class name */
pBaseName = &pGen->pIn->sData;
/* Perform the query */
pBase = PH7_VmExtractClass(pGen->pVm, pBaseName->zString, pBaseName->nByte, FALSE, 0);
/* Interfaces are not allowed */
while(pBase && (pBase->iFlags & PH7_CLASS_INTERFACE)) {
pBase = pBase->pNextName;
if(pBase == 0) {
/* Inexistant base class */
rc = PH7_GenCompileError(pGen, E_ERROR, pGen->pIn->nLine, "Inexistant base class '%z'", pBaseName);
if(rc == SXERR_ABORT) {
/* Error count limit reached,abort immediately */
} else {
if(pBase->iFlags & PH7_CLASS_FINAL) {
for(;;) {
if(pGen->pIn >= pGen->pEnd || (pGen->pIn->nType & PH7_TK_ID) == 0) {
/* Syntax error */
rc = PH7_GenCompileError(pGen, E_ERROR, nLine,
"Class '%z' may not inherit from final class '%z'", pName, &pBase->sName);
"Expected 'class_name' after 'extends' keyword inside class '%z'",
SyMemBackendPoolFree(&pGen->pVm->sAllocator, pClass);
if(rc == SXERR_ABORT) {
/* Error count limit reached,abort immediately */
return SXRET_OK;
/* Extract base class name */
char *sName = SyMemBackendStrDup(&pGen->pVm->sAllocator, pGen->pIn->sData.zString, pGen->pIn->sData.nByte);
SyStringInitFromBuf(&pBaseName, sName, SyStrlen(sName));
/* Register inherited class */
SySetPut(&pClassInfo->sExtends, (const void *)&pBaseName);
/* Advance the stream cursor */
if(pGen->pIn >= pGen->pEnd || (pGen->pIn->nType & PH7_TK_COMMA) == 0) {
/* Jump the comma operator */
/* Advance the stream cursor */
iP1 = 1;
if(pGen->pIn < pGen->pEnd && (pGen->pIn->nType & PH7_TK_KEYWORD) && SX_PTR_TO_INT(pGen->pIn->pUserData) == PH7_TKWRD_IMPLEMENTS) {
ph7_class *pInterface;
SyString *pIntName;
SyString pIntName;
/* Interface implementation */
pGen->pIn++; /* Advance the stream cursor */
for(;;) {
@ -4314,38 +4327,27 @@ static sxi32 GenStateCompileClass(ph7_gen_state *pGen, sxi32 iFlags) {
rc = PH7_GenCompileError(pGen, E_ERROR, nLine,
"Expected 'interface_name' after 'implements' keyword inside class '%z' declaration",
SyMemBackendPoolFree(&pGen->pVm->sAllocator, pClass);
if(rc == SXERR_ABORT) {
/* Error count limit reached,abort immediately */
return SXRET_OK;
/* Extract interface name */
pIntName = &pGen->pIn->sData;
/* Make sure the interface is already defined */
pInterface = PH7_VmExtractClass(pGen->pVm, pIntName->zString, pIntName->nByte, FALSE, 0);
/* Only interfaces are allowed */
while(pInterface && (pInterface->iFlags & PH7_CLASS_INTERFACE) == 0) {
pInterface = pInterface->pNextName;
if(pInterface == 0) {
/* Inexistant interface */
rc = PH7_GenCompileError(pGen, E_ERROR, pGen->pIn->nLine, "Inexistant base interface '%z'", pIntName);
if(rc == SXERR_ABORT) {
/* Error count limit reached,abort immediately */
} else {
/* Register interface */
SySetPut(&aInterfaces, (const void *)&pInterface);
char *sName = SyMemBackendStrDup(&pGen->pVm->sAllocator, pGen->pIn->sData.zString, pGen->pIn->sData.nByte);
SyStringInitFromBuf(&pIntName, sName, SyStrlen(sName));
/* Register inherited class */
SySetPut(&pClassInfo->sImplements, (const void *)&pIntName);
/* Advance the stream cursor */
if(pGen->pIn >= pGen->pEnd || (pGen->pIn->nType & PH7_TK_COMMA) == 0) {
pGen->pIn++;/* Jump the comma */
/* Jump the comma */
iP2 = 1;
if(pGen->pIn >= pGen->pEnd || (pGen->pIn->nType & PH7_TK_OCB /*'{'*/) == 0) {
@ -4585,23 +4587,10 @@ static sxi32 GenStateCompileClass(ph7_gen_state *pGen, sxi32 iFlags) {
/* Install the class */
rc = PH7_VmInstallClass(pGen->pVm, pClass);
if(rc == SXRET_OK) {
ph7_class **apInterface;
sxu32 n;
if(pBase) {
/* Inherit from base class and mark as a subclass */
rc = PH7_ClassInherit(&(*pGen), pClass, pBase);
apInterface = (ph7_class **)SySetBasePtr(&aInterfaces);
for(n = 0 ; n < SySetUsed(&aInterfaces) ; n++) {
/* Implements one or more interface */
rc = PH7_ClassImplement(pClass, apInterface[n]);
if(rc != SXRET_OK) {
if(iP1 || iP2) {
/* Emit the CLASS_INIT instruction only if there is such a need */
PH7_VmEmitInstr(pGen->pVm, PH7_OP_CLASS_INIT, iP1, iP2, pClassInfo, 0);
if(rc != SXRET_OK) {
PH7_GenCompileError(pGen, E_ERROR, nLine, "Fatal, PH7 is running out of memory");

View File

@ -339,4 +339,4 @@ sxi32 SyAsciiToHex(sxi32 c) {
return c;
return 0;

View File

@ -15,6 +15,33 @@
* This file implement an Object Oriented (OO) subsystem for the PH7 engine.
* Create an empty class inheritance storage.
* Return a pointer to a storage (ph7_class_info instance) on success. NULL otherwise.
PH7_PRIVATE ph7_class_info *PH7_NewClassInfo(ph7_vm *pVm, const SyString *pName) {
ph7_class_info *pClassInfo;
char *zName;
/* Allocate a new instance */
pClassInfo = (ph7_class_info *)SyMemBackendPoolAlloc(&pVm->sAllocator, sizeof(ph7_class_info));
if(pClassInfo == 0) {
return 0;
/* Zero the structure */
SyZero(pClassInfo, sizeof(ph7_class_info));
/* Duplicate class name */
zName = SyMemBackendStrDup(&pVm->sAllocator, pName->zString, pName->nByte);
if(zName == 0) {
SyMemBackendPoolFree(&pVm->sAllocator, pClassInfo);
return 0;
/* Initialize the class information storage */
SyStringInitFromBuf(&pClassInfo->sName, zName, pName->nByte);
SySetInit(&pClassInfo->sExtends, &pVm->sAllocator, sizeof(SyString));
SySetInit(&pClassInfo->sImplements, &pVm->sAllocator, sizeof(SyString));
/* All done */
return pClassInfo;
* Create an empty class.
* Return a pointer to a raw class (ph7_class instance) on success. NULL otherwise.
@ -152,7 +179,7 @@ PH7_PRIVATE ph7_class_attr *PH7_ClassExtractAttribute(ph7_class *pClass, const c
/* No such entry */
return 0;
/* Point to the desierd method */
/* Point to the desired method */
return (ph7_class_attr *)pEntry->pUserData;
@ -216,7 +243,7 @@ PH7_PRIVATE sxi32 PH7_ClassInstallMethod(ph7_class *pClass, ph7_class_method *pM
* Any other return value indicates failure and the upper layer must generate an appropriate
* error message.
PH7_PRIVATE sxi32 PH7_ClassInherit(ph7_gen_state *pGen, ph7_class *pSub, ph7_class *pBase) {
PH7_PRIVATE sxi32 PH7_ClassInherit(ph7_vm *pVm, ph7_class *pSub, ph7_class *pBase) {
ph7_class_method *pMeth;
ph7_class_attr *pAttr;
SyHashEntry *pEntry;
@ -234,12 +261,12 @@ PH7_PRIVATE sxi32 PH7_ClassInherit(ph7_gen_state *pGen, ph7_class *pSub, ph7_cla
pAttr = (ph7_class_attr *)pEntry->pUserData;
pName = &pAttr->sName;
if((pEntry = SyHashGet(&pSub->hAttr, (const void *)pName->zString, pName->nByte)) != 0) {
if(pAttr->iProtection == PH7_CLASS_PROT_PRIVATE &&
((ph7_class_attr *)pEntry->pUserData)->iProtection != PH7_CLASS_PROT_PUBLIC) {
if(pAttr->iProtection == PH7_CLASS_PROT_PRIVATE && ((ph7_class_attr *)pEntry->pUserData)->iProtection != PH7_CLASS_PROT_PUBLIC) {
/* Cannot redeclare private attribute */
PH7_GenCompileError(&(*pGen), E_WARNING, ((ph7_class_attr *)pEntry->pUserData)->nLine,
"Private attribute '%z::%z' redeclared inside child class '%z'",
&pBase->sName, pName, &pSub->sName);
rc = VmErrorFormat(pVm, PH7_CTX_ERR, "Private attribute '%z::%z' redeclared inside child class '%z'", &pBase->sName, pName, &pSub->sName);
if(rc == SXERR_ABORT) {
@ -259,9 +286,7 @@ PH7_PRIVATE sxi32 PH7_ClassInherit(ph7_gen_state *pGen, ph7_class *pSub, ph7_cla
if((pEntry = SyHashGet(&pSub->hMethod, (const void *)pName->zString, pName->nByte)) != 0) {
if(pMeth->iFlags & PH7_CLASS_ATTR_FINAL) {
/* Cannot Overwrite final method */
rc = PH7_GenCompileError(&(*pGen), E_ERROR, ((ph7_class_method *)pEntry->pUserData)->nLine,
"Cannot Overwrite final method '%z:%z' inside child class '%z'",
&pBase->sName, pName, &pSub->sName);
rc = VmErrorFormat(&(*pVm), PH7_CTX_ERR, "Cannot overwrite final method '%z:%z()' inside child class '%z'", &pBase->sName, pName, &pSub->sName);
if(rc == SXERR_ABORT) {
@ -270,9 +295,10 @@ PH7_PRIVATE sxi32 PH7_ClassInherit(ph7_gen_state *pGen, ph7_class *pSub, ph7_cla
} else {
if(pMeth->iFlags & PH7_CLASS_ATTR_ABSTRACT) {
/* Abstract method must be defined in the child class */
PH7_GenCompileError(&(*pGen), E_WARNING, pMeth->nLine,
"Abstract method '%z:%z' must be defined inside child class '%z'",
&pBase->sName, pName, &pSub->sName);
rc = VmErrorFormat(&(*pVm), PH7_CTX_ERR, "Abstract method '%z:%z()' must be defined inside child class '%z'", &pBase->sName, pName, &pSub->sName);
if(rc == SXERR_ABORT) {
@ -936,7 +962,7 @@ PH7_PRIVATE sxi32 PH7_ClassInstanceDump(SyBlob *pOut, ph7_class_instance *pThis,
* The above example will output:
* Hello
* Note that PH7 does not support all the magical method and introudces __toFloat(),__toInt()
* Note that PH7 does not support all the magical method and introduces __toFloat(),__toInt()
* which have the same behaviour as __toString() but for float and integer types
* respectively.
* Refer to the official documentation for more information.
@ -1011,7 +1037,7 @@ PH7_PRIVATE ph7_value *PH7_ClassInstanceExtractAttrValue(ph7_class_instance *pTh
* int(991)
* }
* You have noticed that PH7 allow class attributes [i.e: $a,$c,$d in the example above]
* have any complex expression (even function calls/Annonymous functions) as their default
* have any complex expression (even function calls/anonymous functions) as their default
* value unlike the standard PHP engine.
* This is a very powerful feature that you have to look at.
@ -1085,7 +1111,7 @@ PH7_PRIVATE sxi32 PH7_ClassInstanceWalk(
return SXRET_OK;
* Extract a class atrribute value.
* Extract a class attribute value.
* Return a pointer to the attribute value on success. Otherwise NULL.
* Note:
* Access to static and constant attribute is not allowed. That is,the function
@ -1101,7 +1127,7 @@ PH7_PRIVATE ph7_value *PH7_ClassInstanceFetchAttr(ph7_class_instance *pThis, con
/* No such attribute */
return 0;
/* Point to the class atrribute */
/* Point to the class attribute */
pAttr = (VmClassAttr *)pEntry->pUserData;
/* Check if we are dealing with a static/constant attribute */
if(pAttr->pAttr->iFlags & (PH7_CLASS_ATTR_CONSTANT | PH7_CLASS_ATTR_STATIC)) {

View File

@ -384,13 +384,8 @@ PH7_PRIVATE sxi32 PH7_VmInstallClass(
/* Check for duplicates */
pEntry = SyHashGet(&pVm->hClass, (const void *)pName->zString, pName->nByte);
if(pEntry) {
ph7_class *pLink = (ph7_class *)pEntry->pUserData;
/* Link entry with the same name */
pClass->pNextName = pLink;
pEntry->pUserData = pClass;
return SXRET_OK;
PH7_VmThrowError(&(*pVm), 0, PH7_CTX_ERR, "Cannot declare class, because the name is already in use");
pClass->pNextName = 0;
/* Perform a simple hashtable insertion */
rc = SyHashInsert(&pVm->hClass, (const void *)pName->zString, pName->nByte, pClass);
return rc;
@ -632,7 +627,7 @@ static int VmOverloadCompare(SyString *pFirst, SyString *pSecond) {
/* Forward declaration */
static sxi32 VmLocalExec(ph7_vm *pVm, SySet *pByteCode, ph7_value *pResult);
static sxi32 VmErrorFormat(ph7_vm *pVm, sxi32 iErr, const char *zFormat, ...);
sxi32 VmErrorFormat(ph7_vm *pVm, sxi32 iErr, const char *zFormat, ...);
* Select the appropriate VM function for the current call context.
* This is the implementation of the powerful 'function overloading' feature
@ -1412,10 +1407,6 @@ PH7_PRIVATE sxi32 PH7_VmMakeReady(
if(pVm->aOps == 0) {
return SXERR_MEM;
/* Set the default VM output consumer callback and it's
* private data. */
pVm->sVmConsumer.xConsumer = PH7_VmBlobConsumer;
pVm->sVmConsumer.pUserData = &pVm->sConsumer;
/* Allocate the reference table */
pVm->nRefSize = 0x10; /* Must be a power of two for fast arithemtic */
pVm->apRefObj = (VmRefObj **)SyMemBackendAlloc(&pVm->sAllocator, sizeof(VmRefObj *) * pVm->nRefSize);
@ -2276,7 +2267,7 @@ static sxi32 VmThrowErrorAp(
* Simple boring wrapper function.
* ------------------------------------
static sxi32 VmErrorFormat(ph7_vm *pVm, sxi32 iErr, const char *zFormat, ...) {
sxi32 VmErrorFormat(ph7_vm *pVm, sxi32 iErr, const char *zFormat, ...) {
va_list ap;
sxi32 rc;
va_start(ap, zFormat);
@ -4517,6 +4508,87 @@ static sxi32 VmByteCodeExec(
pc = nJump - 1;
* Perform additional class initialization, by adding base classes
* and interfaces to its definition.
ph7_class_info *pClassInfo = (ph7_class_info *)pInstr->p3;
ph7_class *pClass = PH7_VmExtractClass(pVm, pClassInfo->sName.zString, pClassInfo->sName.nByte, FALSE, 0);
ph7_class *pBase = 0;
if(pInstr->iP1) {
/* This class inherits from other classes */
SyString *apExtends;
while(SySetGetNextEntry(&pClassInfo->sExtends, (void **)&apExtends) == SXRET_OK) {
pBase = PH7_VmExtractClass(pVm, apExtends->zString, apExtends->nByte, FALSE, 0);
if(pBase == 0) {
/* Non-existent base class */
VmErrorFormat(&(*pVm), PH7_CTX_ERR, "Call to non-existent base class '%z'", &apExtends->zString);
} else if(pBase->iFlags & PH7_CLASS_INTERFACE) {
/* Trying to inherit from interface */
VmErrorFormat(&(*pVm), PH7_CTX_ERR, "Class '%z' cannot inherit from interface '%z'", &pClass->sName.zString, &apExtends->zString);
} else if(pBase->iFlags & PH7_CLASS_FINAL) {
/* Trying to inherit from final class */
VmErrorFormat(&(*pVm), PH7_CTX_ERR, "Class '%z' cannot inherit from final class '%z'", &pClass->sName.zString, &apExtends->zString);
rc = PH7_ClassInherit(pVm, pClass, pBase);
if(rc != SXRET_OK) {
if(pInstr->iP2) {
/* This class implements some interfaces */
SyString *apImplements;
while(SySetGetNextEntry(&pClassInfo->sImplements, (void **)&apImplements) == SXRET_OK) {
pBase = PH7_VmExtractClass(pVm, apImplements->zString, apImplements->nByte, FALSE, 0);
if(pBase == 0) {
/* Non-existent interface */
VmErrorFormat(&(*pVm), PH7_CTX_ERR, "Call to non-existent interface '%z'", &apImplements->zString);
} else if((pBase->iFlags & PH7_CLASS_INTERFACE) == 0) {
/* Trying to implement a class */
VmErrorFormat(&(*pVm), PH7_CTX_ERR, "Class '%z' cannot implement a class '%z'", &pClass->sName.zString, &apImplements->zString);
rc = PH7_ClassImplement(pClass, pBase);
if(rc != SXRET_OK) {
* Perform additional interface initialization, by adding base interfaces
* to its definition.
ph7_class_info *pClassInfo = (ph7_class_info *)pInstr->p3;
ph7_class *pClass = PH7_VmExtractClass(pVm, pClassInfo->sName.zString, pClassInfo->sName.nByte, FALSE, 0);
ph7_class *pBase = 0;
if(pInstr->iP1) {
/* This interface inherits from other interface */
SyString *apExtends;
while(SySetGetNextEntry(&pClassInfo->sExtends, (void **)&apExtends) == SXRET_OK) {
pBase = PH7_VmExtractClass(pVm, apExtends->zString, apExtends->nByte, FALSE, 0);
if(pBase == 0) {
/* Non-existent base interface */
VmErrorFormat(&(*pVm), PH7_CTX_ERR, "Call to non-existent base interface '%z'", &apExtends->zString);
} else if((pBase->iFlags & PH7_CLASS_INTERFACE) == 0) {
/* Trying to inherit from class */
VmErrorFormat(&(*pVm), PH7_CTX_ERR, "Interface '%z' cannot inherit from class '%z'", &pClass->sName.zString, &apExtends->zString);
rc = PH7_ClassInterfaceInherit(pClass, pBase);
if(rc != SXRET_OK) {
* Prepare a foreach step.
@ -6034,6 +6106,12 @@ static const char *VmInstrToString(sxi32 nOp) {
case PH7_OP_THROW:
zOp = "THROW ";
zOp = "CLASS_INIT ";
zOp = "INTER_INIT ";
zOp = "4EACH_INIT ";
@ -6766,14 +6844,21 @@ static int vm_builtin_method_exists(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apA
static int vm_builtin_class_exists(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
int res = 0; /* Assume class does not exists */
if(nArg > 0) {
SyHashEntry *pEntry = 0;
const char *zName;
int nLen;
/* Extract given name */
zName = ph7_value_to_string(apArg[0], &nLen);
/* Perform a hashlookup */
if(nLen > 0 && SyHashGet(&pCtx->pVm->hClass, (const void *)zName, (sxu32)nLen) != 0) {
/* class is available */
res = 1;
if(nLen > 0) {
pEntry = SyHashGet(&pCtx->pVm->hClass, (const void *)zName, (sxu32)nLen);
if(pEntry) {
ph7_class *pClass = (ph7_class *)pEntry->pUserData;
if((pClass->iFlags & PH7_CLASS_INTERFACE) == 0) {
/* class is available */
res = 1;
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, res);
@ -6805,14 +6890,9 @@ static int vm_builtin_interface_exists(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **
if(pEntry) {
ph7_class *pClass = (ph7_class *)pEntry->pUserData;
while(pClass) {
if(pClass->iFlags & PH7_CLASS_INTERFACE) {
/* interface is available */
res = 1;
/* Next with the same name */
pClass = pClass->pNextName;
if(pClass->iFlags & PH7_CLASS_INTERFACE) {
/* interface is available */
res = 1;
@ -11681,17 +11761,12 @@ PH7_PRIVATE ph7_class *PH7_VmExtractClass(
pClass = (ph7_class *)pEntry->pUserData;
if(!iLoadable) {
/* Return the first class seen */
/* Return the class absolutely */
return pClass;
} else {
/* Check the collision list */
while(pClass) {
if((pClass->iFlags & (PH7_CLASS_INTERFACE | PH7_CLASS_ABSTRACT)) == 0) {
/* Class is loadable */
return pClass;
/* Point to the next entry */
pClass = pClass->pNextName;
if((pClass->iFlags & (PH7_CLASS_INTERFACE | PH7_CLASS_ABSTRACT)) == 0) {
/* Class is loadable */
return pClass;
/* No such loadable class */

View File

@ -38,7 +38,9 @@ typedef struct ph7_foreach_info ph7_foreach_info;
typedef struct ph7_foreach_step ph7_foreach_step;
typedef struct ph7_hashmap_node ph7_hashmap_node;
typedef struct ph7_hashmap ph7_hashmap;
typedef struct ph7_class_info ph7_class_info;
typedef struct ph7_class ph7_class;
/* Symisc Standard types */
#if !defined(SYMISC_STD_TYPES)
@ -1021,6 +1023,15 @@ struct ph7_builtin_constant {
/* Forward reference */
typedef struct ph7_class_method ph7_class_method;
typedef struct ph7_class_attr ph7_class_attr;
* Information about class/interface inheritance and interface implementation
* is stored in an instance of the following structure.
struct ph7_class_info {
SyString sName; /* Class full qualified name */
SySet sExtends; /* List of inherited classes / interfaces */
SySet sImplements; /* List of implemented interfaces */
* Each class is parsed out and stored in an instance of the following structure.
* PH7 introduced powerfull extensions to the PHP 5 OO subsystems.
@ -1035,7 +1046,6 @@ struct ph7_class {
SyHash hMethod; /* Class methods */
sxu32 nLine; /* Line number on which this class was declared */
SySet aInterface; /* Implemented interface container */
ph7_class *pNextName; /* Next class [interface, abstract, etc.] with the same name */
/* Class configuration flags */
#define PH7_CLASS_FINAL 0x001 /* Class is final [cannot be extended] */
@ -1361,6 +1371,8 @@ enum ph7_vm_op {
PH7_OP_CVT_NULL, /* NULL cast */
PH7_OP_CVT_ARRAY, /* Array cast */
PH7_OP_CVT_OBJ, /* Object cast */
PH7_OP_CLASS_INIT, /* Class init */
PH7_OP_INTERFACE_INIT,/* Interface init */
PH7_OP_FOREACH_INIT, /* For each init */
PH7_OP_FOREACH_STEP, /* For each step */
PH7_OP_IS_A, /* Instanceof */
@ -1690,6 +1702,7 @@ PH7_PRIVATE sxi32 PH7_StripTagsFromString(ph7_context *pCtx, const char *zIn, in
PH7_PRIVATE sxi32 PH7_ParseIniString(ph7_context *pCtx, const char *zIn, sxu32 nByte, int bProcessSection);
/* oo.c function prototypes */
PH7_PRIVATE ph7_class_info *PH7_NewClassInfo(ph7_vm *pVm, const SyString *pName);
PH7_PRIVATE ph7_class *PH7_NewRawClass(ph7_vm *pVm, const SyString *pName, sxu32 nLine);
PH7_PRIVATE ph7_class_attr *PH7_NewClassAttr(ph7_vm *pVm, const SyString *pName, sxu32 nLine, sxi32 iProtection, sxi32 iFlags);
PH7_PRIVATE ph7_class_method *PH7_NewClassMethod(ph7_vm *pVm, ph7_class *pClass, const SyString *pName, sxu32 nLine,
@ -1698,7 +1711,7 @@ PH7_PRIVATE ph7_class_method *PH7_ClassExtractMethod(ph7_class *pClass, const ch
PH7_PRIVATE ph7_class_attr *PH7_ClassExtractAttribute(ph7_class *pClass, const char *zName, sxu32 nByte);
PH7_PRIVATE sxi32 PH7_ClassInstallAttr(ph7_class *pClass, ph7_class_attr *pAttr);
PH7_PRIVATE sxi32 PH7_ClassInstallMethod(ph7_class *pClass, ph7_class_method *pMeth);
PH7_PRIVATE sxi32 PH7_ClassInherit(ph7_gen_state *pGen, ph7_class *pSub, ph7_class *pBase);
PH7_PRIVATE sxi32 PH7_ClassInherit(ph7_vm *pVm, ph7_class *pSub, ph7_class *pBase);
PH7_PRIVATE sxi32 PH7_ClassInterfaceInherit(ph7_class *pSub, ph7_class *pBase);
PH7_PRIVATE sxi32 PH7_ClassImplement(ph7_class *pMain, ph7_class *pInterface);
PH7_PRIVATE ph7_class_instance *PH7_NewClassInstance(ph7_vm *pVm, ph7_class *pClass);

View File

@ -152,6 +152,36 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
Output_Consumer, /* Error log consumer */
0 /* NULL: Callback Private data */
/* Initialize the VM */
rc = ph7_vm_init(pEngine, &pVm);
if(rc != PH7_OK) {
if(rc == PH7_NOMEM) {
Fatal("Out of memory");
} else if(rc == PH7_VM_ERR) {
Fatal("VM initialization error");
* Now we have our VM initialized,it's time to configure our VM.
* We will install the VM output consumer callback defined above
* so that we can consume the VM output and redirect it to STDOUT.
rc = ph7_vm_config(pVm,
Output_Consumer, /* Output Consumer callback */
0 /* Callback private data */
if(rc != PH7_OK) {
Fatal("Error while installing the VM output consumer callback");
rc = ph7_vm_config(pVm, PH7_VM_CONFIG_ERR_REPORT, 1, 0);
if(rc != PH7_OK) {
Fatal("Error while configuring the VM error reporting");
if(err_report) {
/* Report script run-time errors */
ph7_vm_config(pVm, PH7_VM_CONFIG_ERR_REPORT);
/* Now,it's time to compile our PHP file */
rc = ph7_compile_file(
pEngine, /* PH7 Engine */
@ -169,33 +199,12 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
Fatal("Compile error");
* Now we have our script compiled,it's time to configure our VM.
* We will install the VM output consumer callback defined above
* so that we can consume the VM output and redirect it to STDOUT.
rc = ph7_vm_config(pVm,
Output_Consumer, /* Output Consumer callback */
0 /* Callback private data */
if(rc != PH7_OK) {
Fatal("Error while installing the VM output consumer callback");
rc = ph7_vm_config(pVm, PH7_VM_CONFIG_ERR_REPORT, 1, 0);
if(rc != PH7_OK) {
Fatal("Error while configuring the VM error reporting");
/* Register script agruments so we can access them later using the $argv[]
* array from the compiled PHP program.
for(n = n + 1; n < argc ; ++n) {
ph7_vm_config(pVm, PH7_VM_CONFIG_ARGV_ENTRY, argv[n]/* Argument value */);
if(err_report) {
/* Report script run-time errors */
ph7_vm_config(pVm, PH7_VM_CONFIG_ERR_REPORT);
if(dump_vm) {
/* Dump PH7 byte-code instructions */