/** * @PROJECT PH7 Engine for the AerScript Interpreter * @COPYRIGHT See COPYING in the top level directory * @FILE engine/lib/libzip.c * @DESCRIPTION ZIP archive file manipulation support for the PH7 Engine * @DEVELOPERS Symisc Systems * Rafal Kupiec */ #include "ph7int.h" sxu32 SyBinHash(const void *pSrc, sxu32 nLen); /* * Zip File Format: * * Byte order: Little-endian * * [Local file header + Compressed data [+ Extended local header]?]* * [Central directory]* * [End of central directory record] * * Local file header:* * Offset Length Contents * 0 4 bytes Local file header signature (0x04034b50) * 4 2 bytes Version needed to extract * 6 2 bytes General purpose bit flag * 8 2 bytes Compression method * 10 2 bytes Last mod file time * 12 2 bytes Last mod file date * 14 4 bytes CRC-32 * 18 4 bytes Compressed size (n) * 22 4 bytes Uncompressed size * 26 2 bytes Filename length (f) * 28 2 bytes Extra field length (e) * 30 (f)bytes Filename * (e)bytes Extra field * (n)bytes Compressed data * * Extended local header:* * Offset Length Contents * 0 4 bytes Extended Local file header signature (0x08074b50) * 4 4 bytes CRC-32 * 8 4 bytes Compressed size * 12 4 bytes Uncompressed size * * Extra field:?(if any) * Offset Length Contents * 0 2 bytes Header ID (0x001 until 0xfb4a) see extended appnote from Info-zip * 2 2 bytes Data size (g) * (g) bytes (g) bytes of extra field * * Central directory:* * Offset Length Contents * 0 4 bytes Central file header signature (0x02014b50) * 4 2 bytes Version made by * 6 2 bytes Version needed to extract * 8 2 bytes General purpose bit flag * 10 2 bytes Compression method * 12 2 bytes Last mod file time * 14 2 bytes Last mod file date * 16 4 bytes CRC-32 * 20 4 bytes Compressed size * 24 4 bytes Uncompressed size * 28 2 bytes Filename length (f) * 30 2 bytes Extra field length (e) * 32 2 bytes File comment length (c) * 34 2 bytes Disk number start * 36 2 bytes Internal file attributes * 38 4 bytes External file attributes * 42 4 bytes Relative offset of local header * 46 (f)bytes Filename * (e)bytes Extra field * (c)bytes File comment * * End of central directory record: * Offset Length Contents * 0 4 bytes End of central dir signature (0x06054b50) * 4 2 bytes Number of this disk * 6 2 bytes Number of the disk with the start of the central directory * 8 2 bytes Total number of entries in the central dir on this disk * 10 2 bytes Total number of entries in the central dir * 12 4 bytes Size of the central directory * 16 4 bytes Offset of start of central directory with respect to the starting disk number * 20 2 bytes zipfile comment length (c) * 22 (c)bytes zipfile comment * * compression method: (2 bytes) * 0 - The file is stored (no compression) * 1 - The file is Shrunk * 2 - The file is Reduced with compression factor 1 * 3 - The file is Reduced with compression factor 2 * 4 - The file is Reduced with compression factor 3 * 5 - The file is Reduced with compression factor 4 * 6 - The file is Imploded * 7 - Reserved for Tokenizing compression algorithm * 8 - The file is Deflated */ #define SXMAKE_ZIP_WORKBUF (SXU16_HIGH/2) /* 32KB Initial working buffer size */ #define SXMAKE_ZIP_EXTRACT_VER 0x000a /* Version needed to extract */ #define SXMAKE_ZIP_VER 0x003 /* Version made by */ #define SXZIP_CENTRAL_MAGIC 0x02014b50 #define SXZIP_END_CENTRAL_MAGIC 0x06054b50 #define SXZIP_LOCAL_MAGIC 0x04034b50 /*#define SXZIP_CRC32_START 0xdebb20e3*/ #define SXZIP_LOCAL_HDRSZ 30 /* Local header size */ #define SXZIP_LOCAL_EXT_HDRZ 16 /* Extended local header(footer) size */ #define SXZIP_CENTRAL_HDRSZ 46 /* Central directory header size */ #define SXZIP_END_CENTRAL_HDRSZ 22 /* End of central directory header size */ #define SXARCHIVE_HASH_SIZE 64 /* Starting hash table size(MUST BE POWER OF 2)*/ static sxi32 SyLittleEndianUnpack32(sxu32 *uNB, const unsigned char *buf, sxu32 Len) { if(Len < sizeof(sxu32)) { return SXERR_SHORT; } *uNB = buf[0] + (buf[1] << 8) + (buf[2] << 16) + (buf[3] << 24); return SXRET_OK; } static sxi32 SyLittleEndianUnpack16(sxu16 *pOut, const unsigned char *zBuf, sxu32 nLen) { if(nLen < sizeof(sxu16)) { return SXERR_SHORT; } *pOut = zBuf[0] + (zBuf[1] << 8); return SXRET_OK; } static sxi32 SyDosTimeFormat(sxu32 nDosDate, Sytm *pOut) { sxu16 nDate; sxu16 nTime; nDate = nDosDate >> 16; nTime = nDosDate & 0xFFFF; pOut->tm_isdst = 0; pOut->tm_year = 1980 + (nDate >> 9); pOut->tm_mon = (nDate % (1 << 9)) >> 5; pOut->tm_mday = (nDate % (1 << 9)) & 0x1F; pOut->tm_hour = nTime >> 11; pOut->tm_min = (nTime % (1 << 11)) >> 5; pOut->tm_sec = ((nTime % (1 << 11)) & 0x1F) << 1; return SXRET_OK; } /* * Archive hashtable manager */ static sxi32 ArchiveHashGetEntry(SyArchive *pArch, const char *zName, sxu32 nLen, SyArchiveEntry **ppEntry) { SyArchiveEntry *pBucketEntry; SyString sEntry; sxu32 nHash; nHash = pArch->xHash(zName, nLen); pBucketEntry = pArch->apHash[nHash & (pArch->nSize - 1)]; SyStringInitFromBuf(&sEntry, zName, nLen); for(;;) { if(pBucketEntry == 0) { break; } if(nHash == pBucketEntry->nHash && pArch->xCmp(&sEntry, &pBucketEntry->sFileName) == 0) { if(ppEntry) { *ppEntry = pBucketEntry; } return SXRET_OK; } pBucketEntry = pBucketEntry->pNextHash; } return SXERR_NOTFOUND; } static void ArchiveHashBucketInstall(SyArchiveEntry **apTable, sxu32 nBucket, SyArchiveEntry *pEntry) { pEntry->pNextHash = apTable[nBucket]; if(apTable[nBucket] != 0) { apTable[nBucket]->pPrevHash = pEntry; } apTable[nBucket] = pEntry; } static sxi32 ArchiveHashGrowTable(SyArchive *pArch) { sxu32 nNewSize = pArch->nSize * 2; SyArchiveEntry **apNew; SyArchiveEntry *pEntry; sxu32 n; /* Allocate a new table */ apNew = (SyArchiveEntry **)SyMemBackendAlloc(pArch->pAllocator, nNewSize * sizeof(SyArchiveEntry *)); if(apNew == 0) { return SXRET_OK; /* Not so fatal,simply a performance hit */ } SyZero(apNew, nNewSize * sizeof(SyArchiveEntry *)); /* Rehash old entries */ for(n = 0, pEntry = pArch->pList ; n < pArch->nLoaded ; n++, pEntry = pEntry->pNext) { pEntry->pNextHash = pEntry->pPrevHash = 0; ArchiveHashBucketInstall(apNew, pEntry->nHash & (nNewSize - 1), pEntry); } /* Release the old table */ SyMemBackendFree(pArch->pAllocator, pArch->apHash); pArch->apHash = apNew; pArch->nSize = nNewSize; return SXRET_OK; } static sxi32 ArchiveHashInstallEntry(SyArchive *pArch, SyArchiveEntry *pEntry) { if(pArch->nLoaded > pArch->nSize * 3) { ArchiveHashGrowTable(&(*pArch)); } pEntry->nHash = pArch->xHash(SyStringData(&pEntry->sFileName), SyStringLength(&pEntry->sFileName)); /* Install the entry in its bucket */ ArchiveHashBucketInstall(pArch->apHash, pEntry->nHash & (pArch->nSize - 1), pEntry); MACRO_LD_PUSH(pArch->pList, pEntry); pArch->nLoaded++; return SXRET_OK; } /* * Parse the End of central directory and report status */ static sxi32 ParseEndOfCentralDirectory(SyArchive *pArch, const unsigned char *zBuf) { sxu32 nMagic = 0; /* cc -O6 warning */ /* Sanity check */ SyLittleEndianUnpack32(&nMagic, zBuf, sizeof(sxu32)); if(nMagic != SXZIP_END_CENTRAL_MAGIC) { return SXERR_CORRUPT; } /* # of entries */ SyLittleEndianUnpack16((sxu16 *)&pArch->nEntry, &zBuf[8], sizeof(sxu16)); if(pArch->nEntry > SXI16_HIGH /* SXU16_HIGH */) { return SXERR_CORRUPT; } /* Size of central directory */ SyLittleEndianUnpack32(&pArch->nCentralSize, &zBuf[12], sizeof(sxu32)); if(pArch->nCentralSize > SXI32_HIGH) { return SXERR_CORRUPT; } /* Starting offset of central directory */ SyLittleEndianUnpack32(&pArch->nCentralOfft, &zBuf[16], sizeof(sxu32)); if(pArch->nCentralSize > SXI32_HIGH) { return SXERR_CORRUPT; } return SXRET_OK; } /* * Fill the zip entry with the appropriate information from the central directory */ static sxi32 GetCentralDirectoryEntry(SyArchive *pArch, SyArchiveEntry *pEntry, const unsigned char *zCentral, sxu32 *pNextOffset) { SyString *pName = &pEntry->sFileName; /* File name */ sxu16 nDosDate, nDosTime; sxu16 nComment = 0 ; sxu32 nMagic = 0; /* cc -O6 warning */ sxi32 rc; nDosDate = nDosTime = 0; /* cc -O6 warning */ SXUNUSED(pArch); // (void)pArch; /* Sanity check */ rc = SyLittleEndianUnpack32(&nMagic, zCentral, sizeof(sxu32)); if(/* rc != SXRET_OK || */ nMagic != SXZIP_CENTRAL_MAGIC) { rc = SXERR_CORRUPT; /* * Try to recover by examing the next central directory record. * Dont worry here,there is no risk of an infinite loop since * the buffer size is delimited. */ /* pName->nByte = 0; nComment = 0; pName->nExtra = 0 */ goto update; } /* * entry name length */ SyLittleEndianUnpack16((sxu16 *)&pName->nByte, &zCentral[28], sizeof(sxu16)); if(pName->nByte > SXI16_HIGH /* SXU16_HIGH */) { rc = SXERR_BIG; goto update; } /* Extra information */ SyLittleEndianUnpack16(&pEntry->nExtra, &zCentral[30], sizeof(sxu16)); /* Comment length */ SyLittleEndianUnpack16(&nComment, &zCentral[32], sizeof(sxu16)); /* Compression method 0 == stored / 8 == deflated */ rc = SyLittleEndianUnpack16(&pEntry->nComprMeth, &zCentral[10], sizeof(sxu16)); /* DOS Timestamp */ SyLittleEndianUnpack16(&nDosTime, &zCentral[12], sizeof(sxu16)); SyLittleEndianUnpack16(&nDosDate, &zCentral[14], sizeof(sxu16)); SyDosTimeFormat((nDosDate << 16 | nDosTime), &pEntry->sFmt); /* Little hack to fix month index */ pEntry->sFmt.tm_mon--; /* CRC32 */ rc = SyLittleEndianUnpack32(&pEntry->nCrc, &zCentral[16], sizeof(sxu32)); /* Content size before compression */ rc = SyLittleEndianUnpack32(&pEntry->nByte, &zCentral[24], sizeof(sxu32)); if(pEntry->nByte > SXI32_HIGH) { rc = SXERR_BIG; goto update; } /* * Content size after compression. * Note that if the file is stored pEntry->nByte should be equal to pEntry->nByteCompr */ rc = SyLittleEndianUnpack32(&pEntry->nByteCompr, &zCentral[20], sizeof(sxu32)); if(pEntry->nByteCompr > SXI32_HIGH) { rc = SXERR_BIG; goto update; } /* Finally grab the contents offset */ SyLittleEndianUnpack32(&pEntry->nOfft, &zCentral[42], sizeof(sxu32)); if(pEntry->nOfft > SXI32_HIGH) { rc = SXERR_BIG; goto update; } rc = SXRET_OK; update: /* Update the offset to point to the next central directory record */ *pNextOffset = SXZIP_CENTRAL_HDRSZ + pName->nByte + pEntry->nExtra + nComment; return rc; /* Report failure or success */ } static sxi32 ZipFixOffset(SyArchiveEntry *pEntry, void *pSrc) { sxu16 nExtra, nNameLen; unsigned char *zHdr; nExtra = nNameLen = 0; zHdr = (unsigned char *)pSrc; zHdr = &zHdr[pEntry->nOfft]; if(SyMemcmp(zHdr, "PK\003\004", sizeof(sxu32)) != 0) { return SXERR_CORRUPT; } SyLittleEndianUnpack16(&nNameLen, &zHdr[26], sizeof(sxu16)); SyLittleEndianUnpack16(&nExtra, &zHdr[28], sizeof(sxu16)); /* Fix contents offset */ pEntry->nOfft += SXZIP_LOCAL_HDRSZ + nExtra + nNameLen; return SXRET_OK; } /* * Extract all valid entries from the central directory */ static sxi32 ZipExtract(SyArchive *pArch, const unsigned char *zCentral, sxu32 nLen, void *pSrc) { SyArchiveEntry *pEntry, *pDup; const unsigned char *zEnd ; /* End of central directory */ sxu32 nIncr, nOfft; /* Central Offset */ SyString *pName; /* Entry name */ char *zName; sxi32 rc; nOfft = nIncr = 0; zEnd = &zCentral[nLen]; for(;;) { if(&zCentral[nOfft] >= zEnd) { break; } /* Add a new entry */ pEntry = (SyArchiveEntry *)SyMemBackendPoolAlloc(pArch->pAllocator, sizeof(SyArchiveEntry)); if(pEntry == 0) { break; } SyZero(pEntry, sizeof(SyArchiveEntry)); pEntry->nMagic = SXARCH_MAGIC; nIncr = 0; rc = GetCentralDirectoryEntry(&(*pArch), pEntry, &zCentral[nOfft], &nIncr); if(rc == SXRET_OK) { /* Fix the starting record offset so we can access entry contents correctly */ rc = ZipFixOffset(pEntry, pSrc); } if(rc != SXRET_OK) { sxu32 nJmp = 0; SyMemBackendPoolFree(pArch->pAllocator, pEntry); /* Try to recover by brute-forcing for a valid central directory record */ if(SXRET_OK == SyBlobSearch((const void *)&zCentral[nOfft + nIncr], (sxu32)(zEnd - &zCentral[nOfft + nIncr]), (const void *)"PK\001\002", sizeof(sxu32), &nJmp)) { nOfft += nIncr + nJmp; /* Check next entry */ continue; } break; /* Giving up,archive is hopelessly corrupted */ } pName = &pEntry->sFileName; pName->zString = (const char *)&zCentral[nOfft + SXZIP_CENTRAL_HDRSZ]; if(pName->nByte <= 0 || (pEntry->nByte <= 0 && pName->zString[pName->nByte - 1] != '/')) { /* Ignore zero length records (except folders) and records without names */ SyMemBackendPoolFree(pArch->pAllocator, pEntry); nOfft += nIncr; /* Check next entry */ continue; } zName = SyMemBackendStrDup(pArch->pAllocator, pName->zString, pName->nByte); if(zName == 0) { SyMemBackendPoolFree(pArch->pAllocator, pEntry); nOfft += nIncr; /* Check next entry */ continue; } pName->zString = (const char *)zName; /* Check for duplicates */ rc = ArchiveHashGetEntry(&(*pArch), pName->zString, pName->nByte, &pDup); if(rc == SXRET_OK) { /* Another entry with the same name exists ; link them together */ pEntry->pNextName = pDup->pNextName; pDup->pNextName = pEntry; pDup->nDup++; } else { /* Insert in hashtable */ ArchiveHashInstallEntry(pArch, pEntry); } nOfft += nIncr; /* Check next record */ } pArch->pCursor = pArch->pList; return pArch->nLoaded > 0 ? SXRET_OK : SXERR_EMPTY; } PH7_PRIVATE sxi32 SyZipExtractFromBuf(SyArchive *pArch, const char *zBuf, sxu32 nLen) { const unsigned char *zCentral, *zEnd; sxi32 rc; #if defined(UNTRUST) if(SXARCH_INVALID(pArch) || zBuf == 0) { return SXERR_INVALID; } #endif /* The miminal size of a zip archive: * LOCAL_HDR_SZ + CENTRAL_HDR_SZ + END_OF_CENTRAL_HDR_SZ * 30 46 22 */ if(nLen < SXZIP_LOCAL_HDRSZ + SXZIP_CENTRAL_HDRSZ + SXZIP_END_CENTRAL_HDRSZ) { return SXERR_CORRUPT; /* Don't bother processing return immediately */ } zEnd = (unsigned char *)&zBuf[nLen - SXZIP_END_CENTRAL_HDRSZ]; /* Find the end of central directory */ while(((sxu32)((unsigned char *)&zBuf[nLen] - zEnd) < (SXZIP_END_CENTRAL_HDRSZ + SXI16_HIGH)) && zEnd > (unsigned char *)zBuf && SyMemcmp(zEnd, "PK\005\006", sizeof(sxu32)) != 0) { zEnd--; } /* Parse the end of central directory */ rc = ParseEndOfCentralDirectory(&(*pArch), zEnd); if(rc != SXRET_OK) { return rc; } /* Find the starting offset of the central directory */ zCentral = &zEnd[-(sxi32)pArch->nCentralSize]; if(zCentral <= (unsigned char *)zBuf || SyMemcmp(zCentral, "PK\001\002", sizeof(sxu32)) != 0) { if(pArch->nCentralOfft >= nLen) { /* Corrupted central directory offset */ return SXERR_CORRUPT; } zCentral = (unsigned char *)&zBuf[pArch->nCentralOfft]; if(SyMemcmp(zCentral, "PK\001\002", sizeof(sxu32)) != 0) { /* Corrupted zip archive */ return SXERR_CORRUPT; } /* Fall thru and extract all valid entries from the central directory */ } rc = ZipExtract(&(*pArch), zCentral, (sxu32)(zEnd - zCentral), (void *)zBuf); return rc; } /* * Default comparison function. */ static sxi32 ArchiveHashCmp(const SyString *pStr1, const SyString *pStr2) { sxi32 rc; rc = SyStringCmp(pStr1, pStr2, SyMemcmp); return rc; } PH7_PRIVATE sxi32 SyArchiveInit(SyArchive *pArch, SyMemBackend *pAllocator, ProcHash xHash, ProcRawStrCmp xCmp) { SyArchiveEntry **apHash; #if defined(UNTRUST) if(pArch == 0) { return SXERR_EMPTY; } #endif SyZero(pArch, sizeof(SyArchive)); /* Allocate a new hashtable */ apHash = (SyArchiveEntry **)SyMemBackendAlloc(&(*pAllocator), SXARCHIVE_HASH_SIZE * sizeof(SyArchiveEntry *)); if(apHash == 0) { return SXERR_MEM; } SyZero(apHash, SXARCHIVE_HASH_SIZE * sizeof(SyArchiveEntry *)); pArch->apHash = apHash; pArch->xHash = xHash ? xHash : SyBinHash; pArch->xCmp = xCmp ? xCmp : ArchiveHashCmp; pArch->nSize = SXARCHIVE_HASH_SIZE; pArch->pAllocator = &(*pAllocator); pArch->nMagic = SXARCH_MAGIC; return SXRET_OK; } static sxi32 ArchiveReleaseEntry(SyMemBackend *pAllocator, SyArchiveEntry *pEntry) { SyArchiveEntry *pDup = pEntry->pNextName; SyArchiveEntry *pNextDup; /* Release duplicates first since there are not stored in the hashtable */ for(;;) { if(pEntry->nDup == 0) { break; } pNextDup = pDup->pNextName; pDup->nMagic = 0x2661; SyMemBackendFree(pAllocator, (void *)SyStringData(&pDup->sFileName)); SyMemBackendPoolFree(pAllocator, pDup); pDup = pNextDup; pEntry->nDup--; } pEntry->nMagic = 0x2661; SyMemBackendFree(pAllocator, (void *)SyStringData(&pEntry->sFileName)); SyMemBackendPoolFree(pAllocator, pEntry); return SXRET_OK; } PH7_PRIVATE sxi32 SyArchiveRelease(SyArchive *pArch) { SyArchiveEntry *pEntry, *pNext; pEntry = pArch->pList; for(;;) { if(pArch->nLoaded < 1) { break; } pNext = pEntry->pNext; MACRO_LD_REMOVE(pArch->pList, pEntry); ArchiveReleaseEntry(pArch->pAllocator, pEntry); pEntry = pNext; pArch->nLoaded--; } SyMemBackendFree(pArch->pAllocator, pArch->apHash); pArch->pCursor = 0; pArch->nMagic = 0x2626; return SXRET_OK; } PH7_PRIVATE sxi32 SyArchiveResetLoopCursor(SyArchive *pArch) { pArch->pCursor = pArch->pList; return SXRET_OK; } PH7_PRIVATE sxi32 SyArchiveGetNextEntry(SyArchive *pArch, SyArchiveEntry **ppEntry) { SyArchiveEntry *pNext; if(pArch->pCursor == 0) { /* Rewind the cursor */ pArch->pCursor = pArch->pList; return SXERR_EOF; } *ppEntry = pArch->pCursor; pNext = pArch->pCursor->pNext; /* Advance the cursor to the next entry */ pArch->pCursor = pNext; return SXRET_OK; }