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Program to calculate Euler's Totient Function.
2019-04-20 14:17:06 +02:00

30 lines
590 B

// A simple C program to calculate Euler's Totient Function
class Program {
// Function to return gcd of a and b
private int gcd(int $a, int $b) {
if($a == 0)
return $b;
return $this->gcd($b % $a, $a);
// A simple method to evaluate Euler Totient Function
private int phi(int $n) {
int $result = 1;
for(int $i = 2; $i < $n; $i++)
if($this->gcd($i, $n) == 1)
return $result;
// Driver program to test above function
public int main() {
int $n;
for($n = 1; $n <= 10; $n++)
printf("phi(%d) = %d\n", $n, $this->phi($n));
return 0;