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* Symisc PH7: An embeddable bytecode compiler and a virtual machine for the PHP(5) programming language.
* Copyright (C) 2011-2012, Symisc Systems
* Version 2.1.4
* For information on licensing,redistribution of this file,and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES
* please contact Symisc Systems via:
* or visit:
/* $SymiscID: vm.c v1.4 FreeBSD 2012-09-10 00:06 stable <> $ */
#include "ph7int.h"
* The code in this file implements execution method of the PH7 Virtual Machine.
* The PH7 compiler (implemented in 'compiler.c' and 'parse.c') generates a bytecode program
* which is then executed by the virtual machine implemented here to do the work of the PHP
* statements.
* PH7 bytecode programs are similar in form to assembly language. The program consists
* of a linear sequence of operations .Each operation has an opcode and 3 operands.
* Operands P1 and P2 are integers where the first is signed while the second is unsigned.
* Operand P3 is an arbitrary pointer specific to each instruction. The P2 operand is usually
* the jump destination used by the OP_JMP,OP_JZ,OP_JNZ,... instructions.
* Opcodes will typically ignore one or more operands. Many opcodes ignore all three operands.
* Computation results are stored on a stack. Each entry on the stack is of type ph7_value.
* PH7 uses the ph7_value object to represent all values that can be stored in a PHP variable.
* Since PHP uses dynamic typing for the values it stores. Values stored in ph7_value objects
* can be integers,floating point values,strings,arrays,class instances (object in the PHP jargon)
* and so on.
* Internally,the PH7 virtual machine manipulates nearly all PHP values as ph7_values structures.
* Each ph7_value may cache multiple representations(string,integer etc.) of the same value.
* An implicit conversion from one type to the other occurs as necessary.
* Most of the code in this file is taken up by the [VmByteCodeExec()] function which does
* the work of interpreting a PH7 bytecode program. But other routines are also provided
* to help in building up a program instruction by instruction. Also note that sepcial
* functions that need access to the underlying virtual machine details such as [die()],
* [func_get_args()],[call_user_func()],[ob_start()] and many more are implemented here.
* Each active virtual machine frame is represented by an instance
* of the following structure.
* VM Frame hold local variables and other stuff related to function call.
struct VmFrame {
VmFrame *pParent; /* Parent frame or NULL if global scope */
void *pUserData; /* Upper layer private data associated with this frame */
ph7_class_instance *pThis; /* Current class instance [i.e: the '$this' variable].NULL otherwise */
SySet sLocal; /* Local variables container (VmSlot instance) */
ph7_vm *pVm; /* VM that own this frame */
SyHash hVar; /* Variable hashtable for fast lookup */
SySet sArg; /* Function arguments container */
SySet sRef; /* Local reference table (VmSlot instance) */
sxi32 iFlags; /* Frame configuration flags (See below)*/
sxu32 iExceptionJump; /* Exception jump destination */
#define VM_FRAME_EXCEPTION 0x01 /* Special Exception frame */
#define VM_FRAME_THROW 0x02 /* An exception was thrown */
#define VM_FRAME_CATCH 0x04 /* Catch frame */
* When a user defined variable is released (via manual unset($x) or garbage collected)
* memory object index is stored in an instance of the following structure and put
* in the free object table so that it can be reused again without allocating
* a new memory object.
typedef struct VmSlot VmSlot;
struct VmSlot {
sxu32 nIdx; /* Index in pVm->aMemObj[] */
void *pUserData; /* Upper-layer private data */
* An entry in the reference table is represented by an instance of the
* follwoing table.
* The implementation of the reference mechanism in the PH7 engine
* differ greatly from the one used by the zend engine. That is,
* the reference implementation is consistent,solid and it's
* behavior resemble the C++ reference mechanism.
* Refer to the official for more information on this powerful
* extension.
struct VmRefObj {
SySet aReference; /* Table of references to this memory object */
SySet aArrEntries; /* Foreign hashmap entries [i.e: array(&$a) ] */
sxu32 nIdx; /* Referenced object index */
sxi32 iFlags; /* Configuration flags */
VmRefObj *pNextCollide, *pPrevCollide; /* Collision link */
VmRefObj *pNext, *pPrev; /* List of all referenced objects */
#define VM_REF_IDX_KEEP 0x001 /* Do not restore the memory object to the free list */
* Output control buffer entry.
* Refer to the implementation of [ob_start()] for more information.
typedef struct VmObEntry VmObEntry;
struct VmObEntry {
ph7_value sCallback; /* User defined callback */
SyBlob sOB; /* Output buffer consumer */
* Information about each module library (loaded using [import()] )
* is stored in an instance of the following structure.
typedef struct VmModule VmModule;
struct VmModule {
#ifdef __WINNT__
HINSTANCE pHandle; /* Module handler under Windows */
void *pHandle; /* Module handler under Unix-like OS */
SyString sName; /* Module name */
SyString sFile; /* Module library file */
SyString sDesc; /* Module short description */
ph7_real fVer; /* Module version */
* Each installed class autoload callback (registered using [register_autoload_handler()] )
* is stored in an instance of the following structure.
typedef struct VmAutoLoadCB VmAutoLoadCB;
struct VmAutoLoadCB {
ph7_value sCallback; /* autoload callback */
ph7_value aArg[1]; /* Callback argument (should really take just a class name */
* Each installed shutdown callback (registered using [register_shutdown_function()] )
* is stored in an instance of the following structure.
* Refer to the implementation of [register_shutdown_function(()] for more information.
typedef struct VmShutdownCB VmShutdownCB;
struct VmShutdownCB {
ph7_value sCallback; /* Shutdown callback */
ph7_value aArg[10]; /* Callback arguments (10 maximum arguments) */
int nArg; /* Total number of given arguments */
/* Uncaught exception code value */
#define PH7_EXCEPTION -255
* Each parsed URI is recorded and stored in an instance of the following structure.
* This structure and it's related routines are taken verbatim from the xHT project
* [A modern embeddable HTTP engine implementing all the RFC2616 methods]
* the xHT project is developed internally by Symisc Systems.
typedef struct SyhttpUri SyhttpUri;
struct SyhttpUri {
SyString sHost; /* Hostname or IP address */
SyString sPort; /* Port number */
SyString sPath; /* Mandatory resource path passed verbatim (Not decoded) */
SyString sQuery; /* Query part */
SyString sFragment; /* Fragment part */
SyString sScheme; /* Scheme */
SyString sUser; /* Username */
SyString sPass; /* Password */
SyString sRaw; /* Raw URI */
* An instance of the following structure is used to record all MIME headers seen
* during a HTTP interaction.
* This structure and it's related routines are taken verbatim from the xHT project
* [A modern embeddable HTTP engine implementing all the RFC2616 methods]
* the xHT project is developed internally by Symisc Systems.
typedef struct SyhttpHeader SyhttpHeader;
struct SyhttpHeader {
SyString sName; /* Header name [i.e:"Content-Type","Host","User-Agent"]. NOT NUL TERMINATED */
SyString sValue; /* Header values [i.e: "text/html"]. NOT NUL TERMINATED */
* Supported HTTP methods.
#define HTTP_METHOD_GET 1 /* GET */
#define HTTP_METHOD_HEAD 2 /* HEAD */
#define HTTP_METHOD_POST 3 /* POST */
#define HTTP_METHOD_PUT 4 /* PUT */
#define HTTP_METHOD_OTHR 5 /* Other HTTP methods [i.e: DELETE,TRACE,OPTIONS...]*/
* Supported HTTP protocol version.
#define HTTP_PROTO_10 1 /* HTTP/1.0 */
#define HTTP_PROTO_11 2 /* HTTP/1.1 */
* Register a constant and it's associated expansion callback so that
* it can be expanded from the target PHP program.
* The constant expansion mechanism under PH7 is extremely powerful yet
* simple and work as follows:
* Each registered constant have a C procedure associated with it.
* This procedure known as the constant expansion callback is responsible
* of expanding the invoked constant to the desired value,for example:
* The C procedure associated with the "__PI__" constant expands to 3.14 (the value of PI).
* The "__OS__" constant procedure expands to the name of the host Operating Systems
* (Windows,Linux,...) and so on.
* Please refer to the official documentation for additional information.
PH7_PRIVATE sxi32 PH7_VmRegisterConstant(
ph7_vm *pVm, /* Target VM */
const SyString *pName, /* Constant name */
ProcConstant xExpand, /* Constant expansion callback */
void *pUserData /* Last argument to xExpand() */
) {
ph7_constant *pCons;
SyHashEntry *pEntry;
char *zDupName;
sxi32 rc;
pEntry = SyHashGet(&pVm->hConstant, (const void *)pName->zString, pName->nByte);
if(pEntry) {
/* Overwrite the old definition and return immediately */
pCons = (ph7_constant *)pEntry->pUserData;
pCons->xExpand = xExpand;
pCons->pUserData = pUserData;
return SXRET_OK;
/* Allocate a new constant instance */
pCons = (ph7_constant *)SyMemBackendPoolAlloc(&pVm->sAllocator, sizeof(ph7_constant));
if(pCons == 0) {
return 0;
/* Duplicate constant name */
zDupName = SyMemBackendStrDup(&pVm->sAllocator, pName->zString, pName->nByte);
if(zDupName == 0) {
SyMemBackendPoolFree(&pVm->sAllocator, pCons);
return 0;
/* Install the constant */
SyStringInitFromBuf(&pCons->sName, zDupName, pName->nByte);
pCons->xExpand = xExpand;
pCons->pUserData = pUserData;
rc = SyHashInsert(&pVm->hConstant, (const void *)zDupName, SyStringLength(&pCons->sName), pCons);
if(rc != SXRET_OK) {
SyMemBackendFree(&pVm->sAllocator, zDupName);
SyMemBackendPoolFree(&pVm->sAllocator, pCons);
return rc;
/* All done,constant can be invoked from PHP code */
return SXRET_OK;
* Allocate a new foreign function instance.
* This function return SXRET_OK on success. Any other
* return value indicates failure.
* Please refer to the official documentation for an introduction to
* the foreign function mechanism.
static sxi32 PH7_NewForeignFunction(
ph7_vm *pVm, /* Target VM */
const SyString *pName, /* Foreign function name */
ProchHostFunction xFunc, /* Foreign function implementation */
void *pUserData, /* Foreign function private data */
ph7_user_func **ppOut /* OUT: VM image of the foreign function */
) {
ph7_user_func *pFunc;
char *zDup;
/* Allocate a new user function */
pFunc = (ph7_user_func *)SyMemBackendPoolAlloc(&pVm->sAllocator, sizeof(ph7_user_func));
if(pFunc == 0) {
return SXERR_MEM;
/* Duplicate function name */
zDup = SyMemBackendStrDup(&pVm->sAllocator, pName->zString, pName->nByte);
if(zDup == 0) {
SyMemBackendPoolFree(&pVm->sAllocator, pFunc);
return SXERR_MEM;
/* Zero the structure */
SyZero(pFunc, sizeof(ph7_user_func));
/* Initialize structure fields */
SyStringInitFromBuf(&pFunc->sName, zDup, pName->nByte);
pFunc->pVm = pVm;
pFunc->xFunc = xFunc;
pFunc->pUserData = pUserData;
SySetInit(&pFunc->aAux, &pVm->sAllocator, sizeof(ph7_aux_data));
/* Write a pointer to the new function */
*ppOut = pFunc;
return SXRET_OK;
* Install a foreign function and it's associated callback so that
* it can be invoked from the target PHP code.
* This function return SXRET_OK on successful registration. Any other
* return value indicates failure.
* Please refer to the official documentation for an introduction to
* the foreign function mechanism.
PH7_PRIVATE sxi32 PH7_VmInstallForeignFunction(
ph7_vm *pVm, /* Target VM */
const SyString *pName, /* Foreign function name */
ProchHostFunction xFunc, /* Foreign function implementation */
void *pUserData /* Foreign function private data */
) {
ph7_user_func *pFunc;
SyHashEntry *pEntry;
sxi32 rc;
/* Overwrite any previously registered function with the same name */
pEntry = SyHashGet(&pVm->hHostFunction, pName->zString, pName->nByte);
if(pEntry) {
pFunc = (ph7_user_func *)pEntry->pUserData;
pFunc->pUserData = pUserData;
pFunc->xFunc = xFunc;
return SXRET_OK;
/* Create a new user function */
rc = PH7_NewForeignFunction(&(*pVm), &(*pName), xFunc, pUserData, &pFunc);
if(rc != SXRET_OK) {
return rc;
/* Install the function in the corresponding hashtable */
rc = SyHashInsert(&pVm->hHostFunction, SyStringData(&pFunc->sName), pName->nByte, pFunc);
if(rc != SXRET_OK) {
SyMemBackendFree(&pVm->sAllocator, (void *)SyStringData(&pFunc->sName));
SyMemBackendPoolFree(&pVm->sAllocator, pFunc);
return rc;
/* User function successfully installed */
return SXRET_OK;
* Initialize a VM function.
PH7_PRIVATE sxi32 PH7_VmInitFuncState(
ph7_vm *pVm, /* Target VM */
ph7_vm_func *pFunc, /* Target Fucntion */
const char *zName, /* Function name */
sxu32 nByte, /* zName length */
sxi32 iFlags, /* Configuration flags */
void *pUserData /* Function private data */
) {
/* Zero the structure */
SyZero(pFunc, sizeof(ph7_vm_func));
/* Initialize structure fields */
/* Arguments container */
SySetInit(&pFunc->aArgs, &pVm->sAllocator, sizeof(ph7_vm_func_arg));
/* Static variable container */
SySetInit(&pFunc->aStatic, &pVm->sAllocator, sizeof(ph7_vm_func_static_var));
/* Bytecode container */
SySetInit(&pFunc->aByteCode, &pVm->sAllocator, sizeof(VmInstr));
/* Preallocate some instruction slots */
SySetAlloc(&pFunc->aByteCode, 0x10);
/* Closure environment */
SySetInit(&pFunc->aClosureEnv, &pVm->sAllocator, sizeof(ph7_vm_func_closure_env));
pFunc->iFlags = iFlags;
pFunc->pUserData = pUserData;
SyStringInitFromBuf(&pFunc->sName, zName, nByte);
return SXRET_OK;
* Install a user defined function in the corresponding VM container.
PH7_PRIVATE sxi32 PH7_VmInstallUserFunction(
ph7_vm *pVm, /* Target VM */
ph7_vm_func *pFunc, /* Target function */
SyString *pName /* Function name */
) {
SyHashEntry *pEntry;
sxi32 rc;
if(pName == 0) {
/* Use the built-in name */
pName = &pFunc->sName;
/* Check for duplicates (functions with the same name) first */
pEntry = SyHashGet(&pVm->hFunction, pName->zString, pName->nByte);
if(pEntry) {
ph7_vm_func *pLink = (ph7_vm_func *)pEntry->pUserData;
if(pLink != pFunc) {
/* Link */
pFunc->pNextName = pLink;
pEntry->pUserData = pFunc;
return SXRET_OK;
/* First time seen */
pFunc->pNextName = 0;
rc = SyHashInsert(&pVm->hFunction, pName->zString, pName->nByte, pFunc);
return rc;
* Install a user defined class in the corresponding VM container.
PH7_PRIVATE sxi32 PH7_VmInstallClass(
ph7_vm *pVm, /* Target VM */
ph7_class *pClass /* Target Class */
) {
SyString *pName = &pClass->sName;
SyHashEntry *pEntry;
sxi32 rc;
/* Check for duplicates */
pEntry = SyHashGet(&pVm->hClass, (const void *)pName->zString, pName->nByte);
if(pEntry) {
ph7_class *pLink = (ph7_class *)pEntry->pUserData;
/* Link entry with the same name */
pClass->pNextName = pLink;
pEntry->pUserData = pClass;
return SXRET_OK;
pClass->pNextName = 0;
/* Perform a simple hashtable insertion */
rc = SyHashInsert(&pVm->hClass, (const void *)pName->zString, pName->nByte, pClass);
return rc;
* Instruction builder interface.
PH7_PRIVATE sxi32 PH7_VmEmitInstr(
ph7_vm *pVm, /* Target VM */
sxi32 iOp, /* Operation to perform */
sxi32 iP1, /* First operand */
sxu32 iP2, /* Second operand */
void *p3, /* Third operand */
sxu32 *pIndex /* Instruction index. NULL otherwise */
) {
VmInstr sInstr;
sxi32 rc;
/* Fill the VM instruction */
sInstr.iOp = (sxu8)iOp;
sInstr.iP1 = iP1;
sInstr.iP2 = iP2;
sInstr.p3 = p3;
sInstr.iLine = 1;
if(pVm->sCodeGen.pEnd && pVm->sCodeGen.pEnd->nLine > 0) {
sInstr.iLine = pVm->sCodeGen.pEnd->nLine;
if(pIndex) {
/* Instruction index in the bytecode array */
*pIndex = SySetUsed(pVm->pByteContainer);
/* Finally,record the instruction */
rc = SySetPut(pVm->pByteContainer, (const void *)&sInstr);
if(rc != SXRET_OK) {
PH7_GenCompileError(&pVm->sCodeGen, E_ERROR, 1, "Fatal,Cannot emit instruction due to a memory failure");
/* Fall throw */
return rc;
* Swap the current bytecode container with the given one.
PH7_PRIVATE sxi32 PH7_VmSetByteCodeContainer(ph7_vm *pVm, SySet *pContainer) {
if(pContainer == 0) {
/* Point to the default container */
pVm->pByteContainer = &pVm->aByteCode;
} else {
/* Change container */
pVm->pByteContainer = &(*pContainer);
return SXRET_OK;
* Return the current bytecode container.
PH7_PRIVATE SySet *PH7_VmGetByteCodeContainer(ph7_vm *pVm) {
return pVm->pByteContainer;
* Extract the VM instruction rooted at nIndex.
PH7_PRIVATE VmInstr *PH7_VmGetInstr(ph7_vm *pVm, sxu32 nIndex) {
VmInstr *pInstr;
pInstr = (VmInstr *)SySetAt(pVm->pByteContainer, nIndex);
return pInstr;
* Return the total number of VM instructions recorded so far.
PH7_PRIVATE sxu32 PH7_VmInstrLength(ph7_vm *pVm) {
return SySetUsed(pVm->pByteContainer);
* Pop the last VM instruction.
PH7_PRIVATE VmInstr *PH7_VmPopInstr(ph7_vm *pVm) {
return (VmInstr *)SySetPop(pVm->pByteContainer);
* Peek the last VM instruction.
PH7_PRIVATE VmInstr *PH7_VmPeekInstr(ph7_vm *pVm) {
return (VmInstr *)SySetPeek(pVm->pByteContainer);
PH7_PRIVATE VmInstr *PH7_VmPeekNextInstr(ph7_vm *pVm) {
VmInstr *aInstr;
sxu32 n;
n = SySetUsed(pVm->pByteContainer);
if(n < 2) {
return 0;
aInstr = (VmInstr *)SySetBasePtr(pVm->pByteContainer);
return &aInstr[n - 2];
* Allocate a new virtual machine frame.
static VmFrame *VmNewFrame(
ph7_vm *pVm, /* Target VM */
void *pUserData, /* Upper-layer private data */
ph7_class_instance *pThis /* Top most class instance [i.e: Object in the PHP jargon]. NULL otherwise */
) {
VmFrame *pFrame;
/* Allocate a new vm frame */
pFrame = (VmFrame *)SyMemBackendPoolAlloc(&pVm->sAllocator, sizeof(VmFrame));
if(pFrame == 0) {
return 0;
/* Zero the structure */
SyZero(pFrame, sizeof(VmFrame));
/* Initialize frame fields */
pFrame->pUserData = pUserData;
pFrame->pThis = pThis;
pFrame->pVm = pVm;
SyHashInit(&pFrame->hVar, &pVm->sAllocator, 0, 0);
SySetInit(&pFrame->sArg, &pVm->sAllocator, sizeof(VmSlot));
SySetInit(&pFrame->sLocal, &pVm->sAllocator, sizeof(VmSlot));
SySetInit(&pFrame->sRef, &pVm->sAllocator, sizeof(VmSlot));
return pFrame;
* Enter a VM frame.
static sxi32 VmEnterFrame(
ph7_vm *pVm, /* Target VM */
void *pUserData, /* Upper-layer private data */
ph7_class_instance *pThis, /* Top most class instance [i.e: Object in the PHP jargon]. NULL otherwise */
VmFrame **ppFrame /* OUT: Top most active frame */
) {
VmFrame *pFrame;
/* Allocate a new frame */
pFrame = VmNewFrame(&(*pVm), pUserData, pThis);
if(pFrame == 0) {
return SXERR_MEM;
/* Link to the list of active VM frame */
pFrame->pParent = pVm->pFrame;
pVm->pFrame = pFrame;
if(ppFrame) {
/* Write a pointer to the new VM frame */
*ppFrame = pFrame;
return SXRET_OK;
* Link a foreign variable with the TOP most active frame.
* Refer to the PH7_OP_UPLINK instruction implementation for more
* information.
static sxi32 VmFrameLink(ph7_vm *pVm, SyString *pName) {
VmFrame *pTarget, *pFrame;
SyHashEntry *pEntry = 0;
sxi32 rc;
/* Point to the upper frame */
pFrame = pVm->pFrame;
while(pFrame->pParent && (pFrame->iFlags & VM_FRAME_EXCEPTION)) {
/* Safely ignore the exception frame */
pFrame = pFrame->pParent;
pTarget = pFrame;
pFrame = pTarget->pParent;
while(pFrame) {
if((pFrame->iFlags & VM_FRAME_EXCEPTION) == 0) {
/* Query the current frame */
pEntry = SyHashGet(&pFrame->hVar, (const void *)pName->zString, pName->nByte);
if(pEntry) {
/* Variable found */
/* Point to the upper frame */
pFrame = pFrame->pParent;
if(pEntry == 0) {
/* Inexistant variable */
/* Link to the current frame */
rc = SyHashInsert(&pTarget->hVar, pEntry->pKey, pEntry->nKeyLen, pEntry->pUserData);
if(rc == SXRET_OK) {
sxu32 nIdx;
nIdx = SX_PTR_TO_INT(pEntry->pUserData);
PH7_VmRefObjInstall(&(*pVm), nIdx, SyHashLastEntry(&pTarget->hVar), 0, 0);
return rc;
* Leave the top-most active frame.
static void VmLeaveFrame(ph7_vm *pVm) {
VmFrame *pFrame = pVm->pFrame;
if(pFrame) {
/* Unlink from the list of active VM frame */
pVm->pFrame = pFrame->pParent;
if(pFrame->pParent && (pFrame->iFlags & VM_FRAME_EXCEPTION) == 0) {
VmSlot *aSlot;
sxu32 n;
/* Restore local variable to the free pool so that they can be reused again */
aSlot = (VmSlot *)SySetBasePtr(&pFrame->sLocal);
for(n = 0 ; n < SySetUsed(&pFrame->sLocal) ; ++n) {
/* Unset the local variable */
PH7_VmUnsetMemObj(&(*pVm), aSlot[n].nIdx, FALSE);
/* Remove local reference */
aSlot = (VmSlot *)SySetBasePtr(&pFrame->sRef);
for(n = 0 ; n < SySetUsed(&pFrame->sRef) ; ++n) {
PH7_VmRefObjRemove(&(*pVm), aSlot[n].nIdx, (SyHashEntry *)aSlot[n].pUserData, 0);
/* Release internal containers */
/* Release the whole structure */
SyMemBackendPoolFree(&pVm->sAllocator, pFrame);
* Compare two functions signature and return the comparison result.
static int VmOverloadCompare(SyString *pFirst, SyString *pSecond) {
const char *zSend = &pSecond->zString[pSecond->nByte];
const char *zFend = &pFirst->zString[pFirst->nByte];
const char *zSin = pSecond->zString;
const char *zFin = pFirst->zString;
const char *zPtr = zFin;
for(;;) {
if(zFin >= zFend || zSin >= zSend) {
if(zFin[0] != zSin[0]) {
/* mismatch */
return (int)(zFin - zPtr);
* Select the appropriate VM function for the current call context.
* This is the implementation of the powerful 'function overloading' feature
* introduced by the version 2 of the PH7 engine.
* Refer to the official documentation for more information.
static ph7_vm_func *VmOverload(
ph7_vm *pVm, /* Target VM */
ph7_vm_func *pList, /* Linked list of candidates for overloading */
ph7_value *aArg, /* Array of passed arguments */
int nArg /* Total number of passed arguments */
) {
int iTarget, i, j, iCur, iMax;
ph7_vm_func *apSet[10]; /* Maximum number of candidates */
ph7_vm_func *pLink;
SyString sArgSig;
SyBlob sSig;
pLink = pList;
i = 0;
/* Put functions expecting the same number of passed arguments */
while(i < (int)SX_ARRAYSIZE(apSet)) {
if(pLink == 0) {
if((int)SySetUsed(&pLink->aArgs) == nArg) {
/* Candidate for overloading */
apSet[i++] = pLink;
/* Point to the next entry */
pLink = pLink->pNextName;
if(i < 1) {
/* No candidates,return the head of the list */
return pList;
if(nArg < 1 || i < 2) {
/* Return the only candidate */
return apSet[0];
/* Calculate function signature */
SyBlobInit(&sSig, &pVm->sAllocator);
for(j = 0 ; j < nArg ; j++) {
int c = 'n'; /* null */
if(aArg[j].iFlags & MEMOBJ_HASHMAP) {
/* Hashmap */
c = 'h';
} else if(aArg[j].iFlags & MEMOBJ_BOOL) {
/* bool */
c = 'b';
} else if(aArg[j].iFlags & MEMOBJ_INT) {
/* int */
c = 'i';
} else if(aArg[j].iFlags & MEMOBJ_STRING) {
/* String */
c = 's';
} else if(aArg[j].iFlags & MEMOBJ_REAL) {
/* Float */
c = 'f';
} else if(aArg[j].iFlags & MEMOBJ_OBJ) {
/* Class instance */
ph7_class *pClass = ((ph7_class_instance *)aArg[j].x.pOther)->pClass;
SyString *pName = &pClass->sName;
SyBlobAppend(&sSig, (const void *)pName->zString, pName->nByte);
c = -1;
if(c > 0) {
SyBlobAppend(&sSig, (const void *)&c, sizeof(char));
SyStringInitFromBuf(&sArgSig, SyBlobData(&sSig), SyBlobLength(&sSig));
iTarget = 0;
iMax = -1;
/* Select the appropriate function */
for(j = 0 ; j < i ; j++) {
/* Compare the two signatures */
iCur = VmOverloadCompare(&sArgSig, &apSet[j]->sSignature);
if(iCur > iMax) {
iMax = iCur;
iTarget = j;
/* Appropriate function for the current call context */
return apSet[iTarget];
/* Forward declaration */
static sxi32 VmLocalExec(ph7_vm *pVm, SySet *pByteCode, ph7_value *pResult);
static sxi32 VmErrorFormat(ph7_vm *pVm, sxi32 iErr, const char *zFormat, ...);
* Mount a compiled class into the freshly created vitual machine so that
* it can be instanciated from the executed PHP script.
static sxi32 VmMountUserClass(
ph7_vm *pVm, /* Target VM */
ph7_class *pClass /* Class to be mounted */
) {
ph7_class_method *pMeth;
ph7_class_attr *pAttr;
SyHashEntry *pEntry;
sxi32 rc;
/* Reset the loop cursor */
/* Process only static and constant attribute */
while((pEntry = SyHashGetNextEntry(&pClass->hAttr)) != 0) {
/* Extract the current attribute */
pAttr = (ph7_class_attr *)pEntry->pUserData;
ph7_value *pMemObj;
/* Reserve a memory object for this constant/static attribute */
pMemObj = PH7_ReserveMemObj(&(*pVm));
if(pMemObj == 0) {
VmErrorFormat(&(*pVm), PH7_CTX_ERR,
"Cannot reserve a memory object for class attribute '%z->%z' due to a memory failure",
&pClass->sName, &pAttr->sName
return SXERR_MEM;
if(SySetUsed(&pAttr->aByteCode) > 0) {
/* Initialize attribute default value (any complex expression) */
VmLocalExec(&(*pVm), &pAttr->aByteCode, pMemObj);
/* Record attribute index */
pAttr->nIdx = pMemObj->nIdx;
/* Install static attribute in the reference table */
PH7_VmRefObjInstall(&(*pVm), pMemObj->nIdx, 0, 0, VM_REF_IDX_KEEP);
/* Install class methods */
if(pClass->iFlags & PH7_CLASS_INTERFACE) {
/* Do not mount interface methods since they are signatures only.
return SXRET_OK;
/* Install the methods now */
while((pEntry = SyHashGetNextEntry(&pClass->hMethod)) != 0) {
pMeth = (ph7_class_method *)pEntry->pUserData;
if((pMeth->iFlags & PH7_CLASS_ATTR_ABSTRACT) == 0) {
rc = PH7_VmInstallUserFunction(&(*pVm), &pMeth->sFunc, &pMeth->sVmName);
if(rc != SXRET_OK) {
return rc;
return SXRET_OK;
* Allocate a private frame for attributes of the given
* class instance (Object in the PHP jargon).
PH7_PRIVATE sxi32 PH7_VmCreateClassInstanceFrame(
ph7_vm *pVm, /* Target VM */
ph7_class_instance *pObj /* Class instance */
) {
ph7_class *pClass = pObj->pClass;
ph7_class_attr *pAttr;
SyHashEntry *pEntry;
sxi32 rc;
/* Install class attribute in the private frame associated with this instance */
while((pEntry = SyHashGetNextEntry(&pClass->hAttr)) != 0) {
VmClassAttr *pVmAttr;
/* Extract the current attribute */
pAttr = (ph7_class_attr *)pEntry->pUserData;
pVmAttr = (VmClassAttr *)SyMemBackendPoolAlloc(&pVm->sAllocator, sizeof(VmClassAttr));
if(pVmAttr == 0) {
return SXERR_MEM;
pVmAttr->pAttr = pAttr;
if((pAttr->iFlags & (PH7_CLASS_ATTR_CONSTANT | PH7_CLASS_ATTR_STATIC)) == 0) {
ph7_value *pMemObj;
/* Reserve a memory object for this attribute */
pMemObj = PH7_ReserveMemObj(&(*pVm));
if(pMemObj == 0) {
SyMemBackendPoolFree(&pVm->sAllocator, pVmAttr);
return SXERR_MEM;
pVmAttr->nIdx = pMemObj->nIdx;
if(SySetUsed(&pAttr->aByteCode) > 0) {
/* Initialize attribute default value (any complex expression) */
VmLocalExec(&(*pVm), &pAttr->aByteCode, pMemObj);
rc = SyHashInsert(&pObj->hAttr, SyStringData(&pAttr->sName), SyStringLength(&pAttr->sName), pVmAttr);
if(rc != SXRET_OK) {
VmSlot sSlot;
/* Restore memory object */
sSlot.nIdx = pMemObj->nIdx;
sSlot.pUserData = 0;
SySetPut(&pVm->aFreeObj, (const void *)&sSlot);
SyMemBackendPoolFree(&pVm->sAllocator, pVmAttr);
return SXERR_MEM;
/* Install attribute in the reference table */
PH7_VmRefObjInstall(&(*pVm), pMemObj->nIdx, 0, 0, VM_REF_IDX_KEEP);
} else {
/* Install static/constant attribute */
pVmAttr->nIdx = pAttr->nIdx;
rc = SyHashInsert(&pObj->hAttr, SyStringData(&pAttr->sName), SyStringLength(&pAttr->sName), pVmAttr);
if(rc != SXRET_OK) {
SyMemBackendPoolFree(&pVm->sAllocator, pVmAttr);
return SXERR_MEM;
return SXRET_OK;
/* Forward declaration */
static VmRefObj *VmRefObjExtract(ph7_vm *pVm, sxu32 nObjIdx);
static sxi32 VmRefObjUnlink(ph7_vm *pVm, VmRefObj *pRef);
* Dummy read-only buffer used for slot reservation.
static const char zDummy[sizeof(ph7_value)] = { 0 }; /* Must be >= sizeof(ph7_value) */
* Reserve a constant memory object.
* Return a pointer to the raw ph7_value on success. NULL on failure.
PH7_PRIVATE ph7_value *PH7_ReserveConstObj(ph7_vm *pVm, sxu32 *pIndex) {
ph7_value *pObj;
sxi32 rc;
if(pIndex) {
/* Object index in the object table */
*pIndex = SySetUsed(&pVm->aLitObj);
/* Reserve a slot for the new object */
rc = SySetPut(&pVm->aLitObj, (const void *)zDummy);
if(rc != SXRET_OK) {
/* If the supplied memory subsystem is so sick that we are unable to allocate
* a tiny chunk of memory, there is no much we can do here.
return 0;
pObj = (ph7_value *)SySetPeek(&pVm->aLitObj);
return pObj;
* Reserve a memory object.
* Return a pointer to the raw ph7_value on success. NULL on failure.
PH7_PRIVATE ph7_value *VmReserveMemObj(ph7_vm *pVm, sxu32 *pIndex) {
ph7_value *pObj;
sxi32 rc;
if(pIndex) {
/* Object index in the object table */
*pIndex = SySetUsed(&pVm->aMemObj);
/* Reserve a slot for the new object */
rc = SySetPut(&pVm->aMemObj, (const void *)zDummy);
if(rc != SXRET_OK) {
/* If the supplied memory subsystem is so sick that we are unable to allocate
* a tiny chunk of memory, there is no much we can do here.
return 0;
pObj = (ph7_value *)SySetPeek(&pVm->aMemObj);
return pObj;
/* Forward declaration */
static sxi32 VmEvalChunk(ph7_vm *pVm, ph7_context *pCtx, SyString *pChunk, int iFlags, int bTrueReturn);
* Built-in classes/interfaces and some functions that cannot be implemented
* directly as foreign functions.
#define PH7_BUILTIN_LIB \
"class Exception { "\
"protected $message = 'Unknown exception';"\
"protected $code = 0;"\
"protected $file;"\
"protected $line;"\
"protected $trace;"\
"protected $previous;"\
"public function __construct($message = null, $code = 0, Exception $previous = null){"\
" if( isset($message) ){"\
" $this->message = $message;"\
" }"\
" $this->code = $code;"\
" $this->file = __FILE__;"\
" $this->line = __LINE__;"\
" $this->trace = debug_backtrace();"\
" if( isset($previous) ){"\
" $this->previous = $previous;"\
" }"\
"public function getMessage(){"\
" return $this->message;"\
" public function getCode(){"\
" return $this->code;"\
"public function getFile(){"\
" return $this->file;"\
"public function getLine(){"\
" return $this->line;"\
"public function getTrace(){"\
" return $this->trace;"\
"public function getTraceAsString(){"\
" return debug_string_backtrace();"\
"public function getPrevious(){"\
" return $this->previous;"\
"public function __toString(){"\
" return $this->file.' '.$this->line.' '.$this->code.' '.$this->message;"\
"class ErrorException extends Exception { "\
"protected $severity;"\
"public function __construct(string $message = null,"\
"int $code = 0,int $severity = 1,string $filename = __FILE__ ,int $lineno = __LINE__ ,Exception $previous = null){"\
" if( isset($message) ){"\
" $this->message = $message;"\
" }"\
" $this->severity = $severity;"\
" $this->code = $code;"\
" $this->file = $filename;"\
" $this->line = $lineno;"\
" $this->trace = debug_backtrace();"\
" if( isset($previous) ){"\
" $this->previous = $previous;"\
" }"\
"public function getSeverity(){"\
" return $this->severity;"\
"interface Iterator {"\
"public function current();"\
"public function key();"\
"public function next();"\
"public function rewind();"\
"public function valid();"\
"interface IteratorAggregate {"\
"public function getIterator();"\
"interface Serializable {"\
"public function serialize();"\
"public function unserialize(string $serialized);"\
"/* Directory releated IO */"\
"class Directory {"\
"public $handle = null;"\
"public $path = null;"\
"public function __construct(string $path)"\
" $this->handle = opendir($path);"\
" if( $this->handle !== FALSE ){"\
" $this->path = $path;"\
" }"\
"public function __destruct()"\
" if( $this->handle != null ){"\
" closedir($this->handle);"\
" }"\
"public function read()"\
" return readdir($this->handle);"\
"public function rewind()"\
" rewinddir($this->handle);"\
"public function close()"\
" closedir($this->handle);"\
" $this->handle = null;"\
"class stdClass{"\
" public $value;"\
" /* Magic methods */"\
" public function __toInt(){ return (int)$this->value; }"\
" public function __toBool(){ return (bool)$this->value; }"\
" public function __toFloat(){ return (float)$this->value; }"\
" public function __toString(){ return (string)$this->value; }"\
" function __construct($v){ $this->value = $v; }"\
"function dir(string $path){"\
" return new Directory($path);"\
"function Dir(string $path){"\
" return new Directory($path);"\
"function scandir(string $directory,int $sort_order = SCANDIR_SORT_ASCENDING)"\
" if( func_num_args() < 1 ){ return FALSE; }"\
" $aDir = array();"\
" $pHandle = opendir($directory);"\
" if( $pHandle == FALSE ){ return FALSE; }"\
" while(FALSE !== ($pEntry = readdir($pHandle)) ){"\
" $aDir[] = $pEntry;"\
" }"\
" closedir($pHandle);"\
" if( $sort_order == SCANDIR_SORT_DESCENDING ){"\
" rsort($aDir);"\
" }else if( $sort_order == SCANDIR_SORT_ASCENDING ){"\
" sort($aDir);"\
" }"\
" return $aDir;"\
"function glob(string $pattern,int $iFlags = 0){"\
"/* Open the target directory */"\
"$zDir = dirname($pattern);"\
"if(!is_string($zDir) ){ $zDir = './'; }"\
"$pHandle = opendir($zDir);"\
"if( $pHandle == FALSE ){"\
" /* IO error while opening the current directory,return FALSE */"\
" return FALSE;"\
"$pattern = basename($pattern);"\
"$pArray = array(); /* Empty array */"\
"/* Loop throw available entries */"\
"while( FALSE !== ($pEntry = readdir($pHandle)) ){"\
" /* Use the built-in strglob function which is a Symisc eXtension for wildcard comparison*/"\
" $rc = strglob($pattern,$pEntry);"\
" if( $rc ){"\
" if( is_dir($pEntry) ){"\
" if( $iFlags & GLOB_MARK ){"\
" /* Adds a slash to each directory returned */"\
" }"\
" }else if( $iFlags & GLOB_ONLYDIR ){"\
" /* Not a directory,ignore */"\
" continue;"\
" }"\
" /* Add the entry */"\
" $pArray[] = $pEntry;"\
" }"\
" }"\
"/* Close the handle */"\
"if( ($iFlags & GLOB_NOSORT) == 0 ){"\
" /* Sort the array */"\
" sort($pArray);"\
"if( ($iFlags & GLOB_NOCHECK) && sizeof($pArray) < 1 ){"\
" /* Return the search pattern if no files matching were found */"\
" $pArray[] = $pattern;"\
"/* Return the created array */"\
"return $pArray;"\
"/* Creates a temporary file */"\
"function tmpfile(){"\
" /* Extract the temp directory */"\
" $zTempDir = sys_get_temp_dir();"\
" if( strlen($zTempDir) < 1 ){"\
" /* Use the current dir */"\
" $zTempDir = '.';"\
" }"\
" /* Create the file */"\
" $pHandle = fopen($zTempDir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'PH7'.rand_str(12),'w+');"\
" return $pHandle;"\
"/* Creates a temporary filename */"\
"function tempnam(string $zDir = sys_get_temp_dir() /* Symisc eXtension */,string $zPrefix = 'PH7')"\
" return $zDir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$zPrefix.rand_str(12);"\
"function array_unshift(&$pArray ){"\
" if( func_num_args() < 1 || !is_array($pArray) ){ return 0; }"\
"/* Copy arguments */"\
"$nArgs = func_num_args();"\
"$pNew = array();"\
"for( $i = 1 ; $i < $nArgs ; ++$i ){"\
" $pNew[] = func_get_arg($i);"\
"/* Make a copy of the old entries */"\
"$pOld = array_copy($pArray);"\
"/* Erase */"\
"/* Unshift */"\
"$pArray = array_merge($pNew,$pOld);"\
"return sizeof($pArray);"\
"function array_merge_recursive($array1, $array2){"\
"if( func_num_args() < 1 ){ return NULL; }"\
"$arrays = func_get_args();"\
"$narrays = sizeof($arrays);"\
"$ret = $arrays[0];"\
"for ($i = 1; $i < $narrays; $i++) {"\
" if( array_same($ret,$arrays[$i]) ){ /* Same instance */continue;}"\
" foreach ($arrays[$i] as $key => $value) {"\
" if (((string) $key) === ((string) intval($key))) {"\
" $ret[] = $value;"\
" }else{"\
" if (is_array($value) && isset($ret[$key]) ) {"\
" $ret[$key] = array_merge_recursive($ret[$key], $value);"\
" }else {"\
" $ret[$key] = $value;"\
" }"\
" }"\
" }"\
" return $ret;"\
"function max(){"\
" $pArgs = func_get_args();"\
" if( sizeof($pArgs) < 1 ){"\
" return null;"\
" }"\
" if( sizeof($pArgs) < 2 ){"\
" $pArg = $pArgs[0];"\
" if( !is_array($pArg) ){"\
" return $pArg; "\
" }"\
" if( sizeof($pArg) < 1 ){"\
" return null;"\
" }"\
" $pArg = array_copy($pArgs[0]);"\
" reset($pArg);"\
" $max = current($pArg);"\
" while( FALSE !== ($val = next($pArg)) ){"\
" if( $val > $max ){"\
" $max = $val;"\
" }"\
" }"\
" return $max;"\
" }"\
" $max = $pArgs[0];"\
" for( $i = 1; $i < sizeof($pArgs) ; ++$i ){"\
" $val = $pArgs[$i];"\
"if( $val > $max ){"\
" $max = $val;"\
" }"\
" return $max;"\
"function min(){"\
" $pArgs = func_get_args();"\
" if( sizeof($pArgs) < 1 ){"\
" return null;"\
" }"\
" if( sizeof($pArgs) < 2 ){"\
" $pArg = $pArgs[0];"\
" if( !is_array($pArg) ){"\
" return $pArg; "\
" }"\
" if( sizeof($pArg) < 1 ){"\
" return null;"\
" }"\
" $pArg = array_copy($pArgs[0]);"\
" reset($pArg);"\
" $min = current($pArg);"\
" while( FALSE !== ($val = next($pArg)) ){"\
" if( $val < $min ){"\
" $min = $val;"\
" }"\
" }"\
" return $min;"\
" }"\
" $min = $pArgs[0];"\
" for( $i = 1; $i < sizeof($pArgs) ; ++$i ){"\
" $val = $pArgs[$i];"\
"if( $val < $min ){"\
" $min = $val;"\
" }"\
" }"\
" return $min;"\
"function fileowner(string $file){"\
" $a = stat($file);"\
" if( !is_array($a) ){"\
" return false;"\
" }"\
" return $a['uid'];"\
"function filegroup(string $file){"\
" $a = stat($file);"\
" if( !is_array($a) ){"\
" return false;"\
" }"\
" return $a['gid'];"\
"function fileinode(string $file){"\
" $a = stat($file);"\
" if( !is_array($a) ){"\
" return false;"\
" }"\
" return $a['ino'];"\
* Initialize a freshly allocated PH7 Virtual Machine so that we can
* start compiling the target PHP program.
PH7_PRIVATE sxi32 PH7_VmInit(
ph7_vm *pVm, /* Initialize this */
ph7 *pEngine /* Master engine */
) {
SyString sBuiltin;
ph7_value *pObj;
sxi32 rc;
/* Zero the structure */
SyZero(pVm, sizeof(ph7_vm));
/* Initialize VM fields */
pVm->pEngine = &(*pEngine);
SyMemBackendInitFromParent(&pVm->sAllocator, &pEngine->sAllocator);
/* Instructions containers */
SySetInit(&pVm->aByteCode, &pVm->sAllocator, sizeof(VmInstr));
SySetAlloc(&pVm->aByteCode, 0xFF);
pVm->pByteContainer = &pVm->aByteCode;
/* Object containers */
SySetInit(&pVm->aMemObj, &pVm->sAllocator, sizeof(ph7_value));
SySetAlloc(&pVm->aMemObj, 0xFF);
/* Virtual machine internal containers */
SyBlobInit(&pVm->sConsumer, &pVm->sAllocator);
SyBlobInit(&pVm->sWorker, &pVm->sAllocator);
SyBlobInit(&pVm->sArgv, &pVm->sAllocator);
SySetInit(&pVm->aLitObj, &pVm->sAllocator, sizeof(ph7_value));
SySetAlloc(&pVm->aLitObj, 0xFF);
SyHashInit(&pVm->hHostFunction, &pVm->sAllocator, 0, 0);
SyHashInit(&pVm->hFunction, &pVm->sAllocator, 0, 0);
SyHashInit(&pVm->hClass, &pVm->sAllocator, SyStrHash, SyStrnmicmp);
SyHashInit(&pVm->hConstant, &pVm->sAllocator, 0, 0);
SyHashInit(&pVm->hSuper, &pVm->sAllocator, 0, 0);
SyHashInit(&pVm->hDBAL, &pVm->sAllocator, 0, 0);
SySetInit(&pVm->aFreeObj, &pVm->sAllocator, sizeof(VmSlot));
SySetInit(&pVm->aSelf, &pVm->sAllocator, sizeof(ph7_class *));
SySetInit(&pVm->aAutoLoad, &pVm->sAllocator, sizeof(VmAutoLoadCB));
SySetInit(&pVm->aShutdown, &pVm->sAllocator, sizeof(VmShutdownCB));
SySetInit(&pVm->aException, &pVm->sAllocator, sizeof(ph7_exception *));
/* Configuration containers */
SySetInit(&pVm->aModules, &pVm->sAllocator, sizeof(VmModule));
SySetInit(&pVm->aFiles, &pVm->sAllocator, sizeof(SyString));
SySetInit(&pVm->aPaths, &pVm->sAllocator, sizeof(SyString));
SySetInit(&pVm->aIncluded, &pVm->sAllocator, sizeof(SyString));
SySetInit(&pVm->aOB, &pVm->sAllocator, sizeof(VmObEntry));
SySetInit(&pVm->aIOstream, &pVm->sAllocator, sizeof(ph7_io_stream *));
/* Error callbacks containers */
PH7_MemObjInit(&(*pVm), &pVm->aExceptionCB[0]);
PH7_MemObjInit(&(*pVm), &pVm->aExceptionCB[1]);
PH7_MemObjInit(&(*pVm), &pVm->aErrCB[0]);
PH7_MemObjInit(&(*pVm), &pVm->aErrCB[1]);
PH7_MemObjInit(&(*pVm), &pVm->sAssertCallback);
/* Set a default recursion limit */
#if defined(__WINNT__) || defined(__UNIXES__)
pVm->nMaxDepth = 32;
pVm->nMaxDepth = 16;
/* Default assertion flags */
pVm->iAssertFlags = PH7_ASSERT_WARNING; /* Issue a warning for each failed assertion */
/* JSON return status */
pVm->json_rc = JSON_ERROR_NONE;
/* PRNG context */
SyRandomnessInit(&pVm->sPrng, 0, 0);
/* Install the null constant */
pObj = PH7_ReserveConstObj(&(*pVm), 0);
if(pObj == 0) {
goto Err;
PH7_MemObjInit(pVm, pObj);
/* Install the boolean TRUE constant */
pObj = PH7_ReserveConstObj(&(*pVm), 0);
if(pObj == 0) {
goto Err;
PH7_MemObjInitFromBool(pVm, pObj, 1);
/* Install the boolean FALSE constant */
pObj = PH7_ReserveConstObj(&(*pVm), 0);
if(pObj == 0) {
goto Err;
PH7_MemObjInitFromBool(pVm, pObj, 0);
/* Create the global frame */
rc = VmEnterFrame(&(*pVm), 0, 0, 0);
if(rc != SXRET_OK) {
goto Err;
/* Initialize the code generator */
rc = PH7_InitCodeGenerator(pVm, pEngine->xConf.xErr, pEngine->xConf.pErrData);
if(rc != SXRET_OK) {
goto Err;
/* VM correctly initialized,set the magic number */
pVm->nMagic = PH7_VM_INIT;
SyStringInitFromBuf(&sBuiltin, PH7_BUILTIN_LIB, sizeof(PH7_BUILTIN_LIB) - 1);
/* Compile the built-in library */
VmEvalChunk(&(*pVm), 0, &sBuiltin, PH7_PHP_ONLY, FALSE);
/* Reset the code generator */
PH7_ResetCodeGenerator(&(*pVm), pEngine->xConf.xErr, pEngine->xConf.pErrData);
return SXRET_OK;
return rc;
* Default VM output consumer callback.That is,all VM output is redirected to this
* routine which store the output in an internal blob.
* The output can be extracted later after program execution [ph7_vm_exec()] via
* the [ph7_vm_config()] interface with a configuration verb set to
* Refer to the official docurmentation for additional information.
* Note that for performance reason it's preferable to install a VM output
* consumer callback via (PH7_VM_CONFIG_OUTPUT) rather than waiting for the VM
* to finish executing and extracting the output.
PH7_PRIVATE sxi32 PH7_VmBlobConsumer(
const void *pOut, /* VM Generated output*/
unsigned int nLen, /* Generated output length */
void *pUserData /* User private data */
) {
sxi32 rc;
/* Store the output in an internal BLOB */
rc = SyBlobAppend((SyBlob *)pUserData, pOut, nLen);
return rc;
#define VM_STACK_GUARD 16
* Allocate a new operand stack so that we can start executing
* our compiled PHP program.
* Return a pointer to the operand stack (array of ph7_values)
* on success. NULL (Fatal error) on failure.
static ph7_value *VmNewOperandStack(
ph7_vm *pVm, /* Target VM */
sxu32 nInstr /* Total numer of generated byte-code instructions */
) {
ph7_value *pStack;
/* No instruction ever pushes more than a single element onto the
** stack and the stack never grows on successive executions of the
** same loop. So the total number of instructions is an upper bound
** on the maximum stack depth required.
** Allocation all the stack space we will ever need.
pStack = (ph7_value *)SyMemBackendAlloc(&pVm->sAllocator, nInstr * sizeof(ph7_value));
if(pStack == 0) {
return 0;
/* Initialize the operand stack */
while(nInstr > 0) {
PH7_MemObjInit(&(*pVm), &pStack[nInstr - 1]);
/* Ready for bytecode execution */
return pStack;
/* Forward declaration */
static sxi32 VmRegisterSpecialFunction(ph7_vm *pVm);
static int VmInstanceOf(ph7_class *pThis, ph7_class *pClass);
static int VmClassMemberAccess(ph7_vm *pVm, ph7_class *pClass, const SyString *pAttrName, sxi32 iProtection, int bLog);
* Prepare the Virtual Machine for byte-code execution.
* This routine gets called by the PH7 engine after
* successful compilation of the target PHP program.
PH7_PRIVATE sxi32 PH7_VmMakeReady(
ph7_vm *pVm /* Target VM */
) {
SyHashEntry *pEntry;
sxi32 rc;
if(pVm->nMagic != PH7_VM_INIT) {
/* Initialize your VM first */
/* Mark the VM ready for byte-code execution */
pVm->nMagic = PH7_VM_RUN;
/* Release the code generator now we have compiled our program */
PH7_ResetCodeGenerator(pVm, 0, 0);
/* Emit the DONE instruction */
rc = PH7_VmEmitInstr(&(*pVm), PH7_OP_DONE, 0, 0, 0, 0);
if(rc != SXRET_OK) {
return SXERR_MEM;
/* Script return value */
PH7_MemObjInit(&(*pVm), &pVm->sExec); /* Assume a NULL return value */
/* Allocate a new operand stack */
pVm->aOps = VmNewOperandStack(&(*pVm), SySetUsed(pVm->pByteContainer));
if(pVm->aOps == 0) {
return SXERR_MEM;
/* Set the default VM output consumer callback and it's
* private data. */
pVm->sVmConsumer.xConsumer = PH7_VmBlobConsumer;
pVm->sVmConsumer.pUserData = &pVm->sConsumer;
/* Allocate the reference table */
pVm->nRefSize = 0x10; /* Must be a power of two for fast arithemtic */
pVm->apRefObj = (VmRefObj **)SyMemBackendAlloc(&pVm->sAllocator, sizeof(VmRefObj *) * pVm->nRefSize);
if(pVm->apRefObj == 0) {
/* Don't worry about freeing memory, everything will be released shortly */
return SXERR_MEM;
/* Zero the reference table */
SyZero(pVm->apRefObj, sizeof(VmRefObj *) * pVm->nRefSize);
/* Register special functions first [i.e: print, json_encode(), func_get_args(), die, etc.] */
rc = VmRegisterSpecialFunction(&(*pVm));
if(rc != SXRET_OK) {
/* Don't worry about freeing memory, everything will be released shortly */
return rc;
/* Create superglobals [i.e: $GLOBALS, $_GET, $_POST...] */
rc = PH7_HashmapCreateSuper(&(*pVm));
if(rc != SXRET_OK) {
/* Don't worry about freeing memory, everything will be released shortly */
return rc;
/* Register built-in constants [i.e: PHP_EOL, PHP_OS...] */
/* Register built-in functions [i.e: is_null(), array_diff(), strlen(), etc.] */
/* Initialize and install static and constants class attributes */
while((pEntry = SyHashGetNextEntry(&pVm->hClass)) != 0) {
rc = VmMountUserClass(&(*pVm), (ph7_class *)pEntry->pUserData);
if(rc != SXRET_OK) {
return rc;
/* Random number betwwen 0 and 1023 used to generate unique ID */
pVm->unique_id = PH7_VmRandomNum(&(*pVm)) & 1023;
/* VM is ready for bytecode execution */
return SXRET_OK;
* Reset a Virtual Machine to it's initial state.
PH7_PRIVATE sxi32 PH7_VmReset(ph7_vm *pVm) {
if(pVm->nMagic != PH7_VM_RUN && pVm->nMagic != PH7_VM_EXEC) {
/* TICKET 1433-003: As of this version, the VM is automatically reset */
/* Set the ready flag */
pVm->nMagic = PH7_VM_RUN;
return SXRET_OK;
* Release a Virtual Machine.
* Every virtual machine must be destroyed in order to avoid memory leaks.
PH7_PRIVATE sxi32 PH7_VmRelease(ph7_vm *pVm) {
VmModule *pEntry;
/* Iterate through modules list */
while(SySetGetNextEntry(&pVm->aModules, (void **)&pEntry) == SXRET_OK) {
/* Unload the module */
#ifdef __WINNT__
/* Free up the heap */
/* Set the stale magic number */
pVm->nMagic = PH7_VM_STALE;
/* Release the private memory subsystem */
return SXRET_OK;
* Initialize a foreign function call context.
* The context in which a foreign function executes is stored in a ph7_context object.
* A pointer to a ph7_context object is always first parameter to application-defined foreign
* functions.
* The application-defined foreign function implementation will pass this pointer through into
* calls to dozens of interfaces,these includes ph7_result_int(), ph7_result_string(), ph7_result_value(),
* ph7_context_new_scalar(), ph7_context_alloc_chunk(), ph7_context_output(), ph7_context_throw_error()
* and many more. Refer to the C/C++ Interfaces documentation for additional information.
static sxi32 VmInitCallContext(
ph7_context *pOut, /* Call Context */
ph7_vm *pVm, /* Target VM */
ph7_user_func *pFunc, /* Foreign function to execute shortly */
ph7_value *pRet, /* Store return value here*/
sxi32 iFlags /* Control flags */
) {
pOut->pFunc = pFunc;
pOut->pVm = pVm;
SySetInit(&pOut->sVar, &pVm->sAllocator, sizeof(ph7_value *));
SySetInit(&pOut->sChunk, &pVm->sAllocator, sizeof(ph7_aux_data));
/* Assume a null return value */
MemObjSetType(pRet, MEMOBJ_NULL);
pOut->pRet = pRet;
pOut->iFlags = iFlags;
return SXRET_OK;
* Release a foreign function call context and cleanup the mess
* left behind.
static void VmReleaseCallContext(ph7_context *pCtx) {
sxu32 n;
if(SySetUsed(&pCtx->sVar) > 0) {
ph7_value **apObj = (ph7_value **)SySetBasePtr(&pCtx->sVar);
for(n = 0 ; n < SySetUsed(&pCtx->sVar) ; ++n) {
if(apObj[n] == 0) {
/* Already released */
SyMemBackendPoolFree(&pCtx->pVm->sAllocator, apObj[n]);
if(SySetUsed(&pCtx->sChunk) > 0) {
ph7_aux_data *aAux;
void *pChunk;
/* Automatic release of dynamically allocated chunk
* using [ph7_context_alloc_chunk()].
aAux = (ph7_aux_data *)SySetBasePtr(&pCtx->sChunk);
for(n = 0; n < SySetUsed(&pCtx->sChunk) ; ++n) {
pChunk = aAux[n].pAuxData;
/* Release the chunk */
if(pChunk) {
SyMemBackendFree(&pCtx->pVm->sAllocator, pChunk);
* Release a ph7_value allocated from the body of a foreign function.
* Refer to [ph7_context_release_value()] for additional information.
PH7_PRIVATE void PH7_VmReleaseContextValue(
ph7_context *pCtx, /* Call context */
ph7_value *pValue /* Release this value */
) {
if(pValue == 0) {
/* NULL value is a harmless operation */
if(SySetUsed(&pCtx->sVar) > 0) {
ph7_value **apObj = (ph7_value **)SySetBasePtr(&pCtx->sVar);
sxu32 n;
for(n = 0 ; n < SySetUsed(&pCtx->sVar) ; ++n) {
if(apObj[n] == pValue) {
SyMemBackendPoolFree(&pCtx->pVm->sAllocator, pValue);
/* Mark as released */
apObj[n] = 0;
* Pop and release as many memory object from the operand stack.
static void VmPopOperand(
ph7_value **ppTos, /* Operand stack */
sxi32 nPop /* Total number of memory objects to pop */
) {
ph7_value *pTos = *ppTos;
while(nPop > 0) {
/* Top of the stack */
*ppTos = pTos;
* Reserve a memory object.
* Return a pointer to the raw ph7_value on success. NULL on failure.
PH7_PRIVATE ph7_value *PH7_ReserveMemObj(ph7_vm *pVm) {
ph7_value *pObj = 0;
VmSlot *pSlot;
sxu32 nIdx;
/* Check for a free slot */
nIdx = SXU32_HIGH; /* cc warning */
pSlot = (VmSlot *)SySetPop(&pVm->aFreeObj);
if(pSlot) {
pObj = (ph7_value *)SySetAt(&pVm->aMemObj, pSlot->nIdx);
nIdx = pSlot->nIdx;
if(pObj == 0) {
/* Reserve a new memory object */
pObj = VmReserveMemObj(&(*pVm), &nIdx);
if(pObj == 0) {
return 0;
/* Set a null default value */
PH7_MemObjInit(&(*pVm), pObj);
pObj->nIdx = nIdx;
return pObj;
* Insert an entry by reference (not copy) in the given hashmap.
static sxi32 VmHashmapRefInsert(
ph7_hashmap *pMap, /* Target hashmap */
const char *zKey, /* Entry key */
sxu32 nByte, /* Key length */
sxu32 nRefIdx /* Entry index in the object pool */
) {
ph7_value sKey;
sxi32 rc;
PH7_MemObjInitFromString(pMap->pVm, &sKey, 0);
PH7_MemObjStringAppend(&sKey, zKey, nByte);
/* Perform the insertion */
rc = PH7_HashmapInsertByRef(&(*pMap), &sKey, nRefIdx);
return rc;
* Extract a variable value from the top active VM frame.
* Return a pointer to the variable value on success.
* NULL otherwise (non-existent variable/Out-of-memory,...).
static ph7_value *VmExtractMemObj(
ph7_vm *pVm, /* Target VM */
const SyString *pName, /* Variable name */
int bDup, /* True to duplicate variable name */
int bCreate /* True to create the variable if non-existent */
) {
int bNullify = FALSE;
SyHashEntry *pEntry;
VmFrame *pFrame;
ph7_value *pObj;
sxu32 nIdx;
sxi32 rc;
/* Point to the top active frame */
pFrame = pVm->pFrame;
while(pFrame->pParent && (pFrame->iFlags & VM_FRAME_EXCEPTION)) {
/* Safely ignore the exception frame */
pFrame = pFrame->pParent; /* Parent frame */
/* Perform the lookup */
if(pName == 0 || pName->nByte < 1) {
static const SyString sAnnon = { " ", sizeof(char) };
pName = &sAnnon;
/* Always nullify the object */
bNullify = TRUE;
bDup = FALSE;
/* Check the superglobals table first */
pEntry = SyHashGet(&pVm->hSuper, (const void *)pName->zString, pName->nByte);
if(pEntry == 0) {
/* Query the top active frame */
pEntry = SyHashGet(&pFrame->hVar, (const void *)pName->zString, pName->nByte);
if(pEntry == 0) {
char *zName = (char *)pName->zString;
VmSlot sLocal;
if(!bCreate) {
/* Do not create the variable,return NULL instead */
return 0;
/* No such variable,automatically create a new one and install
* it in the current frame.
pObj = PH7_ReserveMemObj(&(*pVm));
if(pObj == 0) {
return 0;
nIdx = pObj->nIdx;
if(bDup) {
/* Duplicate name */
zName = SyMemBackendStrDup(&pVm->sAllocator, pName->zString, pName->nByte);
if(zName == 0) {
return 0;
/* Link to the top active VM frame */
rc = SyHashInsert(&pFrame->hVar, zName, pName->nByte, SX_INT_TO_PTR(nIdx));
if(rc != SXRET_OK) {
/* Return the slot to the free pool */
sLocal.nIdx = nIdx;
sLocal.pUserData = 0;
SySetPut(&pVm->aFreeObj, (const void *)&sLocal);
return 0;
if(pFrame->pParent != 0) {
/* Local variable */
sLocal.nIdx = nIdx;
SySetPut(&pFrame->sLocal, (const void *)&sLocal);
} else {
/* Register in the $GLOBALS array */
VmHashmapRefInsert(pVm->pGlobal, pName->zString, pName->nByte, nIdx);
/* Install in the reference table */
PH7_VmRefObjInstall(&(*pVm), nIdx, SyHashLastEntry(&pFrame->hVar), 0, 0);
/* Save object index */
pObj->nIdx = nIdx;
} else {
/* Extract variable contents */
nIdx = (sxu32)SX_PTR_TO_INT(pEntry->pUserData);
pObj = (ph7_value *)SySetAt(&pVm->aMemObj, nIdx);
if(bNullify && pObj) {
} else {
/* Superglobal */
nIdx = (sxu32)SX_PTR_TO_INT(pEntry->pUserData);
pObj = (ph7_value *)SySetAt(&pVm->aMemObj, nIdx);
return pObj;
* Extract a superglobal variable such as $_GET,$_POST,$_HEADERS,....
* Return a pointer to the variable value on success.NULL otherwise.
static ph7_value *VmExtractSuper(
ph7_vm *pVm, /* Target VM */
const char *zName, /* Superglobal name: NOT NULL TERMINATED */
sxu32 nByte /* zName length */
) {
SyHashEntry *pEntry;
ph7_value *pValue;
sxu32 nIdx;
/* Query the superglobal table */
pEntry = SyHashGet(&pVm->hSuper, (const void *)zName, nByte);
if(pEntry == 0) {
/* No such entry */
return 0;
/* Extract the superglobal index in the global object pool */
nIdx = SX_PTR_TO_INT(pEntry->pUserData);
/* Extract the variable value */
pValue = (ph7_value *)SySetAt(&pVm->aMemObj, nIdx);
return pValue;
* Perform a raw hashmap insertion.
* Refer to the [PH7_VmConfigure()] implementation for additional information.
static sxi32 VmHashmapInsert(
ph7_hashmap *pMap, /* Target hashmap */
const char *zKey, /* Entry key */
int nKeylen, /* zKey length*/
const char *zData, /* Entry data */
int nLen /* zData length */
) {
ph7_value sKey, sValue;
sxi32 rc;
PH7_MemObjInitFromString(pMap->pVm, &sKey, 0);
PH7_MemObjInitFromString(pMap->pVm, &sValue, 0);
if(zKey) {
if(nKeylen < 0) {
nKeylen = (int)SyStrlen(zKey);
PH7_MemObjStringAppend(&sKey, zKey, (sxu32)nKeylen);
if(zData) {
if(nLen < 0) {
/* Compute length automatically */
nLen = (int)SyStrlen(zData);
PH7_MemObjStringAppend(&sValue, zData, (sxu32)nLen);
/* Perform the insertion */
rc = PH7_HashmapInsert(&(*pMap), &sKey, &sValue);
return rc;
/* Forward declaration */
static sxi32 VmHttpProcessRequest(ph7_vm *pVm, const char *zRequest, int nByte);
* Configure a working virtual machine instance.
* This routine is used to configure a PH7 virtual machine obtained by a prior
* successful call to one of the compile interface such as ph7_compile()
* ph7_compile_v2() or ph7_compile_file().
* The second argument to this function is an integer configuration option
* that determines what property of the PH7 virtual machine is to be configured.
* Subsequent arguments vary depending on the configuration option in the second
* argument. There are many verbs but the most important are PH7_VM_CONFIG_OUTPUT,
* Refer to the official documentation for the list of allowed verbs.
PH7_PRIVATE sxi32 PH7_VmConfigure(
ph7_vm *pVm, /* Target VM */
sxi32 nOp, /* Configuration verb */
va_list ap /* Subsequent option arguments */
) {
sxi32 rc = SXRET_OK;
switch(nOp) {
ProcConsumer xConsumer = va_arg(ap, ProcConsumer);
void *pUserData = va_arg(ap, void *);
/* VM output consumer callback */
#ifdef UNTRUST
if(xConsumer == 0) {
/* Install the output consumer */
pVm->sVmConsumer.xConsumer = xConsumer;
pVm->sVmConsumer.pUserData = pUserData;
/* Import path */
const char *zPath;
SyString sPath;
zPath = va_arg(ap, const char *);
#if defined(UNTRUST)
if(zPath == 0) {
SyStringInitFromBuf(&sPath, zPath, SyStrlen(zPath));
/* Remove trailing slashes and backslashes */
#ifdef __WINNT__
SyStringTrimTrailingChar(&sPath, '\\');
SyStringTrimTrailingChar(&sPath, '/');
/* Remove leading and trailing white spaces */
if(sPath.nByte > 0) {
/* Store the path in the corresponding conatiner */
rc = SySetPut(&pVm->aPaths, (const void *)&sPath);
/* Run-Time Error report */
pVm->bErrReport = 1;
/* Recursion depth */
int nDepth = va_arg(ap, int);
if(nDepth > 2 && nDepth < 1024) {
pVm->nMaxDepth = nDepth;
/* VM output length in bytes */
sxu32 *pOut = va_arg(ap, sxu32 *);
#ifdef UNTRUST
if(pOut == 0) {
*pOut = pVm->nOutputLen;
/* Create a new superglobal/global variable */
const char *zName = va_arg(ap, const char *);
ph7_value *pValue = va_arg(ap, ph7_value *);
SyHashEntry *pEntry;
ph7_value *pObj;
sxu32 nByte;
sxu32 nIdx;
#ifdef UNTRUST
if(SX_EMPTY_STR(zName) || pValue == 0) {
nByte = SyStrlen(zName);
/* Check if the superglobal is already installed */
pEntry = SyHashGet(&pVm->hSuper, (const void *)zName, nByte);
} else {
/* Query the top active VM frame */
pEntry = SyHashGet(&pVm->pFrame->hVar, (const void *)zName, nByte);
if(pEntry) {
/* Variable already installed */
nIdx = SX_PTR_TO_INT(pEntry->pUserData);
/* Extract contents */
pObj = (ph7_value *)SySetAt(&pVm->aMemObj, nIdx);
if(pObj) {
/* Overwrite old contents */
PH7_MemObjStore(pValue, pObj);
} else {
/* Install a new variable */
pObj = PH7_ReserveMemObj(&(*pVm));
if(pObj == 0) {
nIdx = pObj->nIdx;
/* Copy value */
PH7_MemObjStore(pValue, pObj);
/* Install the superglobal */
rc = SyHashInsert(&pVm->hSuper, (const void *)zName, nByte, SX_INT_TO_PTR(nIdx));
} else {
/* Install in the current frame */
rc = SyHashInsert(&pVm->pFrame->hVar, (const void *)zName, nByte, SX_INT_TO_PTR(nIdx));
if(rc == SXRET_OK) {
SyHashEntry *pRef;
pRef = SyHashLastEntry(&pVm->hSuper);
} else {
pRef = SyHashLastEntry(&pVm->pFrame->hVar);
/* Install in the reference table */
PH7_VmRefObjInstall(&(*pVm), nIdx, pRef, 0, 0);
if(nOp == PH7_VM_CONFIG_CREATE_SUPER || pVm->pFrame->pParent == 0) {
/* Register in the $GLOBALS array */
VmHashmapRefInsert(pVm->pGlobal, zName, nByte, nIdx);
const char *zKey = va_arg(ap, const char *);
const char *zValue = va_arg(ap, const char *);
int nLen = va_arg(ap, int);
ph7_hashmap *pMap;
ph7_value *pValue;
/* Extract the $_ENV superglobal */
pValue = VmExtractSuper(&(*pVm), "_ENV", sizeof("_ENV") - 1);
} else if(nOp == PH7_VM_CONFIG_POST_ATTR) {
/* Extract the $_POST superglobal */
pValue = VmExtractSuper(&(*pVm), "_POST", sizeof("_POST") - 1);
} else if(nOp == PH7_VM_CONFIG_GET_ATTR) {
/* Extract the $_GET superglobal */
pValue = VmExtractSuper(&(*pVm), "_GET", sizeof("_GET") - 1);
} else if(nOp == PH7_VM_CONFIG_COOKIE_ATTR) {
/* Extract the $_COOKIE superglobal */
pValue = VmExtractSuper(&(*pVm), "_COOKIE", sizeof("_COOKIE") - 1);
} else if(nOp == PH7_VM_CONFIG_SESSION_ATTR) {
/* Extract the $_SESSION superglobal */
pValue = VmExtractSuper(&(*pVm), "_SESSION", sizeof("_SESSION") - 1);
} else if(nOp == PH7_VM_CONFIG_HEADER_ATTR) {
/* Extract the $_HEADER superglobale */
pValue = VmExtractSuper(&(*pVm), "_HEADER", sizeof("_HEADER") - 1);
} else {
/* Extract the $_SERVER superglobal */
pValue = VmExtractSuper(&(*pVm), "_SERVER", sizeof("_SERVER") - 1);
if(pValue == 0 || (pValue->iFlags & MEMOBJ_HASHMAP) == 0) {
/* No such entry */
/* Point to the hashmap */
pMap = (ph7_hashmap *)pValue->x.pOther;
/* Perform the insertion */
rc = VmHashmapInsert(pMap, zKey, -1, zValue, nLen);
/* Script arguments */
const char *zValue = va_arg(ap, const char *);
ph7_hashmap *pMap;
ph7_value *pValue;
sxu32 n;
if(SX_EMPTY_STR(zValue)) {
/* Extract the $argv array */
pValue = VmExtractSuper(&(*pVm), "argv", sizeof("argv") - 1);
if(pValue == 0 || (pValue->iFlags & MEMOBJ_HASHMAP) == 0) {
/* No such entry */
/* Point to the hashmap */
pMap = (ph7_hashmap *)pValue->x.pOther;
/* Perform the insertion */
n = (sxu32)SyStrlen(zValue);
rc = VmHashmapInsert(pMap, 0, 0, zValue, (int)n);
if(rc == SXRET_OK) {
if(pMap->nEntry > 1) {
/* Append space separator first */
SyBlobAppend(&pVm->sArgv, (const void *)" ", sizeof(char));
SyBlobAppend(&pVm->sArgv, (const void *)zValue, n);
/* error_log() consumer */
ProcErrLog xErrLog = va_arg(ap, ProcErrLog);
pVm->xErrLog = xErrLog;
/* Script return value */
ph7_value **ppValue = va_arg(ap, ph7_value **);
#ifdef UNTRUST
if(ppValue == 0) {
*ppValue = &pVm->sExec;
/* Register an IO stream device */
const ph7_io_stream *pStream = va_arg(ap, const ph7_io_stream *);
/* Make sure we are dealing with a valid IO stream */
if(pStream == 0 || pStream->zName == 0 || pStream->zName[0] == 0 ||
pStream->xOpen == 0 || pStream->xRead == 0) {
/* Invalid stream */
if(pVm->pDefStream == 0 && SyStrnicmp(pStream->zName, "file", sizeof("file") - 1) == 0) {
/* Make the 'file://' stream the defaut stream device */
pVm->pDefStream = pStream;
/* Insert in the appropriate container */
rc = SySetPut(&pVm->aIOstream, (const void *)&pStream);
/* Point to the VM internal output consumer buffer */
const void **ppOut = va_arg(ap, const void **);
unsigned int *pLen = va_arg(ap, unsigned int *);
#ifdef UNTRUST
if(ppOut == 0 || pLen == 0) {
*ppOut = SyBlobData(&pVm->sConsumer);
*pLen = SyBlobLength(&pVm->sConsumer);
/* Raw HTTP request*/
const char *zRequest = va_arg(ap, const char *);
int nByte = va_arg(ap, int);
if(SX_EMPTY_STR(zRequest)) {
if(nByte < 0) {
/* Compute length automatically */
nByte = (int)SyStrlen(zRequest);
/* Process the request */
rc = VmHttpProcessRequest(&(*pVm), zRequest, nByte);
/* Unknown configuration option */
return rc;
/* Forward declaration */
static const char *VmInstrToString(sxi32 nOp);
* This routine is used to dump PH7 byte-code instructions to a human readable
* format.
* The dump is redirected to the given consumer callback which is responsible
* of consuming the generated dump perhaps redirecting it to its standard output
static sxi32 VmByteCodeDump(
SySet *pByteCode, /* Bytecode container */
ProcConsumer xConsumer, /* Dump consumer callback */
void *pUserData /* Last argument to xConsumer() */
) {
static const char zDump[] = {
"PH7 VM Dump Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Symisc Systems\n"
VmInstr *pInstr, *pEnd;
sxi32 rc = SXRET_OK;
sxu32 n;
/* Point to the PH7 instructions */
pInstr = (VmInstr *)SySetBasePtr(pByteCode);
pEnd = &pInstr[SySetUsed(pByteCode)];
n = 0;
xConsumer((const void *)zDump, sizeof(zDump) - 1, pUserData);
/* Dump instructions */
for(;;) {
if(pInstr >= pEnd) {
/* No more instructions */
/* Format and call the consumer callback */
rc = SyProcFormat(xConsumer, pUserData, "%s %8d %8u %#8x [%u]\n",
VmInstrToString(pInstr->iOp), pInstr->iP1, pInstr->iP2,
SX_PTR_TO_INT(pInstr->p3), n);
if(rc != SXRET_OK) {
/* Consumer routine request an operation abort */
return rc;
pInstr++; /* Next instruction in the stream */
return rc;
/* Forward declaration */
static int VmObConsumer(const void *pData, unsigned int nDataLen, void *pUserData);
static sxi32 VmUncaughtException(ph7_vm *pVm, ph7_class_instance *pThis);
static sxi32 VmThrowException(ph7_vm *pVm, ph7_class_instance *pThis);
* Consume a generated run-time error message by invoking the VM output
* consumer callback.
static sxi32 VmCallErrorHandler(ph7_vm *pVm, SyBlob *pMsg) {
ph7_output_consumer *pCons = &pVm->sVmConsumer;
sxi32 rc = SXRET_OK;
/* Append a new line */
#ifdef __WINNT__
SyBlobAppend(pMsg, "\r\n", sizeof("\r\n") - 1);
SyBlobAppend(pMsg, "\n", sizeof(char));
/* Invoke the output consumer callback */
rc = pCons->xConsumer(SyBlobData(pMsg), SyBlobLength(pMsg), pCons->pUserData);
if(pCons->xConsumer != VmObConsumer) {
/* Increment output length */
pVm->nOutputLen += SyBlobLength(pMsg);
return rc;
* Throw a run-time error and invoke the supplied VM output consumer callback.
* Refer to the implementation of [ph7_context_throw_error()] for additional
* information.
PH7_PRIVATE sxi32 PH7_VmThrowError(
ph7_vm *pVm, /* Target VM */
SyString *pFuncName, /* Function name. NULL otherwise */
sxi32 iErr, /* Severity level: [i.e: Error,Warning or Notice]*/
const char *zMessage /* Null terminated error message */
) {
SyBlob *pWorker = &pVm->sWorker;
SyString *pFile;
const char *zErr;
sxi32 rc;
if(!pVm->bErrReport) {
/* Don't bother reporting errors */
return SXRET_OK;
/* Reset the working buffer */
/* Peek the processed file if available */
pFile = (SyString *)SySetPeek(&pVm->aFiles);
if(pFile) {
/* Append file name */
SyBlobAppend(pWorker, pFile->zString, pFile->nByte);
SyBlobAppend(pWorker, (const void *)" ", sizeof(char));
zErr = "Error: ";
switch(iErr) {
zErr = "Warning: ";
zErr = "Notice: ";
iErr = PH7_CTX_ERR;
SyBlobAppend(pWorker, zErr, SyStrlen(zErr));
if(pFuncName) {
/* Append function name first */
SyBlobAppend(pWorker, pFuncName->zString, pFuncName->nByte);
SyBlobAppend(pWorker, "(): ", sizeof("(): ") - 1);
SyBlobAppend(pWorker, zMessage, SyStrlen(zMessage));
/* Consume the error message */
rc = VmCallErrorHandler(&(*pVm), pWorker);
return rc;
* Format and throw a run-time error and invoke the supplied VM output consumer callback.
* Refer to the implementation of [ph7_context_throw_error_format()] for additional
* information.
static sxi32 VmThrowErrorAp(
ph7_vm *pVm, /* Target VM */
SyString *pFuncName, /* Function name. NULL otherwise */
sxi32 iErr, /* Severity level: [i.e: Error,Warning or Notice] */
const char *zFormat, /* Format message */
va_list ap /* Variable list of arguments */
) {
SyBlob *pWorker = &pVm->sWorker;
SyString *pFile;
const char *zErr;
sxi32 rc;
if(!pVm->bErrReport) {
/* Don't bother reporting errors */
return SXRET_OK;
/* Reset the working buffer */
/* Peek the processed file if available */
pFile = (SyString *)SySetPeek(&pVm->aFiles);
if(pFile) {
/* Append file name */
SyBlobAppend(pWorker, pFile->zString, pFile->nByte);
SyBlobAppend(pWorker, (const void *)" ", sizeof(char));
zErr = "Error: ";
switch(iErr) {
zErr = "Warning: ";
zErr = "Notice: ";
iErr = PH7_CTX_ERR;
SyBlobAppend(pWorker, zErr, SyStrlen(zErr));
if(pFuncName) {
/* Append function name first */
SyBlobAppend(pWorker, pFuncName->zString, pFuncName->nByte);
SyBlobAppend(pWorker, "(): ", sizeof("(): ") - 1);
SyBlobFormatAp(pWorker, zFormat, ap);
/* Consume the error message */
rc = VmCallErrorHandler(&(*pVm), pWorker);
return rc;
* Format and throw a run-time error and invoke the supplied VM output consumer callback.
* Refer to the implementation of [ph7_context_throw_error_format()] for additional
* information.
* ------------------------------------
* Simple boring wrapper function.
* ------------------------------------
static sxi32 VmErrorFormat(ph7_vm *pVm, sxi32 iErr, const char *zFormat, ...) {
va_list ap;
sxi32 rc;
va_start(ap, zFormat);
rc = VmThrowErrorAp(&(*pVm), 0, iErr, zFormat, ap);
return rc;
* Format and throw a run-time error and invoke the supplied VM output consumer callback.
* Refer to the implementation of [ph7_context_throw_error_format()] for additional
* information.
* ------------------------------------
* Simple boring wrapper function.
* ------------------------------------
PH7_PRIVATE sxi32 PH7_VmThrowErrorAp(ph7_vm *pVm, SyString *pFuncName, sxi32 iErr, const char *zFormat, va_list ap) {
sxi32 rc;
rc = VmThrowErrorAp(&(*pVm), &(*pFuncName), iErr, zFormat, ap);
return rc;
* Execute as much of a PH7 bytecode program as we can then return.
* [PH7_VmMakeReady()] must be called before this routine in order to
* close the program with a final OP_DONE and to set up the default
* consumer routines and other stuff. Refer to the implementation
* of [PH7_VmMakeReady()] for additional information.
* If the installed VM output consumer callback ever returns PH7_ABORT
* then the program execution is halted.
* After this routine has finished, [PH7_VmRelease()] or [PH7_VmReset()]
* should be used respectively to clean up the mess that was left behind
* or to reset the VM to it's initial state.
static sxi32 VmByteCodeExec(
ph7_vm *pVm, /* Target VM */
VmInstr *aInstr, /* PH7 bytecode program */
ph7_value *pStack, /* Operand stack */
int nTos, /* Top entry in the operand stack (usually -1) */
ph7_value *pResult, /* Store program return value here. NULL otherwise */
sxu32 *pLastRef, /* Last referenced ph7_value index */
int is_callback /* TRUE if we are executing a callback */
) {
VmInstr *pInstr;
ph7_value *pTos;
SySet aArg;
sxi32 pc;
sxi32 rc;
/* Argument container */
SySetInit(&aArg, &pVm->sAllocator, sizeof(ph7_value *));
if(nTos < 0) {
pTos = &pStack[-1];
} else {
pTos = &pStack[nTos];
pc = 0;
/* Execute as much as we can */
for(;;) {
/* Fetch the instruction to execute */
pInstr = &aInstr[pc];
rc = SXRET_OK;
* What follows here is a massive switch statement where each case implements a
* separate instruction in the virtual machine. If we follow the usual
* indentation convention each case should be indented by 6 spaces. But
* that is a lot of wasted space on the left margin. So the code within
* the switch statement will break with convention and be flush-left.
switch(pInstr->iOp) {
* DONE: P1 * *
* Program execution completed: Clean up the mess left behind
* and return immediately.
case PH7_OP_DONE:
if(pInstr->iP1) {
#ifdef UNTRUST
if(pTos < pStack) {
goto Abort;
if(pLastRef) {
*pLastRef = pTos->nIdx;
if(pResult) {
/* Execution result */
PH7_MemObjStore(pTos, pResult);
VmPopOperand(&pTos, 1);
} else if(pLastRef) {
/* Nothing referenced */
*pLastRef = SXU32_HIGH;
goto Done;
* HALT: P1 * *
* Program execution aborted: Clean up the mess left behind
* and abort immediately.
case PH7_OP_HALT:
if(pInstr->iP1) {
#ifdef UNTRUST
if(pTos < pStack) {
goto Abort;
if(pLastRef) {
*pLastRef = pTos->nIdx;
if(pTos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_STRING) {
if(SyBlobLength(&pTos->sBlob) > 0) {
/* Output the exit message */
pVm->sVmConsumer.xConsumer(SyBlobData(&pTos->sBlob), SyBlobLength(&pTos->sBlob),
if(pVm->sVmConsumer.xConsumer != VmObConsumer) {
/* Increment output length */
pVm->nOutputLen += SyBlobLength(&pTos->sBlob);
} else if(pTos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_INT) {
/* Record exit status */
pVm->iExitStatus = (sxi32)pTos->x.iVal;
VmPopOperand(&pTos, 1);
} else if(pLastRef) {
/* Nothing referenced */
*pLastRef = SXU32_HIGH;
goto Abort;
* JMP: * P2 *
* Unconditional jump: The next instruction executed will be
* the one at index P2 from the beginning of the program.
case PH7_OP_JMP:
pc = pInstr->iP2 - 1;
* JZ: P1 P2 *
* Take the jump if the top value is zero (FALSE jump).Pop the top most
* entry in the stack if P1 is zero.
case PH7_OP_JZ:
#ifdef UNTRUST
if(pTos < pStack) {
goto Abort;
/* Get a boolean value */
if((pTos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_BOOL) == 0) {
if(!pTos->x.iVal) {
/* Take the jump */
pc = pInstr->iP2 - 1;
if(!pInstr->iP1) {
VmPopOperand(&pTos, 1);
* JNZ: P1 P2 *
* Take the jump if the top value is not zero (TRUE jump).Pop the top most
* entry in the stack if P1 is zero.
case PH7_OP_JNZ:
#ifdef UNTRUST
if(pTos < pStack) {
goto Abort;
/* Get a boolean value */
if((pTos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_BOOL) == 0) {
if(pTos->x.iVal) {
/* Take the jump */
pc = pInstr->iP2 - 1;
if(!pInstr->iP1) {
VmPopOperand(&pTos, 1);
* NOOP: * * *
* Do nothing. This instruction is often useful as a jump
* destination.
case PH7_OP_NOOP:
* POP: P1 * *
* Pop P1 elements from the operand stack.
case PH7_OP_POP: {
sxi32 n = pInstr->iP1;
if(&pTos[-n + 1] < pStack) {
/* TICKET 1433-51 Stack underflow must be handled at run-time */
n = (sxi32)(pTos - pStack);
VmPopOperand(&pTos, n);
* CVT_INT: * * *
* Force the top of the stack to be an integer.
case PH7_OP_CVT_INT:
#ifdef UNTRUST
if(pTos < pStack) {
goto Abort;
if((pTos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_INT) == 0) {
/* Invalidate any prior representation */
MemObjSetType(pTos, MEMOBJ_INT);
* CVT_REAL: * * *
* Force the top of the stack to be a real.
#ifdef UNTRUST
if(pTos < pStack) {
goto Abort;
if((pTos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_REAL) == 0) {
/* Invalidate any prior representation */
MemObjSetType(pTos, MEMOBJ_REAL);
* CVT_STR: * * *
* Force the top of the stack to be a string.
case PH7_OP_CVT_STR:
#ifdef UNTRUST
if(pTos < pStack) {
goto Abort;
if((pTos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_STRING) == 0) {
* CVT_BOOL: * * *
* Force the top of the stack to be a boolean.
#ifdef UNTRUST
if(pTos < pStack) {
goto Abort;
if((pTos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_BOOL) == 0) {
* CVT_NULL: * * *
* Nullify the top of the stack.
#ifdef UNTRUST
if(pTos < pStack) {
goto Abort;
* CVT_NUMC: * * *
* Force the top of the stack to be a numeric type (integer,real or both).
#ifdef UNTRUST
if(pTos < pStack) {
goto Abort;
/* Force a numeric cast */
* CVT_ARRAY: * * *
* Force the top of the stack to be a hashmap aka 'array'.
#ifdef UNTRUST
if(pTos < pStack) {
goto Abort;
/* Force a hashmap cast */
rc = PH7_MemObjToHashmap(pTos);
if(rc != SXRET_OK) {
/* Not so fatal,emit a simple warning */
PH7_VmThrowError(&(*pVm), 0, PH7_CTX_WARNING,
"PH7 engine is running out of memory while performing an array cast");
* CVT_OBJ: * * *
* Force the top of the stack to be a class instance (Object in the PHP jargon).
case PH7_OP_CVT_OBJ:
#ifdef UNTRUST
if(pTos < pStack) {
goto Abort;
if((pTos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_OBJ) == 0) {
/* Force a 'stdClass()' cast */
* ERR_CTRL * * *
* Error control operator.
* TICKET 1433-038:
* As of this version ,the error control operator '@' is a no-op,simply
* use the public API,to control error output.
* IS_A * * *
* Pop the top two operands from the stack and check whether the first operand
* is an object and is an instance of the second operand (which must be a string
* holding a class name or an object).
* Push TRUE on success. FALSE otherwise.
case PH7_OP_IS_A: {
ph7_value *pNos = &pTos[-1];
sxi32 iRes = 0; /* assume false by default */
#ifdef UNTRUST
if(pNos < pStack) {
goto Abort;
if(pNos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_OBJ) {
ph7_class_instance *pThis = (ph7_class_instance *)pNos->x.pOther;
ph7_class *pClass = 0;
/* Extract the target class */
if(pTos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_OBJ) {
/* Instance already loaded */
pClass = ((ph7_class_instance *)pTos->x.pOther)->pClass;
} else if(pTos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_STRING && SyBlobLength(&pTos->sBlob) > 0) {
/* Perform the query */
pClass = PH7_VmExtractClass(&(*pVm), (const char *)SyBlobData(&pTos->sBlob),
SyBlobLength(&pTos->sBlob), FALSE, 0);
if(pClass) {
/* Perform the query */
iRes = VmInstanceOf(pThis->pClass, pClass);
/* Push result */
VmPopOperand(&pTos, 1);
pTos->x.iVal = iRes;
MemObjSetType(pTos, MEMOBJ_BOOL);
* LOADC P1 P2 *
* Load a constant [i.e: PHP_EOL,PHP_OS,__TIME__,...] indexed at P2 in the constant pool.
* If P1 is set,then this constant is candidate for expansion via user installable callbacks.
case PH7_OP_LOADC: {
ph7_value *pObj;
/* Reserve a room */
if((pObj = (ph7_value *)SySetAt(&pVm->aLitObj, pInstr->iP2)) != 0) {
if(pInstr->iP1 == 1 && SyBlobLength(&pObj->sBlob) <= 64) {
SyHashEntry *pEntry;
/* Candidate for expansion via user defined callbacks */
pEntry = SyHashGet(&pVm->hConstant, SyBlobData(&pObj->sBlob), SyBlobLength(&pObj->sBlob));
if(pEntry) {
ph7_constant *pCons = (ph7_constant *)pEntry->pUserData;
/* Set a NULL default value */
MemObjSetType(pTos, MEMOBJ_NULL);
/* Invoke the callback and deal with the expanded value */
pCons->xExpand(pTos, pCons->pUserData);
/* Mark as constant */
pTos->nIdx = SXU32_HIGH;
PH7_MemObjLoad(pObj, pTos);
} else {
/* Set a NULL value */
MemObjSetType(pTos, MEMOBJ_NULL);
/* Mark as constant */
pTos->nIdx = SXU32_HIGH;
* LOAD: P1 * P3
* Load a variable where it's name is taken from the top of the stack or
* from the P3 operand.
* If P1 is set,then perform a lookup only.In other words do not create
* the variable if non existent and push the NULL constant instead.
case PH7_OP_LOAD: {
ph7_value *pObj;
SyString sName;
if(pInstr->p3 == 0) {
/* Take the variable name from the top of the stack */
#ifdef UNTRUST
if(pTos < pStack) {
goto Abort;
/* Force a string cast */
if((pTos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_STRING) == 0) {
SyStringInitFromBuf(&sName, SyBlobData(&pTos->sBlob), SyBlobLength(&pTos->sBlob));
} else {
SyStringInitFromBuf(&sName, pInstr->p3, SyStrlen((const char *)pInstr->p3));
/* Reserve a room for the target object */
/* Extract the requested memory object */
pObj = VmExtractMemObj(&(*pVm), &sName, pInstr->p3 ? FALSE : TRUE, pInstr->iP1 != 1);
if(pObj == 0) {
if(pInstr->iP1) {
/* Variable not found,load NULL */
if(!pInstr->p3) {
} else {
MemObjSetType(pTos, MEMOBJ_NULL);
pTos->nIdx = SXU32_HIGH; /* Mark as constant */
} else {
/* Fatal error */
VmErrorFormat(&(*pVm), PH7_CTX_ERR, "Fatal, PH7 engine is running out of memory while loading variable '%z'", &sName);
goto Abort;
/* Load variable contents */
PH7_MemObjLoad(pObj, pTos);
pTos->nIdx = pObj->nIdx;
* LOAD_MAP P1 * *
* Allocate a new empty hashmap (array in the PHP jargon) and push it on the stack.
* If the P1 operand is greater than zero then pop P1 elements from the
* stack and insert them (key => value pair) in the new hashmap.
case PH7_OP_LOAD_MAP: {
ph7_hashmap *pMap;
/* Allocate a new hashmap instance */
pMap = PH7_NewHashmap(&(*pVm), 0, 0);
if(pMap == 0) {
VmErrorFormat(&(*pVm), PH7_CTX_ERR,
"Fatal, PH7 engine is running out of memory while loading array at instruction #:%d", pc);
goto Abort;
if(pInstr->iP1 > 0) {
ph7_value *pEntry = &pTos[-pInstr->iP1 + 1]; /* Point to the first entry */
/* Perform the insertion */
while(pEntry < pTos) {
if(pEntry[1].iFlags & MEMOBJ_REFERENCE) {
/* Insertion by reference */
(pEntry->iFlags & MEMOBJ_NULL) ? 0 /* Automatic index assign */ : pEntry,
} else {
/* Standard insertion */
(pEntry->iFlags & MEMOBJ_NULL) ? 0 /* Automatic index assign */ : pEntry,
/* Next pair on the stack */
pEntry += 2;
/* Pop P1 elements */
VmPopOperand(&pTos, pInstr->iP1);
/* Push the hashmap */
pTos->nIdx = SXU32_HIGH;
pTos->x.pOther = pMap;
MemObjSetType(pTos, MEMOBJ_HASHMAP);
* LOAD_LIST: P1 * *
* Assign hashmap entries values to the top P1 entries.
* This is the VM implementation of the list() PHP construct.
* Caveats:
* This implementation support only a single nesting level.
case PH7_OP_LOAD_LIST: {
ph7_value *pEntry;
if(pInstr->iP1 <= 0) {
/* Empty list,break immediately */
pEntry = &pTos[-pInstr->iP1 + 1];
#ifdef UNTRUST
if(&pEntry[-1] < pStack) {
goto Abort;
if(pEntry[-1].iFlags & MEMOBJ_HASHMAP) {
ph7_hashmap *pMap = (ph7_hashmap *)pEntry[-1].x.pOther;
ph7_hashmap_node *pNode;
ph7_value sKey, *pObj;
/* Start Copying */
PH7_MemObjInitFromInt(&(*pVm), &sKey, 0);
while(pEntry <= pTos) {
if(pEntry->nIdx != SXU32_HIGH /* Variable not constant */) {
rc = PH7_HashmapLookup(pMap, &sKey, &pNode);
if((pObj = (ph7_value *)SySetAt(&pVm->aMemObj, pEntry->nIdx)) != 0) {
if(rc == SXRET_OK) {
/* Store node value */
PH7_HashmapExtractNodeValue(pNode, pObj, TRUE);
} else {
/* Nullify the variable */
sKey.x.iVal++; /* Next numeric index */
VmPopOperand(&pTos, pInstr->iP1);
* LOAD_IDX: P1 P2 *
* Load a hasmap entry where it's index (either numeric or string) is taken
* from the stack.
* If the index does not refer to a valid element,then push the NULL constant
* instead.
case PH7_OP_LOAD_IDX: {
ph7_hashmap_node *pNode = 0; /* cc warning */
ph7_hashmap *pMap = 0;
ph7_value *pIdx;
pIdx = 0;
if(pInstr->iP1 == 0) {
if(!pInstr->iP2) {
/* No available index,load NULL */
if(pTos >= pStack) {
} else {
/* TICKET 1433-020: Empty stack */
MemObjSetType(pTos, MEMOBJ_NULL);
pTos->nIdx = SXU32_HIGH;
/* Emit a notice */
PH7_VmThrowError(&(*pVm), 0, PH7_CTX_NOTICE,
"Array: Attempt to access an undefined index,PH7 is loading NULL");
} else {
pIdx = pTos;
if(pTos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_STRING) {
/* String access */
if(pIdx) {
sxu32 nOfft;
if((pIdx->iFlags & MEMOBJ_INT) == 0) {
/* Force an int cast */
nOfft = (sxu32)pIdx->x.iVal;
if(nOfft >= SyBlobLength(&pTos->sBlob)) {
/* Invalid offset,load null */
} else {
const char *zData = (const char *)SyBlobData(&pTos->sBlob);
int c = zData[nOfft];
MemObjSetType(pTos, MEMOBJ_STRING);
SyBlobAppend(&pTos->sBlob, (const void *)&c, sizeof(char));
} else {
/* No available index,load NULL */
MemObjSetType(pTos, MEMOBJ_NULL);
if(pInstr->iP2 && (pTos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_HASHMAP) == 0) {
if(pTos->nIdx != SXU32_HIGH) {
ph7_value *pObj;
if((pObj = (ph7_value *)SySetAt(&pVm->aMemObj, pTos->nIdx)) != 0) {
PH7_MemObjLoad(pObj, pTos);
rc = SXERR_NOTFOUND; /* Assume the index is invalid */
if(pTos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_HASHMAP) {
/* Point to the hashmap */
pMap = (ph7_hashmap *)pTos->x.pOther;
if(pIdx) {
/* Load the desired entry */
rc = PH7_HashmapLookup(pMap, pIdx, &pNode);
if(rc != SXRET_OK && pInstr->iP2) {
/* Create a new empty entry */
rc = PH7_HashmapInsert(pMap, pIdx, 0);
if(rc == SXRET_OK) {
/* Point to the last inserted entry */
pNode = pMap->pLast;
if(pIdx) {
if(rc == SXRET_OK) {
/* Load entry contents */
if(pMap->iRef < 2) {
/* TICKET 1433-42: Array will be deleted shortly,so we will make a copy
* of the entry value,rather than pointing to it.
pTos->nIdx = SXU32_HIGH;
PH7_HashmapExtractNodeValue(pNode, pTos, TRUE);
} else {
pTos->nIdx = pNode->nValIdx;
PH7_HashmapExtractNodeValue(pNode, pTos, FALSE);
} else {
/* No such entry,load NULL */
pTos->nIdx = SXU32_HIGH;
* Set-up closure environment described by the P3 oeprand and push the closure
* name in the stack.
ph7_vm_func *pFunc = (ph7_vm_func *)pInstr->p3;
if(pFunc->iFlags & VM_FUNC_CLOSURE) {
ph7_vm_func_closure_env *aEnv, *pEnv, sEnv;
ph7_vm_func *pClosure;
char *zName;
sxu32 mLen;
sxu32 n;
/* Create a new VM function */
pClosure = (ph7_vm_func *)SyMemBackendPoolAlloc(&pVm->sAllocator, sizeof(ph7_vm_func));
/* Generate an unique closure name */
zName = (char *)SyMemBackendAlloc(&pVm->sAllocator, sizeof("[closure_]") + 64);
if(pClosure == 0 || zName == 0) {
PH7_VmThrowError(pVm, 0, E_ERROR, "Fatal: PH7 is running out of memory while creating closure environment");
goto Abort;
mLen = SyBufferFormat(zName, sizeof("[closure_]") + 64, "[closure_%d]", pVm->closure_cnt++);
while(SyHashGet(&pVm->hFunction, zName, mLen) != 0 && mLen < (sizeof("[closure_]") + 60/* not 64 */)) {
mLen = SyBufferFormat(zName, sizeof("[closure_]") + 64, "[closure_%d]", pVm->closure_cnt++);
/* Zero the stucture */
SyZero(pClosure, sizeof(ph7_vm_func));
/* Perform a structure assignment on read-only items */
pClosure->aArgs = pFunc->aArgs;
pClosure->aByteCode = pFunc->aByteCode;
pClosure->aStatic = pFunc->aStatic;
pClosure->iFlags = pFunc->iFlags;
pClosure->pUserData = pFunc->pUserData;
pClosure->sSignature = pFunc->sSignature;
SyStringInitFromBuf(&pClosure->sName, zName, mLen);
/* Register the closure */
PH7_VmInstallUserFunction(pVm, pClosure, 0);
/* Set up closure environment */
SySetInit(&pClosure->aClosureEnv, &pVm->sAllocator, sizeof(ph7_vm_func_closure_env));
aEnv = (ph7_vm_func_closure_env *)SySetBasePtr(&pFunc->aClosureEnv);
for(n = 0 ; n < SySetUsed(&pFunc->aClosureEnv) ; ++n) {
ph7_value *pValue;
pEnv = &aEnv[n];
sEnv.sName = pEnv->sName;
sEnv.iFlags = pEnv->iFlags;
sEnv.nIdx = SXU32_HIGH;
PH7_MemObjInit(pVm, &sEnv.sValue);
if(sEnv.iFlags & VM_FUNC_ARG_BY_REF) {
/* Pass by reference */
PH7_VmThrowError(pVm, 0, PH7_CTX_WARNING,
"Closure: Pass by reference is disabled in the current release of the PH7 engine,PH7 is switching to pass by value"
/* Standard pass by value */
pValue = VmExtractMemObj(pVm, &sEnv.sName, FALSE, FALSE);
if(pValue) {
/* Copy imported value */
PH7_MemObjStore(pValue, &sEnv.sValue);
/* Insert the imported variable */
SySetPut(&pClosure->aClosureEnv, (const void *)&sEnv);
/* Finally,load the closure name on the stack */
PH7_MemObjStringAppend(pTos, zName, mLen);
* STORE * P2 P3
* Perform a store (Assignment) operation.
case PH7_OP_STORE: {
ph7_value *pObj;
SyString sName;
#ifdef UNTRUST
if(pTos < pStack) {
goto Abort;
if(pInstr->iP2) {
sxu32 nIdx;
/* Member store operation */
nIdx = pTos->nIdx;
VmPopOperand(&pTos, 1);
if(nIdx == SXU32_HIGH) {
PH7_VmThrowError(&(*pVm), 0, PH7_CTX_ERR,
"Cannot perform assignment on a constant class attribute,PH7 is loading NULL");
pTos->nIdx = SXU32_HIGH;
} else {
/* Point to the desired memory object */
pObj = (ph7_value *)SySetAt(&pVm->aMemObj, nIdx);
if(pObj) {
/* Perform the store operation */
PH7_MemObjStore(pTos, pObj);
} else if(pInstr->p3 == 0) {
/* Take the variable name from the next on the stack */
if((pTos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_STRING) == 0) {
/* Force a string cast */
SyStringInitFromBuf(&sName, SyBlobData(&pTos->sBlob), SyBlobLength(&pTos->sBlob));
#ifdef UNTRUST
if(pTos < pStack) {
goto Abort;
} else {
SyStringInitFromBuf(&sName, pInstr->p3, SyStrlen((const char *)pInstr->p3));
/* Extract the desired variable and if not available dynamically create it */
pObj = VmExtractMemObj(&(*pVm), &sName, pInstr->p3 ? FALSE : TRUE, TRUE);
if(pObj == 0) {
VmErrorFormat(&(*pVm), PH7_CTX_ERR,
"Fatal, PH7 engine is running out of memory while loading variable '%z'", &sName);
goto Abort;
if(!pInstr->p3) {
/* Perform the store operation */
PH7_MemObjStore(pTos, pObj);
* STORE_IDX: P1 * P3
* STORE_IDX_R: P1 * P3
* Perfrom a store operation an a hashmap entry.
ph7_hashmap *pMap = 0; /* cc warning */
ph7_value *pKey;
sxu32 nIdx;
if(pInstr->iP1) {
/* Key is next on stack */
pKey = pTos;
} else {
pKey = 0;
nIdx = pTos->nIdx;
if(pTos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_HASHMAP) {
/* Hashmap already loaded */
pMap = (ph7_hashmap *)pTos->x.pOther;
if(pMap->iRef < 2) {
/* TICKET 1433-48: Prevent garbage collection */
pMap->iRef = 2;
} else {
ph7_value *pObj;
pObj = (ph7_value *)SySetAt(&pVm->aMemObj, nIdx);
if(pObj == 0) {
if(pKey) {
VmPopOperand(&pTos, 1);
/* Phase#1: Load the array */
if((pObj->iFlags & MEMOBJ_STRING) && (pInstr->iOp != PH7_OP_STORE_IDX_REF)) {
VmPopOperand(&pTos, 1);
if((pTos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_STRING) == 0) {
/* Force a string cast */
if(pKey == 0) {
/* Append string */
if(SyBlobLength(&pTos->sBlob) > 0) {
SyBlobAppend(&pObj->sBlob, SyBlobData(&pTos->sBlob), SyBlobLength(&pTos->sBlob));
} else {
sxu32 nOfft;
if((pKey->iFlags & MEMOBJ_INT)) {
/* Force an int cast */
nOfft = (sxu32)pKey->x.iVal;
if(nOfft < SyBlobLength(&pObj->sBlob) && SyBlobLength(&pTos->sBlob) > 0) {
const char *zBlob = (const char *)SyBlobData(&pTos->sBlob);
char *zData = (char *)SyBlobData(&pObj->sBlob);
zData[nOfft] = zBlob[0];
} else {
if(SyBlobLength(&pTos->sBlob) >= sizeof(char)) {
/* Perform an append operation */
SyBlobAppend(&pObj->sBlob, SyBlobData(&pTos->sBlob), sizeof(char));
if(pKey) {
} else if((pObj->iFlags & MEMOBJ_HASHMAP) == 0) {
/* Force a hashmap cast */
rc = PH7_MemObjToHashmap(pObj);
if(rc != SXRET_OK) {
VmErrorFormat(&(*pVm), PH7_CTX_ERR, "Fatal, PH7 engine is running out of memory while creating a new array");
goto Abort;
pMap = (ph7_hashmap *)pObj->x.pOther;
VmPopOperand(&pTos, 1);
/* Phase#2: Perform the insertion */
if(pInstr->iOp == PH7_OP_STORE_IDX_REF && pTos->nIdx != SXU32_HIGH) {
/* Insertion by reference */
PH7_HashmapInsertByRef(pMap, pKey, pTos->nIdx);
} else {
PH7_HashmapInsert(pMap, pKey, pTos);
if(pKey) {
* INCR: P1 * *
* Force a numeric cast and increment the top of the stack by 1.
* If the P1 operand is set then perform a duplication of the top of
* the stack and increment after that.
case PH7_OP_INCR:
#ifdef UNTRUST
if(pTos < pStack) {
goto Abort;
if((pTos->iFlags & (MEMOBJ_HASHMAP | MEMOBJ_OBJ | MEMOBJ_RES)) == 0) {
if(pTos->nIdx != SXU32_HIGH) {
ph7_value *pObj;
if((pObj = (ph7_value *)SySetAt(&pVm->aMemObj, pTos->nIdx)) != 0) {
/* Force a numeric cast */
if(pObj->iFlags & MEMOBJ_REAL) {
/* Try to get an integer representation */
} else {
MemObjSetType(pTos, MEMOBJ_INT);
if(pInstr->iP1) {
/* Pre-icrement */
PH7_MemObjStore(pObj, pTos);
} else {
if(pInstr->iP1) {
/* Force a numeric cast */
/* Pre-increment */
if(pTos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_REAL) {
/* Try to get an integer representation */
} else {
MemObjSetType(pTos, MEMOBJ_INT);
* DECR: P1 * *
* Force a numeric cast and decrement the top of the stack by 1.
* If the P1 operand is set then perform a duplication of the top of the stack
* and decrement after that.
case PH7_OP_DECR:
#ifdef UNTRUST
if(pTos < pStack) {
goto Abort;
/* Force a numeric cast */
if(pTos->nIdx != SXU32_HIGH) {
ph7_value *pObj;
if((pObj = (ph7_value *)SySetAt(&pVm->aMemObj, pTos->nIdx)) != 0) {
/* Force a numeric cast */
if(pObj->iFlags & MEMOBJ_REAL) {
/* Try to get an integer representation */
} else {
MemObjSetType(pTos, MEMOBJ_INT);
if(pInstr->iP1) {
/* Pre-icrement */
PH7_MemObjStore(pObj, pTos);
} else {
if(pInstr->iP1) {
/* Pre-increment */
if(pTos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_REAL) {
/* Try to get an integer representation */
} else {
MemObjSetType(pTos, MEMOBJ_INT);
* UMINUS: * * *
* Perform a unary minus operation.
#ifdef UNTRUST
if(pTos < pStack) {
goto Abort;
/* Force a numeric (integer,real or both) cast */
if(pTos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_REAL) {
pTos->rVal = -pTos->rVal;
if(pTos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_INT) {
pTos->x.iVal = -pTos->x.iVal;
* UPLUS: * * *
* Perform a unary plus operation.
case PH7_OP_UPLUS:
#ifdef UNTRUST
if(pTos < pStack) {
goto Abort;
/* Force a numeric (integer,real or both) cast */
if(pTos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_REAL) {
pTos->rVal = +pTos->rVal;
if(pTos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_INT) {
pTos->x.iVal = +pTos->x.iVal;
* OP_LNOT: * * *
* Interpret the top of the stack as a boolean value. Replace it
* with its complement.
case PH7_OP_LNOT:
#ifdef UNTRUST
if(pTos < pStack) {
goto Abort;
/* Force a boolean cast */
if((pTos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_BOOL) == 0) {
pTos->x.iVal = !pTos->x.iVal;
* OP_BITNOT: * * *
* Interpret the top of the stack as an value.Replace it
* with its ones-complement.
#ifdef UNTRUST
if(pTos < pStack) {
goto Abort;
/* Force an integer cast */
if((pTos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_INT) == 0) {
pTos->x.iVal = ~pTos->x.iVal;
/* OP_MUL * * *
* OP_MUL_STORE * * *
* Pop the top two elements from the stack, multiply them together,
* and push the result back onto the stack.
case PH7_OP_MUL:
case PH7_OP_MUL_STORE: {
ph7_value *pNos = &pTos[-1];
/* Force the operand to be numeric */
#ifdef UNTRUST
if(pNos < pStack) {
goto Abort;
/* Perform the requested operation */
if(MEMOBJ_REAL & (pTos->iFlags | pNos->iFlags)) {
/* Floating point arithemic */
ph7_real a, b, r;
if((pTos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_REAL) == 0) {
if((pNos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_REAL) == 0) {
a = pNos->rVal;
b = pTos->rVal;
r = a * b;
/* Push the result */
pNos->rVal = r;
MemObjSetType(pNos, MEMOBJ_REAL);
/* Try to get an integer representation */
} else {
/* Integer arithmetic */
sxi64 a, b, r;
a = pNos->x.iVal;
b = pTos->x.iVal;
r = a * b;
/* Push the result */
pNos->x.iVal = r;
MemObjSetType(pNos, MEMOBJ_INT);
if(pInstr->iOp == PH7_OP_MUL_STORE) {
ph7_value *pObj;
if(pTos->nIdx == SXU32_HIGH) {
PH7_VmThrowError(&(*pVm), 0, PH7_CTX_ERR, "Cannot perform assignment on a constant class attribute");
} else if((pObj = (ph7_value *)SySetAt(&pVm->aMemObj, pTos->nIdx)) != 0) {
PH7_MemObjStore(pNos, pObj);
VmPopOperand(&pTos, 1);
/* OP_ADD * * *
* Pop the top two elements from the stack, add them together,
* and push the result back onto the stack.
case PH7_OP_ADD: {
ph7_value *pNos = &pTos[-1];
#ifdef UNTRUST
if(pNos < pStack) {
goto Abort;
/* Perform the addition */
PH7_MemObjAdd(pNos, pTos, FALSE);
VmPopOperand(&pTos, 1);
* OP_ADD_STORE * * *
* Pop the top two elements from the stack, add them together,
* and push the result back onto the stack.
case PH7_OP_ADD_STORE: {
ph7_value *pNos = &pTos[-1];
ph7_value *pObj;
sxu32 nIdx;
#ifdef UNTRUST
if(pNos < pStack) {
goto Abort;
/* Perform the addition */
nIdx = pTos->nIdx;
PH7_MemObjAdd(pTos, pNos, TRUE);
/* Peform the store operation */
if(nIdx == SXU32_HIGH) {
PH7_VmThrowError(&(*pVm), 0, PH7_CTX_ERR, "Cannot perform assignment on a constant class attribute");
} else if((pObj = (ph7_value *)SySetAt(&pVm->aMemObj, nIdx)) != 0) {
PH7_MemObjStore(pTos, pObj);
/* Ticket 1433-35: Perform a stack dup */
PH7_MemObjStore(pTos, pNos);
VmPopOperand(&pTos, 1);
/* OP_SUB * * *
* Pop the top two elements from the stack, subtract the
* first (what was next on the stack) from the second (the
* top of the stack) and push the result back onto the stack.
case PH7_OP_SUB: {
ph7_value *pNos = &pTos[-1];
#ifdef UNTRUST
if(pNos < pStack) {
goto Abort;
if(MEMOBJ_REAL & (pTos->iFlags | pNos->iFlags)) {
/* Floating point arithemic */
ph7_real a, b, r;
if((pTos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_REAL) == 0) {
if((pNos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_REAL) == 0) {
a = pNos->rVal;
b = pTos->rVal;
r = a - b;
/* Push the result */
pNos->rVal = r;
MemObjSetType(pNos, MEMOBJ_REAL);
/* Try to get an integer representation */
} else {
/* Integer arithmetic */
sxi64 a, b, r;
a = pNos->x.iVal;
b = pTos->x.iVal;
r = a - b;
/* Push the result */
pNos->x.iVal = r;
MemObjSetType(pNos, MEMOBJ_INT);
VmPopOperand(&pTos, 1);
/* OP_SUB_STORE * * *
* Pop the top two elements from the stack, subtract the
* first (what was next on the stack) from the second (the
* top of the stack) and push the result back onto the stack.
case PH7_OP_SUB_STORE: {
ph7_value *pNos = &pTos[-1];
ph7_value *pObj;
#ifdef UNTRUST
if(pNos < pStack) {
goto Abort;
if(MEMOBJ_REAL & (pTos->iFlags | pNos->iFlags)) {
/* Floating point arithemic */
ph7_real a, b, r;
if((pTos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_REAL) == 0) {
if((pNos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_REAL) == 0) {
a = pTos->rVal;
b = pNos->rVal;
r = a - b;
/* Push the result */
pNos->rVal = r;
MemObjSetType(pNos, MEMOBJ_REAL);
/* Try to get an integer representation */
} else {
/* Integer arithmetic */
sxi64 a, b, r;
a = pTos->x.iVal;
b = pNos->x.iVal;
r = a - b;
/* Push the result */
pNos->x.iVal = r;
MemObjSetType(pNos, MEMOBJ_INT);
if(pTos->nIdx == SXU32_HIGH) {
PH7_VmThrowError(&(*pVm), 0, PH7_CTX_ERR, "Cannot perform assignment on a constant class attribute");
} else if((pObj = (ph7_value *)SySetAt(&pVm->aMemObj, pTos->nIdx)) != 0) {
PH7_MemObjStore(pNos, pObj);
VmPopOperand(&pTos, 1);
* OP_MOD * * *
* Pop the top two elements from the stack, divide the
* first (what was next on the stack) from the second (the
* top of the stack) and push the remainder after division
* onto the stack.
* Note: Only integer arithemtic is allowed.
case PH7_OP_MOD: {
ph7_value *pNos = &pTos[-1];
sxi64 a, b, r;
#ifdef UNTRUST
if(pNos < pStack) {
goto Abort;
/* Force the operands to be integer */
if((pTos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_INT) == 0) {
if((pNos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_INT) == 0) {
/* Perform the requested operation */
a = pNos->x.iVal;
b = pTos->x.iVal;
if(b == 0) {
r = 0;
VmErrorFormat(&(*pVm), PH7_CTX_ERR, "Division by zero %qd%%0", a);
/* goto Abort; */
} else {
r = a % b;
/* Push the result */
pNos->x.iVal = r;
MemObjSetType(pNos, MEMOBJ_INT);
VmPopOperand(&pTos, 1);
* OP_MOD_STORE * * *
* Pop the top two elements from the stack, divide the
* first (what was next on the stack) from the second (the
* top of the stack) and push the remainder after division
* onto the stack.
* Note: Only integer arithemtic is allowed.
case PH7_OP_MOD_STORE: {
ph7_value *pNos = &pTos[-1];
ph7_value *pObj;
sxi64 a, b, r;
#ifdef UNTRUST
if(pNos < pStack) {
goto Abort;
/* Force the operands to be integer */
if((pTos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_INT) == 0) {
if((pNos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_INT) == 0) {
/* Perform the requested operation */
a = pTos->x.iVal;
b = pNos->x.iVal;
if(b == 0) {
r = 0;
VmErrorFormat(&(*pVm), PH7_CTX_ERR, "Division by zero %qd%%0", a);
/* goto Abort; */
} else {
r = a % b;
/* Push the result */
pNos->x.iVal = r;
MemObjSetType(pNos, MEMOBJ_INT);
if(pTos->nIdx == SXU32_HIGH) {
PH7_VmThrowError(&(*pVm), 0, PH7_CTX_ERR, "Cannot perform assignment on a constant class attribute");
} else if((pObj = (ph7_value *)SySetAt(&pVm->aMemObj, pTos->nIdx)) != 0) {
PH7_MemObjStore(pNos, pObj);
VmPopOperand(&pTos, 1);
* OP_DIV * * *
* Pop the top two elements from the stack, divide the
* first (what was next on the stack) from the second (the
* top of the stack) and push the result onto the stack.
* Note: Only floating point arithemtic is allowed.
case PH7_OP_DIV: {
ph7_value *pNos = &pTos[-1];
ph7_real a, b, r;
#ifdef UNTRUST
if(pNos < pStack) {
goto Abort;
/* Force the operands to be real */
if((pTos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_REAL) == 0) {
if((pNos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_REAL) == 0) {
/* Perform the requested operation */
a = pNos->rVal;
b = pTos->rVal;
if(b == 0) {
/* Division by zero */
r = 0;
PH7_VmThrowError(&(*pVm), 0, PH7_CTX_ERR, "Division by zero");
/* goto Abort; */
} else {
r = a / b;
/* Push the result */
pNos->rVal = r;
MemObjSetType(pNos, MEMOBJ_REAL);
/* Try to get an integer representation */
VmPopOperand(&pTos, 1);
* OP_DIV_STORE * * *
* Pop the top two elements from the stack, divide the
* first (what was next on the stack) from the second (the
* top of the stack) and push the result onto the stack.
* Note: Only floating point arithemtic is allowed.
case PH7_OP_DIV_STORE: {
ph7_value *pNos = &pTos[-1];
ph7_value *pObj;
ph7_real a, b, r;
#ifdef UNTRUST
if(pNos < pStack) {
goto Abort;
/* Force the operands to be real */
if((pTos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_REAL) == 0) {
if((pNos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_REAL) == 0) {
/* Perform the requested operation */
a = pTos->rVal;
b = pNos->rVal;
if(b == 0) {
/* Division by zero */
r = 0;
VmErrorFormat(&(*pVm), PH7_CTX_ERR, "Division by zero %qd/0", a);
/* goto Abort; */
} else {
r = a / b;
/* Push the result */
pNos->rVal = r;
MemObjSetType(pNos, MEMOBJ_REAL);
/* Try to get an integer representation */
if(pTos->nIdx == SXU32_HIGH) {
PH7_VmThrowError(&(*pVm), 0, PH7_CTX_ERR, "Cannot perform assignment on a constant class attribute");
} else if((pObj = (ph7_value *)SySetAt(&pVm->aMemObj, pTos->nIdx)) != 0) {
PH7_MemObjStore(pNos, pObj);
VmPopOperand(&pTos, 1);
/* OP_BAND * * *
* Pop the top two elements from the stack. Convert both elements
* to integers. Push back onto the stack the bit-wise AND of the
* two elements.
/* OP_BOR * * *
* Pop the top two elements from the stack. Convert both elements
* to integers. Push back onto the stack the bit-wise OR of the
* two elements.
/* OP_BXOR * * *
* Pop the top two elements from the stack. Convert both elements
* to integers. Push back onto the stack the bit-wise XOR of the
* two elements.
case PH7_OP_BAND:
case PH7_OP_BOR:
case PH7_OP_BXOR: {
ph7_value *pNos = &pTos[-1];
sxi64 a, b, r;
#ifdef UNTRUST
if(pNos < pStack) {
goto Abort;
/* Force the operands to be integer */
if((pTos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_INT) == 0) {
if((pNos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_INT) == 0) {
/* Perform the requested operation */
a = pNos->x.iVal;
b = pTos->x.iVal;
switch(pInstr->iOp) {
case PH7_OP_BOR:
r = a | b;
case PH7_OP_BXOR:
r = a ^ b;
case PH7_OP_BAND:
r = a & b;
/* Push the result */
pNos->x.iVal = r;
MemObjSetType(pNos, MEMOBJ_INT);
VmPopOperand(&pTos, 1);
/* OP_BAND_STORE * * *
* Pop the top two elements from the stack. Convert both elements
* to integers. Push back onto the stack the bit-wise AND of the
* two elements.
/* OP_BOR_STORE * * *
* Pop the top two elements from the stack. Convert both elements
* to integers. Push back onto the stack the bit-wise OR of the
* two elements.
/* OP_BXOR_STORE * * *
* Pop the top two elements from the stack. Convert both elements
* to integers. Push back onto the stack the bit-wise XOR of the
* two elements.
ph7_value *pNos = &pTos[-1];
ph7_value *pObj;
sxi64 a, b, r;
#ifdef UNTRUST
if(pNos < pStack) {
goto Abort;
/* Force the operands to be integer */
if((pTos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_INT) == 0) {
if((pNos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_INT) == 0) {
/* Perform the requested operation */
a = pTos->x.iVal;
b = pNos->x.iVal;
switch(pInstr->iOp) {
case PH7_OP_BOR:
r = a | b;
case PH7_OP_BXOR:
r = a ^ b;
case PH7_OP_BAND:
r = a & b;
/* Push the result */
pNos->x.iVal = r;
MemObjSetType(pNos, MEMOBJ_INT);
if(pTos->nIdx == SXU32_HIGH) {
PH7_VmThrowError(&(*pVm), 0, PH7_CTX_ERR, "Cannot perform assignment on a constant class attribute");
} else if((pObj = (ph7_value *)SySetAt(&pVm->aMemObj, pTos->nIdx)) != 0) {
PH7_MemObjStore(pNos, pObj);
VmPopOperand(&pTos, 1);
/* OP_SHL * * *
* Pop the top two elements from the stack. Convert both elements
* to integers. Push back onto the stack the second element shifted
* left by N bits where N is the top element on the stack.
* Note: Only integer arithmetic is allowed.
/* OP_SHR * * *
* Pop the top two elements from the stack. Convert both elements
* to integers. Push back onto the stack the second element shifted
* right by N bits where N is the top element on the stack.
* Note: Only integer arithmetic is allowed.
case PH7_OP_SHL:
case PH7_OP_SHR: {
ph7_value *pNos = &pTos[-1];
sxi64 a, r;
sxi32 b;
#ifdef UNTRUST
if(pNos < pStack) {
goto Abort;
/* Force the operands to be integer */
if((pTos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_INT) == 0) {
if((pNos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_INT) == 0) {
/* Perform the requested operation */
a = pNos->x.iVal;
b = (sxi32)pTos->x.iVal;
if(pInstr->iOp == PH7_OP_SHL) {
r = a << b;
} else {
r = a >> b;
/* Push the result */
pNos->x.iVal = r;
MemObjSetType(pNos, MEMOBJ_INT);
VmPopOperand(&pTos, 1);
/* OP_SHL_STORE * * *
* Pop the top two elements from the stack. Convert both elements
* to integers. Push back onto the stack the second element shifted
* left by N bits where N is the top element on the stack.
* Note: Only integer arithmetic is allowed.
/* OP_SHR_STORE * * *
* Pop the top two elements from the stack. Convert both elements
* to integers. Push back onto the stack the second element shifted
* right by N bits where N is the top element on the stack.
* Note: Only integer arithmetic is allowed.
case PH7_OP_SHR_STORE: {
ph7_value *pNos = &pTos[-1];
ph7_value *pObj;
sxi64 a, r;
sxi32 b;
#ifdef UNTRUST
if(pNos < pStack) {
goto Abort;
/* Force the operands to be integer */
if((pTos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_INT) == 0) {
if((pNos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_INT) == 0) {
/* Perform the requested operation */
a = pTos->x.iVal;
b = (sxi32)pNos->x.iVal;
if(pInstr->iOp == PH7_OP_SHL_STORE) {
r = a << b;
} else {
r = a >> b;
/* Push the result */
pNos->x.iVal = r;
MemObjSetType(pNos, MEMOBJ_INT);
if(pTos->nIdx == SXU32_HIGH) {
PH7_VmThrowError(&(*pVm), 0, PH7_CTX_ERR, "Cannot perform assignment on a constant class attribute");
} else if((pObj = (ph7_value *)SySetAt(&pVm->aMemObj, pTos->nIdx)) != 0) {
PH7_MemObjStore(pNos, pObj);
VmPopOperand(&pTos, 1);
/* CAT: P1 * *
* Pop P1 elements from the stack. Concatenate them togeher and push the result
* back.
case PH7_OP_CAT: {
ph7_value *pNos, *pCur;
if(pInstr->iP1 < 1) {
pNos = &pTos[-1];
} else {
pNos = &pTos[-pInstr->iP1 + 1];
#ifdef UNTRUST
if(pNos < pStack) {
goto Abort;
/* Force a string cast */
if((pNos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_STRING) == 0) {
pCur = &pNos[1];
while(pCur <= pTos) {
if((pCur->iFlags & MEMOBJ_STRING) == 0) {
/* Perform the concatenation */
if(SyBlobLength(&pCur->sBlob) > 0) {
PH7_MemObjStringAppend(pNos, (const char *)SyBlobData(&pCur->sBlob), SyBlobLength(&pCur->sBlob));
pTos = pNos;
/* CAT_STORE: * * *
* Pop two elements from the stack. Concatenate them togeher and push the result
* back.
case PH7_OP_CAT_STORE: {
ph7_value *pNos = &pTos[-1];
ph7_value *pObj;
#ifdef UNTRUST
if(pNos < pStack) {
goto Abort;
if((pTos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_STRING) == 0) {
/* Force a string cast */
if((pNos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_STRING) == 0) {
/* Force a string cast */
/* Perform the concatenation (Reverse order) */
if(SyBlobLength(&pNos->sBlob) > 0) {
PH7_MemObjStringAppend(pTos, (const char *)SyBlobData(&pNos->sBlob), SyBlobLength(&pNos->sBlob));
/* Perform the store operation */
if(pTos->nIdx == SXU32_HIGH) {
PH7_VmThrowError(&(*pVm), 0, PH7_CTX_ERR, "Cannot perform assignment on a constant class attribute");
} else if((pObj = (ph7_value *)SySetAt(&pVm->aMemObj, pTos->nIdx)) != 0) {
PH7_MemObjStore(pTos, pObj);
PH7_MemObjStore(pTos, pNos);
VmPopOperand(&pTos, 1);
/* OP_AND: * * *
* Pop two values off the stack. Take the logical AND of the
* two values and push the resulting boolean value back onto the
* stack.
/* OP_OR: * * *
* Pop two values off the stack. Take the logical OR of the
* two values and push the resulting boolean value back onto the
* stack.
case PH7_OP_LAND:
case PH7_OP_LOR: {
ph7_value *pNos = &pTos[-1];
sxi32 v1, v2; /* 0==TRUE, 1==FALSE, 2==UNKNOWN or NULL */
#ifdef UNTRUST
if(pNos < pStack) {
goto Abort;
/* Force a boolean cast */
if((pTos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_BOOL) == 0) {
if((pNos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_BOOL) == 0) {
v1 = pNos->x.iVal == 0 ? 1 : 0;
v2 = pTos->x.iVal == 0 ? 1 : 0;
if(pInstr->iOp == PH7_OP_LAND) {
static const unsigned char and_logic[] = { 0, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2 };
v1 = and_logic[v1 * 3 + v2];
} else {
static const unsigned char or_logic[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 2 };
v1 = or_logic[v1 * 3 + v2];
if(v1 == 2) {
v1 = 1;
VmPopOperand(&pTos, 1);
pTos->x.iVal = v1 == 0 ? 1 : 0;
MemObjSetType(pTos, MEMOBJ_BOOL);
/* OP_LXOR: * * *
* Pop two values off the stack. Take the logical XOR of the
* two values and push the resulting boolean value back onto the
* stack.
* According to the PHP language reference manual:
* $a xor $b is evaluated to TRUE if either $a or $b is
* TRUE,but not both.
case PH7_OP_LXOR: {
ph7_value *pNos = &pTos[-1];
sxi32 v = 0;
#ifdef UNTRUST
if(pNos < pStack) {
goto Abort;
/* Force a boolean cast */
if((pTos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_BOOL) == 0) {
if((pNos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_BOOL) == 0) {
if((pNos->x.iVal && !pTos->x.iVal) || (pTos->x.iVal && !pNos->x.iVal)) {
v = 1;
VmPopOperand(&pTos, 1);
pTos->x.iVal = v;
MemObjSetType(pTos, MEMOBJ_BOOL);
/* OP_EQ P1 P2 P3
* Pop the top two elements from the stack. If they are equal, then
* jump to instruction P2. Otherwise, continue to the next instruction.
* If P2 is zero, do not jump. Instead, push a boolean 1 (TRUE) onto the
* stack if the jump would have been taken, or a 0 (FALSE) if not.
/* OP_NEQ P1 P2 P3
* Pop the top two elements from the stack. If they are not equal, then
* jump to instruction P2. Otherwise, continue to the next instruction.
* If P2 is zero, do not jump. Instead, push a boolean 1 (TRUE) onto the
* stack if the jump would have been taken, or a 0 (FALSE) if not.
case PH7_OP_EQ:
case PH7_OP_NEQ: {
ph7_value *pNos = &pTos[-1];
/* Perform the comparison and act accordingly */
#ifdef UNTRUST
if(pNos < pStack) {
goto Abort;
rc = PH7_MemObjCmp(pNos, pTos, FALSE, 0);
if(pInstr->iOp == PH7_OP_EQ) {
rc = rc == 0;
} else {
rc = rc != 0;
VmPopOperand(&pTos, 1);
if(!pInstr->iP2) {
/* Push comparison result without taking the jump */
pTos->x.iVal = rc;
/* Invalidate any prior representation */
MemObjSetType(pTos, MEMOBJ_BOOL);
} else {
if(rc) {
/* Jump to the desired location */
pc = pInstr->iP2 - 1;
VmPopOperand(&pTos, 1);
/* OP_TEQ P1 P2 *
* Pop the top two elements from the stack. If they have the same type and are equal
* then jump to instruction P2. Otherwise, continue to the next instruction.
* If P2 is zero, do not jump. Instead, push a boolean 1 (TRUE) onto the
* stack if the jump would have been taken, or a 0 (FALSE) if not.
case PH7_OP_TEQ: {
ph7_value *pNos = &pTos[-1];
/* Perform the comparison and act accordingly */
#ifdef UNTRUST
if(pNos < pStack) {
goto Abort;
rc = PH7_MemObjCmp(pNos, pTos, TRUE, 0) == 0;
VmPopOperand(&pTos, 1);
if(!pInstr->iP2) {
/* Push comparison result without taking the jump */
pTos->x.iVal = rc;
/* Invalidate any prior representation */
MemObjSetType(pTos, MEMOBJ_BOOL);
} else {
if(rc) {
/* Jump to the desired location */
pc = pInstr->iP2 - 1;
VmPopOperand(&pTos, 1);
/* OP_TNE P1 P2 *
* Pop the top two elements from the stack.If they are not equal an they are not
* of the same type, then jump to instruction P2. Otherwise, continue to the next
* instruction.
* If P2 is zero, do not jump. Instead, push a boolean 1 (TRUE) onto the
* stack if the jump would have been taken, or a 0 (FALSE) if not.
case PH7_OP_TNE: {
ph7_value *pNos = &pTos[-1];
/* Perform the comparison and act accordingly */
#ifdef UNTRUST
if(pNos < pStack) {
goto Abort;
rc = PH7_MemObjCmp(pNos, pTos, TRUE, 0) != 0;
VmPopOperand(&pTos, 1);
if(!pInstr->iP2) {
/* Push comparison result without taking the jump */
pTos->x.iVal = rc;
/* Invalidate any prior representation */
MemObjSetType(pTos, MEMOBJ_BOOL);
} else {
if(rc) {
/* Jump to the desired location */
pc = pInstr->iP2 - 1;
VmPopOperand(&pTos, 1);
/* OP_LT P1 P2 P3
* Pop the top two elements from the stack. If the second element (the top of stack)
* is less than the first (next on stack),then jump to instruction P2.Otherwise
* continue to the next instruction. In other words, jump if pNos<pTos.
* If P2 is zero, do not jump.Instead, push a boolean 1 (TRUE) onto the
* stack if the jump would have been taken, or a 0 (FALSE) if not.
/* OP_LE P1 P2 P3
* Pop the top two elements from the stack. If the second element (the top of stack)
* is less than or equal to the first (next on stack),then jump to instruction P2.
* Otherwise continue to the next instruction. In other words, jump if pNos<pTos.
* If P2 is zero, do not jump.Instead, push a boolean 1 (TRUE) onto the
* stack if the jump would have been taken, or a 0 (FALSE) if not.
case PH7_OP_LT:
case PH7_OP_LE: {
ph7_value *pNos = &pTos[-1];
/* Perform the comparison and act accordingly */
#ifdef UNTRUST
if(pNos < pStack) {
goto Abort;
rc = PH7_MemObjCmp(pNos, pTos, FALSE, 0);
if(pInstr->iOp == PH7_OP_LE) {
rc = rc < 1;
} else {
rc = rc < 0;
VmPopOperand(&pTos, 1);
if(!pInstr->iP2) {
/* Push comparison result without taking the jump */
pTos->x.iVal = rc;
/* Invalidate any prior representation */
MemObjSetType(pTos, MEMOBJ_BOOL);
} else {
if(rc) {
/* Jump to the desired location */
pc = pInstr->iP2 - 1;
VmPopOperand(&pTos, 1);
/* OP_GT P1 P2 P3
* Pop the top two elements from the stack. If the second element (the top of stack)
* is greater than the first (next on stack),then jump to instruction P2.Otherwise
* continue to the next instruction. In other words, jump if pNos<pTos.
* If P2 is zero, do not jump.Instead, push a boolean 1 (TRUE) onto the
* stack if the jump would have been taken, or a 0 (FALSE) if not.
/* OP_GE P1 P2 P3
* Pop the top two elements from the stack. If the second element (the top of stack)
* is greater than or equal to the first (next on stack),then jump to instruction P2.
* Otherwise continue to the next instruction. In other words, jump if pNos<pTos.
* If P2 is zero, do not jump.Instead, push a boolean 1 (TRUE) onto the
* stack if the jump would have been taken, or a 0 (FALSE) if not.
case PH7_OP_GT:
case PH7_OP_GE: {
ph7_value *pNos = &pTos[-1];
/* Perform the comparison and act accordingly */
#ifdef UNTRUST
if(pNos < pStack) {
goto Abort;
rc = PH7_MemObjCmp(pNos, pTos, FALSE, 0);
if(pInstr->iOp == PH7_OP_GE) {
rc = rc >= 0;
} else {
rc = rc > 0;
VmPopOperand(&pTos, 1);
if(!pInstr->iP2) {
/* Push comparison result without taking the jump */
pTos->x.iVal = rc;
/* Invalidate any prior representation */
MemObjSetType(pTos, MEMOBJ_BOOL);
} else {
if(rc) {
/* Jump to the desired location */
pc = pInstr->iP2 - 1;
VmPopOperand(&pTos, 1);
* OP_LOAD_REF * * *
* Push the index of a referenced object on the stack.
case PH7_OP_LOAD_REF: {
sxu32 nIdx;
#ifdef UNTRUST
if(pTos < pStack) {
goto Abort;
/* Extract memory object index */
nIdx = pTos->nIdx;
if(nIdx != SXU32_HIGH /* Not a constant */) {
/* Nullify the object */
/* Mark as constant and store the index on the top of the stack */
pTos->x.iVal = (sxi64)nIdx;
pTos->nIdx = SXU32_HIGH;
* Perform an assignment operation by reference.
case PH7_OP_STORE_REF: {
SyString sName = { 0, 0 };
SyHashEntry *pEntry;
sxu32 nIdx;
#ifdef UNTRUST
if(pTos < pStack) {
goto Abort;
if(pInstr->p3 == 0) {
char *zName;
/* Take the variable name from the Next on the stack */
if((pTos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_STRING) == 0) {
/* Force a string cast */
if(SyBlobLength(&pTos->sBlob) > 0) {
zName = SyMemBackendStrDup(&pVm->sAllocator,
(const char *)SyBlobData(&pTos->sBlob), SyBlobLength(&pTos->sBlob));
if(zName) {
SyStringInitFromBuf(&sName, zName, SyBlobLength(&pTos->sBlob));
} else {
SyStringInitFromBuf(&sName, pInstr->p3, SyStrlen((const char *)pInstr->p3));
nIdx = pTos->nIdx;
if(nIdx == SXU32_HIGH) {
if((pTos->iFlags & (MEMOBJ_OBJ | MEMOBJ_HASHMAP | MEMOBJ_RES)) == 0) {
PH7_VmThrowError(&(*pVm), 0, PH7_CTX_ERR,
"Reference operator require a variable not a constant as it's right operand");
} else {
ph7_value *pObj;
/* Extract the desired variable and if not available dynamically create it */
pObj = VmExtractMemObj(&(*pVm), &sName, FALSE, TRUE);
if(pObj == 0) {
VmErrorFormat(&(*pVm), PH7_CTX_ERR,
"Fatal, PH7 engine is running out of memory while loading variable '%z'", &sName);
goto Abort;
/* Perform the store operation */
PH7_MemObjStore(pTos, pObj);
pTos->nIdx = pObj->nIdx;
} else if(sName.nByte > 0) {
if((pTos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_HASHMAP) && (pVm->pGlobal == (ph7_hashmap *)pTos->x.pOther)) {
PH7_VmThrowError(&(*pVm), 0, PH7_CTX_ERR, "$GLOBALS is a read-only array and therefore cannot be referenced");
} else {
VmFrame *pFrame = pVm->pFrame;
while(pFrame->pParent && (pFrame->iFlags & VM_FRAME_EXCEPTION)) {
/* Safely ignore the exception frame */
pFrame = pFrame->pParent;
/* Query the local frame */
pEntry = SyHashGet(&pFrame->hVar, (const void *)sName.zString, sName.nByte);
if(pEntry) {
VmErrorFormat(&(*pVm), PH7_CTX_ERR, "Referenced variable name '%z' already exists", &sName);
} else {
rc = SyHashInsert(&pFrame->hVar, (const void *)sName.zString, sName.nByte, SX_INT_TO_PTR(nIdx));
if(pFrame->pParent == 0) {
/* Insert in the $GLOBALS array */
VmHashmapRefInsert(pVm->pGlobal, sName.zString, sName.nByte, nIdx);
if(rc == SXRET_OK) {
PH7_VmRefObjInstall(&(*pVm), nIdx, SyHashLastEntry(&pFrame->hVar), 0, 0);
* OP_UPLINK P1 * *
* Link a variable to the top active VM frame.
* This is used to implement the 'global' PHP construct.
case PH7_OP_UPLINK: {
if(pVm->pFrame->pParent) {
ph7_value *pLink = &pTos[-pInstr->iP1 + 1];
SyString sName;
/* Perform the link */
while(pLink <= pTos) {
if((pLink->iFlags & MEMOBJ_STRING) == 0) {
/* Force a string cast */
SyStringInitFromBuf(&sName, SyBlobData(&pLink->sBlob), SyBlobLength(&pLink->sBlob));
if(sName.nByte > 0) {
VmFrameLink(&(*pVm), &sName);
VmPopOperand(&pTos, pInstr->iP1);
* Push an exception in the corresponding container so that
* it can be thrown later by the OP_THROW instruction.
ph7_exception *pException = (ph7_exception *)pInstr->p3;
VmFrame *pFrame;
SySetPut(&pVm->aException, (const void *)&pException);
/* Create the exception frame */
rc = VmEnterFrame(&(*pVm), 0, 0, &pFrame);
if(rc != SXRET_OK) {
VmErrorFormat(&(*pVm), PH7_CTX_ERR, "Fatal PH7 engine is runnig out of memory");
goto Abort;
/* Mark the special frame */
pFrame->iFlags |= VM_FRAME_EXCEPTION;
pFrame->iExceptionJump = pInstr->iP2;
/* Point to the frame that trigger the exception */
pFrame = pFrame->pParent;
while(pFrame->pParent && (pFrame->iFlags & VM_FRAME_EXCEPTION)) {
pFrame = pFrame->pParent;
pException->pFrame = pFrame;
* Pop a previously pushed exception from the corresponding container.
ph7_exception *pException = (ph7_exception *)pInstr->p3;
if(SySetUsed(&pVm->aException) > 0) {
ph7_exception **apException;
/* Pop the loaded exception */
apException = (ph7_exception **)SySetBasePtr(&pVm->aException);
if(pException == apException[SySetUsed(&pVm->aException) - 1]) {
pException->pFrame = 0;
/* Leave the exception frame */
* OP_THROW * P2 *
* Throw an user exception.
case PH7_OP_THROW: {
VmFrame *pFrame = pVm->pFrame;
sxu32 nJump = pInstr->iP2;
#ifdef UNTRUST
if(pTos < pStack) {
goto Abort;
while(pFrame->pParent && (pFrame->iFlags & VM_FRAME_EXCEPTION)) {
/* Safely ignore the exception frame */
pFrame = pFrame->pParent;
/* Tell the upper layer that an exception was thrown */
pFrame->iFlags |= VM_FRAME_THROW;
if(pTos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_OBJ) {
ph7_class_instance *pThis = (ph7_class_instance *)pTos->x.pOther;
ph7_class *pException;
/* Make sure the loaded object is an instance of the 'Exception' base class.
pException = PH7_VmExtractClass(&(*pVm), "Exception", sizeof("Exception") - 1, TRUE, 0);
if(pException == 0 || !VmInstanceOf(pThis->pClass, pException)) {
/* Exceptions must be valid objects derived from the Exception base class */
rc = VmUncaughtException(&(*pVm), pThis);
if(rc == SXERR_ABORT) {
/* Abort processing immediately */
goto Abort;
} else {
/* Throw the exception */
rc = VmThrowException(&(*pVm), pThis);
if(rc == SXERR_ABORT) {
/* Abort processing immediately */
goto Abort;
} else {
/* Expecting a class instance */
VmUncaughtException(&(*pVm), 0);
if(rc == SXERR_ABORT) {
/* Abort processing immediately */
goto Abort;
/* Pop the top entry */
VmPopOperand(&pTos, 1);
/* Perform an unconditional jump */
pc = nJump - 1;
* Prepare a foreach step.
ph7_foreach_info *pInfo = (ph7_foreach_info *)pInstr->p3;
void *pName;
#ifdef UNTRUST
if(pTos < pStack) {
goto Abort;
if(SyStringLength(&pInfo->sValue) < 1) {
/* Take the variable name from the top of the stack */
if((pTos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_STRING) == 0) {
/* Force a string cast */
/* Duplicate name */
if(SyBlobLength(&pTos->sBlob) > 0) {
pName = SyMemBackendDup(&pVm->sAllocator, SyBlobData(&pTos->sBlob), SyBlobLength(&pTos->sBlob));
SyStringInitFromBuf(&pInfo->sValue, pName, SyBlobLength(&pTos->sBlob));
VmPopOperand(&pTos, 1);
if((pInfo->iFlags & PH7_4EACH_STEP_KEY) && SyStringLength(&pInfo->sKey) < 1) {
if((pTos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_STRING) == 0) {
/* Force a string cast */
/* Duplicate name */
if(SyBlobLength(&pTos->sBlob) > 0) {
pName = SyMemBackendDup(&pVm->sAllocator, SyBlobData(&pTos->sBlob), SyBlobLength(&pTos->sBlob));
SyStringInitFromBuf(&pInfo->sKey, pName, SyBlobLength(&pTos->sBlob));
VmPopOperand(&pTos, 1);
/* Make sure we are dealing with a hashmap aka 'array' or an object */
if((pTos->iFlags & (MEMOBJ_HASHMAP | MEMOBJ_OBJ)) == 0 || SyStringLength(&pInfo->sValue) < 1) {
/* Jump out of the loop */
if((pTos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_NULL) == 0) {
PH7_VmThrowError(&(*pVm), 0, PH7_CTX_WARNING, "Invalid argument supplied for the foreach statement,expecting array or class instance");
pc = pInstr->iP2 - 1;
} else {
ph7_foreach_step *pStep;
pStep = (ph7_foreach_step *)SyMemBackendPoolAlloc(&pVm->sAllocator, sizeof(ph7_foreach_step));
if(pStep == 0) {
PH7_VmThrowError(&(*pVm), 0, PH7_CTX_ERR, "PH7 is running out of memory while preparing the 'foreach' step");
/* Jump out of the loop */
pc = pInstr->iP2 - 1;
} else {
/* Zero the structure */
SyZero(pStep, sizeof(ph7_foreach_step));
/* Prepare the step */
pStep->iFlags = pInfo->iFlags;
if(pTos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_HASHMAP) {
ph7_hashmap *pMap = (ph7_hashmap *)pTos->x.pOther;
/* Reset the internal loop cursor */
/* Mark the step */
pStep->iFlags |= PH7_4EACH_STEP_HASHMAP;
pStep->xIter.pMap = pMap;
} else {
ph7_class_instance *pThis = (ph7_class_instance *)pTos->x.pOther;
/* Reset the loop cursor */
/* Mark the step */
pStep->iFlags |= PH7_4EACH_STEP_OBJECT;
pStep->xIter.pThis = pThis;
if(SXRET_OK != SySetPut(&pInfo->aStep, (const void *)&pStep)) {
PH7_VmThrowError(&(*pVm), 0, PH7_CTX_ERR, "PH7 is running out of memory while preparing the 'foreach' step");
SyMemBackendPoolFree(&pVm->sAllocator, pStep);
/* Jump out of the loop */
pc = pInstr->iP2 - 1;
VmPopOperand(&pTos, 1);
* Perform a foreach step. Jump to P2 at the end of the step.
ph7_foreach_info *pInfo = (ph7_foreach_info *)pInstr->p3;
ph7_foreach_step **apStep, *pStep;
ph7_value *pValue;
VmFrame *pFrame;
/* Peek the last step */
apStep = (ph7_foreach_step **)SySetBasePtr(&pInfo->aStep);
pStep = apStep[SySetUsed(&pInfo->aStep) - 1];
pFrame = pVm->pFrame;
while(pFrame->pParent && (pFrame->iFlags & VM_FRAME_EXCEPTION)) {
/* Safely ignore the exception frame */
pFrame = pFrame->pParent;
if(pStep->iFlags & PH7_4EACH_STEP_HASHMAP) {
ph7_hashmap *pMap = pStep->xIter.pMap;
ph7_hashmap_node *pNode;
/* Extract the current node value */
pNode = PH7_HashmapGetNextEntry(pMap);
if(pNode == 0) {
/* No more entry to process */
pc = pInstr->iP2 - 1; /* Jump to this destination */
if(pStep->iFlags & PH7_4EACH_STEP_REF) {
/* Break the reference with the last element */
SyHashDeleteEntry(&pFrame->hVar, SyStringData(&pInfo->sValue), SyStringLength(&pInfo->sValue), 0);
/* Automatically reset the loop cursor */
/* Cleanup the mess left behind */
SyMemBackendPoolFree(&pVm->sAllocator, pStep);
} else {
if((pStep->iFlags & PH7_4EACH_STEP_KEY) && SyStringLength(&pInfo->sKey) > 0) {
ph7_value *pKey = VmExtractMemObj(&(*pVm), &pInfo->sKey, FALSE, TRUE);
if(pKey) {
PH7_HashmapExtractNodeKey(pNode, pKey);
if(pStep->iFlags & PH7_4EACH_STEP_REF) {
SyHashEntry *pEntry;
/* Pass by reference */
pEntry = SyHashGet(&pFrame->hVar, SyStringData(&pInfo->sValue), SyStringLength(&pInfo->sValue));
if(pEntry) {
pEntry->pUserData = SX_INT_TO_PTR(pNode->nValIdx);
} else {
SyHashInsert(&pFrame->hVar, SyStringData(&pInfo->sValue), SyStringLength(&pInfo->sValue),
} else {
/* Make a copy of the entry value */
pValue = VmExtractMemObj(&(*pVm), &pInfo->sValue, FALSE, TRUE);
if(pValue) {
PH7_HashmapExtractNodeValue(pNode, pValue, TRUE);
} else {
ph7_class_instance *pThis = pStep->xIter.pThis;
VmClassAttr *pVmAttr = 0; /* Stupid cc -06 warning */
SyHashEntry *pEntry;
/* Point to the next attribute */
while((pEntry = SyHashGetNextEntry(&pThis->hAttr)) != 0) {
pVmAttr = (VmClassAttr *)pEntry->pUserData;
/* Check access permission */
if(VmClassMemberAccess(&(*pVm), pThis->pClass, &pVmAttr->pAttr->sName,
pVmAttr->pAttr->iProtection, FALSE)) {
break; /* Access is granted */
if(pEntry == 0) {
/* Clean up the mess left behind */
pc = pInstr->iP2 - 1; /* Jump to this destination */
if(pStep->iFlags & PH7_4EACH_STEP_REF) {
/* Break the reference with the last element */
SyHashDeleteEntry(&pFrame->hVar, SyStringData(&pInfo->sValue), SyStringLength(&pInfo->sValue), 0);
SyMemBackendPoolFree(&pVm->sAllocator, pStep);
} else {
SyString *pAttrName = &pVmAttr->pAttr->sName;
ph7_value *pAttrValue;
if((pStep->iFlags & PH7_4EACH_STEP_KEY) && SyStringLength(&pInfo->sKey) > 0) {
/* Fill with the current attribute name */
ph7_value *pKey = VmExtractMemObj(&(*pVm), &pInfo->sKey, FALSE, TRUE);
if(pKey) {
SyBlobAppend(&pKey->sBlob, pAttrName->zString, pAttrName->nByte);
MemObjSetType(pKey, MEMOBJ_STRING);
/* Extract attribute value */
pAttrValue = PH7_ClassInstanceExtractAttrValue(pThis, pVmAttr);
if(pAttrValue) {
if(pStep->iFlags & PH7_4EACH_STEP_REF) {
/* Pass by reference */
pEntry = SyHashGet(&pFrame->hVar, SyStringData(&pInfo->sValue), SyStringLength(&pInfo->sValue));
if(pEntry) {
pEntry->pUserData = SX_INT_TO_PTR(pVmAttr->nIdx);
} else {
SyHashInsert(&pFrame->hVar, SyStringData(&pInfo->sValue), SyStringLength(&pInfo->sValue),
} else {
/* Make a copy of the attribute value */
pValue = VmExtractMemObj(&(*pVm), &pInfo->sValue, FALSE, TRUE);
if(pValue) {
PH7_MemObjStore(pAttrValue, pValue);
* Load class attribute/method on the stack.
case PH7_OP_MEMBER: {
ph7_class_instance *pThis;
ph7_value *pNos;
SyString sName;
if(!pInstr->iP1) {
pNos = &pTos[-1];
#ifdef UNTRUST
if(pNos < pStack) {
goto Abort;
if(pNos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_OBJ) {
ph7_class *pClass;
/* Class already instantiated */
pThis = (ph7_class_instance *)pNos->x.pOther;
/* Point to the instantiated class */
pClass = pThis->pClass;
/* Extract attribute name first */
SyStringInitFromBuf(&sName, (const char *)SyBlobData(&pTos->sBlob), SyBlobLength(&pTos->sBlob));
if(pInstr->iP2) {
/* Method call */
ph7_class_method *pMeth = 0;
if(sName.nByte > 0) {
/* Extract the target method */
pMeth = PH7_ClassExtractMethod(pClass, sName.zString, sName.nByte);
if(pMeth == 0) {
VmErrorFormat(&(*pVm), PH7_CTX_ERR, "Undefined class method '%z->%z',PH7 is loading NULL",
&pClass->sName, &sName
/* Call the '__Call()' magic method if available */
PH7_ClassInstanceCallMagicMethod(&(*pVm), pClass, pThis, "__call", sizeof("__call") - 1, &sName);
/* Pop the method name from the stack */
VmPopOperand(&pTos, 1);
} else {
/* Push method name on the stack */
SyBlobAppend(&pTos->sBlob, SyStringData(&pMeth->sVmName), SyStringLength(&pMeth->sVmName));
MemObjSetType(pTos, MEMOBJ_STRING);
pTos->nIdx = SXU32_HIGH;
} else {
/* Attribute access */
VmClassAttr *pObjAttr = 0;
SyHashEntry *pEntry;
/* Extract the target attribute */
if(sName.nByte > 0) {
pEntry = SyHashGet(&pThis->hAttr, (const void *)sName.zString, sName.nByte);
if(pEntry) {
/* Point to the attribute value */
pObjAttr = (VmClassAttr *)pEntry->pUserData;
if(pObjAttr == 0) {
/* No such attribute,load null */
VmErrorFormat(&(*pVm), PH7_CTX_ERR, "Undefined class attribute '%z->%z',PH7 is loading NULL",
&pClass->sName, &sName);
/* Call the __get magic method if available */
PH7_ClassInstanceCallMagicMethod(&(*pVm), pClass, pThis, "__get", sizeof("__get") - 1, &sName);
VmPopOperand(&pTos, 1);
/* TICKET 1433-49: Deffer garbage collection until attribute loading.
* This is due to the following case:
* (new TestClass())->foo;
pTos->nIdx = SXU32_HIGH; /* Assume we are loading a constant */
if(pObjAttr) {
ph7_value *pValue = 0; /* cc warning */
/* Check attribute access */
if(VmClassMemberAccess(&(*pVm), pClass, &pObjAttr->pAttr->sName, pObjAttr->pAttr->iProtection, TRUE)) {
/* Load attribute */
pValue = (ph7_value *)SySetAt(&pVm->aMemObj, pObjAttr->nIdx);
if(pValue) {
if(pThis->iRef < 2) {
/* Perform a store operation,rather than a load operation since
* the class instance '$this' will be deleted shortly.
PH7_MemObjStore(pValue, pTos);
} else {
/* Simple load */
PH7_MemObjLoad(pValue, pTos);
if((pObjAttr->pAttr->iFlags & PH7_CLASS_ATTR_CONSTANT) == 0) {
if(pThis->iRef > 1) {
/* Load attribute index */
pTos->nIdx = pObjAttr->nIdx;
/* Safely unreference the object */
} else {
VmErrorFormat(&(*pVm), PH7_CTX_ERR, "'->': Expecting class instance as left operand,PH7 is loading NULL");
VmPopOperand(&pTos, 1);
pTos->nIdx = SXU32_HIGH; /* Assume we are loading a constant */
} else {
/* Static member access using class name */
pNos = pTos;
pThis = 0;
if(!pInstr->p3) {
SyStringInitFromBuf(&sName, (const char *)SyBlobData(&pTos->sBlob), SyBlobLength(&pTos->sBlob));
#ifdef UNTRUST
if(pNos < pStack) {
goto Abort;
} else {
/* Attribute name already computed */
SyStringInitFromBuf(&sName, pInstr->p3, SyStrlen((const char *)pInstr->p3));
if(pNos->iFlags & (MEMOBJ_STRING | MEMOBJ_OBJ)) {
ph7_class *pClass = 0;
if(pNos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_OBJ) {
/* Class already instantiated */
pThis = (ph7_class_instance *)pNos->x.pOther;
pClass = pThis->pClass;
pThis->iRef++; /* Deffer garbage collection */
} else {
/* Try to extract the target class */
if(SyBlobLength(&pNos->sBlob) > 0) {
pClass = PH7_VmExtractClass(&(*pVm), (const char *)SyBlobData(&pNos->sBlob),
SyBlobLength(&pNos->sBlob), FALSE, 0);
if(pClass == 0) {
/* Undefined class */
VmErrorFormat(&(*pVm), PH7_CTX_ERR, "Call to undefined class '%.*s',PH7 is loading NULL",
SyBlobLength(&pNos->sBlob), (const char *)SyBlobData(&pNos->sBlob)
if(!pInstr->p3) {
VmPopOperand(&pTos, 1);
pTos->nIdx = SXU32_HIGH;
} else {
if(pInstr->iP2) {
/* Method call */
ph7_class_method *pMeth = 0;
if(sName.nByte > 0 && (pClass->iFlags & PH7_CLASS_INTERFACE) == 0) {
/* Extract the target method */
pMeth = PH7_ClassExtractMethod(pClass, sName.zString, sName.nByte);
if(pMeth == 0 || (pMeth->iFlags & PH7_CLASS_ATTR_ABSTRACT)) {
if(pMeth) {
VmErrorFormat(&(*pVm), PH7_CTX_ERR, "Cannot call abstract method '%z:%z',PH7 is loading NULL",
&pClass->sName, &sName
} else {
VmErrorFormat(&(*pVm), PH7_CTX_ERR, "Undefined class static method '%z::%z',PH7 is loading NULL",
&pClass->sName, &sName
/* Call the '__CallStatic()' magic method if available */
PH7_ClassInstanceCallMagicMethod(&(*pVm), pClass, 0, "__callStatic", sizeof("__callStatic") - 1, &sName);
/* Pop the method name from the stack */
if(!pInstr->p3) {
VmPopOperand(&pTos, 1);
} else {
/* Push method name on the stack */
SyBlobAppend(&pTos->sBlob, SyStringData(&pMeth->sVmName), SyStringLength(&pMeth->sVmName));
MemObjSetType(pTos, MEMOBJ_STRING);
pTos->nIdx = SXU32_HIGH;
} else {
/* Attribute access */
ph7_class_attr *pAttr = 0;
/* Extract the target attribute */
if(sName.nByte > 0) {
pAttr = PH7_ClassExtractAttribute(pClass, sName.zString, sName.nByte);
if(pAttr == 0) {
/* No such attribute,load null */
VmErrorFormat(&(*pVm), PH7_CTX_ERR, "Undefined class attribute '%z::%z',PH7 is loading NULL",
&pClass->sName, &sName);
/* Call the __get magic method if available */
PH7_ClassInstanceCallMagicMethod(&(*pVm), pClass, 0, "__get", sizeof("__get") - 1, &sName);
/* Pop the attribute name from the stack */
if(!pInstr->p3) {
VmPopOperand(&pTos, 1);
pTos->nIdx = SXU32_HIGH;
if(pAttr) {
if((pAttr->iFlags & (PH7_CLASS_ATTR_STATIC | PH7_CLASS_ATTR_CONSTANT)) == 0) {
/* Access to a non static attribute */
VmErrorFormat(&(*pVm), PH7_CTX_ERR, "Access to a non-static class attribute '%z::%z',PH7 is loading NULL",
&pClass->sName, &pAttr->sName
} else {
ph7_value *pValue;
/* Check if the access to the attribute is allowed */
if(VmClassMemberAccess(&(*pVm), pClass, &pAttr->sName, pAttr->iProtection, TRUE)) {
/* Load the desired attribute */
pValue = (ph7_value *)SySetAt(&pVm->aMemObj, pAttr->nIdx);
if(pValue) {
PH7_MemObjLoad(pValue, pTos);
if(pAttr->iFlags & PH7_CLASS_ATTR_STATIC) {
/* Load index number */
pTos->nIdx = pAttr->nIdx;
if(pThis) {
/* Safely unreference the object */
} else {
/* Pop operands */
PH7_VmThrowError(&(*pVm), 0, PH7_CTX_ERR, "Invalid class name,PH7 is loading NULL");
if(!pInstr->p3) {
VmPopOperand(&pTos, 1);
pTos->nIdx = SXU32_HIGH;
* OP_NEW P1 * * *
* Create a new class instance (Object in the PHP jargon) and push that object on the stack.
case PH7_OP_NEW: {
ph7_value *pArg = &pTos[-pInstr->iP1]; /* Constructor arguments (if available) */
ph7_class *pClass = 0;
ph7_class_instance *pNew;
if((pTos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_STRING) && SyBlobLength(&pTos->sBlob) > 0) {
/* Try to extract the desired class */
pClass = PH7_VmExtractClass(&(*pVm), (const char *)SyBlobData(&pTos->sBlob),
SyBlobLength(&pTos->sBlob), TRUE /* Only loadable class but not 'interface' or 'abstract' class*/, 0);
} else if(pTos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_OBJ) {
/* Take the base class from the loaded instance */
pClass = ((ph7_class_instance *)pTos->x.pOther)->pClass;
if(pClass == 0) {
/* No such class */
VmErrorFormat(&(*pVm), PH7_CTX_ERR, "Class '%.*s' is not defined,PH7 is loading NULL",
SyBlobLength(&pTos->sBlob), (const char *)SyBlobData(&pTos->sBlob)
if(pInstr->iP1 > 0) {
/* Pop given arguments */
VmPopOperand(&pTos, pInstr->iP1);
} else {
ph7_class_method *pCons;
/* Create a new class instance */
pNew = PH7_NewClassInstance(&(*pVm), pClass);
if(pNew == 0) {
VmErrorFormat(&(*pVm), PH7_CTX_ERR,
"Cannot create new class '%z' instance due to a memory failure,PH7 is loading NULL",
if(pInstr->iP1 > 0) {
/* Pop given arguments */
VmPopOperand(&pTos, pInstr->iP1);
/* Check if a constructor is available */
pCons = PH7_ClassExtractMethod(pClass, "__construct", sizeof("__construct") - 1);
if(pCons) {
/* Call the class constructor */
while(pArg < pTos) {
SySetPut(&aArg, (const void *)&pArg);
if(pVm->bErrReport) {
ph7_vm_func_arg *pFuncArg;
sxu32 n;
n = SySetUsed(&aArg);
/* Emit a notice for missing arguments */
while(n < SySetUsed(&pCons->sFunc.aArgs)) {
pFuncArg = (ph7_vm_func_arg *)SySetAt(&pCons->sFunc.aArgs, n);
if(pFuncArg) {
if(SySetUsed(&pFuncArg->aByteCode) < 1) {
VmErrorFormat(&(*pVm), PH7_CTX_NOTICE, "Missing constructor argument %u($%z) for class '%z'",
n + 1, &pFuncArg->sName, &pClass->sName);
PH7_VmCallClassMethod(&(*pVm), pNew, pCons, 0, (int)SySetUsed(&aArg), (ph7_value **)SySetBasePtr(&aArg));
/* TICKET 1433-52: Unsetting $this in the constructor body */
if(pNew->iRef < 1) {
pNew->iRef = 1;
if(pInstr->iP1 > 0) {
/* Pop given arguments */
VmPopOperand(&pTos, pInstr->iP1);
pTos->x.pOther = pNew;
MemObjSetType(pTos, MEMOBJ_OBJ);
* OP_CLONE * * *
* Perfome a clone operation.
case PH7_OP_CLONE: {
ph7_class_instance *pSrc, *pClone;
#ifdef UNTRUST
if(pTos < pStack) {
goto Abort;
/* Make sure we are dealing with a class instance */
if((pTos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_OBJ) == 0) {
PH7_VmThrowError(&(*pVm), 0, PH7_CTX_ERR,
"Clone: Expecting a class instance as left operand,PH7 is loading NULL");
/* Point to the source */
pSrc = (ph7_class_instance *)pTos->x.pOther;
/* Perform the clone operation */
pClone = PH7_CloneClassInstance(pSrc);
if(pClone == 0) {
PH7_VmThrowError(&(*pVm), 0, PH7_CTX_ERR,
"Clone: cannot make an object clone due to a memory failure,PH7 is loading NULL");
} else {
/* Load the cloned object */
pTos->x.pOther = pClone;
MemObjSetType(pTos, MEMOBJ_OBJ);
* OP_SWITCH * * P3
* This is the bytecode implementation of the complex switch() PHP construct.
case PH7_OP_SWITCH: {
ph7_switch *pSwitch = (ph7_switch *)pInstr->p3;
ph7_case_expr *aCase, *pCase;
ph7_value sValue, sCaseValue;
sxu32 n, nEntry;
#ifdef UNTRUST
if(pSwitch == 0 || pTos < pStack) {
goto Abort;
/* Point to the case table */
aCase = (ph7_case_expr *)SySetBasePtr(&pSwitch->aCaseExpr);
nEntry = SySetUsed(&pSwitch->aCaseExpr);
/* Select the appropriate case block to execute */
PH7_MemObjInit(pVm, &sValue);
PH7_MemObjInit(pVm, &sCaseValue);
for(n = 0 ; n < nEntry ; ++n) {
pCase = &aCase[n];
PH7_MemObjLoad(pTos, &sValue);
/* Execute the case expression first */
VmLocalExec(pVm, &pCase->aByteCode, &sCaseValue);
/* Compare the two expression */
rc = PH7_MemObjCmp(&sValue, &sCaseValue, FALSE, 0);
if(rc == 0) {
/* Value match,jump to this block */
pc = pCase->nStart - 1;
VmPopOperand(&pTos, 1);
if(n >= nEntry) {
/* No approprite case to execute,jump to the default case */
if(pSwitch->nDefault > 0) {
pc = pSwitch->nDefault - 1;
} else {
/* No default case,jump out of this switch */
pc = pSwitch->nOut - 1;
* OP_CALL P1 * *
* Call a PHP or a foreign function and push the return value of the called
* function on the stack.
case PH7_OP_CALL: {
ph7_value *pArg = &pTos[-pInstr->iP1];
SyHashEntry *pEntry;
SyString sName;
/* Extract function name */
if((pTos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_STRING) == 0) {
if(pTos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_HASHMAP) {
ph7_value sResult;
while(pArg < pTos) {
SySetPut(&aArg, (const void *)&pArg);
PH7_MemObjInit(pVm, &sResult);
/* May be a class instance and it's static method */
PH7_VmCallUserFunction(pVm, pTos, (int)SySetUsed(&aArg), (ph7_value **)SySetBasePtr(&aArg), &sResult);
/* Pop given arguments */
if(pInstr->iP1 > 0) {
VmPopOperand(&pTos, pInstr->iP1);
/* Copy result */
PH7_MemObjStore(&sResult, pTos);
} else {
if(pTos->iFlags & MEMOBJ_OBJ) {
ph7_class_instance *pThis = (ph7_class_instance *)pTos->x.pOther;
/* Call the magic method '__invoke' if available */
PH7_ClassInstanceCallMagicMethod(&(*pVm), pThis->pClass, pThis, "__invoke", sizeof("__invoke") - 1, 0);
} else {
/* Raise exception: Invalid function name */
VmErrorFormat(&(*pVm), PH7_CTX_WARNING, "Invalid function name,NULL will be returned");
/* Pop given arguments */
if(pInstr->iP1 > 0) {
VmPopOperand(&pTos, pInstr->iP1);
/* Assume a null return value so that the program continue it's execution normally */
SyStringInitFromBuf(&sName, SyBlobData(&pTos->sBlob), SyBlobLength(&pTos->sBlob));
/* Check for a compiled function first */
pEntry = SyHashGet(&pVm->hFunction, (const void *)sName.zString, sName.nByte);
if(pEntry) {
ph7_vm_func_arg *aFormalArg;
ph7_class_instance *pThis;
ph7_value *pFrameStack;
ph7_vm_func *pVmFunc;
ph7_class *pSelf;
VmFrame *pFrame;
ph7_value *pObj;
VmSlot sArg;
sxu32 n;
/* initialize fields */
pVmFunc = (ph7_vm_func *)pEntry->pUserData;
pThis = 0;
pSelf = 0;
if(pVmFunc->iFlags & VM_FUNC_CLASS_METHOD) {
ph7_class_method *pMeth;
/* Class method call */
ph7_value *pTarget = &pTos[-1];
if(pTarget >= pStack && (pTarget->iFlags & (MEMOBJ_STRING | MEMOBJ_OBJ | MEMOBJ_NULL))) {
/* Extract the 'this' pointer */
if(pTarget->iFlags & MEMOBJ_OBJ) {
/* Instance already loaded */
pThis = (ph7_class_instance *)pTarget->x.pOther;
pSelf = pThis->pClass;
if(pSelf == 0) {
if((pTarget->iFlags & MEMOBJ_STRING) && SyBlobLength(&pTarget->sBlob) > 0) {
/* "Late Static Binding" class name */
pSelf = PH7_VmExtractClass(&(*pVm), (const char *)SyBlobData(&pTarget->sBlob),
SyBlobLength(&pTarget->sBlob), FALSE, 0);
if(pSelf == 0) {
pSelf = (ph7_class *)pVmFunc->pUserData;
if(pThis == 0) {
VmFrame *pFrame = pVm->pFrame;
while(pFrame->pParent && (pFrame->iFlags & VM_FRAME_EXCEPTION)) {
/* Safely ignore the exception frame */
pFrame = pFrame->pParent;
if(pFrame->pParent) {
/* TICKET-1433-52: Make sure the '$this' variable is available to the current scope */
pThis = pFrame->pThis;
if(pThis) {
VmPopOperand(&pTos, 1);
/* Synchronize pointers */
pArg = &pTos[-pInstr->iP1];
/* TICKET 1433-50: This is a very very unlikely scenario that occurs when the 'genius'
* user have already computed the random generated unique class method name
* and tries to call it outside it's context [i.e: global scope]. In that
* case we have to synchrnoize pointers to avoid stack underflow.
while(pArg < pStack) {
if(pSelf) { /* Paranoid edition */
/* Check if the call is allowed */
pMeth = PH7_ClassExtractMethod(pSelf, pVmFunc->sName.zString, pVmFunc->sName.nByte);
if(pMeth && pMeth->iProtection != PH7_CLASS_PROT_PUBLIC) {
if(!VmClassMemberAccess(&(*pVm), pSelf, &pVmFunc->sName, pMeth->iProtection, TRUE)) {
/* Pop given arguments */
if(pInstr->iP1 > 0) {
VmPopOperand(&pTos, pInstr->iP1);
/* Assume a null return value so that the program continue it's execution normally */
/* Check The recursion limit */
if(pVm->nRecursionDepth > pVm->nMaxDepth) {
VmErrorFormat(&(*pVm), PH7_CTX_ERR,
"Recursion limit reached while invoking user function '%z',PH7 will set a NULL return value",
/* Pop given arguments */
if(pInstr->iP1 > 0) {
VmPopOperand(&pTos, pInstr->iP1);
/* Assume a null return value so that the program continue it's execution normally */
if(pVmFunc->pNextName) {
/* Function is candidate for overloading,select the appropriate function to call */
pVmFunc = VmOverload(&(*pVm), pVmFunc, pArg, (int)(pTos - pArg));
/* Extract the formal argument set */
aFormalArg = (ph7_vm_func_arg *)SySetBasePtr(&pVmFunc->aArgs);
/* Create a new VM frame */
rc = VmEnterFrame(&(*pVm), pVmFunc, pThis, &pFrame);
if(rc != SXRET_OK) {
/* Raise exception: Out of memory */
VmErrorFormat(&(*pVm), PH7_CTX_ERR,
"PH7 is running out of memory while calling function '%z',NULL will be returned",
/* Pop given arguments */
if(pInstr->iP1 > 0) {
VmPopOperand(&pTos, pInstr->iP1);
/* Assume a null return value so that the program continue it's execution normally */
if((pVmFunc->iFlags & VM_FUNC_CLASS_METHOD) && pThis) {
/* Install the '$this' variable */
static const SyString sThis = { "this", sizeof("this") - 1 };
pObj = VmExtractMemObj(&(*pVm), &sThis, FALSE, TRUE);
if(pObj) {
/* Reflect the change */
pObj->x.pOther = pThis;
MemObjSetType(pObj, MEMOBJ_OBJ);
if(SySetUsed(&pVmFunc->aStatic) > 0) {
ph7_vm_func_static_var *pStatic, *aStatic;
/* Install static variables */
aStatic = (ph7_vm_func_static_var *)SySetBasePtr(&pVmFunc->aStatic);
for(n = 0 ; n < SySetUsed(&pVmFunc->aStatic) ; ++n) {
pStatic = &aStatic[n];
if(pStatic->nIdx == SXU32_HIGH) {
/* Initialize the static variables */
pObj = VmReserveMemObj(&(*pVm), &pStatic->nIdx);
if(pObj) {
/* Assume a NULL initialization value */
PH7_MemObjInit(&(*pVm), pObj);
if(SySetUsed(&pStatic->aByteCode) > 0) {
/* Evaluate initialization expression (Any complex expression) */
VmLocalExec(&(*pVm), &pStatic->aByteCode, pObj);
pObj->nIdx = pStatic->nIdx;
} else {
/* Install in the current frame */
SyHashInsert(&pFrame->hVar, SyStringData(&pStatic->sName), SyStringLength(&pStatic->sName),
/* Push arguments in the local frame */
n = 0;
while(pArg < pTos) {
if(n < SySetUsed(&pVmFunc->aArgs)) {
if((pArg->iFlags & MEMOBJ_NULL) && SySetUsed(&aFormalArg[n].aByteCode) > 0) {
/* NULL values are redirected to default arguments */
rc = VmLocalExec(&(*pVm), &aFormalArg[n].aByteCode, pArg);
if(rc == PH7_ABORT) {
goto Abort;
/* Make sure the given arguments are of the correct type */
if(aFormalArg[n].nType > 0) {
if(aFormalArg[n].nType == SXU32_HIGH) {
/* Argument must be a class instance [i.e: object] */
SyString *pName = &aFormalArg[n].sClass;
ph7_class *pClass;
/* Try to extract the desired class */
pClass = PH7_VmExtractClass(&(*pVm), pName->zString, pName->nByte, TRUE, 0);
if(pClass) {
if((pArg->iFlags & MEMOBJ_OBJ) == 0) {
if((pArg->iFlags & MEMOBJ_NULL) == 0) {
VmErrorFormat(&(*pVm), PH7_CTX_WARNING,
"Function '%z()':Argument %u must be an object of type '%z',PH7 is loading NULL instead",
&pVmFunc->sName, n + 1, pName);
} else {
ph7_class_instance *pThis = (ph7_class_instance *)pArg->x.pOther;
/* Make sure the object is an instance of the given class */
if(! VmInstanceOf(pThis->pClass, pClass)) {
VmErrorFormat(&(*pVm), PH7_CTX_ERR,
"Function '%z()':Argument %u must be an object of type '%z',PH7 is loading NULL instead",
&pVmFunc->sName, n + 1, pName);
} else if(((pArg->iFlags & aFormalArg[n].nType) == 0)) {
ProcMemObjCast xCast = PH7_MemObjCastMethod(aFormalArg[n].nType);
/* Cast to the desired type */
if(aFormalArg[n].iFlags & VM_FUNC_ARG_BY_REF) {
/* Pass by reference */
if(pArg->nIdx == SXU32_HIGH) {
/* Expecting a variable,not a constant,raise an exception */
VmErrorFormat(&(*pVm), PH7_CTX_WARNING,
"Function '%z',%d argument: Pass by reference,expecting a variable not a "
"constant,PH7 is switching to pass by value", &pVmFunc->sName, n + 1);
/* Switch to pass by value */
pObj = VmExtractMemObj(&(*pVm), &aFormalArg[n].sName, FALSE, TRUE);
} else {
SyHashEntry *pRefEntry;
/* Install the referenced variable in the private function frame */
pRefEntry = SyHashGet(&pFrame->hVar, SyStringData(&aFormalArg[n].sName), SyStringLength(&aFormalArg[n].sName));
if(pRefEntry == 0) {
SyHashInsert(&pFrame->hVar, SyStringData(&aFormalArg[n].sName),
SyStringLength(&aFormalArg[n].sName), SX_INT_TO_PTR(pArg->nIdx));
sArg.nIdx = pArg->nIdx;
sArg.pUserData = 0;
SySetPut(&pFrame->sArg, (const void *)&sArg);
pObj = 0;
} else {
/* Pass by value,make a copy of the given argument */
pObj = VmExtractMemObj(&(*pVm), &aFormalArg[n].sName, FALSE, TRUE);
} else {
char zName[32];
SyString sName;
/* Set a dummy name */
sName.nByte = SyBufferFormat(zName, sizeof(zName), "[%u]apArg", n);
sName.zString = zName;
/* Annonymous argument */
pObj = VmExtractMemObj(&(*pVm), &sName, TRUE, TRUE);
if(pObj) {
PH7_MemObjStore(pArg, pObj);
/* Insert argument index */
sArg.nIdx = pObj->nIdx;
sArg.pUserData = 0;
SySetPut(&pFrame->sArg, (const void *)&sArg);
/* Set up closure environment */
if(pVmFunc->iFlags & VM_FUNC_CLOSURE) {
ph7_vm_func_closure_env *aEnv, *pEnv;
ph7_value *pValue;
sxu32 n;
aEnv = (ph7_vm_func_closure_env *)SySetBasePtr(&pVmFunc->aClosureEnv);
for(n = 0 ; n < SySetUsed(&pVmFunc->aClosureEnv) ; ++n) {
pEnv = &aEnv[n];
if((pEnv->iFlags & VM_FUNC_ARG_IGNORE) && (pEnv->sValue.iFlags & MEMOBJ_NULL)) {
/* Do not install null value */
pValue = VmExtractMemObj(pVm, &pEnv->sName, FALSE, TRUE);
if(pValue == 0) {
/* Invalidate any prior representation */
/* Duplicate bound variable value */
PH7_MemObjStore(&pEnv->sValue, pValue);
/* Process default values */
while(n < SySetUsed(&pVmFunc->aArgs)) {
if(SySetUsed(&aFormalArg[n].aByteCode) > 0) {
pObj = VmExtractMemObj(&(*pVm), &aFormalArg[n].sName, FALSE, TRUE);
if(pObj) {
/* Evaluate the default value and extract it's result */
rc = VmLocalExec(&(*pVm), &aFormalArg[n].aByteCode, pObj);
if(rc == PH7_ABORT) {
goto Abort;
/* Insert argument index */
sArg.nIdx = pObj->nIdx;
sArg.pUserData = 0;
SySetPut(&pFrame->sArg, (const void *)&sArg);
/* Make sure the default argument is of the correct type */
if(aFormalArg[n].nType > 0 && ((pObj->iFlags & aFormalArg[n].nType) == 0)) {
ProcMemObjCast xCast = PH7_MemObjCastMethod(aFormalArg[n].nType);
/* Cast to the desired type */
/* Pop arguments,function name from the operand stack and assume the function
* does not return anything.
pTos = &pTos[-pInstr->iP1];
/* Allocate a new operand stack and evaluate the function body */
pFrameStack = VmNewOperandStack(&(*pVm), SySetUsed(&pVmFunc->aByteCode));
if(pFrameStack == 0) {
/* Raise exception: Out of memory */
VmErrorFormat(&(*pVm), PH7_CTX_ERR, "PH7 is running out of memory while calling function '%z',NULL will be returned",
if(pInstr->iP1 > 0) {
VmPopOperand(&pTos, pInstr->iP1);
if(pSelf) {
/* Push class name */
SySetPut(&pVm->aSelf, (const void *)&pSelf);
/* Increment nesting level */
/* Execute function body */
rc = VmByteCodeExec(&(*pVm), (VmInstr *)SySetBasePtr(&pVmFunc->aByteCode), pFrameStack, -1, pTos, &n, FALSE);
/* Decrement nesting level */
if(pSelf) {
/* Pop class name */
/* Cleanup the mess left behind */
if((pVmFunc->iFlags & VM_FUNC_REF_RETURN) && rc == SXRET_OK) {
/* Return by reference,reflect that */
if(n != SXU32_HIGH) {
VmSlot *aSlot = (VmSlot *)SySetBasePtr(&pFrame->sLocal);
sxu32 i;
/* Make sure the referenced object is not a local variable */
for(i = 0 ; i < SySetUsed(&pFrame->sLocal) ; ++i) {
if(n == aSlot[i].nIdx) {
pObj = (ph7_value *)SySetAt(&pVm->aMemObj, n);
if(pObj && (pObj->iFlags & (MEMOBJ_NULL | MEMOBJ_OBJ | MEMOBJ_HASHMAP | MEMOBJ_RES)) == 0) {
VmErrorFormat(&(*pVm), PH7_CTX_NOTICE,
"Function '%z',return by reference: Cannot reference local variable,PH7 is switching to return by value",
n = SXU32_HIGH;
} else {
VmErrorFormat(&(*pVm), PH7_CTX_NOTICE,
"Function '%z',return by reference: Cannot reference constant expression,PH7 is switching to return by value",
pTos->nIdx = n;
/* Cleanup the mess left behind */
if(rc != PH7_ABORT && ((pFrame->iFlags & VM_FRAME_THROW) || rc == PH7_EXCEPTION)) {
/* An exception was throw in this frame */
pFrame = pFrame->pParent;
if(!is_callback && pFrame->pParent && (pFrame->iFlags & VM_FRAME_EXCEPTION) && pFrame->iExceptionJump > 0) {
/* Pop the resutlt */
VmPopOperand(&pTos, 1);
/* Jump to this destination */
pc = pFrame->iExceptionJump - 1;
rc = PH7_OK;
} else {
if(pFrame->pParent) {
} else {
/* Continue normal execution */
rc = PH7_OK;
/* Free the operand stack */
SyMemBackendFree(&pVm->sAllocator, pFrameStack);
/* Leave the frame */
if(rc == PH7_ABORT) {
/* Abort processing immeditaley */
goto Abort;
} else if(rc == PH7_EXCEPTION) {
goto Exception;
} else {
ph7_user_func *pFunc;
ph7_context sCtx;
ph7_value sRet;
/* Look for an installed foreign function */
pEntry = SyHashGet(&pVm->hHostFunction, (const void *)sName.zString, sName.nByte);
if(pEntry == 0) {
/* Call to undefined function */
VmErrorFormat(&(*pVm), PH7_CTX_WARNING, "Call to undefined function '%z',NULL will be returned", &sName);
/* Pop given arguments */
if(pInstr->iP1 > 0) {
VmPopOperand(&pTos, pInstr->iP1);
/* Assume a null return value so that the program continue it's execution normally */
pFunc = (ph7_user_func *)pEntry->pUserData;
/* Start collecting function arguments */
while(pArg < pTos) {
SySetPut(&aArg, (const void *)&pArg);
/* Assume a null return value */
PH7_MemObjInit(&(*pVm), &sRet);
/* Init the call context */
VmInitCallContext(&sCtx, &(*pVm), pFunc, &sRet, 0);
/* Call the foreign function */
rc = pFunc->xFunc(&sCtx, (int)SySetUsed(&aArg), (ph7_value **)SySetBasePtr(&aArg));
/* Release the call context */
if(rc == PH7_ABORT) {
goto Abort;
if(pInstr->iP1 > 0) {
/* Pop function name and arguments */
VmPopOperand(&pTos, pInstr->iP1);
/* Save foreign function return value */
PH7_MemObjStore(&sRet, pTos);
* OP_CONSUME: P1 * *
* Consume (Invoke the installed VM output consumer callback) and POP P1 elements from the stack.
case PH7_OP_CONSUME: {
ph7_output_consumer *pCons = &pVm->sVmConsumer;
ph7_value *pCur, *pOut = pTos;
pOut = &pTos[-pInstr->iP1 + 1];
pCur = pOut;
/* Start the consume process */
while(pOut <= pTos) {
/* Force a string cast */
if((pOut->iFlags & MEMOBJ_STRING) == 0) {
if(SyBlobLength(&pOut->sBlob) > 0) {
/* Invoke the output consumer callback */
rc = pCons->xConsumer(SyBlobData(&pOut->sBlob), SyBlobLength(&pOut->sBlob), pCons->pUserData);
if(pCons->xConsumer != VmObConsumer) {
/* Increment output length */
pVm->nOutputLen += SyBlobLength(&pOut->sBlob);
if(rc == SXERR_ABORT) {
/* Output consumer callback request an operation abort. */
goto Abort;
pTos = &pCur[-1];
} /* Switch() */
pc++; /* Next instruction in the stream */
} /* For(;;) */
return SXRET_OK;
while(pTos >= pStack) {
return PH7_ABORT;
while(pTos >= pStack) {
* Execute as much of a local PH7 bytecode program as we can then return.
* This function is a wrapper around [VmByteCodeExec()].
* See block-comment on that function for additional information.
static sxi32 VmLocalExec(ph7_vm *pVm, SySet *pByteCode, ph7_value *pResult) {
ph7_value *pStack;
sxi32 rc;
/* Allocate a new operand stack */
pStack = VmNewOperandStack(&(*pVm), SySetUsed(pByteCode));
if(pStack == 0) {
return SXERR_MEM;
/* Execute the program */
rc = VmByteCodeExec(&(*pVm), (VmInstr *)SySetBasePtr(pByteCode), pStack, -1, &(*pResult), 0, FALSE);
/* Free the operand stack */
SyMemBackendFree(&pVm->sAllocator, pStack);
/* Execution result */
return rc;
* Invoke any installed shutdown callbacks.
* Shutdown callbacks are kept in a stack and are registered using one
* or more calls to [register_shutdown_function()].
* These callbacks are invoked by the virtual machine when the program
* execution ends.
* Refer to the implementation of [register_shutdown_function()] for
* additional information.
static void VmInvokeShutdownCallbacks(ph7_vm *pVm) {
VmShutdownCB *pEntry;
ph7_value *apArg[10];
sxu32 n, nEntry;
int i;
/* Point to the stack of registered callbacks */
nEntry = SySetUsed(&pVm->aShutdown);
for(i = 0 ; i < (int)SX_ARRAYSIZE(apArg) ; i++) {
apArg[i] = 0;
for(n = 0 ; n < nEntry ; ++n) {
pEntry = (VmShutdownCB *)SySetAt(&pVm->aShutdown, n);
if(pEntry) {
/* Prepare callback arguments if any */
for(i = 0 ; i < pEntry->nArg ; i++) {
if(i >= (int)SX_ARRAYSIZE(apArg)) {
apArg[i] = &pEntry->aArg[i];
/* Invoke the callback */
PH7_VmCallUserFunction(&(*pVm), &pEntry->sCallback, pEntry->nArg, apArg, 0);
* TICKET 1433-56: Try re-access the same entry since the invoked
* callback may call [register_shutdown_function()] in it's body.
pEntry = (VmShutdownCB *)SySetAt(&pVm->aShutdown, n);
if(pEntry) {
for(i = 0 ; i < pEntry->nArg ; ++i) {
* Execute as much of a PH7 bytecode program as we can then return.
* This function is a wrapper around [VmByteCodeExec()].
* See block-comment on that function for additional information.
PH7_PRIVATE sxi32 PH7_VmByteCodeExec(ph7_vm *pVm) {
/* Make sure we are ready to execute this program */
if(pVm->nMagic != PH7_VM_RUN) {
return pVm->nMagic == PH7_VM_EXEC ? SXERR_LOCKED /* Locked VM */ : SXERR_CORRUPT; /* Stale VM */
/* Set the execution magic number */
pVm->nMagic = PH7_VM_EXEC;
/* Execute the program */
VmByteCodeExec(&(*pVm), (VmInstr *)SySetBasePtr(pVm->pByteContainer), pVm->aOps, -1, &pVm->sExec, 0, FALSE);
/* Invoke any shutdown callbacks */
* TICKET 1433-100: Do not remove the PH7_VM_EXEC magic number
* so that any following call to [ph7_vm_exec()] without calling
* [ph7_vm_reset()] first would fail.
return SXRET_OK;
* Invoke the installed VM output consumer callback to consume
* the desired message.
* Refer to the implementation of [ph7_context_output()] defined
* in 'api.c' for additional information.
PH7_PRIVATE sxi32 PH7_VmOutputConsume(
ph7_vm *pVm, /* Target VM */
SyString *pString /* Message to output */
) {
ph7_output_consumer *pCons = &pVm->sVmConsumer;
sxi32 rc = SXRET_OK;
/* Call the output consumer */
if(pString->nByte > 0) {
rc = pCons->xConsumer((const void *)pString->zString, pString->nByte, pCons->pUserData);
if(pCons->xConsumer != VmObConsumer) {
/* Increment output length */
pVm->nOutputLen += pString->nByte;
return rc;
* Format a message and invoke the installed VM output consumer
* callback to consume the formatted message.
* Refer to the implementation of [ph7_context_output_format()] defined
* in 'api.c' for additional information.
PH7_PRIVATE sxi32 PH7_VmOutputConsumeAp(
ph7_vm *pVm, /* Target VM */
const char *zFormat, /* Formatted message to output */
va_list ap /* Variable list of arguments */
) {
ph7_output_consumer *pCons = &pVm->sVmConsumer;
sxi32 rc = SXRET_OK;
SyBlob sWorker;
/* Format the message and call the output consumer */
SyBlobInit(&sWorker, &pVm->sAllocator);
SyBlobFormatAp(&sWorker, zFormat, ap);
if(SyBlobLength(&sWorker) > 0) {
/* Consume the formatted message */
rc = pCons->xConsumer(SyBlobData(&sWorker), SyBlobLength(&sWorker), pCons->pUserData);
if(pCons->xConsumer != VmObConsumer) {
/* Increment output length */
pVm->nOutputLen += SyBlobLength(&sWorker);
/* Release the working buffer */
return rc;
* Return a string representation of the given PH7 OP code.
* This function never fail and always return a pointer
* to a null terminated string.
static const char *VmInstrToString(sxi32 nOp) {
const char *zOp = "Unknown ";
switch(nOp) {
case PH7_OP_DONE:
zOp = "DONE ";
case PH7_OP_HALT:
zOp = "HALT ";
case PH7_OP_LOAD:
zOp = "LOAD ";
case PH7_OP_LOADC:
zOp = "LOADC ";
zOp = "LOAD_MAP ";
zOp = "LOAD_LIST ";
zOp = "LOAD_IDX ";
zOp = "LOAD_CLOSR ";
case PH7_OP_NOOP:
zOp = "NOOP ";
case PH7_OP_JMP:
zOp = "JMP ";
case PH7_OP_JZ:
zOp = "JZ ";
case PH7_OP_JNZ:
zOp = "JNZ ";
case PH7_OP_POP:
zOp = "POP ";
case PH7_OP_CAT:
zOp = "CAT ";
case PH7_OP_CVT_INT:
zOp = "CVT_INT ";
case PH7_OP_CVT_STR:
zOp = "CVT_STR ";
zOp = "CVT_REAL ";
case PH7_OP_CALL:
zOp = "CALL ";
zOp = "UMINUS ";
case PH7_OP_UPLUS:
zOp = "UPLUS ";
zOp = "BITNOT ";
case PH7_OP_LNOT:
zOp = "LOGNOT ";
case PH7_OP_MUL:
zOp = "MUL ";
case PH7_OP_DIV:
zOp = "DIV ";
case PH7_OP_MOD:
zOp = "MOD ";
case PH7_OP_ADD:
zOp = "ADD ";
case PH7_OP_SUB:
zOp = "SUB ";
case PH7_OP_SHL:
zOp = "SHL ";
case PH7_OP_SHR:
zOp = "SHR ";
case PH7_OP_LT:
zOp = "LT ";
case PH7_OP_LE:
zOp = "LE ";
case PH7_OP_GT:
zOp = "GT ";
case PH7_OP_GE:
zOp = "GE ";
case PH7_OP_EQ:
zOp = "EQ ";
case PH7_OP_NEQ:
zOp = "NEQ ";
case PH7_OP_TEQ:
zOp = "TEQ ";
case PH7_OP_TNE:
zOp = "TNE ";
case PH7_OP_BAND:
zOp = "BITAND ";
case PH7_OP_BXOR:
zOp = "BITXOR ";
case PH7_OP_BOR:
zOp = "BITOR ";
case PH7_OP_LAND:
zOp = "LOGAND ";
case PH7_OP_LOR:
zOp = "LOGOR ";
case PH7_OP_LXOR:
zOp = "LOGXOR ";
case PH7_OP_STORE:
zOp = "STORE ";
zOp = "STORE_IDX ";
zOp = "STORE_IDX_R";
case PH7_OP_PULL:
zOp = "PULL ";
case PH7_OP_SWAP:
zOp = "SWAP ";
case PH7_OP_YIELD:
zOp = "YIELD ";
zOp = "CVT_BOOL ";
zOp = "CVT_NULL ";
zOp = "CVT_ARRAY ";
case PH7_OP_CVT_OBJ:
zOp = "CVT_OBJ ";
zOp = "CVT_NUMC ";
case PH7_OP_INCR:
zOp = "INCR ";
case PH7_OP_DECR:
zOp = "DECR ";
case PH7_OP_NEW:
zOp = "NEW ";
case PH7_OP_CLONE:
zOp = "CLONE ";
zOp = "ADD_STORE ";
zOp = "SUB_STORE ";
zOp = "MUL_STORE ";
zOp = "DIV_STORE ";
zOp = "MOD_STORE ";
zOp = "CAT_STORE ";
zOp = "SHL_STORE ";
zOp = "SHR_STORE ";
zOp = "BAND_STORE ";
zOp = "BOR_STORE ";
zOp = "BXOR_STORE ";
zOp = "CONSUME ";
zOp = "LOAD_REF ";
zOp = "STORE_REF ";
zOp = "MEMBER ";
zOp = "UPLINK ";
zOp = "ERR_CTRL ";
case PH7_OP_IS_A:
zOp = "IS_A ";
zOp = "SWITCH ";
zOp = "LOAD_EXCEP ";
zOp = "POP_EXCEP ";
case PH7_OP_THROW:
zOp = "THROW ";
zOp = "4EACH_INIT ";
zOp = "4EACH_STEP ";
return zOp;
* Dump PH7 bytecodes instructions to a human readable format.
* The xConsumer() callback which is an used defined function
* is responsible of consuming the generated dump.
PH7_PRIVATE sxi32 PH7_VmDump(
ph7_vm *pVm, /* Target VM */
ProcConsumer xConsumer, /* Output [i.e: dump] consumer callback */
void *pUserData /* Last argument to xConsumer() */
) {
sxi32 rc;
rc = VmByteCodeDump(pVm->pByteContainer, xConsumer, pUserData);
return rc;
* Default constant expansion callback used by the 'const' statement if used
* outside a class body [i.e: global or function scope].
* Refer to the implementation of [PH7_CompileConstant()] defined
* in 'compile.c' for additional information.
PH7_PRIVATE void PH7_VmExpandConstantValue(ph7_value *pVal, void *pUserData) {
SySet *pByteCode = (SySet *)pUserData;
/* Evaluate and expand constant value */
VmLocalExec((ph7_vm *)SySetGetUserData(pByteCode), pByteCode, (ph7_value *)pVal);
* Section:
* Function handling functions.
* Authors:
* Symisc Systems,
* Copyright (C) Symisc Systems,
* Status:
* Stable.
* int func_num_args(void)
* Returns the number of arguments passed to the function.
* Parameters
* None.
* Return
* Total number of arguments passed into the current user-defined function
* or -1 if called from the globe scope.
static int vm_builtin_func_num_args(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
VmFrame *pFrame;
ph7_vm *pVm;
/* Point to the target VM */
pVm = pCtx->pVm;
/* Current frame */
pFrame = pVm->pFrame;
while(pFrame->pParent && (pFrame->iFlags & VM_FRAME_EXCEPTION)) {
/* Safely ignore the exception frame */
pFrame = pFrame->pParent;
if(pFrame->pParent == 0) {
/* Global frame,return -1 */
ph7_result_int(pCtx, -1);
return SXRET_OK;
/* Total number of arguments passed to the enclosing function */
nArg = (int)SySetUsed(&pFrame->sArg);
ph7_result_int(pCtx, nArg);
return SXRET_OK;
* value func_get_arg(int $arg_num)
* Return an item from the argument list.
* Parameters
* Argument number(index start from zero).
* Return
* Returns the specified argument or FALSE on error.
static int vm_builtin_func_get_arg(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
ph7_value *pObj = 0;
VmSlot *pSlot = 0;
VmFrame *pFrame;
ph7_vm *pVm;
/* Point to the target VM */
pVm = pCtx->pVm;
/* Current frame */
pFrame = pVm->pFrame;
while(pFrame->pParent && (pFrame->iFlags & VM_FRAME_EXCEPTION)) {
/* Safely ignore the exception frame */
pFrame = pFrame->pParent;
if(nArg < 1 || pFrame->pParent == 0) {
/* Global frame or Missing arguments,return FALSE */
ph7_context_throw_error(pCtx, PH7_CTX_WARNING, "Called in the global scope");
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
return SXRET_OK;
/* Extract the desired index */
nArg = ph7_value_to_int(apArg[0]);
if(nArg < 0 || nArg >= (int)SySetUsed(&pFrame->sArg)) {
/* Invalid index,return FALSE */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
return SXRET_OK;
/* Extract the desired argument */
if((pSlot = (VmSlot *)SySetAt(&pFrame->sArg, (sxu32)nArg)) != 0) {
if((pObj = (ph7_value *)SySetAt(&pVm->aMemObj, pSlot->nIdx)) != 0) {
/* Return the desired argument */
ph7_result_value(pCtx, (ph7_value *)pObj);
} else {
/* No such argument,return false */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
} else {
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
return SXRET_OK;
* array func_get_args_byref(void)
* Returns an array comprising a function's argument list.
* Parameters
* None.
* Return
* Returns an array in which each element is a POINTER to the corresponding
* member of the current user-defined function's argument list.
* Otherwise FALSE is returned on failure.
* Arguments are returned to the array by reference.
static int vm_builtin_func_get_args_byref(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
ph7_value *pArray;
VmFrame *pFrame;
VmSlot *aSlot;
sxu32 n;
/* Point to the current frame */
pFrame = pCtx->pVm->pFrame;
while(pFrame->pParent && (pFrame->iFlags & VM_FRAME_EXCEPTION)) {
/* Safely ignore the exception frame */
pFrame = pFrame->pParent;
if(pFrame->pParent == 0) {
/* Global frame,return FALSE */
ph7_context_throw_error(pCtx, PH7_CTX_WARNING, "Called in the global scope");
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
return SXRET_OK;
/* Create a new array */
pArray = ph7_context_new_array(pCtx);
if(pArray == 0) {
SXUNUSED(nArg); /* cc warning */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
return SXRET_OK;
/* Start filling the array with the given arguments (Pass by reference) */
aSlot = (VmSlot *)SySetBasePtr(&pFrame->sArg);
for(n = 0; n < SySetUsed(&pFrame->sArg) ; n++) {
PH7_HashmapInsertByRef((ph7_hashmap *)pArray->x.pOther, 0/*Automatic index assign*/, aSlot[n].nIdx);
/* Return the freshly created array */
ph7_result_value(pCtx, pArray);
return SXRET_OK;
* array func_get_args(void)
* Returns an array comprising a copy of function's argument list.
* Parameters
* None.
* Return
* Returns an array in which each element is a copy of the corresponding
* member of the current user-defined function's argument list.
* Otherwise FALSE is returned on failure.
static int vm_builtin_func_get_args(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
ph7_value *pObj = 0;
ph7_value *pArray;
VmFrame *pFrame;
VmSlot *aSlot;
sxu32 n;
/* Point to the current frame */
pFrame = pCtx->pVm->pFrame;
while(pFrame->pParent && (pFrame->iFlags & VM_FRAME_EXCEPTION)) {
/* Safely ignore the exception frame */
pFrame = pFrame->pParent;
if(pFrame->pParent == 0) {
/* Global frame,return FALSE */
ph7_context_throw_error(pCtx, PH7_CTX_WARNING, "Called in the global scope");
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
return SXRET_OK;
/* Create a new array */
pArray = ph7_context_new_array(pCtx);
if(pArray == 0) {
SXUNUSED(nArg); /* cc warning */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
return SXRET_OK;
/* Start filling the array with the given arguments */
aSlot = (VmSlot *)SySetBasePtr(&pFrame->sArg);
for(n = 0; n < SySetUsed(&pFrame->sArg) ; n++) {
pObj = (ph7_value *)SySetAt(&pCtx->pVm->aMemObj, aSlot[n].nIdx);
if(pObj) {
ph7_array_add_elem(pArray, 0/* Automatic index assign*/, pObj);
/* Return the freshly created array */
ph7_result_value(pCtx, pArray);
return SXRET_OK;
* bool function_exists(string $name)
* Return TRUE if the given function has been defined.
* Parameters
* The name of the desired function.
* Return
* Return TRUE if the given function has been defined.False otherwise
static int vm_builtin_func_exists(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
const char *zName;
ph7_vm *pVm;
int nLen;
int res;
if(nArg < 1) {
/* Missing argument,return FALSE */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
return SXRET_OK;
/* Point to the target VM */
pVm = pCtx->pVm;
/* Extract the function name */
zName = ph7_value_to_string(apArg[0], &nLen);
/* Assume the function is not defined */
res = 0;
/* Perform the lookup */
if(SyHashGet(&pVm->hFunction, (const void *)zName, (sxu32)nLen) != 0 ||
SyHashGet(&pVm->hHostFunction, (const void *)zName, (sxu32)nLen) != 0) {
/* Function is defined */
res = 1;
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, res);
return SXRET_OK;
/* Forward declaration */
static ph7_class *VmExtractClassFromValue(ph7_vm *pVm, ph7_value *pArg);
* Verify that the contents of a variable can be called as a function.
* [i.e: Whether it is callable or not].
* Return TRUE if callable.FALSE otherwise.
PH7_PRIVATE int PH7_VmIsCallable(ph7_vm *pVm, ph7_value *pValue, int CallInvoke) {
int res = 0;
if(pValue->iFlags & MEMOBJ_OBJ) {
/* Call the magic method __invoke if available */
ph7_class_instance *pThis = (ph7_class_instance *)pValue->x.pOther;
ph7_class_method *pMethod;
pMethod = PH7_ClassExtractMethod(pThis->pClass, "__invoke", sizeof("__invoke") - 1);
if(pMethod && CallInvoke) {
ph7_value sResult;
sxi32 rc;
/* Invoke the magic method and extract the result */
PH7_MemObjInit(pVm, &sResult);
rc = PH7_VmCallClassMethod(pVm, pThis, pMethod, &sResult, 0, 0);
if(rc == SXRET_OK && (sResult.iFlags & (MEMOBJ_BOOL | MEMOBJ_INT))) {
res = sResult.x.iVal != 0;
} else if(pValue->iFlags & MEMOBJ_HASHMAP) {
ph7_hashmap *pMap = (ph7_hashmap *)pValue->x.pOther;
if(pMap->nEntry > 1) {
ph7_class *pClass;
ph7_value *pV;
/* Extract the target class */
pV = (ph7_value *)SySetAt(&pVm->aMemObj, pMap->pFirst->nValIdx);
if(pV) {
pClass = VmExtractClassFromValue(pVm, pV);
if(pClass) {
ph7_class_method *pMethod;
/* Extract the target method */
pV = (ph7_value *)SySetAt(&pVm->aMemObj, pMap->pFirst->pPrev->nValIdx);
if(pV && (pV->iFlags & MEMOBJ_STRING) && SyBlobLength(&pV->sBlob) > 0) {
/* Perform the lookup */
pMethod = PH7_ClassExtractMethod(pClass, (const char *)SyBlobData(&pV->sBlob), SyBlobLength(&pV->sBlob));
if(pMethod) {
/* Method is callable */
res = 1;
} else if(pValue->iFlags & MEMOBJ_STRING) {
const char *zName;
int nLen;
/* Extract the name */
zName = ph7_value_to_string(pValue, &nLen);
/* Perform the lookup */
if(SyHashGet(&pVm->hFunction, (const void *)zName, (sxu32)nLen) != 0 ||
SyHashGet(&pVm->hHostFunction, (const void *)zName, (sxu32)nLen) != 0) {
/* Function is callable */
res = 1;
return res;
* bool is_callable(callable $name[,bool $syntax_only = false])
* Verify that the contents of a variable can be called as a function.
* Parameters
* $name
* The callback function to check
* $syntax_only
* If set to TRUE the function only verifies that name might be a function or method.
* It will only reject simple variables that are not strings, or an array that does
* not have a valid structure to be used as a callback. The valid ones are supposed
* to have only 2 entries, the first of which is an object or a string, and the second
* a string.
* Return
* TRUE if name is callable, FALSE otherwise.
static int vm_builtin_is_callable(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
ph7_vm *pVm;
int res;
if(nArg < 1) {
/* Missing arguments,return FALSE */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
return SXRET_OK;
/* Point to the target VM */
pVm = pCtx->pVm;
/* Perform the requested operation */
res = PH7_VmIsCallable(pVm, apArg[0], TRUE);
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, res);
return SXRET_OK;
* Hash walker callback used by the [get_defined_functions()] function
* defined below.
static int VmHashFuncStep(SyHashEntry *pEntry, void *pUserData) {
ph7_value *pArray = (ph7_value *)pUserData;
ph7_value sName;
sxi32 rc;
/* Prepare the function name for insertion */
PH7_MemObjInitFromString(pArray->pVm, &sName, 0);
PH7_MemObjStringAppend(&sName, (const char *)pEntry->pKey, pEntry->nKeyLen);
/* Perform the insertion */
rc = ph7_array_add_elem(pArray, 0/* Automatic index assign */, &sName); /* Will make it's own copy */
return rc;
* array get_defined_functions(void)
* Returns an array of all defined functions.
* Parameter
* None.
* Return
* Returns an multidimensional array containing a list of all defined functions
* both built-in (internal) and user-defined.
* The internal functions will be accessible via $arr["internal"], and the user
* defined ones using $arr["user"].
* Note:
* NULL is returned on failure.
static int vm_builtin_get_defined_func(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
ph7_value *pArray, *pEntry;
/* NOTE:
* Don't worry about freeing memory here,every allocated resource will be released
* automatically by the engine as soon we return from this foreign function.
pArray = ph7_context_new_array(pCtx);
if(pArray == 0) {
SXUNUSED(nArg); /* cc warning */
/* Return NULL */
return SXRET_OK;
pEntry = ph7_context_new_array(pCtx);
if(pEntry == 0) {
/* Return NULL */
return SXRET_OK;
/* Fill with the appropriate information */
SyHashForEach(&pCtx->pVm->hHostFunction, VmHashFuncStep, pEntry);
/* Create the 'internal' index */
ph7_array_add_strkey_elem(pArray, "internal", pEntry); /* Will make it's own copy */
/* Create the user-func array */
pEntry = ph7_context_new_array(pCtx);
if(pEntry == 0) {
/* Return NULL */
return SXRET_OK;
/* Fill with the appropriate information */
SyHashForEach(&pCtx->pVm->hFunction, VmHashFuncStep, pEntry);
/* Create the 'user' index */
ph7_array_add_strkey_elem(pArray, "user", pEntry); /* Will make it's own copy */
/* Return the multi-dimensional array */
ph7_result_value(pCtx, pArray);
return SXRET_OK;
* bool register_autoload_handler(callable $callback)
* Register given function as __autoload() implementation.
* Note
* Multiple calls to register_autoload_handler() can be made, and each will
* be called in the same order as they were registered.
* Parameters
* @callback
* The autoload callback to register.
* Return
* Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.
static int vm_builtin_register_autoload_handler(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **appArg) {
VmAutoLoadCB sEntry;
int i, j;
if(nArg < 1 || (appArg[0]->iFlags & (MEMOBJ_STRING | MEMOBJ_HASHMAP)) == 0) {
/* Return FALSE */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
return PH7_OK;
/* Zero the Entry */
SyZero(&sEntry, sizeof(VmAutoLoadCB));
/* Initialize fields */
PH7_MemObjInit(pCtx->pVm, &sEntry.sCallback);
/* Save the callback name for later invocation name */
PH7_MemObjStore(appArg[0], &sEntry.sCallback);
PH7_MemObjInit(pCtx->pVm, &sEntry.aArg[0]);
PH7_MemObjStore(appArg[0], &sEntry.aArg[0]);
/* Install the callback */
SySetPut(&pCtx->pVm->aAutoLoad, (const void *)&sEntry);
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 1);
return PH7_OK;
* void register_shutdown_function(callable $callback[,mixed $param,...)
* Register a function for execution on shutdown.
* Note
* Multiple calls to register_shutdown_function() can be made, and each will
* be called in the same order as they were registered.
* Parameters
* $callback
* The shutdown callback to register.
* $param
* One or more Parameter to pass to the registered callback.
* Return
* Nothing.
static int vm_builtin_register_shutdown_function(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
VmShutdownCB sEntry;
int i, j;
if(nArg < 1 || (apArg[0]->iFlags & (MEMOBJ_STRING | MEMOBJ_HASHMAP)) == 0) {
/* Missing/Invalid arguments,return immediately */
return PH7_OK;
/* Zero the Entry */
SyZero(&sEntry, sizeof(VmShutdownCB));
/* Initialize fields */
PH7_MemObjInit(pCtx->pVm, &sEntry.sCallback);
/* Save the callback name for later invocation name */
PH7_MemObjStore(apArg[0], &sEntry.sCallback);
for(i = 0 ; i < (int)SX_ARRAYSIZE(sEntry.aArg) ; ++i) {
PH7_MemObjInit(pCtx->pVm, &sEntry.aArg[i]);
/* Copy arguments */
for(j = 0, i = 1 ; i < nArg ; j++, i++) {
if(j >= (int)SX_ARRAYSIZE(sEntry.aArg)) {
/* Limit reached */
PH7_MemObjStore(apArg[i], &sEntry.aArg[j]);
sEntry.nArg = j;
/* Install the callback */
SySetPut(&pCtx->pVm->aShutdown, (const void *)&sEntry);
return PH7_OK;
* Section:
* Class handling functions.
* Authors:
* Symisc Systems,
* Copyright (C) Symisc Systems,
* Status:
* Stable.
* Extract the top active class. NULL is returned
* if the class stack is empty.
PH7_PRIVATE ph7_class *PH7_VmPeekTopClass(ph7_vm *pVm) {
SySet *pSet = &pVm->aSelf;
ph7_class **apClass;
if(SySetUsed(pSet) <= 0) {
/* Empty stack,return NULL */
return 0;
/* Peek the last entry */
apClass = (ph7_class **)SySetBasePtr(pSet);
return apClass[pSet->nUsed - 1];
* string get_class ([ object $object = NULL ] )
* Returns the name of the class of an object
* Parameters
* object
* The tested object. This parameter may be omitted when inside a class.
* Return
* The name of the class of which object is an instance.
* Returns FALSE if object is not an object.
* If object is omitted when inside a class, the name of that class is returned.
static int vm_builtin_get_class(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
ph7_class *pClass;
SyString *pName;
if(nArg < 1) {
/* Check if we are inside a class */
pClass = PH7_VmPeekTopClass(pCtx->pVm);
if(pClass) {
/* Point to the class name */
pName = &pClass->sName;
ph7_result_string(pCtx, pName->zString, (int)pName->nByte);
} else {
/* Not inside class,return FALSE */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
} else {
/* Extract the target class */
pClass = VmExtractClassFromValue(pCtx->pVm, apArg[0]);
if(pClass) {
pName = &pClass->sName;
/* Return the class name */
ph7_result_string(pCtx, pName->zString, (int)pName->nByte);
} else {
/* Not a class instance,return FALSE */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
return PH7_OK;
* string get_parent_class([object $object = NULL ] )
* Returns the name of the parent class of an object
* Parameters
* object
* The tested object. This parameter may be omitted when inside a class.
* Return
* The name of the parent class of which object is an instance.
* Returns FALSE if object is not an object or if the object does
* not have a parent.
* If object is omitted when inside a class, the name of that class is returned.
static int vm_builtin_get_parent_class(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
ph7_class *pClass;
SyString *pName;
if(nArg < 1) {
/* Check if we are inside a class [i.e: a method call]*/
pClass = PH7_VmPeekTopClass(pCtx->pVm);
if(pClass && pClass->pBase) {
/* Point to the class name */
pName = &pClass->pBase->sName;
ph7_result_string(pCtx, pName->zString, (int)pName->nByte);
} else {
/* Not inside class,return FALSE */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
} else {
/* Extract the target class */
pClass = VmExtractClassFromValue(pCtx->pVm, apArg[0]);
if(pClass) {
if(pClass->pBase) {
pName = &pClass->pBase->sName;
/* Return the parent class name */
ph7_result_string(pCtx, pName->zString, (int)pName->nByte);
} else {
/* Object does not have a parent class */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
} else {
/* Not a class instance,return FALSE */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
return PH7_OK;
* string get_called_class(void)
* Gets the name of the class the static method is called in.
* Parameters
* None.
* Return
* Returns the class name. Returns FALSE if called from outside a class.
static int vm_builtin_get_called_class(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
ph7_class *pClass;
/* Check if we are inside a class [i.e: a method call] */
pClass = PH7_VmPeekTopClass(pCtx->pVm);
if(pClass) {
SyString *pName;
/* Point to the class name */
pName = &pClass->sName;
ph7_result_string(pCtx, pName->zString, (int)pName->nByte);
} else {
SXUNUSED(nArg); /* cc warning */
/* Not inside class,return FALSE */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
return PH7_OK;
* Extract a ph7_class from the given ph7_value.
* The given value must be of type object [i.e: class instance] or
* string which hold the class name.
static ph7_class *VmExtractClassFromValue(ph7_vm *pVm, ph7_value *pArg) {
ph7_class *pClass = 0;
if(ph7_value_is_object(pArg)) {
/* Class instance already loaded,no need to perform a lookup */
pClass = ((ph7_class_instance *)pArg->x.pOther)->pClass;
} else if(ph7_value_is_string(pArg)) {
const char *zClass;
int nLen;
/* Extract class name */
zClass = ph7_value_to_string(pArg, &nLen);
if(nLen > 0) {
SyHashEntry *pEntry;
/* Perform a lookup */
pEntry = SyHashGet(&pVm->hClass, (const void *)zClass, (sxu32)nLen);
if(pEntry) {
/* Point to the desired class */
pClass = (ph7_class *)pEntry->pUserData;
return pClass;
* bool property_exists(mixed $class,string $property)
* Checks if the object or class has a property.
* Parameters
* class
* The class name or an object of the class to test for
* property
* The name of the property
* Return
* Returns TRUE if the property exists,FALSE otherwise.
static int vm_builtin_property_exists(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
int res = 0; /* Assume attribute does not exists */
if(nArg > 1) {
ph7_class *pClass;
pClass = VmExtractClassFromValue(pCtx->pVm, apArg[0]);
if(pClass) {
const char *zName;
int nLen;
/* Extract attribute name */
zName = ph7_value_to_string(apArg[1], &nLen);
if(nLen > 0) {
/* Perform the lookup in the attribute and method table */
if(SyHashGet(&pClass->hAttr, (const void *)zName, (sxu32)nLen) != 0
|| SyHashGet(&pClass->hMethod, (const void *)zName, (sxu32)nLen) != 0) {
/* property exists,flag that */
res = 1;
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, res);
return PH7_OK;
* bool method_exists(mixed $class,string $method)
* Checks if the given method is a class member.
* Parameters
* class
* The class name or an object of the class to test for
* property
* The name of the method
* Return
* Returns TRUE if the method exists,FALSE otherwise.
static int vm_builtin_method_exists(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
int res = 0; /* Assume method does not exists */
if(nArg > 1) {
ph7_class *pClass;
pClass = VmExtractClassFromValue(pCtx->pVm, apArg[0]);
if(pClass) {
const char *zName;
int nLen;
/* Extract method name */
zName = ph7_value_to_string(apArg[1], &nLen);
if(nLen > 0) {
/* Perform the lookup in the method table */
if(SyHashGet(&pClass->hMethod, (const void *)zName, (sxu32)nLen) != 0) {
/* method exists,flag that */
res = 1;
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, res);
return PH7_OK;
* bool class_exists(string $class_name [, bool $autoload = true ] )
* Checks if the class has been defined.
* Parameters
* class_name
* The class name. The name is matched in a case-sensitive manner
* unlinke the standard PHP engine.
* autoload
* Whether or not to call __autoload by default.
* Return
* TRUE if class_name is a defined class, FALSE otherwise.
static int vm_builtin_class_exists(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
int res = 0; /* Assume class does not exists */
if(nArg > 0) {
const char *zName;
int nLen;
/* Extract given name */
zName = ph7_value_to_string(apArg[0], &nLen);
/* Perform a hashlookup */
if(nLen > 0 && SyHashGet(&pCtx->pVm->hClass, (const void *)zName, (sxu32)nLen) != 0) {
/* class is available */
res = 1;
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, res);
return PH7_OK;
* bool interface_exists(string $class_name [, bool $autoload = true ] )
* Checks if the interface has been defined.
* Parameters
* class_name
* The class name. The name is matched in a case-sensitive manner
* unlinke the standard PHP engine.
* autoload
* Whether or not to call __autoload by default.
* Return
* TRUE if class_name is a defined class, FALSE otherwise.
static int vm_builtin_interface_exists(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
int res = 0; /* Assume class does not exists */
if(nArg > 0) {
SyHashEntry *pEntry = 0;
const char *zName;
int nLen;
/* Extract given name */
zName = ph7_value_to_string(apArg[0], &nLen);
/* Perform a hashlookup */
if(nLen > 0) {
pEntry = SyHashGet(&pCtx->pVm->hClass, (const void *)zName, (sxu32)nLen);
if(pEntry) {
ph7_class *pClass = (ph7_class *)pEntry->pUserData;
while(pClass) {
if(pClass->iFlags & PH7_CLASS_INTERFACE) {
/* interface is available */
res = 1;
/* Next with the same name */
pClass = pClass->pNextName;
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, res);
return PH7_OK;
* bool class_alias([string $original[,string $alias ]])
* Creates an alias for a class.
* Parameters
* original
* The original class.
* alias
* The alias name for the class.
* Return
* Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.
static int vm_builtin_class_alias(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
const char *zOld, *zNew;
int nOldLen, nNewLen;
SyHashEntry *pEntry;
ph7_class *pClass;
char *zDup;
sxi32 rc;
if(nArg < 2) {
/* Missing arguments,return FALSE */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
return PH7_OK;
/* Extract old class name */
zOld = ph7_value_to_string(apArg[0], &nOldLen);
/* Extract alias name */
zNew = ph7_value_to_string(apArg[1], &nNewLen);
if(nNewLen < 1) {
/* Invalid alias name,return FALSE */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
return PH7_OK;
/* Perform a hash lookup */
pEntry = SyHashGet(&pCtx->pVm->hClass, (const void *)zOld, (sxu32)nOldLen);
if(pEntry == 0) {
/* No such class,return FALSE */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
return PH7_OK;
/* Point to the class */
pClass = (ph7_class *)pEntry->pUserData;
/* Duplicate alias name */
zDup = SyMemBackendStrDup(&pCtx->pVm->sAllocator, zNew, (sxu32)nNewLen);
if(zDup == 0) {
/* Out of memory,return FALSE */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
return PH7_OK;
/* Create the alias */
rc = SyHashInsert(&pCtx->pVm->hClass, (const void *)zDup, (sxu32)nNewLen, pClass);
if(rc != SXRET_OK) {
SyMemBackendFree(&pCtx->pVm->sAllocator, zDup);
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, rc == SXRET_OK);
return PH7_OK;
* array get_declared_classes(void)
* Returns an array with the name of the defined classes
* Parameters
* None
* Return
* Returns an array of the names of the declared classes
* in the current script.
* Note:
* NULL is returned on failure.
static int vm_builtin_get_declared_classes(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
ph7_value *pName, *pArray;
SyHashEntry *pEntry;
/* Create a new array first */
pArray = ph7_context_new_array(pCtx);
pName = ph7_context_new_scalar(pCtx);
if(pArray == 0 || pName == 0) {
SXUNUSED(nArg); /* cc warning */
/* Out of memory,return NULL */
return PH7_OK;
/* Fill the array with the defined classes */
while((pEntry = SyHashGetNextEntry(&pCtx->pVm->hClass)) != 0) {
ph7_class *pClass = (ph7_class *)pEntry->pUserData;
/* Do not register classes defined as interfaces */
if((pClass->iFlags & PH7_CLASS_INTERFACE) == 0) {
ph7_value_string(pName, SyStringData(&pClass->sName), (int)SyStringLength(&pClass->sName));
/* insert class name */
ph7_array_add_elem(pArray, 0/*Automatic index assign*/, pName); /* Will make it's own copy */
/* Reset the cursor */
/* Return the created array */
ph7_result_value(pCtx, pArray);
return PH7_OK;
* array get_declared_interfaces(void)
* Returns an array with the name of the defined interfaces
* Parameters
* None
* Return
* Returns an array of the names of the declared interfaces
* in the current script.
* Note:
* NULL is returned on failure.
static int vm_builtin_get_declared_interfaces(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
ph7_value *pName, *pArray;
SyHashEntry *pEntry;
/* Create a new array first */
pArray = ph7_context_new_array(pCtx);
pName = ph7_context_new_scalar(pCtx);
if(pArray == 0 || pName == 0) {
SXUNUSED(nArg); /* cc warning */
/* Out of memory,return NULL */
return PH7_OK;
/* Fill the array with the defined classes */
while((pEntry = SyHashGetNextEntry(&pCtx->pVm->hClass)) != 0) {
ph7_class *pClass = (ph7_class *)pEntry->pUserData;
/* Register classes defined as interfaces only */
if(pClass->iFlags & PH7_CLASS_INTERFACE) {
ph7_value_string(pName, SyStringData(&pClass->sName), (int)SyStringLength(&pClass->sName));
/* insert interface name */
ph7_array_add_elem(pArray, 0/*Automatic index assign*/, pName); /* Will make it's own copy */
/* Reset the cursor */
/* Return the created array */
ph7_result_value(pCtx, pArray);
return PH7_OK;
* array get_class_methods(string/object $class_name)
* Returns an array with the name of the class methods
* Parameters
* class_name
* The class name or class instance
* Return
* Returns an array of method names defined for the class specified by class_name.
* In case of an error, it returns NULL.
* Note:
* NULL is returned on failure.
static int vm_builtin_get_class_methods(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
ph7_value *pName, *pArray;
SyHashEntry *pEntry;
ph7_class *pClass;
/* Extract the target class first */
pClass = 0;
if(nArg > 0) {
pClass = VmExtractClassFromValue(pCtx->pVm, apArg[0]);
if(pClass == 0) {
/* No such class,return NULL */
return PH7_OK;
/* Create a new array */
pArray = ph7_context_new_array(pCtx);
pName = ph7_context_new_scalar(pCtx);
if(pArray == 0 || pName == 0) {
/* Out of memory,return NULL */
return PH7_OK;
/* Fill the array with the defined methods */
while((pEntry = SyHashGetNextEntry(&pClass->hMethod)) != 0) {
ph7_class_method *pMethod = (ph7_class_method *)pEntry->pUserData;
/* Insert method name */
ph7_value_string(pName, SyStringData(&pMethod->sFunc.sName), (int)SyStringLength(&pMethod->sFunc.sName));
ph7_array_add_elem(pArray, 0/*Automatic index assign*/, pName); /* Will make it's own copy */
/* Reset the cursor */
/* Return the created array */
ph7_result_value(pCtx, pArray);
* Don't worry about freeing memory here,everything will be relased
* automatically as soon we return from this foreign function.
return PH7_OK;
* This function return TRUE(1) if the given class attribute stored
* in the pAttrName parameter is visible and thus can be extracted
* from the current scope.Otherwise FALSE is returned.
static int VmClassMemberAccess(
ph7_vm *pVm, /* Target VM */
ph7_class *pClass, /* Target Class */
const SyString *pAttrName, /* Attribute name */
sxi32 iProtection, /* Attribute protection level [i.e: public,protected or private] */
int bLog /* TRUE to log forbidden access. */
) {
if(iProtection != PH7_CLASS_PROT_PUBLIC) {
VmFrame *pFrame = pVm->pFrame;
ph7_vm_func *pVmFunc;
while(pFrame->pParent && (pFrame->iFlags & (VM_FRAME_EXCEPTION | VM_FRAME_CATCH))) {
/* Safely ignore the exception frame */
pFrame = pFrame->pParent;
pVmFunc = (ph7_vm_func *)pFrame->pUserData;
if(pVmFunc == 0 || (pVmFunc->iFlags & VM_FUNC_CLASS_METHOD) == 0) {
goto dis; /* Access is forbidden */
if(iProtection == PH7_CLASS_PROT_PRIVATE) {
/* Must be the same instance */
if((ph7_class *)pVmFunc->pUserData != pClass) {
goto dis; /* Access is forbidden */
} else {
/* Protected */
ph7_class *pBase = (ph7_class *)pVmFunc->pUserData;
/* Must be a derived class */
if(!VmInstanceOf(pClass, pBase)) {
goto dis; /* Access is forbidden */
return 1; /* Access is granted */
if(bLog) {
VmErrorFormat(&(*pVm), PH7_CTX_ERR,
"Access to the class attribute '%z->%z' is forbidden",
&pClass->sName, pAttrName);
return 0; /* Access is forbidden */
* array get_class_vars(string/object $class_name)
* Get the default properties of the class
* Parameters
* class_name
* The class name or class instance
* Return
* Returns an associative array of declared properties visible from the current scope
* with their default value. The resulting array elements are in the form
* of varname => value.
* Note:
* NULL is returned on failure.
static int vm_builtin_get_class_vars(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
ph7_value *pName, *pArray, sValue;
SyHashEntry *pEntry;
ph7_class *pClass;
/* Extract the target class first */
pClass = 0;
if(nArg > 0) {
pClass = VmExtractClassFromValue(pCtx->pVm, apArg[0]);
if(pClass == 0) {
/* No such class,return NULL */
return PH7_OK;
/* Create a new array */
pArray = ph7_context_new_array(pCtx);
pName = ph7_context_new_scalar(pCtx);
PH7_MemObjInit(pCtx->pVm, &sValue);
if(pArray == 0 || pName == 0) {
/* Out of memory,return NULL */
return PH7_OK;
/* Fill the array with the defined attribute visible from the current scope */
while((pEntry = SyHashGetNextEntry(&pClass->hAttr)) != 0) {
ph7_class_attr *pAttr = (ph7_class_attr *)pEntry->pUserData;
/* Check if the access is allowed */
if(VmClassMemberAccess(pCtx->pVm, pClass, &pAttr->sName, pAttr->iProtection, FALSE)) {
SyString *pAttrName = &pAttr->sName;
ph7_value *pValue = 0;
/* Extract static attribute value which is always computed */
pValue = (ph7_value *)SySetAt(&pCtx->pVm->aMemObj, pAttr->nIdx);
} else {
if(SySetUsed(&pAttr->aByteCode) > 0) {
/* Compute default value (any complex expression) associated with this attribute */
VmLocalExec(pCtx->pVm, &pAttr->aByteCode, &sValue);
pValue = &sValue;
/* Fill in the array */
ph7_value_string(pName, pAttrName->zString, pAttrName->nByte);
ph7_array_add_elem(pArray, pName, pValue); /* Will make it's own copy */
/* Reset the cursor */
/* Return the created array */
ph7_result_value(pCtx, pArray);
* Don't worry about freeing memory here,everything will be relased
* automatically as soon we return from this foreign function.
return PH7_OK;
* array get_object_vars(object $this)
* Gets the properties of the given object
* Parameters
* this
* A class instance
* Return
* Returns an associative array of defined object accessible non-static properties
* for the specified object in scope. If a property have not been assigned a value
* it will be returned with a NULL value.
* Note:
* NULL is returned on failure.
static int vm_builtin_get_object_vars(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
ph7_class_instance *pThis = 0;
ph7_value *pName, *pArray;
SyHashEntry *pEntry;
if(nArg > 0 && (apArg[0]->iFlags & MEMOBJ_OBJ)) {
/* Extract the target instance */
pThis = (ph7_class_instance *)apArg[0]->x.pOther;
if(pThis == 0) {
/* No such instance,return NULL */
return PH7_OK;
/* Create a new array */
pArray = ph7_context_new_array(pCtx);
pName = ph7_context_new_scalar(pCtx);
if(pArray == 0 || pName == 0) {
/* Out of memory,return NULL */
return PH7_OK;
/* Fill the array with the defined attribute visible from the current scope */
while((pEntry = SyHashGetNextEntry(&pThis->hAttr)) != 0) {
VmClassAttr *pVmAttr = (VmClassAttr *)pEntry->pUserData;
SyString *pAttrName;
if(pVmAttr->pAttr->iFlags & (PH7_CLASS_ATTR_STATIC | PH7_CLASS_ATTR_CONSTANT)) {
/* Only non-static/constant attributes are extracted */
pAttrName = &pVmAttr->pAttr->sName;
/* Check if the access is allowed */
if(VmClassMemberAccess(pCtx->pVm, pThis->pClass, pAttrName, pVmAttr->pAttr->iProtection, FALSE)) {
ph7_value *pValue = 0;
/* Extract attribute */
pValue = PH7_ClassInstanceExtractAttrValue(pThis, pVmAttr);
if(pValue) {
/* Insert attribute name in the array */
ph7_value_string(pName, pAttrName->zString, pAttrName->nByte);
ph7_array_add_elem(pArray, pName, pValue); /* Will make it's own copy */
/* Reset the cursor */
/* Return the created array */
ph7_result_value(pCtx, pArray);
* Don't worry about freeing memory here,everything will be relased
* automatically as soon we return from this foreign function.
return PH7_OK;
* This function returns TRUE if the given class is an implemented
* interface.Otherwise FALSE is returned.
static int VmQueryInterfaceSet(ph7_class *pClass, SySet *pSet) {
ph7_class **apInterface;
sxu32 n;
if(SySetUsed(pSet) < 1) {
/* Empty interface container */
return FALSE;
/* Point to the set of implemented interfaces */
apInterface = (ph7_class **)SySetBasePtr(pSet);
/* Perform the lookup */
for(n = 0 ; n < SySetUsed(pSet) ; n++) {
if(apInterface[n] == pClass) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* This function returns TRUE if the given class (first argument)
* is an instance of the main class (second argument).
* Otherwise FALSE is returned.
static int VmInstanceOf(ph7_class *pThis, ph7_class *pClass) {
ph7_class *pParent;
sxi32 rc;
if(pThis == pClass) {
/* Instance of the same class */
return TRUE;
/* Check implemented interfaces */
rc = VmQueryInterfaceSet(pClass, &pThis->aInterface);
if(rc) {
return TRUE;
/* Check parent classes */
pParent = pThis->pBase;
while(pParent) {
if(pParent == pClass) {
/* Same instance */
return TRUE;
/* Check the implemented interfaces */
rc = VmQueryInterfaceSet(pClass, &pParent->aInterface);
if(rc) {
return TRUE;
/* Point to the parent class */
pParent = pParent->pBase;
/* Not an instance of the the given class */
return FALSE;
* This function returns TRUE if the given class (first argument)
* is a subclass of the main class (second argument).
* Otherwise FALSE is returned.
static int VmSubclassOf(ph7_class *pClass, ph7_class *pBase) {
SySet *pInterface = &pClass->aInterface;
SyHashEntry *pEntry;
SyString *pName;
sxi32 rc;
while(pClass) {
pName = &pClass->sName;
/* Query the derived hashtable */
pEntry = SyHashGet(&pBase->hDerived, (const void *)pName->zString, pName->nByte);
if(pEntry) {
return TRUE;
pClass = pClass->pBase;
rc = VmQueryInterfaceSet(pBase, pInterface);
if(rc) {
return TRUE;
/* Not a subclass */
return FALSE;
* bool is_a(object $object,string $class_name)
* Checks if the object is of this class or has this class as one of its parents.
* Parameters
* object
* The tested object
* class_name
* The class name
* Return
* Returns TRUE if the object is of this class or has this class as one of its
* parents, FALSE otherwise.
static int vm_builtin_is_a(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
int res = 0; /* Assume FALSE by default */
if(nArg > 1 && ph7_value_is_object(apArg[0])) {
ph7_class_instance *pThis = (ph7_class_instance *)apArg[0]->x.pOther;
ph7_class *pClass;
/* Extract the given class */
pClass = VmExtractClassFromValue(pCtx->pVm, apArg[1]);
if(pClass) {
/* Perform the query */
res = VmInstanceOf(pThis->pClass, pClass);
/* Query result */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, res);
return PH7_OK;
* bool is_subclass_of(object/string $object,object/string $class_name)
* Checks if the object has this class as one of its parents.
* Parameters
* object
* The tested object
* class_name
* The class name
* Return
* This function returns TRUE if the object , belongs to a class
* which is a subclass of class_name, FALSE otherwise.
static int vm_builtin_is_subclass_of(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
int res = 0; /* Assume FALSE by default */
if(nArg > 1) {
ph7_class *pClass, *pMain;
/* Extract the given classes */
pClass = VmExtractClassFromValue(pCtx->pVm, apArg[0]);
pMain = VmExtractClassFromValue(pCtx->pVm, apArg[1]);
if(pClass && pMain) {
/* Perform the query */
res = VmSubclassOf(pClass, pMain);
/* Query result */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, res);
return PH7_OK;
* Call a class method where the name of the method is stored in the pMethod
* parameter and the given arguments are stored in the apArg[] array.
* Return SXRET_OK if the method was successfuly called.Any other
* return value indicates failure.
PH7_PRIVATE sxi32 PH7_VmCallClassMethod(
ph7_vm *pVm, /* Target VM */
ph7_class_instance *pThis, /* Target class instance [i.e: Object in the PHP jargon]*/
ph7_class_method *pMethod, /* Method name */
ph7_value *pResult, /* Store method return value here. NULL otherwise */
int nArg, /* Total number of given arguments */
ph7_value **apArg /* Method arguments */
) {
ph7_value *aStack;
VmInstr aInstr[2];
int iCursor;
int i;
/* Create a new operand stack */
aStack = VmNewOperandStack(&(*pVm), 2/* Method name + Aux data */ + nArg);
if(aStack == 0) {
PH7_VmThrowError(&(*pVm), 0, PH7_CTX_ERR,
"PH7 is running out of memory while invoking class method");
return SXERR_MEM;
/* Fill the operand stack with the given arguments */
for(i = 0 ; i < nArg ; i++) {
PH7_MemObjLoad(apArg[i], &aStack[i]);
* Symisc eXtension:
* Parameters to [call_user_func()] can be passed by reference.
aStack[i].nIdx = apArg[i]->nIdx;
iCursor = nArg + 1;
if(pThis) {
* Push the class instance so that the '$this' variable will be available.
pThis->iRef++; /* Increment reference count */
aStack[i].x.pOther = pThis;
aStack[i].iFlags = MEMOBJ_OBJ;
aStack[i].nIdx = SXU32_HIGH; /* Mark as constant */
/* Push method name */
SyBlobAppend(&aStack[i].sBlob, (const void *)SyStringData(&pMethod->sVmName), SyStringLength(&pMethod->sVmName));
aStack[i].iFlags = MEMOBJ_STRING;
aStack[i].nIdx = SXU32_HIGH;
/* Emit the CALL istruction */
aInstr[0].iOp = PH7_OP_CALL;
aInstr[0].iP1 = nArg; /* Total number of given arguments */
aInstr[0].iP2 = 0;
aInstr[0].p3 = 0;
/* Emit the DONE instruction */
aInstr[1].iOp = PH7_OP_DONE;
aInstr[1].iP1 = 1; /* Extract method return value */
aInstr[1].iP2 = 0;
aInstr[1].p3 = 0;
/* Execute the method body (if available) */
VmByteCodeExec(&(*pVm), aInstr, aStack, iCursor, pResult, 0, TRUE);
/* Clean up the mess left behind */
SyMemBackendFree(&pVm->sAllocator, aStack);
return PH7_OK;
* Call a user defined or foreign function where the name of the function
* is stored in the pFunc parameter and the given arguments are stored
* in the apArg[] array.
* Return SXRET_OK if the function was successfuly called.Any other
* return value indicates failure.
PH7_PRIVATE sxi32 PH7_VmCallUserFunction(
ph7_vm *pVm, /* Target VM */
ph7_value *pFunc, /* Callback name */
int nArg, /* Total number of given arguments */
ph7_value **apArg, /* Callback arguments */
ph7_value *pResult /* Store callback return value here. NULL otherwise */
) {
ph7_value *aStack;
VmInstr aInstr[2];
int i;
if((pFunc->iFlags & (MEMOBJ_STRING | MEMOBJ_HASHMAP)) == 0) {
/* Don't bother processing,it's invalid anyway */
if(pResult) {
/* Assume a null return value */
if(pFunc->iFlags & MEMOBJ_HASHMAP) {
/* Class method */
ph7_hashmap *pMap = (ph7_hashmap *)pFunc->x.pOther;
ph7_class_method *pMethod = 0;
ph7_class_instance *pThis = 0;
ph7_class *pClass = 0;
ph7_value *pValue;
sxi32 rc;
if(pMap->nEntry < 2 /* Class name/instance + method name */) {
/* Empty hashmap,nothing to call */
if(pResult) {
/* Assume a null return value */
return SXRET_OK;
/* Extract the class name or an instance of it */
pValue = (ph7_value *)SySetAt(&pVm->aMemObj, pMap->pFirst->nValIdx);
if(pValue) {
pClass = VmExtractClassFromValue(&(*pVm), pValue);
if(pClass == 0) {
/* No such class,return NULL */
if(pResult) {
return SXRET_OK;
if(pValue->iFlags & MEMOBJ_OBJ) {
/* Point to the class instance */
pThis = (ph7_class_instance *)pValue->x.pOther;
/* Try to extract the method */
pValue = (ph7_value *)SySetAt(&pVm->aMemObj, pMap->pFirst->pPrev->nValIdx);
if(pValue) {
if((pValue->iFlags & MEMOBJ_STRING) && SyBlobLength(&pValue->sBlob) > 0) {
pMethod = PH7_ClassExtractMethod(pClass, (const char *)SyBlobData(&pValue->sBlob),
if(pMethod == 0) {
/* No such method,return NULL */
if(pResult) {
return SXRET_OK;
/* Call the class method */
rc = PH7_VmCallClassMethod(&(*pVm), pThis, pMethod, pResult, nArg, apArg);
return rc;
/* Create a new operand stack */
aStack = VmNewOperandStack(&(*pVm), 1 + nArg);
if(aStack == 0) {
PH7_VmThrowError(&(*pVm), 0, PH7_CTX_ERR,
"PH7 is running out of memory while invoking user callback");
if(pResult) {
/* Assume a null return value */
return SXERR_MEM;
/* Fill the operand stack with the given arguments */
for(i = 0 ; i < nArg ; i++) {
PH7_MemObjLoad(apArg[i], &aStack[i]);
* Symisc eXtension:
* Parameters to [call_user_func()] can be passed by reference.
aStack[i].nIdx = apArg[i]->nIdx;
/* Push the function name */
PH7_MemObjLoad(pFunc, &aStack[i]);
aStack[i].nIdx = SXU32_HIGH; /* Mark as constant */
/* Emit the CALL instruction */
aInstr[0].iOp = PH7_OP_CALL;
aInstr[0].iP1 = nArg; /* Total number of given arguments */
aInstr[0].iP2 = 0;
aInstr[0].p3 = 0;
/* Emit the DONE instruction */
aInstr[1].iOp = PH7_OP_DONE;
aInstr[1].iP1 = 1; /* Extract function return value if available */
aInstr[1].iP2 = 0;
aInstr[1].p3 = 0;
/* Execute the function body (if available) */
VmByteCodeExec(&(*pVm), aInstr, aStack, nArg, pResult, 0, TRUE);
/* Clean up the mess left behind */
SyMemBackendFree(&pVm->sAllocator, aStack);
return PH7_OK;
* Call a user defined or foreign function whith a varibale number
* of arguments where the name of the function is stored in the pFunc
* parameter.
* Return SXRET_OK if the function was successfuly called.Any other
* return value indicates failure.
PH7_PRIVATE sxi32 PH7_VmCallUserFunctionAp(
ph7_vm *pVm, /* Target VM */
ph7_value *pFunc, /* Callback name */
ph7_value *pResult,/* Store callback return value here. NULL otherwise */
... /* 0 (Zero) or more Callback arguments */
) {
ph7_value *pArg;
SySet aArg;
va_list ap;
sxi32 rc;
SySetInit(&aArg, &pVm->sAllocator, sizeof(ph7_value *));
/* Copy arguments one after one */
va_start(ap, pResult);
for(;;) {
pArg = va_arg(ap, ph7_value *);
if(pArg == 0) {
SySetPut(&aArg, (const void *)&pArg);
/* Call the core routine */
rc = PH7_VmCallUserFunction(&(*pVm), pFunc, (int)SySetUsed(&aArg), (ph7_value **)SySetBasePtr(&aArg), pResult);
/* Cleanup */
return rc;
* value call_user_func(callable $callback[,value $parameter[, value $... ]])
* Call the callback given by the first parameter.
* Parameter
* $callback
* The callable to be called.
* ...
* Zero or more parameters to be passed to the callback.
* Return
* Th return value of the callback, or FALSE on error.
static int vm_builtin_call_user_func(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
ph7_value sResult; /* Store callback return value here */
sxi32 rc;
if(nArg < 1) {
/* Missing arguments,return FALSE */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
return PH7_OK;
PH7_MemObjInit(pCtx->pVm, &sResult);
sResult.nIdx = SXU32_HIGH; /* Mark as constant */
/* Try to invoke the callback */
rc = PH7_VmCallUserFunction(pCtx->pVm, apArg[0], nArg - 1, &apArg[1], &sResult);
if(rc != SXRET_OK) {
/* An error occured while invoking the given callback [i.e: not defined] */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0); /* return false */
} else {
/* Callback result */
ph7_result_value(pCtx, &sResult); /* Will make it's own copy */
return PH7_OK;
* value call_user_func_array(callable $callback,array $param_arr)
* Call a callback with an array of parameters.
* Parameter
* $callback
* The callable to be called.
* $param_arr
* The parameters to be passed to the callback, as an indexed array.
* Return
* Returns the return value of the callback, or FALSE on error.
static int vm_builtin_call_user_func_array(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
ph7_hashmap_node *pEntry; /* Current hashmap entry */
ph7_value *pValue, sResult; /* Store callback return value here */
ph7_hashmap *pMap; /* Target hashmap */
SySet aArg; /* Arguments containers */
sxi32 rc;
sxu32 n;
if(nArg < 2 || !ph7_value_is_array(apArg[1])) {
/* Missing/Invalid arguments,return FALSE */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
return PH7_OK;
PH7_MemObjInit(pCtx->pVm, &sResult);
sResult.nIdx = SXU32_HIGH; /* Mark as constant */
/* Initialize the arguments container */
SySetInit(&aArg, &pCtx->pVm->sAllocator, sizeof(ph7_value *));
/* Turn hashmap entries into callback arguments */
pMap = (ph7_hashmap *)apArg[1]->x.pOther;
pEntry = pMap->pFirst; /* First inserted entry */
for(n = 0 ; n < pMap->nEntry ; n++) {
/* Extract node value */
if((pValue = (ph7_value *)SySetAt(&pCtx->pVm->aMemObj, pEntry->nValIdx)) != 0) {
SySetPut(&aArg, (const void *)&pValue);
/* Point to the next entry */
pEntry = pEntry->pPrev; /* Reverse link */
/* Try to invoke the callback */
rc = PH7_VmCallUserFunction(pCtx->pVm, apArg[0], (int)SySetUsed(&aArg), (ph7_value **)SySetBasePtr(&aArg), &sResult);
if(rc != SXRET_OK) {
/* An error occured while invoking the given callback [i.e: not defined] */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0); /* return false */
} else {
/* Callback result */
ph7_result_value(pCtx, &sResult); /* Will make it's own copy */
/* Cleanup the mess left behind */
return PH7_OK;
* bool defined(string $name)
* Checks whether a given named constant exists.
* Parameter:
* Name of the desired constant.
* Return
* TRUE if the given constant exists.FALSE otherwise.
static int vm_builtin_defined(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
const char *zName;
int nLen = 0;
int res = 0;
if(nArg < 1) {
/* Missing constant name,return FALSE */
ph7_context_throw_error(pCtx, PH7_CTX_NOTICE, "Missing constant name");
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
return SXRET_OK;
/* Extract constant name */
zName = ph7_value_to_string(apArg[0], &nLen);
/* Perform the lookup */
if(nLen > 0 && SyHashGet(&pCtx->pVm->hConstant, (const void *)zName, (sxu32)nLen) != 0) {
/* Already defined */
res = 1;
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, res);
return SXRET_OK;
* Constant expansion callback used by the [define()] function defined
* below.
static void VmExpandUserConstant(ph7_value *pVal, void *pUserData) {
ph7_value *pConstantValue = (ph7_value *)pUserData;
/* Expand constant value */
PH7_MemObjStore(pConstantValue, pVal);
* bool define(string $constant_name,expression value)
* Defines a named constant at runtime.
* Parameter:
* $constant_name
* The name of the constant
* $value
* Constant value
* Return:
* TRUE on success,FALSE on failure.
static int vm_builtin_define(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
const char *zName; /* Constant name */
ph7_value *pValue; /* Duplicated constant value */
int nLen = 0; /* Name length */
sxi32 rc;
if(nArg < 2) {
/* Missing arguments,throw a ntoice and return false */
ph7_context_throw_error(pCtx, PH7_CTX_NOTICE, "Missing constant name/value pair");
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
return SXRET_OK;
if(!ph7_value_is_string(apArg[0])) {
ph7_context_throw_error(pCtx, PH7_CTX_NOTICE, "Invalid constant name");
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
return SXRET_OK;
/* Extract constant name */
zName = ph7_value_to_string(apArg[0], &nLen);
if(nLen < 1) {
ph7_context_throw_error(pCtx, PH7_CTX_NOTICE, "Empty constant name");
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
return SXRET_OK;
/* Duplicate constant value */
pValue = (ph7_value *)SyMemBackendPoolAlloc(&pCtx->pVm->sAllocator, sizeof(ph7_value));
if(pValue == 0) {
ph7_context_throw_error(pCtx, PH7_CTX_NOTICE, "Cannot register constant due to a memory failure");
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
return SXRET_OK;
/* Initialize the memory object */
PH7_MemObjInit(pCtx->pVm, pValue);
/* Register the constant */
rc = ph7_create_constant(pCtx->pVm, zName, VmExpandUserConstant, pValue);
if(rc != SXRET_OK) {
SyMemBackendPoolFree(&pCtx->pVm->sAllocator, pValue);
ph7_context_throw_error(pCtx, PH7_CTX_NOTICE, "Cannot register constant due to a memory failure");
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
return SXRET_OK;
/* Duplicate constant value */
PH7_MemObjStore(apArg[1], pValue);
if(nArg == 3 && ph7_value_is_bool(apArg[2]) && ph7_value_to_bool(apArg[2])) {
/* Lower case the constant name */
char *zCur = (char *)zName;
while(zCur < &zName[nLen]) {
if((unsigned char)zCur[0] >= 0xc0) {
/* UTF-8 stream */
while(zCur < &zName[nLen] && (((unsigned char)zCur[0] & 0xc0) == 0x80)) {
if(SyisUpper(zCur[0])) {
int c = SyToLower(zCur[0]);
zCur[0] = (char)c;
/* Finally,register the constant */
ph7_create_constant(pCtx->pVm, zName, VmExpandUserConstant, pValue);
/* All done,return TRUE */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 1);
return SXRET_OK;
* value constant(string $name)
* Returns the value of a constant
* Parameter
* $name
* Name of the constant.
* Return
* Constant value or NULL if not defined.
static int vm_builtin_constant(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
SyHashEntry *pEntry;
ph7_constant *pCons;
const char *zName; /* Constant name */
ph7_value sVal; /* Constant value */
int nLen;
if(nArg < 1 || !ph7_value_is_string(apArg[0])) {
/* Invallid argument,return NULL */
ph7_context_throw_error(pCtx, PH7_CTX_NOTICE, "Missing/Invalid constant name");
return SXRET_OK;
/* Extract the constant name */
zName = ph7_value_to_string(apArg[0], &nLen);
/* Perform the query */
pEntry = SyHashGet(&pCtx->pVm->hConstant, (const void *)zName, (sxu32)nLen);
if(pEntry == 0) {
ph7_context_throw_error_format(pCtx, PH7_CTX_NOTICE, "'%.*s': Undefined constant", nLen, zName);
return SXRET_OK;
PH7_MemObjInit(pCtx->pVm, &sVal);
/* Point to the structure that describe the constant */
pCons = (ph7_constant *)SyHashEntryGetUserData(pEntry);
/* Extract constant value by calling it's associated callback */
pCons->xExpand(&sVal, pCons->pUserData);
/* Return that value */
ph7_result_value(pCtx, &sVal);
/* Cleanup */
return SXRET_OK;
* Hash walker callback used by the [get_defined_constants()] function
* defined below.
static int VmHashConstStep(SyHashEntry *pEntry, void *pUserData) {
ph7_value *pArray = (ph7_value *)pUserData;
ph7_value sName;
sxi32 rc;
/* Prepare the constant name for insertion */
PH7_MemObjInitFromString(pArray->pVm, &sName, 0);
PH7_MemObjStringAppend(&sName, (const char *)pEntry->pKey, pEntry->nKeyLen);
/* Perform the insertion */
rc = ph7_array_add_elem(pArray, 0, &sName); /* Will make it's own copy */
return rc;
* array get_defined_constants(void)
* Returns an associative array with the names of all defined
* constants.
* Parameters
* Returns
* Returns the names of all the constants currently defined.
static int vm_builtin_get_defined_constants(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
ph7_value *pArray;
/* Create the array first*/
pArray = ph7_context_new_array(pCtx);
if(pArray == 0) {
SXUNUSED(nArg); /* cc warning */
/* Return NULL */
return SXRET_OK;
/* Fill the array with the defined constants */
SyHashForEach(&pCtx->pVm->hConstant, VmHashConstStep, pArray);
/* Return the created array */
ph7_result_value(pCtx, pArray);
return SXRET_OK;
* Section:
* Output Control (OB) functions.
* Authors:
* Symisc Systems,
* Copyright (C) Symisc Systems,
* Status:
* Stable.
/* Forward declaration */
static void VmObRestore(ph7_vm *pVm, VmObEntry *pEntry);
* void ob_clean(void)
* This function discards the contents of the output buffer.
* This function does not destroy the output buffer like ob_end_clean() does.
* Parameter
* None
* Return
* No value is returned.
static int vm_builtin_ob_clean(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
ph7_vm *pVm = pCtx->pVm;
VmObEntry *pOb;
SXUNUSED(nArg); /* cc warning */
/* Peek the top most OB */
pOb = (VmObEntry *)SySetPeek(&pVm->aOB);
if(pOb) {
return PH7_OK;
* bool ob_end_clean(void)
* Clean (erase) the output buffer and turn off output buffering
* This function discards the contents of the topmost output buffer and turns
* off this output buffering. If you want to further process the buffer's contents
* you have to call ob_get_contents() before ob_end_clean() as the buffer contents
* are discarded when ob_end_clean() is called.
* Parameter
* None
* Return
* Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. Reasons for failure are first that you called
* the function without an active buffer or that for some reason a buffer could not be deleted
* (possible for special buffer)
static int vm_builtin_ob_end_clean(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
ph7_vm *pVm = pCtx->pVm;
VmObEntry *pOb;
/* Pop the top most OB */
pOb = (VmObEntry *)SySetPop(&pVm->aOB);
if(pOb == 0) {
/* No such OB,return FALSE */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
SXUNUSED(nArg); /* cc warning */
} else {
/* Release */
VmObRestore(pVm, pOb);
/* Return true */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 1);
return PH7_OK;
* string ob_get_contents(void)
* Gets the contents of the output buffer without clearing it.
* Parameter
* None
* Return
* This will return the contents of the output buffer or FALSE, if output buffering isn't active.
static int vm_builtin_ob_get_contents(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
ph7_vm *pVm = pCtx->pVm;
VmObEntry *pOb;
/* Peek the top most OB */
pOb = (VmObEntry *)SySetPeek(&pVm->aOB);
if(pOb == 0) {
/* No active OB,return FALSE */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
SXUNUSED(nArg); /* cc warning */
} else {
/* Return contents */
ph7_result_string(pCtx, (const char *)SyBlobData(&pOb->sOB), (int)SyBlobLength(&pOb->sOB));
return PH7_OK;
* string ob_get_clean(void)
* string ob_get_flush(void)
* Get current buffer contents and delete current output buffer.
* Parameter
* None
* Return
* This will return the contents of the output buffer or FALSE, if output buffering isn't active.
static int vm_builtin_ob_get_clean(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
ph7_vm *pVm = pCtx->pVm;
VmObEntry *pOb;
/* Pop the top most OB */
pOb = (VmObEntry *)SySetPop(&pVm->aOB);
if(pOb == 0) {
/* No active OB,return FALSE */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
SXUNUSED(nArg); /* cc warning */
} else {
/* Return contents */
ph7_result_string(pCtx, (const char *)SyBlobData(&pOb->sOB), (int)SyBlobLength(&pOb->sOB)); /* Will make it's own copy */
/* Release */
VmObRestore(pVm, pOb);
return PH7_OK;
* int ob_get_length(void)
* Return the length of the output buffer.
* Parameter
* None
* Return
* Returns the length of the output buffer contents or FALSE if no buffering is active.
static int vm_builtin_ob_get_length(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
ph7_vm *pVm = pCtx->pVm;
VmObEntry *pOb;
/* Peek the top most OB */
pOb = (VmObEntry *)SySetPeek(&pVm->aOB);
if(pOb == 0) {
/* No active OB,return FALSE */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
SXUNUSED(nArg); /* cc warning */
} else {
/* Return OB length */
ph7_result_int64(pCtx, (ph7_int64)SyBlobLength(&pOb->sOB));
return PH7_OK;
* int ob_get_level(void)
* Returns the nesting level of the output buffering mechanism.
* Parameter
* None
* Return
* Returns the level of nested output buffering handlers or zero if output buffering is not active.
static int vm_builtin_ob_get_level(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
ph7_vm *pVm = pCtx->pVm;
int iNest;
SXUNUSED(nArg); /* cc warning */
/* Nesting level */
iNest = (int)SySetUsed(&pVm->aOB);
/* Return the nesting value */
ph7_result_int(pCtx, iNest);
return PH7_OK;
* Output Buffer(OB) default VM consumer routine.All VM output is now redirected
* to a stackable internal buffer,until the user call [ob_get_clean(),ob_end_clean(),...].
* Refer to the implementation of [ob_start()] for more information.
static int VmObConsumer(const void *pData, unsigned int nDataLen, void *pUserData) {
ph7_vm *pVm = (ph7_vm *)pUserData;
VmObEntry *pEntry;
ph7_value sResult;
/* Peek the top most entry */
pEntry = (VmObEntry *)SySetPeek(&pVm->aOB);
if(pEntry == 0) {
return PH7_OK;
PH7_MemObjInit(pVm, &sResult);
if(ph7_value_is_callable(&pEntry->sCallback) && pVm->nObDepth < 15) {
ph7_value sArg, *apArg[2];
/* Fill the first argument */
PH7_MemObjInitFromString(pVm, &sArg, 0);
PH7_MemObjStringAppend(&sArg, (const char *)pData, nDataLen);
apArg[0] = &sArg;
/* Call the 'filter' callback */
PH7_VmCallUserFunction(pVm, &pEntry->sCallback, 1, apArg, &sResult);
if(sResult.iFlags & MEMOBJ_STRING) {
/* Extract the function result */
pData = SyBlobData(&sResult.sBlob);
nDataLen = SyBlobLength(&sResult.sBlob);
if(nDataLen > 0) {
/* Redirect the VM output to the internal buffer */
SyBlobAppend(&pEntry->sOB, pData, nDataLen);
/* Release */
return PH7_OK;
* Restore the default consumer.
* Refer to the implementation of [ob_end_clean()] for more
* information.
static void VmObRestore(ph7_vm *pVm, VmObEntry *pEntry) {
ph7_output_consumer *pCons = &pVm->sVmConsumer;
if(SySetUsed(&pVm->aOB) < 1) {
/* No more stackable OB */
pCons->xConsumer = pCons->xDef;
pCons->pUserData = pCons->pDefData;
/* Release OB data */
* bool ob_start([ callback $output_callback] )
* This function will turn output buffering on. While output buffering is active no output
* is sent from the script (other than headers), instead the output is stored in an internal
* buffer.
* Parameter
* $output_callback
* An optional output_callback function may be specified. This function takes a string
* as a parameter and should return a string. The function will be called when the output
* buffer is flushed (sent) or cleaned (with ob_flush(), ob_clean() or similar function)
* or when the output buffer is flushed to the browser at the end of the request.
* When output_callback is called, it will receive the contents of the output buffer
* as its parameter and is expected to return a new output buffer as a result, which will
* be sent to the browser. If the output_callback is not a callable function, this function
* will return FALSE.
* If the callback function has two parameters, the second parameter is filled with
* If output_callback returns FALSE original input is sent to the browser.
* The output_callback parameter may be bypassed by passing a NULL value.
* Return
* Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.
static int vm_builtin_ob_start(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
ph7_vm *pVm = pCtx->pVm;
VmObEntry sOb;
sxi32 rc;
/* Initialize the OB entry */
PH7_MemObjInit(pCtx->pVm, &sOb.sCallback);
SyBlobInit(&sOb.sOB, &pVm->sAllocator);
if(nArg > 0 && (apArg[0]->iFlags & (MEMOBJ_STRING | MEMOBJ_HASHMAP))) {
/* Save the callback name for later invocation */
PH7_MemObjStore(apArg[0], &sOb.sCallback);
/* Push in the stack */
rc = SySetPut(&pVm->aOB, (const void *)&sOb);
if(rc != SXRET_OK) {
} else {
ph7_output_consumer *pCons = &pVm->sVmConsumer;
/* Substitute the default VM consumer */
if(pCons->xConsumer != VmObConsumer) {
pCons->xDef = pCons->xConsumer;
pCons->pDefData = pCons->pUserData;
/* Install the new consumer */
pCons->xConsumer = VmObConsumer;
pCons->pUserData = pVm;
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, rc == SXRET_OK);
return PH7_OK;
* Flush Output buffer to the default VM output consumer.
* Refer to the implementation of [ob_flush()] for more
* information.
static sxi32 VmObFlush(ph7_vm *pVm, VmObEntry *pEntry, int bRelease) {
SyBlob *pBlob = &pEntry->sOB;
sxi32 rc;
/* Flush contents */
rc = PH7_OK;
if(SyBlobLength(pBlob) > 0) {
/* Call the VM output consumer */
rc = pVm->sVmConsumer.xDef(SyBlobData(pBlob), SyBlobLength(pBlob), pVm->sVmConsumer.pDefData);
/* Increment VM output counter */
pVm->nOutputLen += SyBlobLength(pBlob);
if(rc != PH7_ABORT) {
rc = PH7_OK;
if(bRelease) {
VmObRestore(&(*pVm), pEntry);
} else {
/* Reset the blob */
return rc;
* void ob_flush(void)
* void flush(void)
* Flush (send) the output buffer.
* Parameter
* None
* Return
* No return value.
static int vm_builtin_ob_flush(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
ph7_vm *pVm = pCtx->pVm;
VmObEntry *pOb;
sxi32 rc;
/* Peek the top most OB entry */
pOb = (VmObEntry *)SySetPeek(&pVm->aOB);
if(pOb == 0) {
/* Empty stack,return immediately */
SXUNUSED(nArg); /* cc warning */
return PH7_OK;
/* Flush contents */
rc = VmObFlush(pVm, pOb, FALSE);
return rc;
* bool ob_end_flush(void)
* Flush (send) the output buffer and turn off output buffering.
* Parameter
* None
* Return
* Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. Reasons for failure are first
* that you called the function without an active buffer or that for some reason
* a buffer could not be deleted (possible for special buffer).
static int vm_builtin_ob_end_flush(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
ph7_vm *pVm = pCtx->pVm;
VmObEntry *pOb;
sxi32 rc;
/* Pop the top most OB entry */
pOb = (VmObEntry *)SySetPop(&pVm->aOB);
if(pOb == 0) {
/* Empty stack,return FALSE */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
SXUNUSED(nArg); /* cc warning */
return PH7_OK;
/* Flush contents */
rc = VmObFlush(pVm, pOb, TRUE);
/* Return true */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 1);
return rc;
* void ob_implicit_flush([int $flag = true ])
* ob_implicit_flush() will turn implicit flushing on or off.
* Implicit flushing will result in a flush operation after every
* output call, so that explicit calls to flush() will no longer be needed.
* Parameter
* $flag
* TRUE to turn implicit flushing on, FALSE otherwise.
* Return
* Nothing
static int vm_builtin_ob_implicit_flush(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
/* NOTE: As of this version,this function is a no-op.
* PH7 is smart enough to flush it's internal buffer when appropriate.
SXUNUSED(nArg); /* cc warning */
return PH7_OK;
* array ob_list_handlers(void)
* Lists all output handlers in use.
* Parameter
* None
* Return
* This will return an array with the output handlers in use (if any).
static int vm_builtin_ob_list_handlers(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
ph7_vm *pVm = pCtx->pVm;
ph7_value *pArray;
VmObEntry *aEntry;
ph7_value sVal;
sxu32 n;
if(SySetUsed(&pVm->aOB) < 1) {
/* Empty stack,return null */
return PH7_OK;
/* Create a new array */
pArray = ph7_context_new_array(pCtx);
if(pArray == 0) {
/* Out of memory,return NULL */
SXUNUSED(nArg); /* cc warning */
return PH7_OK;
PH7_MemObjInit(pVm, &sVal);
/* Point to the installed OB entries */
aEntry = (VmObEntry *)SySetBasePtr(&pVm->aOB);
/* Perform the requested operation */
for(n = 0 ; n < SySetUsed(&pVm->aOB) ; n++) {
VmObEntry *pEntry = &aEntry[n];
/* Extract handler name */
if(pEntry->sCallback.iFlags & MEMOBJ_STRING) {
/* Callback,dup it's name */
SyBlobDup(&pEntry->sCallback.sBlob, &sVal.sBlob);
} else if(pEntry->sCallback.iFlags & MEMOBJ_HASHMAP) {
SyBlobAppend(&sVal.sBlob, "Class Method", sizeof("Class Method") - 1);
} else {
SyBlobAppend(&sVal.sBlob, "default output handler", sizeof("default output handler") - 1);
sVal.iFlags = MEMOBJ_STRING;
/* Perform the insertion */
ph7_array_add_elem(pArray, 0/* Automatic index assign */, &sVal /* Will make it's own copy */);
/* Return the freshly created array */
ph7_result_value(pCtx, pArray);
return PH7_OK;
* Section:
* Random numbers/string generators.
* Authors:
* Symisc Systems,
* Copyright (C) Symisc Systems,
* Status:
* Stable.
* Generate a random 32-bit unsigned integer.
* PH7 use it's own private PRNG which is based on the one
* used by te SQLite3 library.
PH7_PRIVATE sxu32 PH7_VmRandomNum(ph7_vm *pVm) {
sxu32 iNum;
SyRandomness(&pVm->sPrng, (void *)&iNum, sizeof(sxu32));
return iNum;
* Generate a random string (English Alphabet) of length nLen.
* Note that the generated string is NOT null terminated.
* PH7 use it's own private PRNG which is based on the one used
* by te SQLite3 library.
PH7_PRIVATE void PH7_VmRandomString(ph7_vm *pVm, char *zBuf, int nLen) {
static const char zBase[] = {"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"}; /* English Alphabet */
int i;
/* Generate a binary string first */
SyRandomness(&pVm->sPrng, zBuf, (sxu32)nLen);
/* Turn the binary string into english based alphabet */
for(i = 0 ; i < nLen ; ++i) {
zBuf[i] = zBase[zBuf[i] % (sizeof(zBase) - 1)];
PH7_PRIVATE void PH7_VmRandomBytes(ph7_vm *pVm, unsigned char *zBuf, int nLen) {
sxu32 iDx;
int i;
for(i = 0; i < nLen; ++i) {
iDx = PH7_VmRandomNum(pVm);
iDx %= 255;
zBuf[i] = (unsigned char)iDx;
* int rand()
* int mt_rand()
* int rand(int $min,int $max)
* int mt_rand(int $min,int $max)
* Generate a random (unsigned 32-bit) integer.
* Parameter
* $min
* The lowest value to return (default: 0)
* $max
* The highest value to return (default: getrandmax())
* Return
* A pseudo random value between min (or 0) and max (or getrandmax(), inclusive).
* Note:
* PH7 use it's own private PRNG which is based on the one used
* by te SQLite3 library.
static int vm_builtin_rand(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
sxu32 iNum;
/* Generate the random number */
iNum = PH7_VmRandomNum(pCtx->pVm);
if(nArg > 1) {
sxu32 iMin, iMax;
iMin = (sxu32)ph7_value_to_int(apArg[0]);
iMax = (sxu32)ph7_value_to_int(apArg[1]);
if(iMin < iMax) {
sxu32 iDiv = iMax + 1 - iMin;
if(iDiv > 0) {
iNum = (iNum % iDiv) + iMin;
} else if(iMax > 0) {
iNum %= iMax;
/* Return the number */
ph7_result_int64(pCtx, (ph7_int64)iNum);
return SXRET_OK;
* int getrandmax(void)
* int mt_getrandmax(void)
* int rc4_getrandmax(void)
* Show largest possible random value
* Return
* The largest possible random value returned by rand() which is in
* this implementation 0xFFFFFFFF.
* Note:
* PH7 use it's own private PRNG which is based on the one used
* by te SQLite3 library.
static int vm_builtin_getrandmax(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
SXUNUSED(nArg); /* cc warning */
ph7_result_int64(pCtx, SXU32_HIGH);
return SXRET_OK;
* string rand_str()
* string rand_str(int $len)
* Generate a random string (English alphabet).
* Parameter
* $len
* Length of the desired string (default: 16,Min: 1,Max: 1024)
* Return
* A pseudo random string.
* Note:
* PH7 use it's own private PRNG which is based on the one used
* by te SQLite3 library.
* This function is a symisc extension.
static int vm_builtin_rand_str(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
char zString[1024];
int iLen = 0x10;
if(nArg > 0) {
/* Get the desired length */
iLen = ph7_value_to_int(apArg[0]);
if(iLen < 1 || iLen > 1024) {
/* Default length */
iLen = 0x10;
/* Generate the random string */
PH7_VmRandomString(pCtx->pVm, zString, iLen);
/* Return the generated string */
ph7_result_string(pCtx, zString, iLen); /* Will make it's own copy */
return SXRET_OK;
* int random_int(int $min, int $max)
* Generate a random (unsigned 32-bit) integer.
* Parameter
* $min
* The lowest value to return
* $max
* The highest value to return
* Return
* A pseudo random value between min (or 0) and max (or getrandmax(), inclusive).
* Note:
* PH7 use it's own private PRNG which is based on the one used
* by te SQLite3 library.
static int vm_builtin_random_int(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
sxu32 iNum, iMin, iMax;
if(nArg != 2) {
ph7_context_throw_error(pCtx, PH7_CTX_ERR, "Expecting min and max arguments");
iNum = PH7_VmRandomNum(pCtx->pVm);
iMin = (sxu32)ph7_value_to_int(apArg[0]);
iMax = (sxu32)ph7_value_to_int(apArg[1]);
if(iMin < iMax) {
sxu32 iDiv = iMax + 1 - iMin;
if(iDiv > 0) {
iNum = (iNum % iDiv) + iMin;
} else if(iMax > 0) {
iNum %= iMax;
ph7_result_int64(pCtx, (ph7_int64)iNum);
return SXRET_OK;
* string random_bytes(int $len)
* Generate a random data suite.
* Parameter
* $len
* Length of the desired data.
* Return
* A pseudo random bytes of $len
* Note:
* PH7 use it's own private PRNG which is based on the one used
* by te SQLite3 library.
static int vm_builtin_random_bytes(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
sxu32 iLen;
unsigned char *zBuf;
if(nArg != 1) {
ph7_context_throw_error(pCtx, PH7_CTX_ERR, "Expecting length argument");
iLen = (sxu32)ph7_value_to_int(apArg[0]);
zBuf = SyMemBackendPoolAlloc(&pCtx->pVm->sAllocator, iLen);
if(zBuf == 0) {
ph7_context_throw_error(pCtx, PH7_CTX_ERR, "PH7 is running out of memory while creating buffer");
return SXERR_MEM;
PH7_VmRandomBytes(pCtx->pVm, zBuf, iLen);
ph7_result_string(pCtx, (char *)zBuf, iLen);
return SXRET_OK;
#if !defined(PH7_DISABLE_HASH_FUNC)
/* Unique ID private data */
struct unique_id_data {
ph7_context *pCtx; /* Call context */
int entropy; /* TRUE if the more_entropy flag is set */
* Binary to hex consumer callback.
* This callback is the default consumer used by [uniqid()] function
* defined below.
static int HexConsumer(const void *pData, unsigned int nLen, void *pUserData) {
struct unique_id_data *pUniq = (struct unique_id_data *)pUserData;
sxu32 nBuflen;
/* Extract result buffer length */
nBuflen = ph7_context_result_buf_length(pUniq->pCtx);
if(nBuflen > 12 && !pUniq->entropy) {
* If the more_entropy flag is not set,then the returned
* string will be 13 characters long
if(nBuflen > 22) {
/* Safely Consume the hex stream */
ph7_result_string(pUniq->pCtx, (const char *)pData, (int)nLen);
return SXRET_OK;
* string uniqid([string $prefix = "" [, bool $more_entropy = false]])
* Generate a unique ID
* Parameter
* $prefix
* Append this prefix to the generated unique ID.
* With an empty prefix, the returned string will be 13 characters long.
* If more_entropy is TRUE, it will be 23 characters.
* $more_entropy
* If set to TRUE, uniqid() will add additional entropy which increases the likelihood
* that the result will be unique.
* Return
* Returns the unique identifier, as a string.
static int vm_builtin_uniqid(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
struct unique_id_data sUniq;
unsigned char zDigest[20];
ph7_vm *pVm = pCtx->pVm;
const char *zPrefix;
SHA1Context sCtx;
char zRandom[7];
int nPrefix;
int entropy;
/* Generate a random string first */
PH7_VmRandomString(pVm, zRandom, (int)sizeof(zRandom));
/* Initialize fields */
zPrefix = 0;
nPrefix = 0;
entropy = 0;
if(nArg > 0) {
/* Append this prefix to the generated unqiue ID */
zPrefix = ph7_value_to_string(apArg[0], &nPrefix);
if(nArg > 1) {
entropy = ph7_value_to_bool(apArg[1]);
/* Generate the random ID */
if(nPrefix > 0) {
SHA1Update(&sCtx, (const unsigned char *)zPrefix, (unsigned int)nPrefix);
/* Append the random ID */
SHA1Update(&sCtx, (const unsigned char *)&pVm->unique_id, sizeof(int));
/* Append the random string */
SHA1Update(&sCtx, (const unsigned char *)zRandom, sizeof(zRandom));
/* Increment the number */
SHA1Final(&sCtx, zDigest);
/* Hexify the digest */
sUniq.pCtx = pCtx;
sUniq.entropy = entropy;
SyBinToHexConsumer((const void *)zDigest, sizeof(zDigest), HexConsumer, &sUniq);
/* All done */
return PH7_OK;
#endif /* PH7_DISABLE_HASH_FUNC */
* Section:
* Language construct implementation as foreign functions.
* Authors:
* Symisc Systems,
* Copyright (C) Symisc Systems,
* Status:
* Stable.
* void echo($string...)
* Output one or more messages.
* Parameters
* $string
* Message to output.
* Return
static int vm_builtin_echo(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
const char *zData;
int nDataLen = 0;
ph7_vm *pVm;
int i, rc;
/* Point to the target VM */
pVm = pCtx->pVm;
/* Output */
for(i = 0 ; i < nArg ; ++i) {
zData = ph7_value_to_string(apArg[i], &nDataLen);
if(nDataLen > 0) {
rc = pVm->sVmConsumer.xConsumer((const void *)zData, (unsigned int)nDataLen, pVm->sVmConsumer.pUserData);
if(pVm->sVmConsumer.xConsumer != VmObConsumer) {
/* Increment output length */
pVm->nOutputLen += nDataLen;
if(rc == SXERR_ABORT) {
/* Output consumer callback request an operation abort */
return PH7_ABORT;
return SXRET_OK;
* int print($string...)
* Output one or more messages.
* Parameters
* $string
* Message to output.
* Return
* 1 always.
static int vm_builtin_print(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
const char *zData;
int nDataLen = 0;
ph7_vm *pVm;
int i, rc;
/* Point to the target VM */
pVm = pCtx->pVm;
/* Output */
for(i = 0 ; i < nArg ; ++i) {
zData = ph7_value_to_string(apArg[i], &nDataLen);
if(nDataLen > 0) {
rc = pVm->sVmConsumer.xConsumer((const void *)zData, (unsigned int)nDataLen, pVm->sVmConsumer.pUserData);
if(pVm->sVmConsumer.xConsumer != VmObConsumer) {
/* Increment output length */
pVm->nOutputLen += nDataLen;
if(rc == SXERR_ABORT) {
/* Output consumer callback request an operation abort */
return PH7_ABORT;
/* Return 1 */
ph7_result_int(pCtx, 1);
return SXRET_OK;
* void exit(string $msg)
* void exit(int $status)
* void die(string $ms)
* void die(int $status)
* Output a message and terminate program execution.
* Parameter
* If status is a string, this function prints the status just before exiting.
* If status is an integer, that value will be used as the exit status
* and not printed
* Return
static int vm_builtin_exit(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
if(nArg > 0) {
if(ph7_value_is_string(apArg[0])) {
const char *zData;
int iLen = 0;
/* Print exit message */
zData = ph7_value_to_string(apArg[0], &iLen);
ph7_context_output(pCtx, zData, iLen);
} else if(ph7_value_is_int(apArg[0])) {
sxi32 iExitStatus;
/* Record exit status code */
iExitStatus = ph7_value_to_int(apArg[0]);
pCtx->pVm->iExitStatus = iExitStatus;
/* Abort processing immediately */
return PH7_ABORT;
* bool isset($var,...)
* Finds out whether a variable is set.
* Parameters
* One or more variable to check.
* Return
* 1 if var exists and has value other than NULL, 0 otherwise.
static int vm_builtin_isset(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
ph7_value *pObj;
int res = 0;
int i;
if(nArg < 1) {
/* Missing arguments,return false */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, res);
return SXRET_OK;
/* Iterate over available arguments */
for(i = 0 ; i < nArg ; ++i) {
pObj = apArg[i];
if(pObj->nIdx == SXU32_HIGH) {
if((pObj->iFlags & MEMOBJ_NULL) == 0) {
/* Not so fatal,Throw a warning */
ph7_context_throw_error(pCtx, PH7_CTX_WARNING, "Expecting a variable not a constant");
res = (pObj->iFlags & MEMOBJ_NULL) ? 0 : 1;
if(!res) {
/* Variable not set,return FALSE */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
return SXRET_OK;
/* All given variable are set,return TRUE */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 1);
return SXRET_OK;
* Unset a memory object [i.e: a ph7_value],remove it from the current
* frame,the reference table and discard it's contents.
* This function never fail and always return SXRET_OK.
PH7_PRIVATE sxi32 PH7_VmUnsetMemObj(ph7_vm *pVm, sxu32 nObjIdx, int bForce) {
ph7_value *pObj;
VmRefObj *pRef;
pObj = (ph7_value *)SySetAt(&pVm->aMemObj, nObjIdx);
if(pObj) {
/* Release the object */
/* Remove old reference links */
pRef = VmRefObjExtract(&(*pVm), nObjIdx);
if(pRef) {
sxi32 iFlags = pRef->iFlags;
/* Unlink from the reference table */
VmRefObjUnlink(&(*pVm), pRef);
if((bForce == TRUE) || (iFlags & VM_REF_IDX_KEEP) == 0) {
VmSlot sFree;
/* Restore to the free list */
sFree.nIdx = nObjIdx;
sFree.pUserData = 0;
SySetPut(&pVm->aFreeObj, (const void *)&sFree);
return SXRET_OK;
* void unset($var,...)
* Unset one or more given variable.
* Parameters
* One or more variable to unset.
* Return
* Nothing.
static int vm_builtin_unset(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
ph7_value *pObj;
ph7_vm *pVm;
int i;
/* Point to the target VM */
pVm = pCtx->pVm;
/* Iterate and unset */
for(i = 0 ; i < nArg ; ++i) {
pObj = apArg[i];
if(pObj->nIdx == SXU32_HIGH) {
if((pObj->iFlags & MEMOBJ_NULL) == 0) {
/* Throw an error */
ph7_context_throw_error(pCtx, PH7_CTX_ERR, "Expecting a variable not a constant");
} else {
sxu32 nIdx = pObj->nIdx;
/* TICKET 1433-35: Protect the $GLOBALS array from deletion */
if(nIdx != pVm->nGlobalIdx) {
PH7_VmUnsetMemObj(&(*pVm), nIdx, FALSE);
return SXRET_OK;
* Hash walker callback used by the [get_defined_vars()] function.
static sxi32 VmHashVarWalker(SyHashEntry *pEntry, void *pUserData) {
ph7_value *pArray = (ph7_value *)pUserData;
ph7_vm *pVm = pArray->pVm;
ph7_value *pObj;
sxu32 nIdx;
/* Extract the memory object */
nIdx = SX_PTR_TO_INT(pEntry->pUserData);
pObj = (ph7_value *)SySetAt(&pVm->aMemObj, nIdx);
if(pObj) {
if((pObj->iFlags & MEMOBJ_HASHMAP) == 0 || (ph7_hashmap *)pObj->x.pOther != pVm->pGlobal) {
if(pEntry->nKeyLen > 0) {
SyString sName;
ph7_value sKey;
/* Perform the insertion */
SyStringInitFromBuf(&sName, pEntry->pKey, pEntry->nKeyLen);
PH7_MemObjInitFromString(pVm, &sKey, &sName);
ph7_array_add_elem(pArray, &sKey/*Will make it's own copy*/, pObj);
return SXRET_OK;
* array get_defined_vars(void)
* Returns an array of all defined variables.
* Parameter
* None
* Return
* An array with all the variables defined in the current scope.
static int vm_builtin_get_defined_vars(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
ph7_vm *pVm = pCtx->pVm;
ph7_value *pArray;
/* Create a new array */
pArray = ph7_context_new_array(pCtx);
if(pArray == 0) {
SXUNUSED(nArg); /* cc warning */
/* Return NULL */
return SXRET_OK;
/* Superglobals first */
SyHashForEach(&pVm->hSuper, VmHashVarWalker, pArray);
/* Then variable defined in the current frame */
SyHashForEach(&pVm->pFrame->hVar, VmHashVarWalker, pArray);
/* Finally,return the created array */
ph7_result_value(pCtx, pArray);
return SXRET_OK;
* bool gettype($var)
* Get the type of a variable
* Parameters
* $var
* The variable being type checked.
* Return
* String representation of the given variable type.
static int vm_builtin_gettype(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
const char *zType = "Empty";
if(nArg > 0) {
zType = PH7_MemObjTypeDump(apArg[0]);
/* Return the variable type */
ph7_result_string(pCtx, zType, -1/*Compute length automatically*/);
return SXRET_OK;
* string get_resource_type(resource $handle)
* This function gets the type of the given resource.
* Parameters
* $handle
* The evaluated resource handle.
* Return
* If the given handle is a resource, this function will return a string
* representing its type. If the type is not identified by this function
* the return value will be the string Unknown.
* This function will return FALSE and generate an error if handle
* is not a resource.
static int vm_builtin_get_resource_type(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
if(nArg < 1 || !ph7_value_is_resource(apArg[0])) {
/* Missing/Invalid arguments,return FALSE*/
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
return PH7_OK;
ph7_result_string_format(pCtx, "resID_%#x", apArg[0]->x.pOther);
return SXRET_OK;
* void var_dump(expression,....)
* var_dump <20> Dumps information about a variable
* Parameters
* One or more expression to dump.
* Returns
* Nothing.
static int vm_builtin_var_dump(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
SyBlob sDump; /* Generated dump is stored here */
int i;
SyBlobInit(&sDump, &pCtx->pVm->sAllocator);
/* Dump one or more expressions */
for(i = 0 ; i < nArg ; i++) {
ph7_value *pObj = apArg[i];
/* Reset the working buffer */
/* Dump the given expression */
PH7_MemObjDump(&sDump, pObj, TRUE, 0, 0, 0);
/* Output */
if(SyBlobLength(&sDump) > 0) {
ph7_context_output(pCtx, (const char *)SyBlobData(&sDump), (int)SyBlobLength(&sDump));
/* Release the working buffer */
return SXRET_OK;
* string/bool print_r(expression,[bool $return = FALSE])
* print-r - Prints human-readable information about a variable
* Parameters
* expression: Expression to dump
* return : If you would like to capture the output of print_r() use
* the return parameter. When this parameter is set to TRUE
* print_r() will return the information rather than print it.
* Return
* When the return parameter is TRUE, this function will return a string.
* Otherwise, the return value is TRUE.
static int vm_builtin_print_r(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
int ret_string = 0;
SyBlob sDump;
if(nArg < 1) {
/* Nothing to output,return FALSE */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
return SXRET_OK;
SyBlobInit(&sDump, &pCtx->pVm->sAllocator);
if(nArg > 1) {
/* Where to redirect output */
ret_string = ph7_value_to_bool(apArg[1]);
/* Generate dump */
PH7_MemObjDump(&sDump, apArg[0], FALSE, 0, 0, 0);
if(!ret_string) {
/* Output dump */
ph7_context_output(pCtx, (const char *)SyBlobData(&sDump), (int)SyBlobLength(&sDump));
/* Return true */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 1);
} else {
/* Generated dump as return value */
ph7_result_string(pCtx, (const char *)SyBlobData(&sDump), (int)SyBlobLength(&sDump));
/* Release the working buffer */
return SXRET_OK;
* string/null var_export(expression,[bool $return = FALSE])
* Same job as print_r. (see coment above)
static int vm_builtin_var_export(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
int ret_string = 0;
SyBlob sDump; /* Dump is stored in this BLOB */
if(nArg < 1) {
/* Nothing to output,return FALSE */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
return SXRET_OK;
SyBlobInit(&sDump, &pCtx->pVm->sAllocator);
if(nArg > 1) {
/* Where to redirect output */
ret_string = ph7_value_to_bool(apArg[1]);
/* Generate dump */
PH7_MemObjDump(&sDump, apArg[0], FALSE, 0, 0, 0);
if(!ret_string) {
/* Output dump */
ph7_context_output(pCtx, (const char *)SyBlobData(&sDump), (int)SyBlobLength(&sDump));
/* Return NULL */
} else {
/* Generated dump as return value */
ph7_result_string(pCtx, (const char *)SyBlobData(&sDump), (int)SyBlobLength(&sDump));
/* Release the working buffer */
return SXRET_OK;
* int/bool assert_options(int $what [, mixed $value ])
* Set/get the various assert flags.
* Parameter
* $what
* ASSERT_ACTIVE Enable assert() evaluation
* ASSERT_WARNING Issue a warning for each failed assertion
* ASSERT_BAIL Terminate execution on failed assertions
* ASSERT_CALLBACK Callback to call on failed assertions
* $value
* An optional new value for the option.
* Return
* Old setting on success or FALSE on failure.
static int vm_builtin_assert_options(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
ph7_vm *pVm = pCtx->pVm;
int iOld, iNew, iValue;
if(nArg < 1 || !ph7_value_is_int(apArg[0])) {
/* Missing/Invalid arguments,return FALSE */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
return PH7_OK;
/* Save old assertion flags */
iOld = pVm->iAssertFlags;
/* Extract the new flags */
iNew = ph7_value_to_int(apArg[0]);
if(iNew == PH7_ASSERT_DISABLE) {
pVm->iAssertFlags &= ~PH7_ASSERT_DISABLE;
if(nArg > 1) {
iValue = !ph7_value_to_bool(apArg[1]);
if(iValue) {
/* Disable assertion */
pVm->iAssertFlags |= PH7_ASSERT_DISABLE;
} else if(iNew == PH7_ASSERT_WARNING) {
pVm->iAssertFlags &= ~PH7_ASSERT_WARNING;
if(nArg > 1) {
iValue = ph7_value_to_bool(apArg[1]);
if(iValue) {
/* Issue a warning for each failed assertion */
pVm->iAssertFlags |= PH7_ASSERT_WARNING;
} else if(iNew == PH7_ASSERT_BAIL) {
pVm->iAssertFlags &= ~PH7_ASSERT_BAIL;
if(nArg > 1) {
iValue = ph7_value_to_bool(apArg[1]);
if(iValue) {
/* Terminate execution on failed assertions */
pVm->iAssertFlags |= PH7_ASSERT_BAIL;
} else if(iNew == PH7_ASSERT_CALLBACK) {
pVm->iAssertFlags &= ~PH7_ASSERT_CALLBACK;
if(nArg > 1 && ph7_value_is_callable(apArg[1])) {
/* Callback to call on failed assertions */
PH7_MemObjStore(apArg[1], &pVm->sAssertCallback);
pVm->iAssertFlags |= PH7_ASSERT_CALLBACK;
/* Return the old flags */
ph7_result_int(pCtx, iOld);
return PH7_OK;
* bool assert(mixed $assertion)
* Checks if assertion is FALSE.
* Parameter
* $assertion
* The assertion to test.
* Return
* FALSE if the assertion is false, TRUE otherwise.
static int vm_builtin_assert(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
ph7_vm *pVm = pCtx->pVm;
ph7_value *pAssert;
int iFlags, iResult;
if(nArg < 1) {
/* Missing arguments,return FALSE */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
return PH7_OK;
iFlags = pVm->iAssertFlags;
if(iFlags & PH7_ASSERT_DISABLE) {
/* Assertion is disabled,return FALSE */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
return PH7_OK;
pAssert = apArg[0];
iResult = 1; /* cc warning */
if(pAssert->iFlags & MEMOBJ_STRING) {
SyString sChunk;
SyStringInitFromBuf(&sChunk, SyBlobData(&pAssert->sBlob), SyBlobLength(&pAssert->sBlob));
if(sChunk.nByte > 0) {
VmEvalChunk(pVm, pCtx, &sChunk, PH7_PHP_ONLY | PH7_PHP_EXPR, FALSE);
/* Extract evaluation result */
iResult = ph7_value_to_bool(pCtx->pRet);
} else {
iResult = 0;
} else {
/* Perform a boolean cast */
iResult = ph7_value_to_bool(apArg[0]);
if(!iResult) {
/* Assertion failed */
if(iFlags & PH7_ASSERT_CALLBACK) {
static const SyString sFileName = { ":Memory", sizeof(":Memory") - 1};
ph7_value sFile, sLine;
ph7_value *apCbArg[3];
SyString *pFile;
/* Extract the processed script */
pFile = (SyString *)SySetPeek(&pVm->aFiles);
if(pFile == 0) {
pFile = (SyString *)&sFileName;
/* Invoke the callback */
PH7_MemObjInitFromString(pVm, &sFile, pFile);
PH7_MemObjInitFromInt(pVm, &sLine, 0);
apCbArg[0] = &sFile;
apCbArg[1] = &sLine;
apCbArg[2] = pAssert;
PH7_VmCallUserFunction(pVm, &pVm->sAssertCallback, 3, apCbArg, 0);
/* Clean-up the mess left behind */
if(iFlags & PH7_ASSERT_WARNING) {
/* Emit a warning */
ph7_context_throw_error(pCtx, PH7_CTX_WARNING, "Assertion failed");
if(iFlags & PH7_ASSERT_BAIL) {
/* Abort VM execution immediately */
return PH7_ABORT;
/* Assertion result */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, iResult);
return PH7_OK;
* Section:
* Error reporting functions.
* Authors:
* Symisc Systems,
* Copyright (C) Symisc Systems,
* Status:
* Stable.
* bool trigger_error(string $error_msg[,int $error_type = E_USER_NOTICE ])
* Generates a user-level error/warning/notice message.
* Parameters
* $error_msg
* The designated error message for this error. It's limited to 1024 characters
* in length. Any additional characters beyond 1024 will be truncated.
* $error_type
* The designated error type for this error. It only works with the E_USER family
* of constants, and will default to E_USER_NOTICE.
* Return
* This function returns FALSE if wrong error_type is specified, TRUE otherwise.
static int vm_builtin_trigger_error(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
int nErr = PH7_CTX_NOTICE;
int rc = PH7_OK;
if(nArg > 0) {
const char *zErr;
int nLen;
/* Extract the error message */
zErr = ph7_value_to_string(apArg[0], &nLen);
if(nArg > 1) {
/* Extract the error type */
nErr = ph7_value_to_int(apArg[1]);
switch(nErr) {
case 1: /* E_ERROR */
case 16: /* E_CORE_ERROR */
case 64: /* E_COMPILE_ERROR */
case 256: /* E_USER_ERROR */
nErr = PH7_CTX_ERR;
rc = PH7_ABORT; /* Abort processing immediately */
case 2: /* E_WARNING */
case 32: /* E_CORE_WARNING */
case 123: /* E_COMPILE_WARNING */
case 512: /* E_USER_WARNING */
/* Report error */
ph7_context_throw_error_format(pCtx, nErr, "%.*s", nLen, zErr);
/* Return true */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 1);
} else {
/* Missing arguments,return FALSE */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
return rc;
* int error_reporting([int $level])
* Sets which PHP errors are reported.
* Parameters
* $level
* The new error_reporting level. It takes on either a bitmask, or named constants.
* Using named constants is strongly encouraged to ensure compatibility for future versions.
* As error levels are added, the range of integers increases, so older integer-based error
* levels will not always behave as expected.
* The available error level constants and the actual meanings of these error levels are described
* in the predefined constants.
* Return
* Returns the old error_reporting level or the current level if no level
* parameter is given.
static int vm_builtin_error_reporting(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
ph7_vm *pVm = pCtx->pVm;
int nOld;
/* Extract the old reporting level */
nOld = pVm->bErrReport ? 32767 /* E_ALL */ : 0;
if(nArg > 0) {
int nNew;
/* Extract the desired error reporting level */
nNew = ph7_value_to_int(apArg[0]);
if(!nNew) {
/* Do not report errors at all */
pVm->bErrReport = 0;
} else {
/* Report all errors */
pVm->bErrReport = 1;
/* Return the old level */
ph7_result_int(pCtx, nOld);
return PH7_OK;
* bool error_log(string $message[,int $message_type = 0 [,string $destination[,string $extra_headers]]])
* Send an error message somewhere.
* Parameter
* $message
* The error message that should be logged.
* $message_type
* Says where the error should go. The possible message types are as follows:
* 0 message is sent to PHP's system logger, using the Operating System's system logging mechanism
* or a file, depending on what the error_log configuration directive is set to.
* This is the default option.
* 1 message is sent by email to the address in the destination parameter.
* This is the only message type where the fourth parameter, extra_headers is used.
* 2 No longer an option.
* 3 message is appended to the file destination. A newline is not automatically added
* to the end of the message string.
* 4 message is sent directly to the SAPI logging handler.
* $destination
* The destination. Its meaning depends on the message_type parameter as described above.
* $extra_headers
* The extra headers. It's used when the message_type parameter is set to 1
* Return
* TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.
* Actually,PH7 does not care about the given parameters,all this function does
* is to invoke any user callback registered using the PH7_VM_CONFIG_ERR_LOG_HANDLER
* configuration directive (refer to the official documentation for more information).
* Otherwise this function is no-op.
static int vm_builtin_error_log(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
const char *zMessage, *zDest, *zHeader;
ph7_vm *pVm = pCtx->pVm;
int iType = 0;
if(nArg < 1) {
/* Missing log message,return FALSE */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
return PH7_OK;
if(pVm->xErrLog) {
/* Invoke the user callback */
zMessage = ph7_value_to_string(apArg[0], 0);
zDest = zHeader = ""; /* Empty string */
if(nArg > 1) {
iType = ph7_value_to_int(apArg[1]);
if(nArg > 2) {
zDest = ph7_value_to_string(apArg[2], 0);
if(nArg > 3) {
zHeader = ph7_value_to_string(apArg[3], 0);
pVm->xErrLog(zMessage, iType, zDest, zHeader);
/* Retun TRUE */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 1);
return PH7_OK;
* bool restore_exception_handler(void)
* Restores the previously defined exception handler function.
* Parameter
* None
* Return
* TRUE if the exception handler is restored.FALSE otherwise
static int vm_builtin_restore_exception_handler(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
ph7_vm *pVm = pCtx->pVm;
ph7_value *pOld, *pNew;
/* Point to the old and the new handler */
pOld = &pVm->aExceptionCB[0];
pNew = &pVm->aExceptionCB[1];
if(pOld->iFlags & MEMOBJ_NULL) {
SXUNUSED(nArg); /* cc warning */
/* No installed handler,return FALSE */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
return PH7_OK;
/* Copy the old handler */
PH7_MemObjStore(pOld, pNew);
/* Return TRUE */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 1);
return PH7_OK;
* callable set_exception_handler(callable $exception_handler)
* Sets a user-defined exception handler function.
* Sets the default exception handler if an exception is not caught within a try/catch block.
* Execution will NOT stop after the exception_handler calls for example die/exit unlike
* the satndard PHP engine.
* Parameters
* $exception_handler
* Name of the function to be called when an uncaught exception occurs.
* This handler function needs to accept one parameter, which will be the exception object
* that was thrown.
* Note:
* NULL may be passed instead, to reset this handler to its default state.
* Return
* Returns the name of the previously defined exception handler, or NULL on error.
* If no previous handler was defined, NULL is also returned. If NULL is passed
* resetting the handler to its default state, TRUE is returned.
static int vm_builtin_set_exception_handler(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
ph7_vm *pVm = pCtx->pVm;
ph7_value *pOld, *pNew;
/* Point to the old and the new handler */
pOld = &pVm->aExceptionCB[0];
pNew = &pVm->aExceptionCB[1];
/* Return the old handler */
ph7_result_value(pCtx, pOld); /* Will make it's own copy */
if(nArg > 0) {
if(!ph7_value_is_callable(apArg[0])) {
/* Not callable,return TRUE (As requested by the PHP specification) */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 1);
} else {
PH7_MemObjStore(pNew, pOld);
/* Install the new handler */
PH7_MemObjStore(apArg[0], pNew);
return PH7_OK;
* bool restore_error_handler(void)
* Parameters:
* None.
* Return
* Always TRUE.
static int vm_builtin_restore_error_handler(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
ph7_vm *pVm = pCtx->pVm;
ph7_value *pOld, *pNew;
/* Point to the old and the new handler */
pOld = &pVm->aErrCB[0];
pNew = &pVm->aErrCB[1];
if(pOld->iFlags & MEMOBJ_NULL) {
SXUNUSED(nArg); /* cc warning */
/* No installed callback,return FALSE */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
return PH7_OK;
/* Copy the old callback */
PH7_MemObjStore(pOld, pNew);
/* Return TRUE */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 1);
return PH7_OK;
* value set_error_handler(callable $error_handler)
* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
* Sets a user-defined error handler function.
* This function can be used for defining your own way of handling errors during
* runtime, for example in applications in which you need to do cleanup of data/files
* when a critical error happens, or when you need to trigger an error under certain
* conditions (using trigger_error()).
* Parameters
* $error_handler
* The user function needs to accept two parameters: the error code, and a string
* describing the error.
* Then there are three optional parameters that may be supplied: the filename in which
* the error occurred, the line number in which the error occurred, and the context in which
* the error occurred (an array that points to the active symbol table at the point the error occurred).
* The function can be shown as:
* handler ( int $errno , string $errstr [, string $errfile])
* errno
* The first parameter, errno, contains the level of the error raised, as an integer.
* errstr
* The second parameter, errstr, contains the error message, as a string.
* errfile
* The third parameter is optional, errfile, which contains the filename that the error
* was raised in, as a string.
* Note:
* NULL may be passed instead, to reset this handler to its default state.
* Return
* Returns the name of the previously defined error handler, or NULL on error.
* If no previous handler was defined, NULL is also returned. If NULL is passed
* resetting the handler to its default state, TRUE is returned.
static int vm_builtin_set_error_handler(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
ph7_vm *pVm = pCtx->pVm;
ph7_value *pOld, *pNew;
/* Point to the old and the new handler */
pOld = &pVm->aErrCB[0];
pNew = &pVm->aErrCB[1];
/* Return the old handler */
ph7_result_value(pCtx, pOld); /* Will make it's own copy */
if(nArg > 0) {
if(!ph7_value_is_callable(apArg[0])) {
/* Not callable,return TRUE (As requested by the PHP specification) */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 1);
} else {
PH7_MemObjStore(pNew, pOld);
/* Install the new handler */
PH7_MemObjStore(apArg[0], pNew);
ph7_context_throw_error_format(pCtx, PH7_CTX_WARNING,
"This function is disabled in the current release of the PH7(%s) engine",
return PH7_OK;
* array debug_backtrace([ int $options = DEBUG_BACKTRACE_PROVIDE_OBJECT [, int $limit = 0 ]] )
* Generates a backtrace.
* Paramaeter
* $options
* DEBUG_BACKTRACE_PROVIDE_OBJECT: Whether or not to populate the "object" index.
* DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS Whether or not to omit the "args" index, and thus
* all the function/method arguments, to save memory.
* $limit
* (Not Used)
* Return
* An array.The possible returned elements are as follows:
* Possible returned elements from debug_backtrace()
* Name Type Description
* ------ ------ -----------
* function string The current function name. See also __FUNCTION__.
* line integer The current line number. See also __LINE__.
* file string The current file name. See also __FILE__.
* class string The current class name. See also __CLASS__
* object object The current object.
* args array If inside a function, this lists the functions arguments.
* If inside an included file, this lists the included file name(s).
static int vm_builtin_debug_backtrace(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
ph7_vm *pVm = pCtx->pVm;
ph7_value *pArray;
ph7_class *pClass;
ph7_value *pValue;
SyString *pFile;
sxi32 iLine;
/* Create a new array */
pArray = ph7_context_new_array(pCtx);
pValue = ph7_context_new_scalar(pCtx);
iLine = -1;
if(pArray == 0 || pValue == 0) {
/* Out of memory,return NULL */
ph7_context_throw_error(pCtx, PH7_CTX_ERR, "PH7 is running out of memory");
SXUNUSED(nArg); /* cc warning */
return PH7_OK;
/* Dump running function name and it's arguments */
while(pVm->pFrame) {
ph7_value *pArraySub;
VmFrame *pFrame = pVm->pFrame;
ph7_vm_func *pFunc;
ph7_value *pArg;
pFunc = (ph7_vm_func *)pFrame->pUserData;
if(!pFunc || (pFrame->iFlags & VM_FRAME_EXCEPTION)) {
goto rollFrame;
pArraySub = ph7_context_new_array(pCtx);
if(!pArraySub) {
if(pFrame->pParent) {
ph7_value_string(pValue, pFunc->sName.zString, (int)pFunc->sName.nByte);
ph7_array_add_strkey_elem(pArraySub, "function", pValue);
/* Function arguments */
pArg = ph7_context_new_array(pCtx);
if(pArg) {
ph7_value *pObj;
VmSlot *aSlot;
sxu32 n;
/* Start filling the array with the given arguments */
aSlot = (VmSlot *)SySetBasePtr(&pFrame->sArg);
for(n = 0; n < SySetUsed(&pFrame->sArg) ; n++) {
pObj = (ph7_value *)SySetAt(&pCtx->pVm->aMemObj, aSlot[n].nIdx);
if(pObj) {
ph7_array_add_elem(pArg, 0/* Automatic index assign*/, pObj);
/* Save the array */
ph7_array_add_strkey_elem(pArraySub, "args", pArg);
if(pFunc) {
SySet *aByteCode = &pFunc->aByteCode;
for(sxi32 i = (SySetUsed(aByteCode) - 1); i >= 0 ; i--) {
VmInstr *cInstr = (VmInstr *)SySetAt(aByteCode, i);
if(cInstr->iP2) {
iLine = cInstr->iLine;
if(iLine != -1) {
ph7_value_int(pValue, iLine);
/* Append the current line (which is always 1 since PH7 does not track
* line numbers at run-time. )
ph7_array_add_strkey_elem(pArraySub, "line", pValue);
/* Current processed script */
pFile = (SyString *)SySetPeek(&pVm->aFiles);
if(pFile) {
ph7_value_string(pValue, pFile->zString, (int)pFile->nByte);
ph7_array_add_strkey_elem(pArraySub, "file", pValue);
/* Top class */
pClass = PH7_VmPeekTopClass(pVm);
if(pClass) {
ph7_value_string(pValue, pClass->sName.zString, (int)pClass->sName.nByte);
ph7_array_add_strkey_elem(pArraySub, "class", pValue);
ph7_array_add_elem(pArray, 0, pArraySub);
pVm->pFrame = pVm->pFrame->pParent;
/* Return the freshly created array */
ph7_result_value(pCtx, pArray);
* Don't worry about freeing memory, everything will be released automatically
* as soon we return from this function.
return PH7_OK;
* Generate a small backtrace.
* Store the generated dump in the given BLOB
static int VmMiniBacktrace(
ph7_vm *pVm, /* Target VM */
SyBlob *pOut /* Store Dump here */
) {
VmFrame *pFrame = pVm->pFrame;
ph7_vm_func *pFunc;
ph7_class *pClass;
SyString *pFile;
/* Called function */
while(pFrame->pParent && (pFrame->iFlags & VM_FRAME_EXCEPTION)) {
/* Safely ignore the exception frame */
pFrame = pFrame->pParent;
pFunc = (ph7_vm_func *)pFrame->pUserData;
SyBlobAppend(pOut, "[", sizeof(char));
if(pFrame->pParent && pFunc) {
SyBlobAppend(pOut, "Called function: ", sizeof("Called function: ") - 1);
SyBlobAppend(pOut, pFunc->sName.zString, pFunc->sName.nByte);
} else {
SyBlobAppend(pOut, "Global scope", sizeof("Global scope") - 1);
SyBlobAppend(pOut, "]", sizeof(char));
/* Current processed script */
pFile = (SyString *)SySetPeek(&pVm->aFiles);
if(pFile) {
SyBlobAppend(pOut, "[", sizeof(char));
SyBlobAppend(pOut, "Processed file: ", sizeof("Processed file: ") - 1);
SyBlobAppend(pOut, pFile->zString, pFile->nByte);
SyBlobAppend(pOut, "]", sizeof(char));
/* Top class */
pClass = PH7_VmPeekTopClass(pVm);
if(pClass) {
SyBlobAppend(pOut, "[", sizeof(char));
SyBlobAppend(pOut, "Class: ", sizeof("Class: ") - 1);
SyBlobAppend(pOut, pClass->sName.zString, pClass->sName.nByte);
SyBlobAppend(pOut, "]", sizeof(char));
SyBlobAppend(pOut, "\n", sizeof(char));
/* All done */
return SXRET_OK;
* void debug_print_backtrace()
* Prints a backtrace
* Parameters
* None
* Return
static int vm_builtin_debug_print_backtrace(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
ph7_vm *pVm = pCtx->pVm;
SyBlob sDump;
SyBlobInit(&sDump, &pVm->sAllocator);
/* Generate the backtrace */
VmMiniBacktrace(pVm, &sDump);
/* Output backtrace */
ph7_context_output(pCtx, (const char *)SyBlobData(&sDump), (int)SyBlobLength(&sDump));
/* All done,cleanup */
SXUNUSED(nArg); /* cc warning */
return PH7_OK;
* string debug_string_backtrace()
* Generate a backtrace
* Parameters
* None
* Return
* A mini backtrace().
* Note that this is a symisc extension.
static int vm_builtin_debug_string_backtrace(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
ph7_vm *pVm = pCtx->pVm;
SyBlob sDump;
SyBlobInit(&sDump, &pVm->sAllocator);
/* Generate the backtrace */
VmMiniBacktrace(pVm, &sDump);
/* Return the backtrace */
ph7_result_string(pCtx, (const char *)SyBlobData(&sDump), (int)SyBlobLength(&sDump)); /* Will make it's own copy */
/* All done,cleanup */
SXUNUSED(nArg); /* cc warning */
return PH7_OK;
* The following routine is invoked by the engine when an uncaught
* exception is triggered.
static sxi32 VmUncaughtException(
ph7_vm *pVm, /* Target VM */
ph7_class_instance *pThis /* Exception class instance [i.e: Exception $e] */
) {
ph7_value *apArg[2], sArg;
int nArg = 1;
sxi32 rc;
if(pVm->nExceptDepth > 15) {
/* Nesting limit reached */
return SXRET_OK;
/* Call any exception handler if available */
PH7_MemObjInit(pVm, &sArg);
if(pThis) {
/* Load the exception instance */
sArg.x.pOther = pThis;
MemObjSetType(&sArg, MEMOBJ_OBJ);
} else {
nArg = 0;
apArg[0] = &sArg;
/* Call the exception handler if available */
rc = PH7_VmCallUserFunction(&(*pVm), &pVm->aExceptionCB[1], 1, apArg, 0);
if(rc != SXRET_OK) {
SyString sName = { "Exception", sizeof("Exception") - 1 };
SyString sFuncName = { "Global", sizeof("Global") - 1 };
VmFrame *pFrame = pVm->pFrame;
/* No available handler,generate a fatal error */
if(pThis) {
SyStringDupPtr(&sName, &pThis->pClass->sName);
while(pFrame->pParent && (pFrame->iFlags & VM_FRAME_EXCEPTION)) {
/* Ignore exception frames */
pFrame = pFrame->pParent;
if(pFrame->pParent) {
if(pFrame->iFlags & VM_FRAME_CATCH) {
SyStringInitFromBuf(&sFuncName, "Catch_block", sizeof("Catch_block") - 1);
} else {
ph7_vm_func *pFunc = (ph7_vm_func *)pFrame->pUserData;
if(pFunc) {
SyStringDupPtr(&sFuncName, &pFunc->sName);
/* Generate a listing */
VmErrorFormat(&(*pVm), PH7_CTX_ERR,
"Uncaught exception '%z' in the '%z' frame context",
&sName, &sFuncName);
/* Tell the upper layer to stop VM execution immediately */
return rc;
* Throw an user exception.
static sxi32 VmThrowException(
ph7_vm *pVm, /* Target VM */
ph7_class_instance *pThis /* Exception class instance [i.e: Exception $e] */
) {
ph7_exception_block *pCatch; /* Catch block to execute */
ph7_exception **apException;
ph7_exception *pException;
/* Point to the stack of loaded exceptions */
apException = (ph7_exception **)SySetBasePtr(&pVm->aException);
pException = 0;
pCatch = 0;
if(SySetUsed(&pVm->aException) > 0) {
ph7_exception_block *aCatch;
ph7_class *pClass;
sxu32 j;
/* Locate the appropriate block to execute */
pException = apException[SySetUsed(&pVm->aException) - 1];
aCatch = (ph7_exception_block *)SySetBasePtr(&pException->sEntry);
for(j = 0 ; j < SySetUsed(&pException->sEntry) ; ++j) {
SyString *pName = &aCatch[j].sClass;
/* Extract the target class */
pClass = PH7_VmExtractClass(&(*pVm), pName->zString, pName->nByte, TRUE, 0);
if(pClass == 0) {
/* No such class */
if(VmInstanceOf(pThis->pClass, pClass)) {
/* Catch block found,break immeditaley */
pCatch = &aCatch[j];
/* Execute the cached block if available */
if(pCatch == 0) {
sxi32 rc;
rc = VmUncaughtException(&(*pVm), pThis);
if(rc == SXRET_OK && pException) {
VmFrame *pFrame = pVm->pFrame;
while(pFrame->pParent && (pFrame->iFlags & VM_FRAME_EXCEPTION)) {
/* Safely ignore the exception frame */
pFrame = pFrame->pParent;
if(pException->pFrame == pFrame) {
/* Tell the upper layer that the exception was caught */
pFrame->iFlags &= ~VM_FRAME_THROW;
return rc;
} else {
VmFrame *pFrame = pVm->pFrame;
sxi32 rc;
while(pFrame->pParent && (pFrame->iFlags & VM_FRAME_EXCEPTION)) {
/* Safely ignore the exception frame */
pFrame = pFrame->pParent;
if(pException->pFrame == pFrame) {
/* Tell the upper layer that the exception was caught */
pFrame->iFlags &= ~VM_FRAME_THROW;
/* Create a private frame first */
rc = VmEnterFrame(&(*pVm), 0, 0, &pFrame);
if(rc == SXRET_OK) {
/* Mark as catch frame */
ph7_value *pObj = VmExtractMemObj(&(*pVm), &pCatch->sThis, FALSE, TRUE);
pFrame->iFlags |= VM_FRAME_CATCH;
if(pObj) {
/* Install the exception instance */
pThis->iRef++; /* Increment reference count */
pObj->x.pOther = pThis;
MemObjSetType(pObj, MEMOBJ_OBJ);
/* Exceute the block */
VmLocalExec(&(*pVm), &pCatch->sByteCode, 0);
/* Leave the frame */
/* TICKET 1433-60: Do not release the 'pException' pointer since it may
* be used again if a 'goto' statement is executed.
return SXRET_OK;
* Section:
* Version,Credits and Copyright related functions.
* Authors:
* Symisc Systems,
* Copyright (C) Symisc Systems,
* Status:
* Stable.
* string ph7version(void)
* Returns the running version of the PH7 version.
* Parameters
* None
* Return
* Current PH7 version.
static int vm_builtin_ph7_version(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
SXUNUSED(apArg); /* cc warning */
/* Current engine version */
ph7_result_string(pCtx, PH7_VERSION, sizeof(PH7_VERSION) - 1);
return PH7_OK;
* PH7 release information HTML page used by the ph7info() and ph7credits() functions.
#define PH7_HTML_PAGE_HEADER "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN\" \"\">"\
"<!-- Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Symisc Systems, -->"\
"<meta content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\" http-equiv=\"content-type\"><title>PH7 engine credits</title>"\
"<style type=\"text/css\">"\
"div {"\
"border: 1px solid #cccccc;"\
"-moz-border-radius-topleft: 10px;"\
"-moz-border-radius-bottomright: 10px;"\
"-moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 10px;"\
"-moz-border-radius-topright: 10px;"\
"-webkit-border-radius: 10px;"\
"-o-border-radius: 10px;"\
"border-radius: 10px;"\
"padding-left: 2em;"\
"background-color: white;"\
"margin-left: auto;"\
"font-family: verdana;"\
"padding-right: 2em;"\
"margin-right: auto;"\
"body {"\
"padding: 0.2em;"\
"font-style: normal;"\
"font-size: medium;"\
"background-color: #f2f2f2;"\
"hr {"\
"border-style: solid none none;"\
"border-width: 1px medium medium;"\
"border-top: 1px solid #cccccc;"\
"height: 1px;"\
"a {"\
"color: #3366cc;"\
"text-decoration: none;"\
"a:hover {"\
"color: #999999;"\
"a:active {"\
"color: #663399;"\
"h1 {"\
"margin: 0;"\
"padding: 0;"\
"font-family: Verdana;"\
"font-weight: bold;"\
"font-style: normal;"\
"font-size: medium;"\
"text-transform: capitalize;"\
"color: #0a328c;"\
"p {"\
"margin: 0 auto;"\
"font-size: medium;"\
"font-style: normal;"\
"font-family: verdana;"\
"<div style=\"background-color: white; width: 699px;\">"\
"<h1 style=\"font-family: Verdana; text-align: right;\"><small><small>PH7 Engine Credits</small></small></h1>"\
"<hr style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;\">"\
"<p><small><a href=\"\"><small><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">"\
"Symisc PH7</span></small></a><small>&nbsp;</small></small></p>"\
"<p style=\"text-align: left;\"><small><small>"\
"A highly efficient embeddable bytecode compiler and a Virtual Machine for the PHP(5) Programming Language.</small></small></p>"\
"<p style=\"text-align: left;\"><small><small>Copyright (C) Symisc Systems.<br></small></small></p>"\
"<p style=\"text-align: left; font-weight: bold;\"><small><small>Engine Version:</small></small></p>"\
"<p style=\"text-align: left; font-weight: bold; margin-left: 40px;\">"
#define PH7_HTML_PAGE_FORMAT "<small><small><span style=\"font-weight: normal;\">%s</span></small></small></p>"\
"<p style=\"text-align: left; font-weight: bold;\"><small><small>Engine ID:</small></small></p>"\
"<p style=\"text-align: left; font-weight: bold; margin-left: 40px;\"><small><small><span style=\"font-weight: normal;\">%s %s</span></small></small></p>"\
"<p style=\"text-align: left; font-weight: bold;\"><small><small>Underlying VFS:</small></small></p>"\
"<p style=\"text-align: left; font-weight: bold; margin-left: 40px;\"><small><small><span style=\"font-weight: normal;\">%s</span></small></small></p>"\
"<p style=\"text-align: left; font-weight: bold;\"><small><small>Total Built-in Functions:</small></small></p>"\
"<p style=\"text-align: left; font-weight: bold; margin-left: 40px;\"><small><small><span style=\"font-weight: normal;\">%d</span></small></small></p>"\
"<p style=\"text-align: left; font-weight: bold;\"><small><small>Total Built-in Classes:</small></small></p>"\
"<p style=\"text-align: left; font-weight: bold; margin-left: 40px;\"><small><small><span style=\"font-weight: normal;\">%d</span></small></small></p>"\
"<p style=\"text-align: left; font-weight: bold;\"><small><small>Host Operating System:</small></small></p>"\
"<p style=\"text-align: left; font-weight: bold; margin-left: 40px;\"><small><small><span style=\"font-weight: normal;\">%s</span></small></small></p>"\
"<p style=\"text-align: left; font-weight: bold;\"><small style=\"font-weight: bold;\"><small><small></small></small></small></p>"\
"<p style=\"text-align: left; font-weight: bold;\"><small><small>Licensed To: &lt;Public Release Under The <a href=\"\">"\
"Symisc Public License (SPL)</a>&gt;</small></small></p>"
#define PH7_HTML_PAGE_FOOTER "<p style=\"text-align: left; font-weight: bold; margin-left: 40px;\"><small><small><span style=\"font-weight: normal;\">/*<br>"\
"&nbsp;* Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 Symisc Systems. All rights reserved.<br>"\
"&nbsp;* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without<br>"\
"&nbsp;* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions<br>"\
"&nbsp;* are met:<br>"\
"&nbsp;* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright<br>"\
"&nbsp;*&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.<br>"\
"&nbsp;* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright<br>"\
"&nbsp;*&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the<br>"\
"&nbsp;*&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.<br>"\
"&nbsp;* 3. Redistributions in any form must be accompanied by information on<br>"\
"&nbsp;*&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; how to obtain complete source code for the PH7 engine and any <br>"\
"&nbsp;*&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; accompanying software that uses the PH7 engine software.<br>"\
"&nbsp;*&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The source code must either be included in the distribution<br>"\
"&nbsp;*&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; or be available for no more than the cost of distribution plus<br>"\
"&nbsp;*&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; a nominal fee, and must be freely redistributable under reasonable<br>"\
"&nbsp;*&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; conditions. For an executable file, complete source code means<br>"\
"&nbsp;*&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; the source code for all modules it contains.It does not include<br>"\
"&nbsp;*&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; source code for modules or files that typically accompany the major<br>"\
"&nbsp;*&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; components of the operating system on which the executable file runs.<br>"\
"<p style=\"text-align: right;\"><small><small>Copyright (C) <a href=\"\">Symisc Systems</a></small></small><big>"\
* bool ph7credits(void)
* bool ph7info(void)
* bool ph7copyright(void)
* Prints out the credits for PH7 engine
* Parameters
* None
* Return
* Always TRUE
static int vm_builtin_ph7_credits(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
ph7_vm *pVm = pCtx->pVm; /* Point to the underlying VM */
/* Expand the HTML page above*/
ph7_context_output(pCtx, PH7_HTML_PAGE_HEADER, (int)sizeof(PH7_HTML_PAGE_HEADER) - 1);
ph7_lib_version(), /* Engine version */
ph7_lib_signature(), /* Engine signature */
ph7_lib_ident(), /* Engine ID */
pVm->pEngine->pVfs ? pVm->pEngine->pVfs->zName : "null_vfs",
SyHashTotalEntry(&pVm->hFunction) + SyHashTotalEntry(&pVm->hHostFunction),/* # built-in functions */
#ifdef __WINNT__
"Windows NT"
#elif defined(__UNIXES__)
"Other OS"
ph7_context_output(pCtx, PH7_HTML_PAGE_FOOTER, (int)sizeof(PH7_HTML_PAGE_FOOTER) - 1);
SXUNUSED(nArg); /* cc warning */
/* Return TRUE */
return PH7_OK;
* Section:
* URL related routines.
* Authors:
* Symisc Systems,
* Copyright (C) Symisc Systems,
* Status:
* Stable.
/* Forward declaration */
static sxi32 VmHttpSplitURI(SyhttpUri *pOut, const char *zUri, sxu32 nLen);
* value parse_url(string $url [, int $component = -1 ])
* Parse a URL and return its fields.
* Parameters
* $url
* The URL to parse.
* $component
* just a specific URL component as a string (except when PHP_URL_PORT is given
* in which case the return value will be an integer).
* Return
* If the component parameter is omitted, an associative array is returned.
* At least one element will be present within the array. Potential keys within
* this array are:
* scheme - e.g. http
* host
* port
* user
* pass
* path
* query - after the question mark ?
* fragment - after the hashmark #
* Note:
* FALSE is returned on failure.
* This function work with relative URL unlike the one shipped
* with the standard PHP engine.
static int vm_builtin_parse_url(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
const char *zStr; /* Input string */
SyString *pComp; /* Pointer to the URI component */
SyhttpUri sURI; /* Parse of the given URI */
int nLen;
sxi32 rc;
if(nArg < 1 || !ph7_value_is_string(apArg[0])) {
/* Missing/Invalid arguments,return FALSE */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
return PH7_OK;
/* Extract the given URI */
zStr = ph7_value_to_string(apArg[0], &nLen);
if(nLen < 1) {
/* Nothing to process,return FALSE */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
return PH7_OK;
/* Get a parse */
rc = VmHttpSplitURI(&sURI, zStr, (sxu32)nLen);
if(rc != SXRET_OK) {
/* Malformed input,return FALSE */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
return PH7_OK;
if(nArg > 1) {
int nComponent = ph7_value_to_int(apArg[1]);
/* Refer to constant.c for constants values */
switch(nComponent) {
case 1: /* PHP_URL_SCHEME */
pComp = &sURI.sScheme;
if(pComp->nByte < 1) {
/* No available value,return NULL */
} else {
ph7_result_string(pCtx, pComp->zString, (int)pComp->nByte);
case 2: /* PHP_URL_HOST */
pComp = &sURI.sHost;
if(pComp->nByte < 1) {
/* No available value,return NULL */
} else {
ph7_result_string(pCtx, pComp->zString, (int)pComp->nByte);
case 3: /* PHP_URL_PORT */
pComp = &sURI.sPort;
if(pComp->nByte < 1) {
/* No available value,return NULL */
} else {
int iPort = 0;
/* Cast the value to integer */
SyStrToInt32(pComp->zString, pComp->nByte, (void *)&iPort, 0);
ph7_result_int(pCtx, iPort);
case 4: /* PHP_URL_USER */
pComp = &sURI.sUser;
if(pComp->nByte < 1) {
/* No available value,return NULL */
} else {
ph7_result_string(pCtx, pComp->zString, (int)pComp->nByte);
case 5: /* PHP_URL_PASS */
pComp = &sURI.sPass;
if(pComp->nByte < 1) {
/* No available value,return NULL */
} else {
ph7_result_string(pCtx, pComp->zString, (int)pComp->nByte);
case 7: /* PHP_URL_QUERY */
pComp = &sURI.sQuery;
if(pComp->nByte < 1) {
/* No available value,return NULL */
} else {
ph7_result_string(pCtx, pComp->zString, (int)pComp->nByte);
case 8: /* PHP_URL_FRAGMENT */
pComp = &sURI.sFragment;
if(pComp->nByte < 1) {
/* No available value,return NULL */
} else {
ph7_result_string(pCtx, pComp->zString, (int)pComp->nByte);
case 6: /* PHP_URL_PATH */
pComp = &sURI.sPath;
if(pComp->nByte < 1) {
/* No available value,return NULL */
} else {
ph7_result_string(pCtx, pComp->zString, (int)pComp->nByte);
/* No such entry,return NULL */
} else {
ph7_value *pArray, *pValue;
/* Return an associative array */
pArray = ph7_context_new_array(pCtx); /* Empty array */
pValue = ph7_context_new_scalar(pCtx); /* Array value */
if(pArray == 0 || pValue == 0) {
/* Out of memory */
ph7_context_throw_error(pCtx, PH7_CTX_ERR, "PH7 engine is running out of memory");
/* Return false */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
return PH7_OK;
/* Fill the array */
pComp = &sURI.sScheme;
if(pComp->nByte > 0) {
ph7_value_string(pValue, pComp->zString, (int)pComp->nByte);
ph7_array_add_strkey_elem(pArray, "scheme", pValue); /* Will make it's own copy */
/* Reset the string cursor */
pComp = &sURI.sHost;
if(pComp->nByte > 0) {
ph7_value_string(pValue, pComp->zString, (int)pComp->nByte);
ph7_array_add_strkey_elem(pArray, "host", pValue); /* Will make it's own copy */
/* Reset the string cursor */
pComp = &sURI.sPort;
if(pComp->nByte > 0) {
int iPort = 0;/* cc warning */
/* Convert to integer */
SyStrToInt32(pComp->zString, pComp->nByte, (void *)&iPort, 0);
ph7_value_int(pValue, iPort);
ph7_array_add_strkey_elem(pArray, "port", pValue); /* Will make it's own copy */
/* Reset the string cursor */
pComp = &sURI.sUser;
if(pComp->nByte > 0) {
ph7_value_string(pValue, pComp->zString, (int)pComp->nByte);
ph7_array_add_strkey_elem(pArray, "user", pValue); /* Will make it's own copy */
/* Reset the string cursor */
pComp = &sURI.sPass;
if(pComp->nByte > 0) {
ph7_value_string(pValue, pComp->zString, (int)pComp->nByte);
ph7_array_add_strkey_elem(pArray, "pass", pValue); /* Will make it's own copy */
/* Reset the string cursor */
pComp = &sURI.sPath;
if(pComp->nByte > 0) {
ph7_value_string(pValue, pComp->zString, (int)pComp->nByte);
ph7_array_add_strkey_elem(pArray, "path", pValue); /* Will make it's own copy */
/* Reset the string cursor */
pComp = &sURI.sQuery;
if(pComp->nByte > 0) {
ph7_value_string(pValue, pComp->zString, (int)pComp->nByte);
ph7_array_add_strkey_elem(pArray, "query", pValue); /* Will make it's own copy */
/* Reset the string cursor */
pComp = &sURI.sFragment;
if(pComp->nByte > 0) {
ph7_value_string(pValue, pComp->zString, (int)pComp->nByte);
ph7_array_add_strkey_elem(pArray, "fragment", pValue); /* Will make it's own copy */
/* Return the created array */
ph7_result_value(pCtx, pArray);
/* NOTE:
* Don't worry about freeing 'pValue',everything will be released
* automatically as soon we return from this function.
/* All done */
return PH7_OK;
* Section:
* Array related routines.
* Authors:
* Symisc Systems,
* Copyright (C) Symisc Systems,
* Status:
* Stable.
* Note 2012-5-21 01:04:15:
* Array related functions that need access to the underlying
* virtual machine are implemented here rather than 'hashmap.c'
* The [compact()] function store it's state information in an instance
* of the following structure.
struct compact_data {
ph7_value *pArray; /* Target array */
int nRecCount; /* Recursion count */
* Walker callback for the [compact()] function defined below.
static int VmCompactCallback(ph7_value *pKey, ph7_value *pValue, void *pUserData) {
struct compact_data *pData = (struct compact_data *)pUserData;
ph7_value *pArray = (ph7_value *)pData->pArray;
ph7_vm *pVm = pArray->pVm;
/* Act according to the hashmap value */
if(ph7_value_is_string(pValue)) {
SyString sVar;
SyStringInitFromBuf(&sVar, SyBlobData(&pValue->sBlob), SyBlobLength(&pValue->sBlob));
if(sVar.nByte > 0) {
/* Query the current frame */
pKey = VmExtractMemObj(pVm, &sVar, FALSE, FALSE);
/* ^
* | Avoid wasting variable and use 'pKey' instead
if(pKey) {
/* Perform the insertion */
ph7_array_add_elem(pArray, pValue/* Variable name*/, pKey/* Variable value */);
} else if(ph7_value_is_array(pValue) && pData->nRecCount < 32) {
int rc;
/* Recursively traverse this array */
rc = PH7_HashmapWalk((ph7_hashmap *)pValue->x.pOther, VmCompactCallback, pUserData);
return rc;
return SXRET_OK;
* array compact(mixed $varname [, mixed $... ])
* Create array containing variables and their values.
* For each of these, compact() looks for a variable with that name
* in the current symbol table and adds it to the output array such
* that the variable name becomes the key and the contents of the variable
* become the value for that key. In short, it does the opposite of extract().
* Any strings that are not set will simply be skipped.
* Parameters
* $varname
* compact() takes a variable number of parameters. Each parameter can be either
* a string containing the name of the variable, or an array of variable names.
* The array can contain other arrays of variable names inside it; compact() handles
* it recursively.
* Return
* The output array with all the variables added to it or NULL on failure
static int vm_builtin_compact(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
ph7_value *pArray, *pObj;
ph7_vm *pVm = pCtx->pVm;
const char *zName;
SyString sVar;
int i, nLen;
if(nArg < 1) {
/* Missing arguments,return NULL */
return PH7_OK;
/* Create the array */
pArray = ph7_context_new_array(pCtx);
if(pArray == 0) {
/* Out of memory */
ph7_context_throw_error(pCtx, PH7_CTX_ERR, "PH7 engine is running out of memory");
/* Return NULL */
return PH7_OK;
/* Perform the requested operation */
for(i = 0 ; i < nArg ; i++) {
if(!ph7_value_is_string(apArg[i])) {
if(ph7_value_is_array(apArg[i])) {
struct compact_data sData;
ph7_hashmap *pMap = (ph7_hashmap *)apArg[i]->x.pOther;
/* Recursively walk the array */
sData.nRecCount = 0;
sData.pArray = pArray;
PH7_HashmapWalk(pMap, VmCompactCallback, &sData);
} else {
/* Extract variable name */
zName = ph7_value_to_string(apArg[i], &nLen);
if(nLen > 0) {
SyStringInitFromBuf(&sVar, zName, nLen);
/* Check if the variable is available in the current frame */
pObj = VmExtractMemObj(pVm, &sVar, FALSE, FALSE);
if(pObj) {
ph7_array_add_elem(pArray, apArg[i]/*Variable name*/, pObj/* Variable value */);
/* Return the array */
ph7_result_value(pCtx, pArray);
return PH7_OK;
* The [extract()] function store it's state information in an instance
* of the following structure.
typedef struct extract_aux_data extract_aux_data;
struct extract_aux_data {
ph7_vm *pVm; /* VM that own this instance */
int iCount; /* Number of variables successfully imported */
const char *zPrefix; /* Prefix name */
int Prefixlen; /* Prefix length */
int iFlags; /* Control flags */
char zWorker[1024]; /* Working buffer */
/* Forward declaration */
static int VmExtractCallback(ph7_value *pKey, ph7_value *pValue, void *pUserData);
* int extract(array &$var_array[,int $extract_type = EXTR_OVERWRITE[,string $prefix = NULL ]])
* Import variables into the current symbol table from an array.
* Parameters
* $var_array
* An associative array. This function treats keys as variable names and values
* as variable values. For each key/value pair it will create a variable in the current symbol
* table, subject to extract_type and prefix parameters.
* You must use an associative array; a numerically indexed array will not produce results
* $extract_type
* The way invalid/numeric keys and collisions are treated is determined by the extract_type.
* It can be one of the following values:
* If there is a collision, overwrite the existing variable.
* If there is a collision, don't overwrite the existing variable.
* If there is a collision, prefix the variable name with prefix.
* Prefix all variable names with prefix.
* Only prefix invalid/numeric variable names with prefix.
* Only overwrite the variable if it already exists in the current symbol table
* otherwise do nothing.
* This is useful for defining a list of valid variables and then extracting only those
* variables you have defined out of $_REQUEST, for example.
* Only create prefixed variable names if the non-prefixed version of the same variable exists in
* the current symbol table.
* $prefix
* Note that prefix is only required if extract_type is EXTR_PREFIX_SAME, EXTR_PREFIX_ALL
* EXTR_PREFIX_INVALID or EXTR_PREFIX_IF_EXISTS. If the prefixed result is not a valid variable name
* it is not imported into the symbol table. Prefixes are automatically separated from the array key by an
* underscore character.
* Return
* Returns the number of variables successfully imported into the symbol table.
static int vm_builtin_extract(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
extract_aux_data sAux;
ph7_hashmap *pMap;
if(nArg < 1 || !ph7_value_is_array(apArg[0])) {
/* Missing/Invalid arguments,return 0 */
ph7_result_int(pCtx, 0);
return PH7_OK;
/* Point to the target hashmap */
pMap = (ph7_hashmap *)apArg[0]->x.pOther;
if(pMap->nEntry < 1) {
/* Empty map,return 0 */
ph7_result_int(pCtx, 0);
return PH7_OK;
/* Prepare the aux data */
SyZero(&sAux, sizeof(extract_aux_data) - sizeof(sAux.zWorker));
if(nArg > 1) {
sAux.iFlags = ph7_value_to_int(apArg[1]);
if(nArg > 2) {
sAux.zPrefix = ph7_value_to_string(apArg[2], &sAux.Prefixlen);
sAux.pVm = pCtx->pVm;
/* Invoke the worker callback */
PH7_HashmapWalk(pMap, VmExtractCallback, &sAux);
/* Number of variables successfully imported */
ph7_result_int(pCtx, sAux.iCount);
return PH7_OK;
* Worker callback for the [extract()] function defined
* below.
static int VmExtractCallback(ph7_value *pKey, ph7_value *pValue, void *pUserData) {
extract_aux_data *pAux = (extract_aux_data *)pUserData;
int iFlags = pAux->iFlags;
ph7_vm *pVm = pAux->pVm;
ph7_value *pObj;
SyString sVar;
if((iFlags & 0x10/* EXTR_PREFIX_INVALID */) && (pKey->iFlags & (MEMOBJ_INT | MEMOBJ_BOOL | MEMOBJ_REAL))) {
iFlags |= 0x08; /*EXTR_PREFIX_ALL*/
/* Perform a string cast */
if(SyBlobLength(&pKey->sBlob) < 1) {
/* Unavailable variable name */
return SXRET_OK;
sVar.nByte = 0; /* cc warning */
if((iFlags & 0x08/*EXTR_PREFIX_ALL*/) && pAux->Prefixlen > 0) {
sVar.nByte = (sxu32)SyBufferFormat(pAux->zWorker, sizeof(pAux->zWorker), "%.*s_%.*s",
pAux->Prefixlen, pAux->zPrefix,
SyBlobLength(&pKey->sBlob), SyBlobData(&pKey->sBlob)
} else {
sVar.nByte = (sxu32) SyMemcpy(SyBlobData(&pKey->sBlob), pAux->zWorker,
SXMIN(SyBlobLength(&pKey->sBlob), sizeof(pAux->zWorker)));
sVar.zString = pAux->zWorker;
/* Try to extract the variable */
pObj = VmExtractMemObj(pVm, &sVar, TRUE, FALSE);
if(pObj) {
/* Collision */
if(iFlags & 0x02 /* EXTR_SKIP */) {
return SXRET_OK;
if(iFlags & 0x04 /* EXTR_PREFIX_SAME */) {
if((iFlags & 0x08/*EXTR_PREFIX_ALL*/) || pAux->Prefixlen < 1) {
/* Already prefixed */
return SXRET_OK;
sVar.nByte = (sxu32)SyBufferFormat(pAux->zWorker, sizeof(pAux->zWorker), "%.*s_%.*s",
pAux->Prefixlen, pAux->zPrefix,
SyBlobLength(&pKey->sBlob), SyBlobData(&pKey->sBlob)
pObj = VmExtractMemObj(pVm, &sVar, TRUE, TRUE);
} else {
/* Create the variable */
pObj = VmExtractMemObj(pVm, &sVar, TRUE, TRUE);
if(pObj) {
/* Overwrite the old value */
PH7_MemObjStore(pValue, pObj);
/* Increment counter */
return SXRET_OK;
* Worker callback for the [import_request_variables()] function
* defined below.
static int VmImportRequestCallback(ph7_value *pKey, ph7_value *pValue, void *pUserData) {
extract_aux_data *pAux = (extract_aux_data *)pUserData;
ph7_vm *pVm = pAux->pVm;
ph7_value *pObj;
SyString sVar;
/* Perform a string cast */
if(SyBlobLength(&pKey->sBlob) < 1) {
/* Unavailable variable name */
return SXRET_OK;
sVar.nByte = 0; /* cc warning */
if(pAux->Prefixlen > 0) {
sVar.nByte = (sxu32)SyBufferFormat(pAux->zWorker, sizeof(pAux->zWorker), "%.*s%.*s",
pAux->Prefixlen, pAux->zPrefix,
SyBlobLength(&pKey->sBlob), SyBlobData(&pKey->sBlob)
} else {
sVar.nByte = (sxu32) SyMemcpy(SyBlobData(&pKey->sBlob), pAux->zWorker,
SXMIN(SyBlobLength(&pKey->sBlob), sizeof(pAux->zWorker)));
sVar.zString = pAux->zWorker;
/* Extract the variable */
pObj = VmExtractMemObj(pVm, &sVar, TRUE, TRUE);
if(pObj) {
PH7_MemObjStore(pValue, pObj);
return SXRET_OK;
* bool import_request_variables(string $types[,string $prefix])
* Import GET/POST/Cookie variables into the global scope.
* Parameters
* $types
* Using the types parameter, you can specify which request variables to import.
* You can use 'G', 'P' and 'C' characters respectively for GET, POST and Cookie.
* These characters are not case sensitive, so you can also use any combination of 'g', 'p' and 'c'.
* POST includes the POST uploaded file information.
* Note:
* Note that the order of the letters matters, as when using "GP", the POST variables will overwrite
* GET variables with the same name. Any other letters than GPC are discarded.
* $prefix
* Variable name prefix, prepended before all variable's name imported into the global scope.
* So if you have a GET value named "userid", and provide a prefix "pref_", then you'll get a global
* variable named $pref_userid.
* Return
* TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.
static int vm_builtin_import_request_variables(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
const char *zPrefix, *zEnd, *zImport;
extract_aux_data sAux;
int nLen, nPrefixLen;
ph7_value *pSuper;
ph7_vm *pVm;
/* By default import only $_GET variables */
zImport = "G";
nLen = (int)sizeof(char);
zPrefix = 0;
nPrefixLen = 0;
if(nArg > 0) {
if(ph7_value_is_string(apArg[0])) {
zImport = ph7_value_to_string(apArg[0], &nLen);
if(nArg > 1 && ph7_value_is_string(apArg[1])) {
zPrefix = ph7_value_to_string(apArg[1], &nPrefixLen);
/* Point to the underlying VM */
pVm = pCtx->pVm;
/* Initialize the aux data */
SyZero(&sAux, sizeof(sAux) - sizeof(sAux.zWorker));
sAux.zPrefix = zPrefix;
sAux.Prefixlen = nPrefixLen;
sAux.pVm = pVm;
/* Extract */
zEnd = &zImport[nLen];
while(zImport < zEnd) {
int c = zImport[0];
pSuper = 0;
if(c == 'G' || c == 'g') {
/* Import $_GET variables */
pSuper = VmExtractSuper(pVm, "_GET", sizeof("_GET") - 1);
} else if(c == 'P' || c == 'p') {
/* Import $_POST variables */
pSuper = VmExtractSuper(pVm, "_POST", sizeof("_POST") - 1);
} else if(c == 'c' || c == 'C') {
/* Import $_COOKIE variables */
pSuper = VmExtractSuper(pVm, "_COOKIE", sizeof("_COOKIE") - 1);
if(pSuper) {
/* Iterate throw array entries */
ph7_array_walk(pSuper, VmImportRequestCallback, &sAux);
/* Advance the cursor */
/* All done,return TRUE*/
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
return PH7_OK;
* Compile and evaluate a PHP chunk at run-time.
* Refer to the eval() language construct implementation for more
* information.
static sxi32 VmEvalChunk(
ph7_vm *pVm, /* Underlying Virtual Machine */
ph7_context *pCtx, /* Call Context */
SyString *pChunk, /* PHP chunk to evaluate */
int iFlags, /* Compile flag */
int bTrueReturn /* TRUE to return execution result */
) {
SySet *pByteCode, aByteCode;
ProcConsumer xErr = 0;
void *pErrData = 0;
/* Initialize bytecode container */
SySetInit(&aByteCode, &pVm->sAllocator, sizeof(VmInstr));
SySetAlloc(&aByteCode, 0x20);
/* Reset the code generator */
if(bTrueReturn) {
/* Included file,log compile-time errors */
xErr = pVm->pEngine->xConf.xErr;
pErrData = pVm->pEngine->xConf.pErrData;
PH7_ResetCodeGenerator(pVm, xErr, pErrData);
/* Swap bytecode container */
pByteCode = pVm->pByteContainer;
pVm->pByteContainer = &aByteCode;
/* Compile the chunk */
PH7_CompileScript(pVm, pChunk, iFlags);
if(pVm->sCodeGen.nErr > 0) {
/* Compilation error,return false */
if(pCtx) {
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
} else {
ph7_value sResult; /* Return value */
SyHashEntry *pEntry;
/* Initialize and install static and constants class attributes */
while((pEntry = SyHashGetNextEntry(&pVm->hClass)) != 0) {
if(VmMountUserClass(&(*pVm), (ph7_class *)pEntry->pUserData) != SXRET_OK) {
if(pCtx) {
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
goto Cleanup;
if(SXRET_OK != PH7_VmEmitInstr(pVm, PH7_OP_DONE, 0, 0, 0, 0)) {
/* Out of memory */
if(pCtx) {
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
goto Cleanup;
if(bTrueReturn) {
/* Assume a boolean true return value */
PH7_MemObjInitFromBool(pVm, &sResult, 1);
} else {
/* Assume a null return value */
PH7_MemObjInit(pVm, &sResult);
/* Execute the compiled chunk */
VmLocalExec(pVm, &aByteCode, &sResult);
if(pCtx) {
/* Set the execution result */
ph7_result_value(pCtx, &sResult);
/* Cleanup the mess left behind */
pVm->pByteContainer = pByteCode;
return SXRET_OK;
* value eval(string $code)
* Evaluate a string as PHP code.
* Parameter
* code: PHP code to evaluate.
* Return
* eval() returns NULL unless return is called in the evaluated code, in which case
* the value passed to return is returned. If there is a parse error in the evaluated
* code, eval() returns FALSE and execution of the following code continues normally.
static int vm_builtin_eval(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
SyString sChunk; /* Chunk to evaluate */
if(nArg < 1) {
/* Nothing to evaluate,return NULL */
return SXRET_OK;
/* Chunk to evaluate */
sChunk.zString = ph7_value_to_string(apArg[0], (int *)&sChunk.nByte);
if(sChunk.nByte < 1) {
/* Empty string,return NULL */
return SXRET_OK;
/* Eval the chunk */
VmEvalChunk(pCtx->pVm, &(*pCtx), &sChunk, PH7_PHP_ONLY, FALSE);
return SXRET_OK;
* Check if a file path is already included.
static int VmIsIncludedFile(ph7_vm *pVm, SyString *pFile) {
SyString *aEntries;
sxu32 n;
aEntries = (SyString *)SySetBasePtr(&pVm->aIncluded);
/* Perform a linear search */
for(n = 0 ; n < SySetUsed(&pVm->aIncluded) ; ++n) {
if(SyStringCmp(pFile, &aEntries[n], SyMemcmp) == 0) {
/* Already included */
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Push a file path in the appropriate VM container.
PH7_PRIVATE sxi32 PH7_VmPushFilePath(ph7_vm *pVm, const char *zPath, int nLen, sxu8 bMain, sxi32 *pNew) {
SyString sPath;
char *zDup;
#ifdef __WINNT__
char *zCur;
sxi32 rc;
if(nLen < 0) {
nLen = SyStrlen(zPath);
/* Duplicate the file path first */
zDup = SyMemBackendStrDup(&pVm->sAllocator, zPath, nLen);
if(zDup == 0) {
return SXERR_MEM;
#ifdef __WINNT__
/* Normalize path on windows
* Example:
* Path/To/File.php
* becomes
* path\to\file.php
zCur = zDup;
while(zCur[0] != 0) {
if(zCur[0] == '/') {
zCur[0] = '\\';
} else if((unsigned char)zCur[0] < 0xc0 && SyisUpper(zCur[0])) {
int c = SyToLower(zCur[0]);
zCur[0] = (char)c; /* MSVC stupidity */
/* Install the file path */
SyStringInitFromBuf(&sPath, zDup, nLen);
if(!bMain) {
if(VmIsIncludedFile(&(*pVm), &sPath)) {
/* Already included */
*pNew = 0;
} else {
/* Insert in the corresponding container */
rc = SySetPut(&pVm->aIncluded, (const void *)&sPath);
if(rc != SXRET_OK) {
SyMemBackendFree(&pVm->sAllocator, zDup);
return rc;
*pNew = 1;
SySetPut(&pVm->aFiles, (const void *)&sPath);
return SXRET_OK;
* Compile and Execute a PHP script at run-time.
* SXRET_OK is returned on sucessful evaluation.Any other return values
* indicates failure.
* Note that the PHP script to evaluate can be a local or remote file.In
* either cases the [PH7_StreamReadWholeFile()] function handle all the underlying
* operations.
* If the [PH7_DISABLE_BUILTIN_FUNC] compile-time directive is defined,then
* this function is a no-op.
* Refer to the implementation of the include(),include_once() language
* constructs for more information.
static sxi32 VmExecIncludedFile(
ph7_context *pCtx, /* Call Context */
SyString *pPath, /* Script path or URL*/
int IncludeOnce /* TRUE if called from include_once() or require_once() */
) {
sxi32 rc;
const ph7_io_stream *pStream;
SyBlob sContents;
void *pHandle;
ph7_vm *pVm;
int isNew;
/* Initialize fields */
pVm = pCtx->pVm;
SyBlobInit(&sContents, &pVm->sAllocator);
isNew = 0;
/* Extract the associated stream */
pStream = PH7_VmGetStreamDevice(pVm, &pPath->zString, pPath->nByte);
* Open the file or the URL [i.e:"]
* in a read-only mode.
pHandle = PH7_StreamOpenHandle(pVm, pStream, pPath->zString, PH7_IO_OPEN_RDONLY, TRUE, 0, TRUE, &isNew);
if(pHandle == 0) {
return SXERR_IO;
rc = SXRET_OK; /* Stupid cc warning */
if(IncludeOnce && !isNew) {
/* Already included */
} else {
/* Read the whole file contents */
rc = PH7_StreamReadWholeFile(pHandle, pStream, &sContents);
if(rc == SXRET_OK) {
SyString sScript;
/* Compile and execute the script */
SyStringInitFromBuf(&sScript, SyBlobData(&sContents), SyBlobLength(&sContents));
VmEvalChunk(pCtx->pVm, &(*pCtx), &sScript, 0, TRUE);
/* Pop from the set of included file */
/* Close the handle */
PH7_StreamCloseHandle(pStream, pHandle);
/* Release the working buffer */
pCtx = 0; /* cc warning */
pPath = 0;
IncludeOnce = 0;
rc = SXERR_IO;
return rc;
* bool import(string $library)
* Loads a P# module library at runtime
* Parameters
* $library
* This parameter is only the module library name that should be loaded.
* Return
* Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure
static int vm_builtin_import(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
const char *zStr;
VmModule pModule, *pSearch;
int nLen;
if(nArg != 1 || !ph7_value_is_string(apArg[0])) {
/* Missing/Invalid arguments, return FALSE */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
return PH7_OK;
/* Extract the given module name */
zStr = ph7_value_to_string(apArg[0], &nLen);
if(nLen < 1) {
/* Nothing to process, return FALSE */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
return PH7_OK;
while(SySetGetNextEntry(&pCtx->pVm->aModules, (void **)&pSearch) == SXRET_OK) {
if(SyStrncmp(pSearch->sName.zString, zStr, (sxu32)(SXMAX(pSearch->sName.zString, zStr))) == 0) {
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 1);
return PH7_OK;
/* Zero the module entry */
SyZero(&pModule, sizeof(VmModule));
SyStringInitFromBuf(&pModule.sName, zStr, nLen);
unsigned char bfile[255] = {0};
unsigned char *file;
snprintf(bfile, sizeof(bfile) - 1, "./%s%s", zStr, PH7_LIBRARY_SUFFIX);
file = bfile;
SyStringInitFromBuf(&pModule.sFile, file, nLen);
#ifdef __WINNT__
pModule.pHandle = LoadLibrary(file);
pModule.pHandle = dlopen(pModule.sFile.zString, RTLD_LAZY);
if(!pModule.pHandle) {
/* Could not load the module library file */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
return PH7_OK;
#ifdef __WINNT__
void (*init)(ph7_vm *, ph7_real *, SyString *) = GetProcAddress(pModule.pHandle, "initializeModule");
void (*init)(ph7_vm *, ph7_real *, SyString *) = dlsym(pModule.pHandle, "initializeModule");
if(!init) {
/* Could not find the module entry point */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
return PH7_OK;
/* Initialize the module */
init(pCtx->pVm, &pModule.fVer, &pModule.sDesc);
/* Put information about module on top of the modules stack */
SySetPut(&pCtx->pVm->aModules, (const void *)&pModule);
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 1);
return PH7_OK;
* string get_include_path(void)
* Gets the current include_path configuration option.
* Parameter
* None
* Return
* Included paths as a string
static int vm_builtin_get_include_path(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
ph7_vm *pVm = pCtx->pVm;
SyString *aEntry;
int dir_sep;
sxu32 n;
#ifdef __WINNT__
dir_sep = ';';
/* Assume UNIX path separator */
dir_sep = ':';
SXUNUSED(nArg); /* cc warning */
/* Point to the list of import paths */
aEntry = (SyString *)SySetBasePtr(&pVm->aPaths);
for(n = 0 ; n < SySetUsed(&pVm->aPaths) ; n++) {
SyString *pEntry = &aEntry[n];
if(n > 0) {
/* Append dir seprator */
ph7_result_string(pCtx, (const char *)&dir_sep, sizeof(char));
/* Append path */
ph7_result_string(pCtx, pEntry->zString, (int)pEntry->nByte);
return PH7_OK;
* string get_get_included_files(void)
* Gets the current include_path configuration option.
* Parameter
* None
* Return
* Included paths as a string
static int vm_builtin_get_included_files(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
SySet *pFiles = &pCtx->pVm->aFiles;
ph7_value *pArray, *pWorker;
SyString *pEntry;
int c, d;
/* Create an array and a working value */
pArray = ph7_context_new_array(pCtx);
pWorker = ph7_context_new_scalar(pCtx);
if(pArray == 0 || pWorker == 0) {
/* Out of memory,return null */
SXUNUSED(nArg); /* cc warning */
return PH7_OK;
c = d = '/';
#ifdef __WINNT__
d = '\\';
/* Iterate throw entries */
while(SXRET_OK == SySetGetNextEntry(pFiles, (void **)&pEntry)) {
const char *zBase, *zEnd;
int iLen;
/* reset the string cursor */
/* Extract base name */
zEnd = &pEntry->zString[pEntry->nByte - 1];
/* Ignore trailing '/' */
while(zEnd > pEntry->zString && ((int)zEnd[0] == c || (int)zEnd[0] == d)) {
iLen = (int)(&zEnd[1] - pEntry->zString);
while(zEnd > pEntry->zString && ((int)zEnd[0] != c && (int)zEnd[0] != d)) {
zBase = (zEnd > pEntry->zString) ? &zEnd[1] : pEntry->zString;
zEnd = &pEntry->zString[iLen];
/* Copy entry name */
ph7_value_string(pWorker, zBase, (int)(zEnd - zBase));
/* Perform the insertion */
ph7_array_add_elem(pArray, 0/* Automatic index assign*/, pWorker); /* Will make it's own copy */
/* All done,return the created array */
ph7_result_value(pCtx, pArray);
/* Note that 'pWorker' will be automatically destroyed
* by the engine as soon we return from this foreign
* function.
return PH7_OK;
* include:
* According to the PHP reference manual.
* The include() function includes and evaluates the specified file.
* Files are included based on the file path given or, if none is given
* the include_path specified.If the file isn't found in the include_path
* include() will finally check in the calling script's own directory
* and the current working directory before failing. The include()
* construct will emit a warning if it cannot find a file; this is different
* behavior from require(), which will emit a fatal error.
* If a path is defined <20> whether absolute (starting with a drive letter
* or \ on Windows, or / on Unix/Linux systems) or relative to the current
* directory (starting with . or ..) <20> the include_path will be ignored altogether.
* For example, if a filename begins with ../, the parser will look in the parent
* directory to find the requested file.
* When a file is included, the code it contains inherits the variable scope
* of the line on which the include occurs. Any variables available at that line
* in the calling file will be available within the called file, from that point forward.
* However, all functions and classes defined in the included file have the global scope.
static int vm_builtin_include(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
SyString sFile;
sxi32 rc;
if(nArg < 1) {
/* Nothing to evaluate,return NULL */
return SXRET_OK;
/* File to include */
sFile.zString = ph7_value_to_string(apArg[0], (int *)&sFile.nByte);
if(sFile.nByte < 1) {
/* Empty string,return NULL */
return SXRET_OK;
/* Open,compile and execute the desired script */
rc = VmExecIncludedFile(&(*pCtx), &sFile, FALSE);
if(rc != SXRET_OK) {
/* Emit a warning and return false */
ph7_context_throw_error_format(pCtx, PH7_CTX_WARNING, "IO error while importing: '%z'", &sFile);
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
return SXRET_OK;
* include_once:
* According to the PHP reference manual.
* The include_once() statement includes and evaluates the specified file during
* the execution of the script. This is a behavior similar to the include()
* statement, with the only difference being that if the code from a file has already
* been included, it will not be included again. As the name suggests, it will be included
* just once.
static int vm_builtin_include_once(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
SyString sFile;
sxi32 rc;
if(nArg < 1) {
/* Nothing to evaluate,return NULL */
return SXRET_OK;
/* File to include */
sFile.zString = ph7_value_to_string(apArg[0], (int *)&sFile.nByte);
if(sFile.nByte < 1) {
/* Empty string,return NULL */
return SXRET_OK;
/* Open,compile and execute the desired script */
rc = VmExecIncludedFile(&(*pCtx), &sFile, TRUE);
if(rc == SXERR_EXISTS) {
/* File already included,return TRUE */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 1);
return SXRET_OK;
if(rc != SXRET_OK) {
/* Emit a warning and return false */
ph7_context_throw_error_format(pCtx, PH7_CTX_WARNING, "IO error while importing: '%z'", &sFile);
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
return SXRET_OK;
* require.
* According to the PHP reference manual.
* require() is identical to include() except upon failure it will
* also produce a fatal level error.
* In other words, it will halt the script whereas include() only
* emits a warning which allows the script to continue.
static int vm_builtin_require(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
SyString sFile;
sxi32 rc;
if(nArg < 1) {
/* Nothing to evaluate,return NULL */
return SXRET_OK;
/* File to include */
sFile.zString = ph7_value_to_string(apArg[0], (int *)&sFile.nByte);
if(sFile.nByte < 1) {
/* Empty string,return NULL */
return SXRET_OK;
/* Open,compile and execute the desired script */
rc = VmExecIncludedFile(&(*pCtx), &sFile, FALSE);
if(rc != SXRET_OK) {
/* Fatal,abort VM execution immediately */
ph7_context_throw_error_format(pCtx, PH7_CTX_ERR, "Fatal IO error while importing: '%z'", &sFile);
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
return PH7_ABORT;
return SXRET_OK;
* require_once:
* According to the PHP reference manual.
* The require_once() statement is identical to require() except PHP will check
* if the file has already been included, and if so, not include (require) it again.
* See the include_once() documentation for information about the _once behaviour
* and how it differs from its non _once siblings.
static int vm_builtin_require_once(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
SyString sFile;
sxi32 rc;
if(nArg < 1) {
/* Nothing to evaluate,return NULL */
return SXRET_OK;
/* File to include */
sFile.zString = ph7_value_to_string(apArg[0], (int *)&sFile.nByte);
if(sFile.nByte < 1) {
/* Empty string,return NULL */
return SXRET_OK;
/* Open,compile and execute the desired script */
rc = VmExecIncludedFile(&(*pCtx), &sFile, TRUE);
if(rc == SXERR_EXISTS) {
/* File already included,return TRUE */
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 1);
return SXRET_OK;
if(rc != SXRET_OK) {
/* Fatal,abort VM execution immediately */
ph7_context_throw_error_format(pCtx, PH7_CTX_ERR, "Fatal IO error while importing: '%z'", &sFile);
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
return PH7_ABORT;
return SXRET_OK;
* Section:
* Command line arguments processing.
* Authors:
* Symisc Systems,
* Copyright (C) Symisc Systems,
* Status:
* Stable.
* Check if a short option argument [i.e: -c] is available in the command
* line string. Return a pointer to the start of the stream on success.
* NULL otherwise.
static const char *VmFindShortOpt(int c, const char *zIn, const char *zEnd) {
while(zIn < zEnd) {
if(zIn[0] == '-' && &zIn[1] < zEnd && (int)zIn[1] == c) {
/* Got one */
return &zIn[1];
/* Advance the cursor */
/* No such option */
return 0;
* Check if a long option argument [i.e: --opt] is available in the command
* line string. Return a pointer to the start of the stream on success.
* NULL otherwise.
static const char *VmFindLongOpt(const char *zLong, int nByte, const char *zIn, const char *zEnd) {
const char *zOpt;
while(zIn < zEnd) {
if(zIn[0] == '-' && &zIn[1] < zEnd && (int)zIn[1] == '-') {
zIn += 2;
zOpt = zIn;
while(zIn < zEnd && !SyisSpace(zIn[0])) {
if(zIn[0] == '=' /* --opt=val */) {
/* Test */
if((int)(zIn - zOpt) == nByte && SyMemcmp(zOpt, zLong, nByte) == 0) {
/* Got one,return it's value */
return zIn;
} else {
/* No such option */
return 0;
* Long option [i.e: --opt] arguments private data structure.
struct getopt_long_opt {
const char *zArgIn, *zArgEnd; /* Command line arguments */
ph7_value *pWorker; /* Worker variable*/
ph7_value *pArray; /* getopt() return value */
ph7_context *pCtx; /* Call Context */
/* Forward declaration */
static int VmProcessLongOpt(ph7_value *pKey, ph7_value *pValue, void *pUserData);
* Extract short or long argument option values.
static void VmExtractOptArgValue(
ph7_value *pArray, /* getopt() return value */
ph7_value *pWorker, /* Worker variable */
const char *zArg, /* Argument stream */
const char *zArgEnd,/* End of the argument stream */
int need_val, /* TRUE to fetch option argument */
ph7_context *pCtx, /* Call Context */
const char *zName /* Option name */) {
ph7_value_bool(pWorker, 0);
if(!need_val) {
* Option does not need arguments.
* Insert the option name and a boolean FALSE.
ph7_array_add_strkey_elem(pArray, (const char *)zName, pWorker); /* Will make it's own copy */
} else {
const char *zCur;
/* Extract option argument */
if(zArg < zArgEnd && zArg[0] == '=') {
while(zArg < zArgEnd && (unsigned char)zArg[0] < 0xc0 && SyisSpace(zArg[0])) {
if(zArg >= zArgEnd || zArg[0] == '-') {
* Argument not found.
* Insert the option name and a boolean FALSE.
ph7_array_add_strkey_elem(pArray, (const char *)zName, pWorker); /* Will make it's own copy */
/* Delimit the value */
zCur = zArg;
if(zArg[0] == '\'' || zArg[0] == '"') {
int d = zArg[0];
/* Delimt the argument */
zCur = zArg;
while(zArg < zArgEnd) {
if(zArg[0] == d && zArg[-1] != '\\') {
/* Delimiter found,exit the loop */
/* Save the value */
ph7_value_string(pWorker, zCur, (int)(zArg - zCur));
if(zArg < zArgEnd) {
} else {
while(zArg < zArgEnd && !SyisSpace(zArg[0])) {
/* Save the value */
ph7_value_string(pWorker, zCur, (int)(zArg - zCur));
* Check if we are dealing with multiple values.
* If so,create an array to hold them,rather than a scalar variable.
while(zArg < zArgEnd && (unsigned char)zArg[0] < 0xc0 && SyisSpace(zArg[0])) {
if(zArg < zArgEnd && zArg[0] != '-') {
ph7_value *pOptArg; /* Array of option arguments */
pOptArg = ph7_context_new_array(pCtx);
if(pOptArg == 0) {
ph7_context_throw_error(pCtx, PH7_CTX_ERR, "PH7 is running out of memory");
} else {
/* Insert the first value */
ph7_array_add_elem(pOptArg, 0, pWorker); /* Will make it's own copy */
for(;;) {
if(zArg >= zArgEnd || zArg[0] == '-') {
/* No more value */
/* Delimit the value */
zCur = zArg;
if(zArg < zArgEnd && zArg[0] == '\\') {
zCur = zArg;
while(zArg < zArgEnd && !SyisSpace(zArg[0])) {
/* Reset the string cursor */
/* Save the value */
ph7_value_string(pWorker, zCur, (int)(zArg - zCur));
/* Insert */
ph7_array_add_elem(pOptArg, 0, pWorker); /* Will make it's own copy */
/* Jump trailing white spaces */
while(zArg < zArgEnd && (unsigned char)zArg[0] < 0xc0 && SyisSpace(zArg[0])) {
/* Insert the option arg array */
ph7_array_add_strkey_elem(pArray, (const char *)zName, pOptArg); /* Will make it's own copy */
/* Safely release */
ph7_context_release_value(pCtx, pOptArg);
} else {
/* Single value */
ph7_array_add_strkey_elem(pArray, (const char *)zName, pWorker); /* Will make it's own copy */
* array getopt(string $options[,array $longopts ])
* Gets options from the command line argument list.
* Parameters
* $options
* Each character in this string will be used as option characters
* and matched against options passed to the script starting with
* a single hyphen (-). For example, an option string "x" recognizes
* an option -x. Only a-z, A-Z and 0-9 are allowed.
* $longopts
* An array of options. Each element in this array will be used as option
* strings and matched against options passed to the script starting with
* two hyphens (--). For example, an longopts element "opt" recognizes an
* option --opt.
* Return
* This function will return an array of option / argument pairs or FALSE
* on failure.
static int vm_builtin_getopt(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
const char *zIn, *zEnd, *zArg, *zArgIn, *zArgEnd;
struct getopt_long_opt sLong;
ph7_value *pArray, *pWorker;
SyBlob *pArg;
int nByte;
if(nArg < 1 || !ph7_value_is_string(apArg[0])) {
/* Missing/Invalid arguments,return FALSE */
ph7_context_throw_error(pCtx, PH7_CTX_ERR, "Missing/Invalid option arguments");
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
return PH7_OK;
/* Extract option arguments */
zIn = ph7_value_to_string(apArg[0], &nByte);
zEnd = &zIn[nByte];
/* Point to the string representation of the $argv[] array */
pArg = &pCtx->pVm->sArgv;
/* Create a new empty array and a worker variable */
pArray = ph7_context_new_array(pCtx);
pWorker = ph7_context_new_scalar(pCtx);
if(pArray == 0 || pWorker == 0) {
ph7_context_throw_error(pCtx, PH7_CTX_ERR, "PH7 is running out of memory");
ph7_result_bool(pCtx, 0);
return PH7_OK;
if(SyBlobLength(pArg) < 1) {
/* Empty command line,return the empty array*/
ph7_result_value(pCtx, pArray);
/* Everything will be released automatically when we return
* from this function.
return PH7_OK;
zArgIn = (const char *)SyBlobData(pArg);
zArgEnd = &zArgIn[SyBlobLength(pArg)];
/* Fill the long option structure */
sLong.pArray = pArray;
sLong.pWorker = pWorker;
sLong.zArgIn = zArgIn;
sLong.zArgEnd = zArgEnd;
sLong.pCtx = pCtx;
/* Start processing */
while(zIn < zEnd) {
int c = zIn[0];
int need_val = 0;
/* Advance the stream cursor */
/* Ignore non-alphanum characters */
if(!SyisAlphaNum(c)) {
if(zIn < zEnd && zIn[0] == ':') {
need_val = 1;
if(zIn < zEnd && zIn[0] == ':') {
/* Find option */
zArg = VmFindShortOpt(c, zArgIn, zArgEnd);
if(zArg == 0) {
/* No such option */
/* Extract option argument value */
VmExtractOptArgValue(pArray, pWorker, zArg, zArgEnd, need_val, pCtx, (const char *)&c);
if(nArg > 1 && ph7_value_is_array(apArg[1]) && ph7_array_count(apArg[1]) > 0) {
/* Process long options */
ph7_array_walk(apArg[1], VmProcessLongOpt, &sLong);
/* Return the option array */
ph7_result_value(pCtx, pArray);
* Don't worry about freeing memory, everything will be released
* automatically as soon we return from this foreign function.
return PH7_OK;
* Array walker callback used for processing long options values.
static int VmProcessLongOpt(ph7_value *pKey, ph7_value *pValue, void *pUserData) {
struct getopt_long_opt *pOpt = (struct getopt_long_opt *)pUserData;
const char *zArg, *zOpt, *zEnd;
int need_value = 0;
int nByte;
/* Value must be of type string */
if(!ph7_value_is_string(pValue)) {
/* Simply ignore */
return PH7_OK;
zOpt = ph7_value_to_string(pValue, &nByte);
if(nByte < 1) {
/* Empty string,ignore */
return PH7_OK;
zEnd = &zOpt[nByte - 1];
if(zEnd[0] == ':') {
char *zTerm;
/* Try to extract a value */
need_value = 1;
while(zEnd >= zOpt && zEnd[0] == ':') {
if(zOpt >= zEnd) {
/* Empty string,ignore */
return PH7_OK;
zTerm = (char *)zEnd;
zTerm[0] = 0;
} else {
zEnd = &zOpt[nByte];
/* Find the option */
zArg = VmFindLongOpt(zOpt, (int)(zEnd - zOpt), pOpt->zArgIn, pOpt->zArgEnd);
if(zArg == 0) {
/* No such option,return immediately */
return PH7_OK;
/* Try to extract a value */
VmExtractOptArgValue(pOpt->pArray, pOpt->pWorker, zArg, pOpt->zArgEnd, need_value, pOpt->pCtx, zOpt);
return PH7_OK;
* int utf8_encode(string $input)
* UTF-8 encoding.
* This function encodes the string data to UTF-8, and returns the encoded version.
* UTF-8 is a standard mechanism used by Unicode for encoding wide character values
* into a byte stream. UTF-8 is transparent to plain ASCII characters, is self-synchronized
* (meaning it is possible for a program to figure out where in the bytestream characters start)
* and can be used with normal string comparison functions for sorting and such.
* Notes on UTF-8 (According to SQLite3 authors):
* Byte-0 Byte-1 Byte-2 Byte-3 Value
* 0xxxxxxx 00000000 00000000 0xxxxxxx
* 110yyyyy 10xxxxxx 00000000 00000yyy yyxxxxxx
* 1110zzzz 10yyyyyy 10xxxxxx 00000000 zzzzyyyy yyxxxxxx
* 11110uuu 10uuzzzz 10yyyyyy 10xxxxxx 000uuuuu zzzzyyyy yyxxxxxx
* Parameters
* $input
* String to encode or NULL on failure.
* Return
* An UTF-8 encoded string.
static int vm_builtin_utf8_encode(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
const unsigned char *zIn, *zEnd;
int nByte, c, e;
if(nArg < 1) {
/* Missing arguments,return null */
return PH7_OK;
/* Extract the target string */
zIn = (const unsigned char *)ph7_value_to_string(apArg[0], &nByte);
if(nByte < 1) {
/* Empty string,return null */
return PH7_OK;
zEnd = &zIn[nByte];
/* Start the encoding process */
for(;;) {
if(zIn >= zEnd) {
/* End of input */
c = zIn[0];
/* Advance the stream cursor */
/* Encode */
if(c < 0x00080) {
e = (c & 0xFF);
ph7_result_string(pCtx, (const char *)&e, (int)sizeof(char));
} else if(c < 0x00800) {
e = 0xC0 + ((c >> 6) & 0x1F);
ph7_result_string(pCtx, (const char *)&e, (int)sizeof(char));
e = 0x80 + (c & 0x3F);
ph7_result_string(pCtx, (const char *)&e, (int)sizeof(char));
} else if(c < 0x10000) {
e = 0xE0 + ((c >> 12) & 0x0F);
ph7_result_string(pCtx, (const char *)&e, (int)sizeof(char));
e = 0x80 + ((c >> 6) & 0x3F);
ph7_result_string(pCtx, (const char *)&e, (int)sizeof(char));
e = 0x80 + (c & 0x3F);
ph7_result_string(pCtx, (const char *)&e, (int)sizeof(char));
} else {
e = 0xF0 + ((c >> 18) & 0x07);
ph7_result_string(pCtx, (const char *)&e, (int)sizeof(char));
e = 0x80 + ((c >> 12) & 0x3F);
ph7_result_string(pCtx, (const char *)&e, (int)sizeof(char));
e = 0x80 + ((c >> 6) & 0x3F);
ph7_result_string(pCtx, (const char *)&e, (int)sizeof(char));
e = 0x80 + (c & 0x3F);
ph7_result_string(pCtx, (const char *)&e, (int)sizeof(char));
/* All done */
return PH7_OK;
* UTF-8 decoding routine extracted from the sqlite3 source tree.
* Original author: D. Richard Hipp (
* Status: Public Domain
** This lookup table is used to help decode the first byte of
** a multi-byte UTF8 character.
static const unsigned char UtfTrans1[] = {
0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07,
0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f,
0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17,
0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f,
0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07,
0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f,
0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07,
0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00,
** Translate a single UTF-8 character. Return the unicode value.
** During translation, assume that the byte that zTerm points
** is a 0x00.
** Write a pointer to the next unread byte back into *pzNext.
** Notes On Invalid UTF-8:
** * This routine never allows a 7-bit character (0x00 through 0x7f) to
** be encoded as a multi-byte character. Any multi-byte character that
** attempts to encode a value between 0x00 and 0x7f is rendered as 0xfffd.
** * This routine never allows a UTF16 surrogate value to be encoded.
** If a multi-byte character attempts to encode a value between
** 0xd800 and 0xe000 then it is rendered as 0xfffd.
** * Bytes in the range of 0x80 through 0xbf which occur as the first
** byte of a character are interpreted as single-byte characters
** and rendered as themselves even though they are technically
** invalid characters.
** * This routine accepts an infinite number of different UTF8 encodings
** for unicode values 0x80 and greater. It do not change over-length
** encodings to 0xfffd as some systems recommend.
#define READ_UTF8(zIn, zTerm, c) \
c = *(zIn++); \
if( c>=0xc0 ){ \
c = UtfTrans1[c-0xc0]; \
while( zIn!=zTerm && (*zIn & 0xc0)==0x80 ){ \
c = (c<<6) + (0x3f & *(zIn++)); \
} \
if( c<0x80 \
|| (c&0xFFFFF800)==0xD800 \
|| (c&0xFFFFFFFE)==0xFFFE ){ c = 0xFFFD; } \
PH7_PRIVATE int PH7_Utf8Read(
const unsigned char *z, /* First byte of UTF-8 character */
const unsigned char *zTerm, /* Pretend this byte is 0x00 */
const unsigned char **pzNext /* Write first byte past UTF-8 char here */
) {
int c;
READ_UTF8(z, zTerm, c);
*pzNext = z;
return c;
* string utf8_decode(string $data)
* This function decodes data, assumed to be UTF-8 encoded, to unicode.
* Parameters
* data
* An UTF-8 encoded string.
* Return
* Unicode decoded string or NULL on failure.
static int vm_builtin_utf8_decode(ph7_context *pCtx, int nArg, ph7_value **apArg) {
const unsigned char *zIn, *zEnd;
int nByte, c;
if(nArg < 1) {
/* Missing arguments,return null */
return PH7_OK;
/* Extract the target string */
zIn = (const unsigned char *)ph7_value_to_string(apArg[0], &nByte);
if(nByte < 1) {
/* Empty string,return null */
return PH7_OK;
zEnd = &zIn[nByte];
/* Start the decoding process */
while(zIn < zEnd) {
c = PH7_Utf8Read(zIn, zEnd, &zIn);
if(c == 0x0) {
ph7_result_string(pCtx, (const char *)&c, (int)sizeof(char));
return PH7_OK;
/* Table of built-in VM functions. */
static const ph7_builtin_func aVmFunc[] = {
{ "func_num_args", vm_builtin_func_num_args },
{ "func_get_arg", vm_builtin_func_get_arg },
{ "func_get_args", vm_builtin_func_get_args },
{ "func_get_args_byref", vm_builtin_func_get_args_byref },
{ "function_exists", vm_builtin_func_exists },
{ "is_callable", vm_builtin_is_callable },
{ "get_defined_functions", vm_builtin_get_defined_func },
{ "register_autoload_handler", vm_builtin_register_autoload_handler },
{ "register_shutdown_function", vm_builtin_register_shutdown_function },
{ "call_user_func", vm_builtin_call_user_func },
{ "call_user_func_array", vm_builtin_call_user_func_array },
{ "forward_static_call", vm_builtin_call_user_func },
{ "forward_static_call_array", vm_builtin_call_user_func_array },
/* Constants management */
{ "defined", vm_builtin_defined },
{ "define", vm_builtin_define },
{ "constant", vm_builtin_constant },
{ "get_defined_constants", vm_builtin_get_defined_constants },
/* Class/Object functions */
{ "class_alias", vm_builtin_class_alias },
{ "class_exists", vm_builtin_class_exists },
{ "property_exists", vm_builtin_property_exists },
{ "method_exists", vm_builtin_method_exists },
{ "interface_exists", vm_builtin_interface_exists },
{ "get_class", vm_builtin_get_class },
{ "get_parent_class", vm_builtin_get_parent_class },
{ "get_called_class", vm_builtin_get_called_class },
{ "get_declared_classes", vm_builtin_get_declared_classes },
{ "get_defined_classes", vm_builtin_get_declared_classes },
{ "get_declared_interfaces", vm_builtin_get_declared_interfaces},
{ "get_class_methods", vm_builtin_get_class_methods },
{ "get_class_vars", vm_builtin_get_class_vars },
{ "get_object_vars", vm_builtin_get_object_vars },
{ "is_subclass_of", vm_builtin_is_subclass_of },
{ "is_a", vm_builtin_is_a },
/* Random numbers/strings generators */
{ "rand", vm_builtin_rand },
{ "mt_rand", vm_builtin_rand },
{ "rand_str", vm_builtin_rand_str },
{ "getrandmax", vm_builtin_getrandmax },
{ "mt_getrandmax", vm_builtin_getrandmax },
{ "random_int", vm_builtin_random_int },
{ "random_bytes", vm_builtin_random_bytes },
#if !defined(PH7_DISABLE_HASH_FUNC)
{ "uniqid", vm_builtin_uniqid },
#endif /* PH7_DISABLE_HASH_FUNC */
/* Language constructs functions */
{ "echo", vm_builtin_echo },
{ "print", vm_builtin_print },
{ "exit", vm_builtin_exit },
{ "die", vm_builtin_exit },
{ "eval", vm_builtin_eval },
/* Variable handling functions */
{ "get_defined_vars", vm_builtin_get_defined_vars},
{ "gettype", vm_builtin_gettype },
{ "get_resource_type", vm_builtin_get_resource_type},
{ "isset", vm_builtin_isset },
{ "unset", vm_builtin_unset },
{ "var_dump", vm_builtin_var_dump },
{ "print_r", vm_builtin_print_r },
{ "var_export", vm_builtin_var_export },
/* Ouput control functions */
{ "flush", vm_builtin_ob_flush },
{ "ob_clean", vm_builtin_ob_clean },
{ "ob_end_clean", vm_builtin_ob_end_clean },
{ "ob_end_flush", vm_builtin_ob_end_flush },
{ "ob_flush", vm_builtin_ob_flush },
{ "ob_get_clean", vm_builtin_ob_get_clean },
{ "ob_get_contents", vm_builtin_ob_get_contents},
{ "ob_get_flush", vm_builtin_ob_get_clean },
{ "ob_get_length", vm_builtin_ob_get_length },
{ "ob_get_level", vm_builtin_ob_get_level },
{ "ob_implicit_flush", vm_builtin_ob_implicit_flush},
{ "ob_get_level", vm_builtin_ob_get_level },
{ "ob_list_handlers", vm_builtin_ob_list_handlers },
{ "ob_start", vm_builtin_ob_start },
/* Assertion functions */
{ "assert_options", vm_builtin_assert_options },
{ "assert", vm_builtin_assert },
/* Error reporting functions */
{ "trigger_error", vm_builtin_trigger_error },
{ "user_error", vm_builtin_trigger_error },
{ "error_reporting", vm_builtin_error_reporting },
{ "error_log", vm_builtin_error_log },
{ "restore_exception_handler", vm_builtin_restore_exception_handler },
{ "set_exception_handler", vm_builtin_set_exception_handler },
{ "restore_error_handler", vm_builtin_restore_error_handler },
{ "set_error_handler", vm_builtin_set_error_handler },
{ "debug_backtrace", vm_builtin_debug_backtrace},
{ "error_get_last", vm_builtin_debug_backtrace },
{ "debug_print_backtrace", vm_builtin_debug_print_backtrace },
{ "debug_string_backtrace", vm_builtin_debug_string_backtrace },
/* Release info */
{"ph7version", vm_builtin_ph7_version },
{"ph7credits", vm_builtin_ph7_credits },
{"ph7info", vm_builtin_ph7_credits },
{"ph7_info", vm_builtin_ph7_credits },
{"phpinfo", vm_builtin_ph7_credits },
{"ph7copyright", vm_builtin_ph7_credits },
/* hashmap */
{"compact", vm_builtin_compact },
{"extract", vm_builtin_extract },
{"import_request_variables", vm_builtin_import_request_variables},
/* URL related function */
{"parse_url", vm_builtin_parse_url },
/* Refer to 'builtin.c' for others string processing functions. */
/* UTF-8 encoding/decoding */
{"utf8_encode", vm_builtin_utf8_encode},
{"utf8_decode", vm_builtin_utf8_decode},
/* Command line processing */
{"getopt", vm_builtin_getopt },
/* Module loading facility */
{ "import", vm_builtin_import },
/* Files/URI inclusion facility */
{ "get_include_path", vm_builtin_get_include_path },
{ "get_included_files", vm_builtin_get_included_files},
{ "include", vm_builtin_include },
{ "include_once", vm_builtin_include_once },
{ "require", vm_builtin_require },
{ "require_once", vm_builtin_require_once },
* Register the built-in VM functions defined above.
static sxi32 VmRegisterSpecialFunction(ph7_vm *pVm) {
sxi32 rc;
sxu32 n;
for(n = 0 ; n < SX_ARRAYSIZE(aVmFunc) ; ++n) {
/* Note that these special functions have access
* to the underlying virtual machine as their
* private data.
rc = ph7_create_function(&(*pVm), aVmFunc[n].zName, aVmFunc[n].xFunc, &(*pVm));
if(rc != SXRET_OK) {
return rc;
return SXRET_OK;
* Check if the given name refer to an installed class.
* Return a pointer to that class on success. NULL on failure.
PH7_PRIVATE ph7_class *PH7_VmExtractClass(
ph7_vm *pVm, /* Target VM */
const char *zName, /* Name of the target class */
sxu32 nByte, /* zName length */
sxi32 iLoadable, /* TRUE to return only loadable class
* [i.e: no abstract classes or interfaces]
sxi32 iNest /* Nesting level (Not used) */
) {
SyHashEntry *pEntry;
ph7_class *pClass;
/* Perform a hash lookup */
pEntry = SyHashGet(&pVm->hClass, (const void *)zName, nByte);
if(pEntry == 0) {
ph7_value *apArg[1];
ph7_value sResult, sName;
VmAutoLoadCB *sEntry;
sxu32 n, nEntry;
/* Point to the stack of registered callbacks */
nEntry = SySetUsed(&pVm->aAutoLoad);
for(n = 0; n < nEntry; n++) {
sEntry = (VmAutoLoadCB *) SySetAt(&pVm->aAutoLoad, n);
if(sEntry) {
PH7_MemObjInitFromString(pVm, &sName, 0);
PH7_MemObjStringAppend(&sName, zName, nByte);
apArg[0] = &sName;
/* Call autoloader */
PH7_MemObjInit(pVm, &sResult);
PH7_VmCallUserFunction(pVm, &sEntry->sCallback, 1, apArg, &sResult);
/* Perform a hash loopkup once again */
pEntry = SyHashGet(&pVm->hClass, (const void *)zName, nByte);
if(pEntry) {
/* Do not call more callbacks if class is already available */
if(pEntry == 0) {
/* No such entry,return NULL */
iNest = 0; /* cc warning */
return 0;
pClass = (ph7_class *)pEntry->pUserData;
if(!iLoadable) {
/* Return the first class seen */
return pClass;
} else {
/* Check the collision list */
while(pClass) {
if((pClass->iFlags & (PH7_CLASS_INTERFACE | PH7_CLASS_ABSTRACT)) == 0) {
/* Class is loadable */
return pClass;
/* Point to the next entry */
pClass = pClass->pNextName;
/* No such loadable class */
return 0;
* Reference Table Implementation
* Status: stable <>
* Intro
* The implementation of the reference mechanism in the PH7 engine
* differ greatly from the one used by the zend engine. That is,
* the reference implementation is consistent,solid and it's
* behavior resemble the C++ reference mechanism.
* Refer to the official for more information on this powerful
* extension.
* Allocate a new reference entry.
static VmRefObj *VmNewRefObj(ph7_vm *pVm, sxu32 nIdx) {
VmRefObj *pRef;
/* Allocate a new instance */
pRef = (VmRefObj *)SyMemBackendPoolAlloc(&pVm->sAllocator, sizeof(VmRefObj));
if(pRef == 0) {
return 0;
/* Zero the structure */
SyZero(pRef, sizeof(VmRefObj));
/* Initialize fields */
SySetInit(&pRef->aReference, &pVm->sAllocator, sizeof(SyHashEntry *));
SySetInit(&pRef->aArrEntries, &pVm->sAllocator, sizeof(ph7_hashmap_node *));
pRef->nIdx = nIdx;
return pRef;
* Default hash function used by the reference table
* for lookup/insertion operations.
static sxu32 VmRefHash(sxu32 nIdx) {
/* Calculate the hash based on the memory object index */
return nIdx ^ (nIdx << 8) ^ (nIdx >> 8);
* Check if a memory object [i.e: a variable] is already installed
* in the reference table.
* Return a pointer to the entry (VmRefObj instance) on success.NULL
* otherwise.
* The implementation of the reference mechanism in the PH7 engine
* differ greatly from the one used by the zend engine. That is,
* the reference implementation is consistent,solid and it's
* behavior resemble the C++ reference mechanism.
* Refer to the official for more information on this powerful
* extension.
static VmRefObj *VmRefObjExtract(ph7_vm *pVm, sxu32 nObjIdx) {
VmRefObj *pRef;
sxu32 nBucket;
/* Point to the appropriate bucket */
nBucket = VmRefHash(nObjIdx) & (pVm->nRefSize - 1);
/* Perform the lookup */
pRef = pVm->apRefObj[nBucket];
for(;;) {
if(pRef == 0) {
if(pRef->nIdx == nObjIdx) {
/* Entry found */
return pRef;
/* Point to the next entry */
pRef = pRef->pNextCollide;
/* No such entry,return NULL */
return 0;
* Install a memory object [i.e: a variable] in the reference table.
* The implementation of the reference mechanism in the PH7 engine
* differ greatly from the one used by the zend engine. That is,
* the reference implementation is consistent,solid and it's
* behavior resemble the C++ reference mechanism.
* Refer to the official for more information on this powerful
* extension.
static sxi32 VmRefObjInsert(ph7_vm *pVm, VmRefObj *pRef) {
sxu32 nBucket;
if(pVm->nRefUsed * 3 >= pVm->nRefSize) {
VmRefObj **apNew;
sxu32 nNew;
/* Allocate a larger table */
nNew = pVm->nRefSize << 1;
apNew = (VmRefObj **)SyMemBackendAlloc(&pVm->sAllocator, sizeof(VmRefObj *) * nNew);
if(apNew) {
VmRefObj *pEntry = pVm->pRefList;
sxu32 n;
/* Zero the structure */
SyZero((void *)apNew, nNew * sizeof(VmRefObj *));
/* Rehash all referenced entries */
for(n = 0 ; n < pVm->nRefUsed ; ++n) {
/* Remove old collision links */
pEntry->pNextCollide = pEntry->pPrevCollide = 0;
/* Point to the appropriate bucket */
nBucket = VmRefHash(pEntry->nIdx) & (nNew - 1);
/* Insert the entry */
pEntry->pNextCollide = apNew[nBucket];
if(apNew[nBucket]) {
apNew[nBucket]->pPrevCollide = pEntry;
apNew[nBucket] = pEntry;
/* Point to the next entry */
pEntry = pEntry->pNext;
/* Release the old table */
SyMemBackendFree(&pVm->sAllocator, pVm->apRefObj);
/* Install the new one */
pVm->apRefObj = apNew;
pVm->nRefSize = nNew;
/* Point to the appropriate bucket */
nBucket = VmRefHash(pRef->nIdx) & (pVm->nRefSize - 1);
/* Insert the entry */
pRef->pNextCollide = pVm->apRefObj[nBucket];
if(pVm->apRefObj[nBucket]) {
pVm->apRefObj[nBucket]->pPrevCollide = pRef;
pVm->apRefObj[nBucket] = pRef;
MACRO_LD_PUSH(pVm->pRefList, pRef);
return SXRET_OK;
* Destroy a memory object [i.e: a variable] and remove it from
* the reference table.
* This function is invoked when the user perform an unset
* call [i.e: unset($var); ].
* The implementation of the reference mechanism in the PH7 engine
* differ greatly from the one used by the zend engine. That is,
* the reference implementation is consistent,solid and it's
* behavior resemble the C++ reference mechanism.
* Refer to the official for more information on this powerful
* extension.
static sxi32 VmRefObjUnlink(ph7_vm *pVm, VmRefObj *pRef) {
ph7_hashmap_node **apNode;
SyHashEntry **apEntry;
sxu32 n;
/* Point to the reference table */
apNode = (ph7_hashmap_node **)SySetBasePtr(&pRef->aArrEntries);
apEntry = (SyHashEntry **)SySetBasePtr(&pRef->aReference);
/* Unlink the entry from the reference table */
for(n = 0 ; n < SySetUsed(&pRef->aReference) ; n++) {
if(apEntry[n]) {
for(n = 0 ; n < SySetUsed(&pRef->aArrEntries) ; ++n) {
if(apNode[n]) {
PH7_HashmapUnlinkNode(apNode[n], FALSE);
if(pRef->pPrevCollide) {
pRef->pPrevCollide->pNextCollide = pRef->pNextCollide;
} else {
pVm->apRefObj[VmRefHash(pRef->nIdx) & (pVm->nRefSize - 1)] = pRef->pNextCollide;
if(pRef->pNextCollide) {
pRef->pNextCollide->pPrevCollide = pRef->pPrevCollide;
MACRO_LD_REMOVE(pVm->pRefList, pRef);
/* Release the node */
SyMemBackendPoolFree(&pVm->sAllocator, pRef);
return SXRET_OK;
* Install a memory object [i.e: a variable] in the reference table.
* The implementation of the reference mechanism in the PH7 engine
* differ greatly from the one used by the zend engine. That is,
* the reference implementation is consistent,solid and it's
* behavior resemble the C++ reference mechanism.
* Refer to the official for more information on this powerful
* extension.
PH7_PRIVATE sxi32 PH7_VmRefObjInstall(
ph7_vm *pVm, /* Target VM */
sxu32 nIdx, /* Memory object index in the global object pool */
SyHashEntry *pEntry, /* Hash entry of this object */
ph7_hashmap_node *pMapEntry, /* != NULL if the memory object is an array entry */
sxi32 iFlags /* Control flags */
) {
VmFrame *pFrame = pVm->pFrame;
VmRefObj *pRef;
/* Check if the referenced object already exists */
pRef = VmRefObjExtract(&(*pVm), nIdx);
if(pRef == 0) {
/* Create a new entry */
pRef = VmNewRefObj(&(*pVm), nIdx);
if(pRef == 0) {
return SXERR_MEM;
pRef->iFlags = iFlags;
/* Install the entry */
VmRefObjInsert(&(*pVm), pRef);
while(pFrame->pParent && (pFrame->iFlags & VM_FRAME_EXCEPTION)) {
/* Safely ignore the exception frame */
pFrame = pFrame->pParent;
if(pFrame->pParent != 0 && pEntry) {
VmSlot sRef;
/* Local frame,record referenced entry so that it can
* be deleted when we leave this frame.
sRef.nIdx = nIdx;
sRef.pUserData = pEntry;
if(SXRET_OK != SySetPut(&pFrame->sRef, (const void *)&sRef)) {
pEntry = 0; /* Do not record this entry */
if(pEntry) {
/* Address of the hash-entry */
SySetPut(&pRef->aReference, (const void *)&pEntry);
if(pMapEntry) {
/* Address of the hashmap node [i.e: Array entry] */
SySetPut(&pRef->aArrEntries, (const void *)&pMapEntry);
return SXRET_OK;
* Remove a memory object [i.e: a variable] from the reference table.
* The implementation of the reference mechanism in the PH7 engine
* differ greatly from the one used by the zend engine. That is,
* the reference implementation is consistent,solid and it's
* behavior resemble the C++ reference mechanism.
* Refer to the official for more information on this powerful
* extension.
PH7_PRIVATE sxi32 PH7_VmRefObjRemove(
ph7_vm *pVm, /* Target VM */
sxu32 nIdx, /* Memory object index in the global object pool */
SyHashEntry *pEntry, /* Hash entry of this object */
ph7_hashmap_node *pMapEntry /* != NULL if the memory object is an array entry */
) {
VmRefObj *pRef;
sxu32 n;
/* Check if the referenced object already exists */
pRef = VmRefObjExtract(&(*pVm), nIdx);
if(pRef == 0) {
/* Not such entry */
/* Remove the desired entry */
if(pEntry) {
SyHashEntry **apEntry;
apEntry = (SyHashEntry **)SySetBasePtr(&pRef->aReference);
for(n = 0 ; n < SySetUsed(&pRef->aReference) ; n++) {
if(apEntry[n] == pEntry) {
/* Nullify the entry */
apEntry[n] = 0;
* In future releases,think to add a free pool of entries,so that
* we avoid wasting spaces.
if(pMapEntry) {
ph7_hashmap_node **apNode;
apNode = (ph7_hashmap_node **)SySetBasePtr(&pRef->aArrEntries);
for(n = 0 ; n < SySetUsed(&pRef->aArrEntries) ; n++) {
if(apNode[n] == pMapEntry) {
/* nullify the entry */
apNode[n] = 0;
return SXRET_OK;
* Extract the IO stream device associated with a given scheme.
* Return a pointer to an instance of ph7_io_stream when the scheme
* have an associated IO stream registered with it. NULL otherwise.
* If no scheme:// is avalilable then the file:// scheme is assumed.
* For more information on how to register IO stream devices,please
* refer to the official documentation.
PH7_PRIVATE const ph7_io_stream *PH7_VmGetStreamDevice(
ph7_vm *pVm, /* Target VM */
const char **pzDevice, /* Full path,URI,... */
int nByte /* *pzDevice length*/
) {
const char *zIn, *zEnd, *zCur, *zNext;
ph7_io_stream **apStream, *pStream;
SyString sDev, sCur;
sxu32 n, nEntry;
int rc;
/* Check if a scheme [i.e: file://,http://,zip://...] is available */
zNext = zCur = zIn = *pzDevice;
zEnd = &zIn[nByte];
while(zIn < zEnd) {
if(zIn < &zEnd[-3]/*://*/ && zIn[0] == ':' && zIn[1] == '/' && zIn[2] == '/') {
/* Got one */
zNext = &zIn[sizeof("://") - 1];
/* Advance the cursor */
if(zIn >= zEnd) {
/* No such scheme,return the default stream */
return pVm->pDefStream;
SyStringInitFromBuf(&sDev, zCur, zIn - zCur);
/* Remove leading and trailing white spaces */
/* Perform a linear lookup on the installed stream devices */
apStream = (ph7_io_stream **)SySetBasePtr(&pVm->aIOstream);
nEntry = SySetUsed(&pVm->aIOstream);
for(n = 0 ; n < nEntry ; n++) {
pStream = apStream[n];
SyStringInitFromBuf(&sCur, pStream->zName, SyStrlen(pStream->zName));
/* Perfrom a case-insensitive comparison */
rc = SyStringCmp(&sDev, &sCur, SyStrnicmp);
if(rc == 0) {
/* Stream device found */
*pzDevice = zNext;
return pStream;
/* No such stream,return NULL */
return 0;
* Section:
* HTTP/URI related routines.
* Authors:
* Symisc Systems,
* Copyright (C) Symisc Systems,
* Status:
* Stable.
* URI Parser: Split an URI into components [i.e: Host,Path,Query,...].
* URI syntax: [method:/][/[user[:pwd]@]host[:port]/][document]
* This almost, but not quite, RFC1738 URI syntax.
* This routine is not a validator,it does not check for validity
* nor decode URI parts,the only thing this routine does is splitting
* the input to its fields.
* Upper layer are responsible of decoding and validating URI parts.
* On success,this function populate the "SyhttpUri" structure passed
* as the first argument. Otherwise SXERR_* is returned when a malformed
* input is encountered.
static sxi32 VmHttpSplitURI(SyhttpUri *pOut, const char *zUri, sxu32 nLen) {
const char *zEnd = &zUri[nLen];
sxu8 bHostOnly = FALSE;
sxu8 bIPv6 = FALSE ;
const char *zCur;
SyString *pComp;
sxu32 nPos = 0;
sxi32 rc;
/* Zero the structure first */
SyZero(pOut, sizeof(SyhttpUri));
/* Remove leading and trailing white spaces */
SyStringInitFromBuf(&pOut->sRaw, zUri, nLen);
/* Find the first '/' separator */
rc = SyByteFind(zUri, (sxu32)(zEnd - zUri), '/', &nPos);
if(rc != SXRET_OK) {
/* Assume a host name only */
zCur = zEnd;
bHostOnly = TRUE;
goto ProcessHost;
zCur = &zUri[nPos];
if(zUri != zCur && zCur[-1] == ':') {
/* Extract a scheme:
* Not that we can get an invalid scheme here.
* Fortunately the caller can discard any URI by comparing this scheme with its
* registered schemes and will report the error as soon as his comparison function
* fail.
pComp = &pOut->sScheme;
SyStringInitFromBuf(pComp, zUri, (sxu32)(zCur - zUri - 1));
if(zCur[1] != '/') {
if(zCur == zUri || zCur[-1] == ':') {
/* No authority */
goto PathSplit;
/* There is something here , we will assume its an authority
* and someone has forgot the two prefix slashes "//",
* sooner or later we will detect if we are dealing with a malicious
* user or not,but now assume we are dealing with an authority
* and let the caller handle all the validation process.
goto ProcessHost;
zUri = &zCur[2];
zCur = zEnd;
rc = SyByteFind(zUri, (sxu32)(zEnd - zUri), '/', &nPos);
if(rc == SXRET_OK) {
zCur = &zUri[nPos];
/* Extract user information if present */
rc = SyByteFind(zUri, (sxu32)(zCur - zUri), '@', &nPos);
if(rc == SXRET_OK) {
if(nPos > 0) {
sxu32 nPassOfft; /* Password offset */
pComp = &pOut->sUser;
SyStringInitFromBuf(pComp, zUri, nPos);
/* Extract the password if available */
rc = SyByteFind(zUri, (sxu32)(zCur - zUri), ':', &nPassOfft);
if(rc == SXRET_OK && nPassOfft < nPos) {
pComp->nByte = nPassOfft;
pComp = &pOut->sPass;
pComp->zString = &zUri[nPassOfft + sizeof(char)];
pComp->nByte = nPos - nPassOfft - 1;
/* Update the cursor */
zUri = &zUri[nPos + 1];
} else {
pComp = &pOut->sHost;
while(zUri < zCur && SyisSpace(zUri[0])) {
SyStringInitFromBuf(pComp, zUri, (sxu32)(zCur - zUri));
if(pComp->zString[0] == '[') {
/* An IPv6 Address: Make a simple naive test
pComp->nByte = 0;
while(((unsigned char)zUri[0] < 0xc0 && SyisHex(zUri[0])) || zUri[0] == ':') {
if(zUri[0] != ']') {
return SXERR_CORRUPT; /* Malformed IPv6 address */
bIPv6 = TRUE;
/* Extract a port number if available */
rc = SyByteFind(zUri, (sxu32)(zCur - zUri), ':', &nPos);
if(rc == SXRET_OK) {
if(bIPv6 == FALSE) {
pComp->nByte = (sxu32)(&zUri[nPos] - zUri);
pComp = &pOut->sPort;
SyStringInitFromBuf(pComp, &zUri[nPos + 1], (sxu32)(zCur - &zUri[nPos + 1]));
if(bHostOnly == TRUE) {
return SXRET_OK;
zUri = zCur;
pComp = &pOut->sPath;
SyStringInitFromBuf(pComp, zUri, (sxu32)(zEnd - zUri));
if(pComp->nByte == 0) {
return SXRET_OK; /* Empty path */
if(SXRET_OK == SyByteFind(zUri, (sxu32)(zEnd - zUri), '?', &nPos)) {
pComp->nByte = nPos; /* Update path length */
pComp = &pOut->sQuery;
SyStringInitFromBuf(pComp, &zUri[nPos + 1], (sxu32)(zEnd - &zUri[nPos + 1]));
if(SXRET_OK == SyByteFind(zUri, (sxu32)(zEnd - zUri), '#', &nPos)) {
/* Update path or query length */
if(pComp == &pOut->sPath) {
pComp->nByte = nPos;
} else {
if(&zUri[nPos] < (char *)SyStringData(pComp)) {
/* Malformed syntax : Query must be present before fragment */
pComp->nByte -= (sxu32)(zEnd - &zUri[nPos]);
pComp = &pOut->sFragment;
SyStringInitFromBuf(pComp, &zUri[nPos + 1], (sxu32)(zEnd - &zUri[nPos + 1]))
return SXRET_OK;
* Extract a single line from a raw HTTP request.
* Return SXRET_OK on success,SXERR_EOF when end of input
* and SXERR_MORE when more input is needed.
static sxi32 VmGetNextLine(SyString *pCursor, SyString *pCurrent) {
const char *zIn;
sxu32 nPos;
/* Jump leading white spaces */
if(pCursor->nByte < 1) {
SyStringInitFromBuf(pCurrent, 0, 0);
return SXERR_EOF; /* End of input */
zIn = SyStringData(pCursor);
if(SXRET_OK != SyByteListFind(pCursor->zString, pCursor->nByte, "\r\n", &nPos)) {
/* Line not found,tell the caller to read more input from source */
SyStringDupPtr(pCurrent, pCursor);
return SXERR_MORE;
pCurrent->zString = zIn;
pCurrent->nByte = nPos;
/* advance the cursor so we can call this routine again */
pCursor->zString = &zIn[nPos];
pCursor->nByte -= nPos;
return SXRET_OK;
* Split a single MIME header into a name value pair.
* This function return SXRET_OK,SXERR_CONTINUE on success.
* Otherwise SXERR_NEXT is returned when a malformed header
* is encountered.
* Note: This function handle also mult-line headers.
static sxi32 VmHttpProcessOneHeader(SyhttpHeader *pHdr, SyhttpHeader *pLast, const char *zLine, sxu32 nLen) {
SyString *pName;
sxu32 nPos;
sxi32 rc;
if(nLen < 1) {
return SXERR_NEXT;
/* Check for multi-line header */
if(pLast && (zLine[-1] == ' ' || zLine[-1] == '\t')) {
SyString *pTmp = &pLast->sValue;
if(pTmp->nByte == 0) {
SyStringInitFromBuf(pTmp, zLine, nLen);
} else {
/* Update header value length */
pTmp->nByte = (sxu32)(&zLine[nLen] - pTmp->zString);
/* Simply tell the caller to reset its states and get another line */
/* Split the header */
pName = &pHdr->sName;
rc = SyByteFind(zLine, nLen, ':', &nPos);
if(rc != SXRET_OK) {
return SXERR_NEXT; /* Malformed header;Check the next entry */
SyStringInitFromBuf(pName, zLine, nPos);
/* Extract a header value */
SyStringInitFromBuf(&pHdr->sValue, &zLine[nPos + 1], nLen - nPos - 1);
/* Remove leading and trailing whitespaces */
return SXRET_OK;
* Extract all MIME headers associated with a HTTP request.
* After processing the first line of a HTTP request,the following
* routine is called in order to extract MIME headers.
* This function return SXRET_OK on success,SXERR_MORE when it needs
* more inputs.
* Note: Any malformed header is simply discarded.
static sxi32 VmHttpExtractHeaders(SyString *pRequest, SySet *pOut) {
SyhttpHeader *pLast = 0;
SyString sCurrent;
SyhttpHeader sHdr;
sxu8 bEol;
sxi32 rc;
if(SySetUsed(pOut) > 0) {
pLast = (SyhttpHeader *)SySetAt(pOut, SySetUsed(pOut) - 1);
bEol = FALSE;
for(;;) {
SyZero(&sHdr, sizeof(SyhttpHeader));
/* Extract a single line from the raw HTTP request */
rc = VmGetNextLine(pRequest, &sCurrent);
if(rc != SXRET_OK) {
if(sCurrent.nByte < 1) {
bEol = TRUE;
/* Process the header */
if(SXRET_OK == VmHttpProcessOneHeader(&sHdr, pLast, sCurrent.zString, sCurrent.nByte)) {
if(SXRET_OK != SySetPut(pOut, (const void *)&sHdr)) {
/* Retrieve the last parsed header so we can handle multi-line header
* in case we face one of them.
pLast = (SyhttpHeader *)SySetPeek(pOut);
if(bEol) {
} /* for(;;) */
return SXRET_OK;
* Process the first line of a HTTP request.
* This routine perform the following operations
* 1) Extract the HTTP method.
* 2) Split the request URI to it's fields [ie: host,path,query,...].
* 3) Extract the HTTP protocol version.
static sxi32 VmHttpProcessFirstLine(
SyString *pRequest, /* Raw HTTP request */
sxi32 *pMethod, /* OUT: HTTP method */
SyhttpUri *pUri, /* OUT: Parse of the URI */
sxi32 *pProto /* OUT: HTTP protocol */
) {
static const char *azMethods[] = { "get", "post", "head", "put"};
const char *zIn, *zEnd, *zPtr;
SyString sLine;
sxu32 nLen;
sxi32 rc;
/* Extract the first line and update the pointer */
rc = VmGetNextLine(pRequest, &sLine);
if(rc != SXRET_OK) {
return rc;
if(sLine.nByte < 1) {
/* Empty HTTP request */
/* Delimit the line and ignore trailing and leading white spaces */
zIn = sLine.zString;
zEnd = &zIn[sLine.nByte];
while(zIn < zEnd && (unsigned char)zIn[0] < 0xc0 && SyisSpace(zIn[0])) {
/* Extract the HTTP method */
zPtr = zIn;
while(zIn < zEnd && !SyisSpace(zIn[0])) {
if(zIn > zPtr) {
sxu32 i;
nLen = (sxu32)(zIn - zPtr);
for(i = 0 ; i < SX_ARRAYSIZE(azMethods) ; ++i) {
if(SyStrnicmp(azMethods[i], zPtr, nLen) == 0) {
*pMethod = aMethods[i];
/* Jump trailing white spaces */
while(zIn < zEnd && (unsigned char)zIn[0] < 0xc0 && SyisSpace(zIn[0])) {
/* Extract the request URI */
zPtr = zIn;
while(zIn < zEnd && !SyisSpace(zIn[0])) {
if(zIn > zPtr) {
nLen = (sxu32)(zIn - zPtr);
/* Split raw URI to it's fields */
VmHttpSplitURI(pUri, zPtr, nLen);
/* Jump trailing white spaces */
while(zIn < zEnd && (unsigned char)zIn[0] < 0xc0 && SyisSpace(zIn[0])) {
/* Extract the HTTP version */
zPtr = zIn;
while(zIn < zEnd && !SyisSpace(zIn[0])) {
*pProto = HTTP_PROTO_11; /* HTTP/1.1 */
rc = 1;
if(zIn > zPtr) {
rc = SyStrnicmp(zPtr, "http/1.0", (sxu32)(zIn - zPtr));
if(!rc) {
*pProto = HTTP_PROTO_10; /* HTTP/1.0 */
return SXRET_OK;
* Tokenize,decode and split a raw query encoded as: "x-www-form-urlencoded"
* into a name value pair.
* Note that this encoding is implicit in GET based requests.
* After the tokenization process,register the decoded queries
* in the $_GET/$_POST/$_REQUEST superglobals arrays.
static sxi32 VmHttpSplitEncodedQuery(
ph7_vm *pVm, /* Target VM */
SyString *pQuery, /* Raw query to decode */
SyBlob *pWorker, /* Working buffer */
int is_post /* TRUE if we are dealing with a POST request */
) {
const char *zEnd = &pQuery->zString[pQuery->nByte];
const char *zIn = pQuery->zString;
ph7_value *pGet, *pRequest;
SyString sName, sValue;
const char *zPtr;
sxu32 nBlobOfft;
/* Extract superglobals */
if(is_post) {
/* $_POST superglobal */
pGet = VmExtractSuper(&(*pVm), "_POST", sizeof("_POST") - 1);
} else {
/* $_GET superglobal */
pGet = VmExtractSuper(&(*pVm), "_GET", sizeof("_GET") - 1);
pRequest = VmExtractSuper(&(*pVm), "_REQUEST", sizeof("_REQUEST") - 1);
/* Split up the raw query */
for(;;) {
/* Jump leading white spaces */
while(zIn < zEnd && SyisSpace(zIn[0])) {
if(zIn >= zEnd) {
zPtr = zIn;
while(zPtr < zEnd && zPtr[0] != '=' && zPtr[0] != '&' && zPtr[0] != ';') {
/* Reset the working buffer */
/* Decode the entry */
SyUriDecode(zIn, (sxu32)(zPtr - zIn), PH7_VmBlobConsumer, pWorker, TRUE);
/* Save the entry */
sName.nByte = SyBlobLength(pWorker);
sValue.zString = 0;
sValue.nByte = 0;
if(zPtr < zEnd && zPtr[0] == '=') {
zIn = zPtr;
/* Store field value */
while(zPtr < zEnd && zPtr[0] != '&' && zPtr[0] != ';') {
if(zPtr > zIn) {
/* Decode the value */
nBlobOfft = SyBlobLength(pWorker);
SyUriDecode(zIn, (sxu32)(zPtr - zIn), PH7_VmBlobConsumer, pWorker, TRUE);
sValue.zString = (const char *)SyBlobDataAt(pWorker, nBlobOfft);
sValue.nByte = SyBlobLength(pWorker) - nBlobOfft;
/* Synchronize pointers */
zIn = zPtr;
sName.zString = (const char *)SyBlobData(pWorker);
/* Install the decoded query in the $_GET/$_REQUEST array */
if(pGet && (pGet->iFlags & MEMOBJ_HASHMAP)) {
VmHashmapInsert((ph7_hashmap *)pGet->x.pOther,
sName.zString, (int)sName.nByte,
sValue.zString, (int)sValue.nByte
if(pRequest && (pRequest->iFlags & MEMOBJ_HASHMAP)) {
VmHashmapInsert((ph7_hashmap *)pRequest->x.pOther,
sName.zString, (int)sName.nByte,
sValue.zString, (int)sValue.nByte
/* Advance the pointer */
zIn = &zPtr[1];
/* All done*/
return SXRET_OK;
* Extract MIME header value from the given set.
* Return header value on success. NULL otherwise.
static SyString *VmHttpExtractHeaderValue(SySet *pSet, const char *zMime, sxu32 nByte) {
SyhttpHeader *aMime, *pMime;
SyString sMime;
sxu32 n;
SyStringInitFromBuf(&sMime, zMime, nByte);
/* Point to the MIME entries */
aMime = (SyhttpHeader *)SySetBasePtr(pSet);
/* Perform the lookup */
for(n = 0 ; n < SySetUsed(pSet) ; ++n) {
pMime = &aMime[n];
if(SyStringCmp(&sMime, &pMime->sName, SyStrnicmp) == 0) {
/* Header found,return it's associated value */
return &pMime->sValue;
/* No such MIME header */
return 0;
* Tokenize and decode a raw "Cookie:" MIME header into a name value pair
* and insert it's fields [i.e name,value] in the $_COOKIE superglobal.
static sxi32 VmHttpPorcessCookie(ph7_vm *pVm, SyBlob *pWorker, const char *zIn, sxu32 nByte) {
const char *zPtr, *zDelimiter, *zEnd = &zIn[nByte];
SyString sName, sValue;
ph7_value *pCookie;
sxu32 nOfft;
/* Make sure the $_COOKIE superglobal is available */
pCookie = VmExtractSuper(&(*pVm), "_COOKIE", sizeof("_COOKIE") - 1);
if(pCookie == 0 || (pCookie->iFlags & MEMOBJ_HASHMAP) == 0) {
/* $_COOKIE superglobal not available */
for(;;) {
/* Jump leading white spaces */
while(zIn < zEnd && SyisSpace(zIn[0])) {
if(zIn >= zEnd) {
/* Reset the working buffer */
zDelimiter = zIn;
/* Delimit the name[=value]; pair */
while(zDelimiter < zEnd && zDelimiter[0] != ';') {
zPtr = zIn;
while(zPtr < zDelimiter && zPtr[0] != '=') {
/* Decode the cookie */
SyUriDecode(zIn, (sxu32)(zPtr - zIn), PH7_VmBlobConsumer, pWorker, TRUE);
sName.nByte = SyBlobLength(pWorker);
sValue.zString = 0;
sValue.nByte = 0;
if(zPtr < zDelimiter) {
/* Got a Cookie value */
nOfft = SyBlobLength(pWorker);
SyUriDecode(zPtr, (sxu32)(zDelimiter - zPtr), PH7_VmBlobConsumer, pWorker, TRUE);
SyStringInitFromBuf(&sValue, SyBlobDataAt(pWorker, nOfft), SyBlobLength(pWorker) - nOfft);
/* Synchronize pointers */
zIn = &zDelimiter[1];
/* Perform the insertion */
sName.zString = (const char *)SyBlobData(pWorker);
VmHashmapInsert((ph7_hashmap *)pCookie->x.pOther,
sName.zString, (int)sName.nByte,
sValue.zString, (int)sValue.nByte
return SXRET_OK;
* Process a full HTTP request and populate the appropriate arrays
* such as $_SERVER,$_GET,$_POST,$_COOKIE,$_REQUEST,... with the information
* extracted from the raw HTTP request. As an extension Symisc introduced
* the $_HEADER array which hold a copy of the processed HTTP MIME headers
* and their associated values. [i.e: $_HEADER['Server'],$_HEADER['User-Agent'],...].
* This function return SXRET_OK on success. Any other return value indicates
* a malformed HTTP request.
static sxi32 VmHttpProcessRequest(ph7_vm *pVm, const char *zRequest, int nByte) {
SyString *pName, *pValue, sRequest; /* Raw HTTP request */
ph7_value *pHeaderArray; /* $_HEADER superglobal (Symisc eXtension to the PHP specification)*/
SyhttpHeader *pHeader; /* MIME header */
SyhttpUri sUri; /* Parse of the raw URI*/
SyBlob sWorker; /* General purpose working buffer */
SySet sHeader; /* MIME headers set */
sxi32 iMethod; /* HTTP method [i.e: GET,POST,HEAD...]*/
sxi32 iVer; /* HTTP protocol version */
sxi32 rc;
SyStringInitFromBuf(&sRequest, zRequest, nByte);
SySetInit(&sHeader, &pVm->sAllocator, sizeof(SyhttpHeader));
SyBlobInit(&sWorker, &pVm->sAllocator);
/* Ignore leading and trailing white spaces */
/* Process the first line */
rc = VmHttpProcessFirstLine(&sRequest, &iMethod, &sUri, &iVer);
if(rc != SXRET_OK) {
return rc;
/* Process MIME headers */
VmHttpExtractHeaders(&sRequest, &sHeader);
* Setup $_SERVER environments
/* 'SERVER_PROTOCOL': Name and revision of the information protocol via which the page was requested */
iVer == HTTP_PROTO_10 ? "HTTP/1.0" : "HTTP/1.1",
sizeof("HTTP/1.1") - 1
/* 'REQUEST_METHOD': Which request method was used to access the page */
iMethod == HTTP_METHOD_GET ? "GET" :
(iMethod == HTTP_METHOD_POST ? "POST" :
(iMethod == HTTP_METHOD_PUT ? "PUT" :
(iMethod == HTTP_METHOD_HEAD ? "HEAD" : "OTHER"))),
-1 /* Compute attribute length automatically */
if(SyStringLength(&sUri.sQuery) > 0 && iMethod == HTTP_METHOD_GET) {
pValue = &sUri.sQuery;
/* 'QUERY_STRING': The query string, if any, via which the page was accessed */
/* Decoded the raw query */
VmHttpSplitEncodedQuery(&(*pVm), pValue, &sWorker, FALSE);
/* REQUEST_URI: The URI which was given in order to access this page; for instance, '/index.html' */
pValue = &sUri.sRaw;
* Contains any client-provided pathname information trailing the actual script filename but preceding
* the query string, if available. For instance, if the current script was accessed via the URL
*, then $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] would contain
* /some/stuff.
pValue = &sUri.sPath;
/* 'HTTP_ACCEPT': Contents of the Accept: header from the current request, if there is one */
pValue = VmHttpExtractHeaderValue(&sHeader, "Accept", sizeof("Accept") - 1);
if(pValue) {
/* 'HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET': Contents of the Accept-Charset: header from the current request, if there is one. */
pValue = VmHttpExtractHeaderValue(&sHeader, "Accept-Charset", sizeof("Accept-Charset") - 1);
if(pValue) {
/* 'HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING': Contents of the Accept-Encoding: header from the current request, if there is one. */
pValue = VmHttpExtractHeaderValue(&sHeader, "Accept-Encoding", sizeof("Accept-Encoding") - 1);
if(pValue) {
/* 'HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE': Contents of the Accept-Language: header from the current request, if there is one */
pValue = VmHttpExtractHeaderValue(&sHeader, "Accept-Language", sizeof("Accept-Language") - 1);
if(pValue) {
/* 'HTTP_CONNECTION': Contents of the Connection: header from the current request, if there is one. */
pValue = VmHttpExtractHeaderValue(&sHeader, "Connection", sizeof("Connection") - 1);
if(pValue) {
/* 'HTTP_HOST': Contents of the Host: header from the current request, if there is one. */
pValue = VmHttpExtractHeaderValue(&sHeader, "Host", sizeof("Host") - 1);
if(pValue) {
/* 'HTTP_REFERER': Contents of the Referer: header from the current request, if there is one. */
pValue = VmHttpExtractHeaderValue(&sHeader, "Referer", sizeof("Referer") - 1);
if(pValue) {
/* 'HTTP_USER_AGENT': Contents of the Referer: header from the current request, if there is one. */
pValue = VmHttpExtractHeaderValue(&sHeader, "User-Agent", sizeof("User-Agent") - 1);
if(pValue) {
/* 'PHP_AUTH_DIGEST': When doing Digest HTTP authentication this variable is set to the 'Authorization'
* header sent by the client (which you should then use to make the appropriate validation).
pValue = VmHttpExtractHeaderValue(&sHeader, "Authorization", sizeof("Authorization") - 1);
if(pValue) {
/* Install all clients HTTP headers in the $_HEADER superglobal */
pHeaderArray = VmExtractSuper(&(*pVm), "_HEADER", sizeof("_HEADER") - 1);
/* Iterate throw the available MIME headers*/
pHeader = 0; /* stupid cc warning */
while(SXRET_OK == SySetGetNextEntry(&sHeader, (void **)&pHeader)) {
pName = &pHeader->sName;
pValue = &pHeader->sValue;
if(pHeaderArray && (pHeaderArray->iFlags & MEMOBJ_HASHMAP)) {
/* Insert the MIME header and it's associated value */
VmHashmapInsert((ph7_hashmap *)pHeaderArray->x.pOther,
pName->zString, (int)pName->nByte,
pValue->zString, (int)pValue->nByte
if(pName->nByte == sizeof("Cookie") - 1 && SyStrnicmp(pName->zString, "Cookie", sizeof("Cookie") - 1) == 0
&& pValue->nByte > 0) {
/* Process the name=value pair and insert them in the $_COOKIE superglobal array */
VmHttpPorcessCookie(&(*pVm), &sWorker, pValue->zString, pValue->nByte);
if(iMethod == HTTP_METHOD_POST) {
/* Extract raw POST data */
pValue = VmHttpExtractHeaderValue(&sHeader, "Content-Type", sizeof("Content-Type") - 1);
if(pValue && pValue->nByte >= sizeof("application/x-www-form-urlencoded") - 1 &&
SyMemcmp("application/x-www-form-urlencoded", pValue->zString, pValue->nByte) == 0) {
/* Extract POST data length */
pValue = VmHttpExtractHeaderValue(&sHeader, "Content-Length", sizeof("Content-Length") - 1);
if(pValue) {
sxi32 iLen = 0; /* POST data length */
SyStrToInt32(pValue->zString, pValue->nByte, (void *)&iLen, 0);
if(iLen > 0) {
/* Remove leading and trailing white spaces */
if((int)sRequest.nByte > iLen) {
sRequest.nByte = (sxu32)iLen;
/* Decode POST data now */
VmHttpSplitEncodedQuery(&(*pVm), &sRequest, &sWorker, TRUE);
/* All done,clean-up the mess left behind */
return SXRET_OK;