
240 lines
7.9 KiB

# Copyright 2010-2011, Asio Software Technologies
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3
# Tests for a minimum version level by comparing version numbers
# Parameters: %min_version% %test_version%
function checkVersion() {
local REF=$(echo "${1}" | \
sed -u -e "s/-r/_z/g" -e "s/_p/_z/g" -e "s/_zre/_pre/" -e "s/$/_z0/")
local TST=$(echo "${2}" | \
sed -u -e "s/-r/_z/g" -e "s/_p/_z/g" -e "s/_zre/_pre/" -e "s/$/_z0/")
local BEST=$(echo -e "${REF}\n${TST}" | sed "/^$/d" | sort -Vr | head -1)
[[ "${BEST}" = "${TST}" ]] && return 0
return 1
# Outputs formatted error message and aborts script execution with given code
# Parameters: %message% %code%
function die() {
if isEnabled ${LOGGING} && isSet NOTIFY; then
local LOGS="Full output from logs:\n\n$(cat ${LOGFILE})"
local MESG="The ${EZNAME} has failed with code: ${2} and message: ${1}"
local TOPIC="The ${EZNAME} process has failed!"
echo -e "${MESG}\n${LOGS}" | mailx -s "${TOPIC}" "${NOTIFY}"
printError "${1}"
exit ${2}
# Checks whether a defined variable contain specified element or not
# Parameters: %variable% %element%
function hasElement() {
local NEEDLE=${1}
local X
for X in "${@}"; do
[ "${X}" = "${NEEDLE}" ] && return 0
return 1
# Checks whether a supplied variable is defined or not
# Parameters: %variable%
function isDefined() {
[[ ${!1-X} == ${!1-Y} ]]
# Checks whether a supplied variable is enabled or not
# Parameters: %variable%
function isEnabled() {
case "${1}" in
return 0
return 0
return 0
return 0
return 1
# Checks whether a variable is defined and if value's length > 0
# Parameters: %variable%
function isSet() {
if isDefined ${1}; then
if [[ -n ${!1} ]]; then
return 0
return 1
# Loads EzBuild configuration
function loadConfiguration() {
source ${EZROOT}/config/${EZNAME}.conf &> /dev/null || panic
source ${EZROOT}/config/layout.conf &> /dev/null || panic
source /etc/ezbuild/${EZNAME}.conf &> /dev/null || panic
source /etc/ezbuild/layout.conf &> /dev/null || panic
# Loads all EzBuild Libraries
function loadLibraries() {
source ${EZROOT}/libraries/colors &> /dev/null || panic
# Saves specified message into a log file
# Parameters: %message% %level%
function logMessage() {
if isEnabled ${LOGGING}; then
local MESSAGE="${1}"
local TYPE="${2}"
local DATE=$(date +"${LOGDATEFORMAT}")
if [ -z ${TYPE} ]; then
local TYPE=" - "
echo -e "[${DATE}][${TYPE}] ${MESSAGE}" >> ${LOGFILE}
# Saves executed command multiline output into a log file
# Parameters: %command_output%
function logOutput() {
if isEnabled ${LOGGING}; then
echo -e "${@}" | awk '{ print " )> ", $0; }' >> ${LOGFILE}
# Outputs error message and aborts program execution
function panic() {
echo -e "FATAL ERROR: Unable to load necessary files!"
echo -e "Your EzBuild installation seems to be broken..."
exit 1
# Outputs formatted error message to both display and log file
# Parameters: %message%
function printError() {
logMessage "${1}" "ERROR"
echo -e " ${MESSAGE_ERROR} ${@}"
# Outputs formatted information to both display and log file
# Parameters: %message%
function printInfo() {
logMessage "${1}" "INFO"
echo -e " ${MESSAGE_INFO} ${@}"
# Outputs formatted warning to both display and log file
# Parameters: %message%
function printWarn() {
logMessage "${1}" "WARN"
echo -e " ${MESSAGE_WARN} ${@}"
# Restores original Internal Field Separator (IFS)
function restoreIFS() {
if [ "${ORGIFS:-unset}" != "unset" ]; then
unset ORGIFS
unset IFS
# Silently executes given command and saves its output to log file if enabled
# Parameters: %command%
function run() {
local COMMAND="${1}"
logMessage "Executing: \"${COMMAND}\"" "DEBUG"
local OUTPUT=$(${COMMAND} 2>&1)
local RESULT=${?}
logOutput "${OUTPUT}"
return ${RESULT}
# Saves original Internal Field Separator (IFS) and optionally sets new value
# Parameters: %new_ifs%
function saveIFS() {
if [ "${IFS:-unset}" != "unset" ]; then
local NEWIFS="${1}"
if isSet NEWIFS; then
# Returns a UNIX timestamp
function timestamp() {
echo $(date +%s)
# Returns lowercase string
# Parameters: %string%
function toLower() {
echo "${@}" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'
# Returns uppercase string
# Parameters: %string%
function toUpper() {
echo "${@}" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'
# Returns only the first part of a string, delimited by tabs or spaces
# Parameters: %string%
function trim() {
echo ${1}