#!/bin/bash set -e # Working Directories BINDIR="$(pwd)/binaries" PCHDIR="$(pwd)/patches" SRCDIR="$(pwd)/sources" WRKDIR="$(pwd)" # Binutils Settings BINUTILSDIR="${SRCDIR}/binutils" BINUTILSTAG="binutils-2_35" BINUTILSVCS="git://sourceware.org/git/binutils-gdb.git" # CMake Settings CMAKEDIR="${SRCDIR}/cmake" CMAKETAG="v3.18.1" CMAKEVCS="https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake.git" # GCC Settings GCCDIR="${SRCDIR}/gcc" GCCTAG="releases/gcc-9.3.0" GCCVCS="git://gcc.gnu.org/git/gcc.git" # Mingw-w64 Settings MINGWDIR="${SRCDIR}/mingw-w64" MINGWTAG="v6.0.0" MINGWVCS="https://github.com/mirror/mingw-w64.git" # Ninja Settings NINJADIR="${SRCDIR}/ninja" NINJATAG="v1.10.0" NINJAVCS="https://github.com/ninja-build/ninja.git" # Architecture Settings ARCHS="i686 x86_64" GENERIC="generic-w64-mingw32" apply_patches() { local PACKAGE="${1}" local VERSION="${2}" if [ -d "${PCHDIR}/${PACKAGE}/${VERSION}" ]; then PATCHES="$(find ${PCHDIR}/${PACKAGE}/${VERSION} -name '*.diff' -o -name '*.patch' | sort -n)" echo ">>> Applying custom patches ..." for PATCH in ${PATCHES}; do if [ -f "${PATCH}" ] && [ -r "${PATCH}" ]; then for PREFIX in {0..5}; do if patch -i${PATCH} -p${PREFIX} --silent --dry-run >/dev/null; then patch -i${PATCH} -p${PREFIX} --silent echo ">>> Patch ${PATCH} applied ..." break; elif [ ${PREFIX} -ge 5 ]; then echo "Patch ${PATCH} does not fit. Failed applying patch ..." return 1 fi done fi done fi } binutils_build() { for ARCH in ${ARCHS}; do echo ">>> Building BINUTILS for ${ARCH} ..." [ -z ${CLEAN} ] || rm -rf ${BINUTILSDIR}/build-${ARCH} mkdir -p ${BINUTILSDIR}/build-${ARCH} cd ${BINUTILSDIR}/build-${ARCH} ../configure \ --target=${ARCH}-w64-mingw32 \ --prefix=${BINDIR} \ --with-sysroot=${BINDIR} \ --with-zlib=yes \ --disable-multilib \ --disable-nls \ --disable-werror \ --enable-gold \ --enable-lto \ --enable-plugins make -j${CORES} make install done cd ${WRKDIR} } binutils_fetch() { if [ ! -d ${BINUTILSDIR} ]; then echo ">>> Downloading BINUTILS ..." git clone ${BINUTILSVCS} ${BINUTILSDIR} cd ${BINUTILSDIR} git checkout tags/${BINUTILSTAG} apply_patches ${BINUTILSDIR##*/} ${BINUTILSTAG} cd ${WRKDIR} fi } cmake_build() { echo ">>> Building CMAKE ..." [ -z ${CLEAN} ] || rm -rf ${CMAKEDIR}/build-${GENERIC} mkdir -p ${CMAKEDIR}/build-${GENERIC} cd ${CMAKEDIR}/build-${GENERIC} ../bootstrap \ --prefix=${BINDIR} \ --parallel=${CORES} \ -- -DCMAKE_USE_OPENSSL=OFF make -j${CORES} make install cd ${WRKDIR} } cmake_fetch() { if [ ! -d ${CMAKEDIR} ]; then echo ">>> Downloading CMAKE ..." git clone ${CMAKEVCS} ${CMAKEDIR} cd ${CMAKEDIR} git checkout tags/${CMAKETAG} apply_patches ${CMAKEDIR##*/} ${CMAKETAG} cd ${WRKDIR} fi } gcc_build_phase1() { for ARCH in ${ARCHS}; do echo ">>> Building GCC (phase1) for ${ARCH} ..." [ -z ${CLEAN} ] || rm -rf ${GCCDIR}/build-${ARCH} mkdir -p ${GCCDIR}/build-${ARCH} cd ${GCCDIR}/build-${ARCH} ../configure \ --target=${ARCH}-w64-mingw32 \ --prefix=${BINDIR} \ --with-sysroot=${BINDIR} \ --with-pkgversion="FerretOS Build Environment" \ --without-zstd \ --disable-libstdcxx-verbose \ --disable-multilib \ --disable-nls \ --disable-shared \ --disable-werror \ --disable-win32-registry \ --enable-fully-dynamic-string \ --enable-languages=c,c++ \ --enable-lto \ --enable-sjlj-exceptions \ --enable-version-specific-runtime-libs make -j${CORES} all-gcc make install-gcc make install-lto-plugin done cd ${WRKDIR} } gcc_build_phase2() { for ARCH in ${ARCHS}; do echo ">>> Building GCC (phase2) for ${ARCH} ..." cd ${GCCDIR}/build-${ARCH} make -j${CORES} make install done cd ${WRKDIR} } gcc_fetch() { if [ ! -d ${GCCDIR} ]; then echo ">>> Downloading GCC ..." git clone ${GCCVCS} ${GCCDIR} cd ${GCCDIR} git checkout tags/${GCCTAG} apply_patches ${GCCDIR##*/} ${GCCTAG##*/} ./contrib/download_prerequisites cd ${WRKDIR} fi } mingw_build_crt() { for ARCH in ${ARCHS}; do echo ">>> Building Mingw-w64 (CRT) for ${ARCH} ..." [ -z ${CLEAN} ] || rm -rf ${MINGWDIR}/mingw-w64-crt/build-${ARCH} mkdir -p ${MINGWDIR}/mingw-w64-crt/build-${ARCH} cd ${MINGWDIR}/mingw-w64-crt/build-${ARCH} case ${ARCH} in i686) FLAGS="--enable-lib32 --disable-lib64" ;; x86_64) FLAGS="--disable-lib32 --enable-lib64" ;; esac ORIGPATH="${PATH}" PATH="${BINDIR}/bin:${PATH}" ../configure \ --host=${ARCH}-w64-mingw32 \ --prefix=${BINDIR}/${ARCH}-w64-mingw32 \ --with-sysroot=${BINDIR} \ --with-default-msvcrt=msvcrt \ ${FLAGS} make -j${CORES} make install PATH="${ORIGPATH}" done cd ${WRKDIR} } mingw_build_headers() { echo ">>> Building Mingw-w64 (headers) ..." [ -z ${CLEAN} ] || rm -rf ${MINGWDIR}/mingw-w64-headers/build-${GENERIC} mkdir -p ${MINGWDIR}/mingw-w64-headers/build-${GENERIC} cd ${MINGWDIR}/mingw-w64-headers/build-${GENERIC} ../configure \ --prefix=${BINDIR}/${GENERIC} \ --enable-idl \ --with-default-msvcrt=msvcrt \ --with-default-win32-winnt=0x502 make -j${CORES} make install mkdir -p ${BINDIR}/mingw if [ ! -e ${BINDIR}/mingw/include ]; then ln -sfn ../${GENERIC}/include ${BINDIR}/mingw/include fi for ARCH in ${ARCHS}; do mkdir -p ${BINDIR}/${ARCH}-w64-mingw32 if [ ! -e ${BINDIR}/${ARCH}-w64-mingw32/include ]; then ln -sfn ../${GENERIC}/include ${BINDIR}/${ARCH}-w64-mingw32/include fi done cd ${WRKDIR} } mingw_build_libs() { for LIB in libmangle winstorecompat; do echo ">>> Building Mingw-w64 (libs) for ${ARCH} ..." for ARCH in ${ARCHS}; do [ -z ${CLEAN} ] || rm -rf ${MINGWDIR}/mingw-w64-libraries/${LIB}/build-${ARCH} mkdir -p ${MINGWDIR}/mingw-w64-libraries/${LIB}/build-${ARCH} cd ${MINGWDIR}/mingw-w64-libraries/${LIB}/build-${ARCH} ORIGPATH="${PATH}" PATH="${BINDIR}/bin:${PATH}" ../configure \ --host=${ARCH}-w64-mingw32 \ --prefix=${BINDIR}/${ARCH}-w64-mingw32 \ --libdir=${BINDIR}/${ARCH}-w64-mingw32/lib make -j${CORES} make install PATH="${ORIGPATH}" done done cd ${WRKDIR} } mingw_build_tools() { for TOOL in gendef genidl genlib genpeimg widl; do for ARCH in ${ARCHS}; do echo ">>> Building Mingw-w64 (tools) for ${ARCH} ..." [ -z ${CLEAN} ] || rm -rf ${MINGWDIR}/mingw-w64-tools/${TOOL}/build-${ARCH} mkdir -p ${MINGWDIR}/mingw-w64-tools/${TOOL}/build-${ARCH} cd ${MINGWDIR}/mingw-w64-tools/${TOOL}/build-${ARCH} ../configure \ --target=${ARCH}-w64-mingw32 \ --prefix=${BINDIR} make -j${CORES} make install if [ -e ${BINDIR}/bin/${TOOL} ]; then mv ${BINDIR}/bin/${TOOL} ${BINDIR}/bin/${ARCH}-w64-mingw32-${TOOL} fi done done cd ${WRKDIR} } mingw_fetch() { if [ ! -d ${MINGWDIR} ]; then echo ">>> Downloading Mingw-w64 ..." git clone ${MINGWVCS} ${MINGWDIR} cd ${MINGWDIR} git checkout tags/${MINGWTAG} apply_patches ${MINGWDIR##*/} ${MINGWTAG} cd ${WRKDIR} fi } ninja_build() { echo ">>> Building NINJA ..." [ -z ${CLEAN} ] || rm -rf ${NINJADIR}/build-${GENERIC} mkdir -p ${NINJADIR}/build-${GENERIC} cd ${NINJADIR}/build-${GENERIC} ../configure.py --bootstrap install ninja ${BINDIR}/bin/ cd ${WRKDIR} } ninja_fetch() { if [ ! -d ${NINJADIR} ]; then echo ">>> Downloading NINJA ..." git clone ${NINJAVCS} ${NINJADIR} cd ${NINJADIR} git checkout tags/${NINJATAG} apply_patches ${NINJADIR##*/} ${NINJATAG} cd ${WRKDIR} fi } # Check if script launched as root if [ "$(whoami)" = "root" ]; then echo "This script cannot be run as root!" exit 1 fi # Check number of CPU cores available : ${CORES:=$(sysctl -n hw.ncpu 2>/dev/null)} : ${CORES:=$(nproc 2>/dev/null)} : ${CORES:=1} # Create working directories mkdir -p ${BINDIR} mkdir -p ${SRCDIR} # Download Mingw-W64 mingw_fetch # Build and install Mingw-W64 headers mingw_build_headers # Download Binutils binutils_fetch # Build and install Binutils binutils_build # Download GCC gcc_fetch # Build and install minimal GCC gcc_build_phase1 # Build and install MSVCRT mingw_build_crt # Build and install GCC gcc_build_phase2 # Build and install Mingw-W64 libraries mingw_build_libs # Build and install Mingw-W64 tools mingw_build_tools # Download CMake cmake_fetch # Build and install CMake cmake_build # Download Ninja ninja_fetch # Build and install Ninja ninja_build # Remove unneeded files to save disk space echo ">>> Removing unneeded files to save disk space ..." rm -rf ${BINDIR}/{doc,include,mingw,share/{bash-completion,emacs,gcc*,info,man,vim}} # Copy all scripts echo ">>> Copying scripts ..." cp -apf ${WRKDIR}/scripts/* ${BINDIR}/ # Save FBE version cd ${WRKDIR} : ${FBEVER:=$(git describe --exact-match --tags 2>/dev/null)} : ${FBEVER:=DEV} echo "${FBEVER}" > ${BINDIR}/Version # Prepare archive echo ">>> Creating toolchain archive ..." tar -I 'zstd -19' -cpf fbe-${FBEVER}-linux.tar.zst -C ${BINDIR} .