## XT Toolchain This is a GNU-based mingw-w64 toolchain. It currently supports C and C++, and provides a variety of tools including IDL, message and resource compilers. The XT Toolchain is also the official build environment for compiling XT software, including the FerretOS. Currently, it is targeted at Linux host only, however it should be possible to build it in MSYS2 as well. This software includes: * Binutils * CMake * GCC * Make * Mingw-w64 * Ninja * Wine ## Licensing The XTchain project includes the scripts for building and assembling a toolchain as well as environmental shell. These are licensed under the GPLv3 license. It covers only mentioned components that are provided by XTchain directly. For more information on that, refer to the COPYING.md file. The final pre-built toolchain is covered by the licenses of the individual, external projects. The full list of software incorporated into this toolchain is available in the README.md file.